How to: Fix Bad Green Screens In Post UPDATE | Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 Tutorial

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this video is sponsored by story blogs hey what's up guys my name is Tyler Kidd and in this video I'm gonna talk to you about how to get the perfect green screen key in my last video a lot of you guys are excited about it you're pumped about it and it's been working for you but I figured out a new trick so I'm gonna teach you guys that day here's a quick message from our sponsor story blocks so I learned about story blocks video in college and since then it has become a huge asset for my business one of my favorite things about story box video is the stock footage they offer on their website so something I like to do is use their studio backdrops to put behind my clients to make them look a lot more professional alright so let's jump into the tutorial alright guys so here's my original example from the first video that we did so I'm gonna show you what just the ultra key would do here's our control layer so it just has our ultra key effect on it so what I did is I changed it to alpha so you can kind of see what is happening in the shadows so that's just our control layer that's our normal ultra key that's what you guys are probably getting straight off the bat and this is what we got after we did our little trick last time and as you can see there's still a couple more shadows but with this trick I'm gonna show you it's gonna take out all of the shadows completely alright so basically we're just gonna follow the same exact steps that we did last time with one little tweak so here we go so we're gonna open up our color tab and then go to our HSL secondary and what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab this green area I might want to expand it just a hair and then we're gonna expand these a ton cool and we can see where the mask is affecting just by clicking this gray area part so that will help you a lot so we're gonna keep that selected and usually I just bump these up by like 1d noise and blur just bump them up by a hair you don't want to overdo it so I'll just do the other steps real quick so all we did is we brought our tint all the way down we bought our contrasts all the way down our sharp an amount all the way down and our saturation all the way up so the difference is last time I told you to just do this guy but there's these three colors right here so what you want to do is select those three colors so boom now we have control of our shadows our mid-tones and our highlights so what we're gonna do is just drag all of these over to the green that way we're staying green go green all right and then what we're gonna do is bring our shadows up our highlights down and then kind of play with our mid-tone a little bit and this is really gonna help you refine your green screen and make it totally green so here we go bring our shadows up and our highlights down and the reason we're doing this is because we're trying to get more of a flat image we're trying to make it all look the same so by bringing the shadows up and the highlights down you're getting a more flat image and then what we can do is just kind of mess with our mid-tones a little bit maybe bring them up just a hair and now you can see I'll show you the before and after all right so this is our before this is what the last tutorial got you to this is what that looks like and then with this new tutorial that's what it looks like so you as you can see a huge difference a lot easier a lot better a lot easier to key so let's actually key that out and see how it works oh the key cool drop that on pick our key boom and then go to our mat generation I usually bring my highlights all the way down my shadows down by 40 and that usually does the trick then we just want to pick a good spot and as you can see if we go to the halfa channel it's totally removed all right so one last trick is you might notice if you're following along with this tutorial that maybe some of the darker parts of your image like the clients hair or your hair or something like that might be falling off because it's still in the green so all we're gonna do is hold alt and just duplicate that so we have two layers on top of each other and that should get rid of some of the transparent areas if they have some dark areas in the hair and everything they might get cut off with the green screen so if you duplicate that that'll help you with that too all right guys if you found this video helpful please smash that like button leave a comment and please subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to get notified when I post new videos I would really appreciate it help me out I'm trying to reach a hundred thousand subscribers so I can get that cool little plaque thing that would be tight but yeah thank you guys I hope this video helped and have a good day [Music]
Channel: Tyler Kidd
Views: 84,987
Rating: 4.8806729 out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Kidd Youtube Channel Adobe Cameron Park kidd vapor, green screen, video editing, chroma key, ultra key, how to fix green screen adobe premiere, how to fix green screen on premiere pro, fix bad green screen premiere, fix bad lit green screen in premiere pro, bad green screen footage, bad green screen premiere pro, bad green screen fix, tyler kidd, post production, how to, how to fix bad green screen in premiere pro, bad green screen, fix bad green screen
Id: cWwhsLXQX_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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