How To Fix HP No Boot Device, No Bootable Device, Boot Device Not Found, Exiting PXE ROM, No HDD etc

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hey guys bringing you another do-it-yourself computer video today I'm working on an HP laptop here and the problem I'm going to show you how to fix today is if you're getting a warning on your screen something to the effect of no bootable device or a boot device not found hard drive not installed hard drive not found anything like that where your base system loads up and then your computer just stops when it tries to pull your operating system from your hard drive and it gives you one of those errors so that's the video that I'm doing today if you have other symptoms with your computer it could be other fixes if your computer won't turn on at all if it's in a boot loop where it keeps restarting or if it starts and the screen stays black or dim those are all separate problems separate fixes those will be in links below in the description this is specifically this video is specifically for those issues no boot device no hard drive things like that so to start with if you have any questions or any comments if you get lost in this process or if you see something you you don't recognize from the video you don't know what to do check the frequently asked questions below in the description first it could save you some time if you don't see them there leave me a comment and I definitely try to get back to you a couple times a day at least so the cool thing about HP is that it comes with built-in diagnostic software so we're going to access that right now to test your hard drive and see if there's anything wrong with it so to do that hit power and start tapping on f2 right away as you're powering up your computer that'll take you to a screen that looks like this let me zoom in on that for you this is where you can access your diagnostic software as you can see right here I'm gonna scroll down you can do memory check or hard drive check so I'm going to do your hard drive check first because it's saying it can't find the hard drive it's saying no boot device found so we're gonna check your hard drive you have a quick check or an extensive check you can do the extensive if you want I have very rarely seen a quick check to be wrong if your hard drive is bad it's gonna show up in the quick check if the quick check says your hard drive is good it's probably good I haven't seen any cases of a a quick check that says your hard drive is good in an extensive check saying it's not so stay with your quick check I'll hit enter starting card drive check so the smart check is passed and the short DST is is in progress a minute almost two minutes left if you see at this point if your hard drive fails the short DST fails your hard drives bad what I would do is replace your hard drive right away if if you want you can try reseeding it that's where you unplug your hard drive and then plug it back in make sure that it's got a good connection and then try running the scan again but odds are if this scan fails your hard drive your hard drive is bad so at that point swap out your hard drive not the end of the earth they are fairly cheap you can actually use this opportunity to upgrade it to a solid-state drive or a larger hard drive if you need help with that process check my video links below in the description I'll have a link showing you how to swap out a hard drive in a laptop computer and then obviously once you do that you'll need the other link below in the description to put your operating system back on to that new hard drive so my smart check passed short DST past my hard drive is good but I'm still getting that no bootable device no hard drive error so at this point I'm gonna try to look at some settings and bio to see if that's what's causing this so I'm gonna go ahead and shut my computer down so when I start my computer up this time I'm gonna start by tapping on f10 to get into BIOS I'm going to show you some settings and BIOS that we can change so power start tapping on f10 okay so here we are I don't want to exit so here I am in BIOS I'm going to show you a couple settings we can change in here so the first thing I want you to check is your system time and system date you may have to look around a little bit your BIOS may not look like mine depending on what model and what your computer you have but trying to look around try to find your system time and system date settings it shouldn't be that hard to define those settings and make sure that they're correct if those are not correct it can mess a lot of things up in BIOS it can miss a lot of things up when your computer is trying to boot so make sure those are correct if you find you have to change them and they're not correct then change them save and exit and then try booting your computer up again see if that solved your problem if it hasn't I'm going to show you some other things that we can change in here so the next thing I want you to change is without a lengthier explanation your computer can be set to boot using legacy or CSM legacy and CSM are the same thing or UEFI and you want to switch between those two options so now I'm going to try to locate those options in my BIOS again you may have to look around so I don't see them here I'm going to arrow over to security I don't see them there over to system configuration I don't see them here but my only other option is exit so in here I'm gonna go down to Boot Options see if I can find anything in Boot Options and they go right here legacy support so legacy support is disabled so what that means is your booting in UEFI if legacy is disabled it means the other option is enabled which means UEFI again some of you may not see legacy some of you may see CSM but legacy and CSM are interchangeable for what we're doing here so what you'd want to do if you were in UEFI is switch to legacy and if you're seeing legacy like want to switch to UEFI so for me to switch here I would go down to legacy and I'd hit enter and I would enable it because I'm currently in UEFI and then hit yes so now legacy support is enabled so now I've enabled legacy now I'm in legacy again those of you who are the other way would want to do it the opposite so for the sake of this video I'm just showing you how to change I don't actually want to change mine because my computers working fine so I'm just gonna change that back ok so I changed mine because my computer is fine but that's what you would do is you would change from legacy to UEFI and if you're in UEFI you would change to legacy you may have drop-down menus you may have other ways of making that change but that's what you would do and if you cannot change from one to the other it could mean that your secure boot needs to be turned off so keep that in mind and sometimes secure boot is located in a security tab if you can't find that so that's the second thing you would do after scanning your hard drive save and exit these changes try rebooting your computer see if the error goes away if the error goes away you found your problem however if at this point you've checked your hard drive in it passed you've changed settings and BIOS and that didn't help at this point we're left with the only other alternative that's your operating system is is it's going wrong so try a factory reset at this point again link will be below in the in the description of how to perform a factory reset on an HP computer if for some reason the operating system is so corrupt that the factory reset won't work then the last option is to install your operating system fresh which is of also a video link in the description also a link will be where you can make your own install media for free for Windows 10 so those are all the possibilities it it can be from your hard drive to the your BIOS to your operating system so you follow these steps you take it one at a time and you will be able to fix that no boot device no hard drive found error so again any questions leave them below I'll get back to a couple times a day I'll definitely help you through this if you're not clear on something like and share if it was helpful and please subscribe if you enjoyed do it yourself computer repair thanks for watching guys
Channel: PC Monkey
Views: 1,305,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, computer, laptop, notebook, PC, upgrade, repair, replace, install, tutorial, tech, techie, technology, diy, do, it, yourself, guide, how, to, broken, broke, fix, error, warning, dead, stuck, not, working, test, hardware, software, step, by, help, support, acer, asus, hp, Lenovo, dell, Toshiba, my, wont, cant, gets, windows, gives, me, off, solved, solution, elitebook, probook, pavilion, spectre, omen, envy, stream, Compaq, no, boot, bootable, device, found, installed, hdd, hard, drive, exiting, pxe, rom, HDD, checking, media, presence, present, 3F0
Id: eO6jJmpaRbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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