How To Fix Discord Not Opening - Full Guide

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in this video i show you how to fix discord not launching or starting if you are new to the channel please go down below and consider subscribing to the channel and once you've done that please go down below anxiety leaving a like i really do appreciate it and please do watch this video right onto the enter the full steps and let's go and get straight into this here we are on my desktop and we're doing this on windows 11 but it's also going to work on other versions of windows as well the first thing you need to do is just because discord isn't actually launching it may still be running in the background of your computer so you need to make sure it's fully closed so all you want to do is go and click on the magnifying glass and you want to go and search for task manager so go and search for task manager just like so go and open it up and here we are then all you want to do is make sure discord is not in the apps list and just check out the background process a minute as well as you can see there are quite a few discords open so all you want to do is go through that and close them i ended the task and then it closed them all actually so there we go then you want to close off of task manager and we're going to get into the next step actually go and uninstall discord but that's not just the whole guide i'm showing you some other really important steps to go and get it to go and launch so all you want to do is go and click on the magnifying glass just here and you want to go and search for add or remove programs just like so and it's going to go and find the best match let's go and click on it just like so so it's going to take a moment to load and then you're going to be on the app list and all you want to do is go and click on search apps and go and search for discord just like so and here it is then all you need to do is come on to the right hand side and you want to click on these three dots here and go and click uninstall and then you're going to get another message saying this app and it's related and it will be uninstalled and go click uninstall again and now it's going to do nothing nothing's going to be visible but it's actually going to be uninstalling in the background and all you need to do is go and wait because in a moment if we search for discord it's going to go and say no apps found just wait until it says that message then within 10 seconds it's saying we couldn't find anything to show here or you can just go and refresh the search and it should go and show you that as well but that isn't quite it you need to come onto your keyboard and go and press on the windows key and the r button just like so and it's going to go and launch something called run and what you want to do is type in percentage app data percentage and then go and press ok and it's going to go and launch this folder here and with all of your app data in then all you need to do is go and find discord so as you can see here it is and you want to go delete this file here well this folder here so right click on it just like so and go and click on show more options and then all you want to do is go and press delete and as you can see it's going to delete it just like so and then you want to go and close off of this folder here then once again you want to go and press the windows key on your keyboard and the r button and you're going to go and get the run what you need to do is add add local in front of the app data but behind the percentage so it's going to look like this percentage local app data percentage and then go and press ok then once again it's going to launch this folder up and you want to go and look for discord as you can see here it is at the bottom then all you want to do is right click on it and you want to click on show more options and then go and press on delete again and it's going to go and delete it so now i'm ready to go and reinstall discord to go and open up your browser so here we are on google so i'm just going to go and search for discord just like so and go to here we are and then all you need to do is go and press on the download to windows button just like this and it's going to go and start the download every browser will show their downloads differently in chrome it's put in the bottom left but if you can't find your download in the browser you just need to go and open up your file explorer and then you can go and check out your downloads folder and all your downloads can be listed there let's go and run this setup now so i'm going to click on it just like so and nothing really happens when you do a discord setup it may go and do some downloads depending um on when you uninstalled it um as you mine disk was fully up to date so not much is actually going to happen so all you need to do is sit back as you can see it's doing some downloads we can come and close off of chrome and just wait and it's going to go and install them and now it's starting up and discord is now successfully opened and it's now working completely fine if you found this video useful please go down below and consider subscribing to the channel leave a like for more peace
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 126,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix discord not opening, how to fix discord not launching, how to fix discord not starting up, how to fix if discord is not opening, how to fix the problem discord not opening, discord not opening, how to fix discord not opening windows 11, how to fix discord not opening windows 10
Id: 1vVSpGClkYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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