HP Hard Drive Error 3F0 Boot Device Not Found

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hi and welcome Simon here and hope you're doing well in this video I'm going to walk you through how to fix this error message boot device not found please install an operating system on your hard disk hide this error code 3f0 and you say press f2 system diagnostics for more information please visit hp.com website and find out more details about the error code so in other words if my laptop here has a bad hard drive okay so if you're getting this boot device not found that indicates that the hard drive is is not booting to Windows it could be the system corrupted in Windows or the hard drive problem more likely it will be the hard drive issue okay you can press f2 to run the Diagnostics and see if it shows the hard drive what's the error message alright so to move forward I am going to walk you through how to replace the hard drive and also do the Windows installation first I need to press and hold the power button to turn off the computer and once the computer is turned off the next step is to unplug the adapter the power adapter and let's go ahead and start removing the hard drive now before we go ahead and do things before you go ahead and jump into replacing the hard drive you need to understand two things one of them is if you remove or replace the hard drive uh more likely that you know you decided to to repair the computer right that means that you might not have the data okay so that is one thing you need to keep that in mind of course you do also need to have a new hard drive replacement plus the installer USB for Windows so so you need to have a new hard drive as well as the windows installer USB drive okay because when you install a new hard drive this is blank it doesn't have Windows in it and this is where it comes in and install Windows 10 or Windows 11 then you would have a brand new computer without any data now for those of you who says hey I need the information at the end of the video I'll walk you through and how to try to recover those data as well all right so I'm using a Phillips screwdriver here I've got to remove the screws technically you need to remove the two plastic cover top left and top right that is the one that is hiding the screws so go ahead and remove that and then here right at the bottom you can see the white screws as well uh it's a lot tiny this one is a Phillips screwdriver a Phillips screw head and it's a lot tinier so I'm using the 1.5 all right once you have removed the three screws at the bottom pretty much we are ready to separate the back cover I'll be using a metal Prime too I stick it in between okay gonna get a good opening here once I have a good opening I like to use the plastic prying too so that I do not make the sand or scratch on the laptop and let's walk around and find a good opening usually the side of the computer is a lot weaker so let's just kind of get underneath there try not to stick too deep because you do not want to damage the internal part of the motherboard I'm still not getting the opening seems to be really tight except the one here on the right let's put together so just take your time when you're trying to uh pry this thing open for some reason mine is so tough okay finally the entire back cover just got removed you need to put quite a bit of pressure to pry it open I guess I was having some hard time over there apologize now to move forward this is the battery Ram CPU fan motherboard that's the hard drive solid state and this is the hard drive so for this one it has the 16 gigabytes I definitely uh do not recommend this since we open up the computer I would use a Phillips screwdriver and remove that 16 gigabyte m.2 so what this is is just technically a very small hard drive that that um I think it has the recovery file or the Windows File to just boot up the computer uh this technically really have no data or whatsoever all your information is stored in this hard drive right here so I'm going to open up that Clipper Slide the cable down towards the body and I'm going to remove the screws so using the Phillips screwdriver removing the two screws okay now I can slide that hard drive out so what I'm going to do next is to transfer install the new hard drive in it so we're going to remove that two screws this is the side of it and let's remove the other one here like so and we are going to remove this connector here okay like such and then this is the original hard drive I'm going to leave it on the side I just wanted to install everything first on the newer hard drive okay now you're gonna put the two screws back together did I make a mistake isn't this supposed to be on this side maybe I did I was trying to not make a mistake now I feel embarrassed by not knowing which side of the things supposed to go in first so if that's like supposed to go in and the plastic was supposed to stay this side okay all right now the metal part should be is it on top or the bottom let's see so if it's in like search okay so it has to be in this way okay now we're gonna slide it in close it down and let's connect the flex cable push it all the way in and push the Clipper down to clip it back in remember the two screws here is holding down the uh the metal bracket so let's put it back in [Music] we need to secure that all right once it's in Secure double check what we did was we remove we remove the m.2 SSD drive this is not needed to be honest with you 16 gigabytes you can't do anything with it so we're just going to remove that now the question is if you want to install the m.2 instead of the 2.5 inch SSD is that possible the answer is yes yes you can you you can install the um definitely you can install the 2.5 let me walk you here you definitely can install the uh 2.5 sorry the nvme M2 SSD drive you can install here okay definitely you can do that and install Windows operating system everything in that drive if you do not have this and this is not your option then of course you can install the 2.5 inch SSD drive as well so for my case I want it to be 2.5 inch SSD in this situation all right so once we have done that I just give an opportunity for you to upgrade the RAM if you want to this is a ddr4 ram you can install just like that all right so I will be closing up this cover right here I'm just gonna press it down really hard took me a long time to remove it so and now we have the new hard drive but what we need to do is to install the windows I'll be installing the windows here for you to check it out um at the same time I'm going to talk about how to recover the data all right so let me go ahead and grab my USB installer here one second okay so technically um if you do not want to purchase the USB installer you can actually make one yourself you can go to Microsoft website find your use you know USB mine is the 16 gigabytes I'll be installing this um using this to install okay so that's going to plug it in on the side we're gonna turn on the computer and then for HP I'm pressing F9 so when you press F9 you show you the boot menu okay the boot menu right now is booting to my USB send this okay press enter Windows setup 64-bit press enter so you guys can see better with less lighting okay so continue the process what you can do is you need to buy one of those USB uh SATA hard drive docking station you dock it in and you try to recover the data that's pretty much it is okay at this point here you just want to accept the license agreement click next install Windows that is the new hard drive for install which is blank so we click next and right now he's copying the files from the USB to the laptop all right so technically if you want to recover the data off of this old hard drive here I'm using a DIY I removed from the external drive this uh this connector right here so this is the connector I removed from the external drive it's a set of connected reader and you just plug it in like such okay and then get the cable the USB 3.0 installed it and you can plug this one into a working computer okay once you plug it in you should be able to access the data off of this if the hard drive is working if the hard drive is totally gone then you can recover the data okay you can get one of these on Amazon what I'll do is I'll link it down in the description below um go ahead and check it out hopefully you can plug into a different computer and recover your data um also I will make a link to which you can buy this USB Windows installer as well as the new hard drive SSD that we just installed okay so technically that is that I hopefully you can hear what I just said my microphone was not next to me okay let's see it's already 16 minutes um it's gonna be quite a long video but of at least I'm not editing the video make it short and entertaining this is the real life start from start to an end without editing um hopefully they give you a rough idea how to do it from start to end without you know um editing in this video it is still going and right now it's installing so it may take some time let's just be patient and wait you can Skip and fast forward in you know while you're watching this pretty much there's nothing I I'm doing right now um we're just looking at this files getting ready for installation it's right at about 27 percent um you just have to wait until the installation is done so you can Skip and fast forward and I'll continue recording without editing all right let's go ahead and restart now and the computer is getting ready we are almost done actually you can remove this USB installer we are done installing do not need that at the moment foreign foreign come on it's been taking a while all right finally all right I'm Cortana and I'm here to help a little sign in here if I touch a Wi-Fi there and we'll have your PC ready for all you plan to do use your voice or the keyboard along the way and if you'd like me to stay quiet just select the little microphone icon towards the bottom of your screen if you need an assistive screen reader press the windows control and enter keys at the same time to turn on narrator okay enough intro let's dig in your region is set to the United States is that right so pretty much this is the setup screen here you want to set up according to your region mine is United State click yes your keyboard is set yes do you also type Skip and do not have additional keyboard connected to a network I'm gonna skip the network I do not need the network skip I don't need that say no type what you want to I'm just going to name owner for now on the laptop it's just a user owner password I don't need a password decline I don't need you Cortana I don't need stuff except whatever terms you got almost done now need to get a few all right I just want to boot right into windows and show you guys that replacing the hard drive remove the hard drive replace the new hard drive install the windows there you have it yeah a working computer again without any trouble okay so almost there oh okay it says almost there there you go we are right at the window screen so at this point I recommend you to connect yourself to your internet by clicking here and select your Wi-Fi go ahead and connect yourself and then make sure you do all the Windows update that would update all your driver and such but do not forget I like to go to control panel first okay this is where I like to go control panel I go to hardware and sound power options and I'm going to tell the computer never sleep plug in for 10 minutes sleep never display off in five minutes never click save changes because I'm gonna connect to the internet and do other Windows update I do not want to update the computer while the thing went to sleep alright so that is um that is the thing that I wanted to share with you um now let's take a quick look and see if I can access my data that is the old hard drive I plug it in I hear the little beeping style which is good and see if anything pops up nothing yet um looks like the hard drive is spinning it might take some time to show up I'm going to right click this management I do not see the hard drive here let me unplug it plug it back in well I'm not gonna wait for the hard drive to show like I said the hard drive might have gone bad already but I just wanted to share with you if you get one of this device you plug it into a computer you might be able to recover the data depending on how bad the hard drive is it looks that my hard drive is long gone so I'm not expecting any data off of this but Yep this is how you do it if you have a device not file they're more likely changing out the hard drive installing the windows that would fix everything okay thanks for watching until next time bye now
Channel: UberGeeks
Views: 2,940
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Id: Ewq3lv1rf5o
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Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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