How To Fix ASUS Couldn't Find Storage Driver Load Error in Windows Install

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hey everyone welcome back welcome back well probably watch another video about these type of drivers made actually another one on that or you're here for the first time wait so then we'll be welcome back I don't know so you're probably having trouble installing um Windows 11 like a fresh install Windows 11 on your brand new Asus um Asus laptop you could do we have one here which is an Asus Zen book right we have Windows the installer on there but we're having a problem installing it right we made lots of videos about talking about how to install Windows like 11 through clean installation with uh that requires a driver to be installed on there we made one on a Lenovo HP at Dell and maybe some other ones I don't know I'll link them down below which ones we do have if we have those ones it's gonna be a similar process not exactly the same go ahead check those out if you do have the one of those laptops it's probably better for you now if you're also interested we do have a video showing on how to make a bootable installer if you want to go ahead and check that out on our Channel too on how to make a bootable Windows 11 installer I can go through the Microsoft website we show you all the steps we have walkthrough it's really good video also check that out but now you're probably stuck at this or maybe you already watched that video now you're trying to install it you're like well I can't do that because I don't have the right driver here when you go to the menus here right you have something like this and so I won't actually accept the it will it won't actually accept the um Mouse input or the HDMI installer out so you're gonna have just doing this so you're going to get to this screen right we're gonna hit okay sign our life away now we're going to custom install and now you're going to be at this and this is probably where everyone's stuck at is we cannot find any any drives to get a storage driver click load driver right and you click load driver there's nothing there obviously there's nothing there because it doesn't have the right driver now we have the solution for that one and I'll it's gonna be a little bit different than like the other ones if you watch the ones previously but obviously you're here for that so what you're going to need is you're going to need a USB it doesn't have to be really that big or you can use the same USB that you're using for for the bootable installer anyway that might be a good idea to do it that way but we're going to be showing what an external USB here so we got the external USB we're going to go ahead and plug in we need to have another working device as well because we need to get the driver somehow right so I'm gonna plug it into my computer here go check out the model number usually it's on the bottom here you can see it says q409z but it's gonna be a very similar one to whatever you guys have um it's down on the bottom there it's really easy to actually find out what you want to do is you can go to Google you can just type in the driver that you have there and it should pop up um sometimes even if it says if it doesn't have the exact letter on there it's still the same family of the drive so it's gonna be the same thing and for that um you go here and when we're on the main page you can also go to Just Asus and then look for like the support page and then just go through the drive you can do that as well but it's a little bit quicker so you want to click the drive utility tab and then they'll bring up the windows 11. that's most likely what you're going to have anyway now you want to scroll down this will be an important part where to find it you're going to see a chipset driver now it depends on when they update this you might have a different one that's here but you want to hit show all under the chipset drivers I'm going to scroll down scroll down scroll down we'll see one that's called Intel rapid storage driver this is the one that we want now we want to hit download you can download it into where the where you have the USB there and you have an exe file so we can go ahead and bring up where that exe file was and now what you want to do is you want to double click this one it needs to install actually to bring up a prompt welcome to the the irst driver setup install you want to assign your life away you want it now for this one you want to hit extract yep that's what we want and now the browse is where you need to install it on the USB I'm going to hit next install finish now if we go back to this we see a folder and it's going to have the vmd driver installed there so now we're done with this now we can just safely eject it here we go back to the screen we have it on USB let's go plug in our USB now okay now once we plug into USB can hit load driver we're going to hit browse go to where you have the driver so we can go to vmd hit okay now we have all these drivers that that are um that wants to install so you can just hit the top one should be okay it's going to install it okay now we have our partition scene now we can do anything now if you're going to be installing it with a fresh install make sure you back up your day before you do this if you have a problem then there's obviously something else we have a video also talking about a backup data especially if you have an OS problem you can't access your operating system but this will be for a fresh install otherwise this will be a way to you will lose all your data if you delete all these partitions here because these are where all your storage is is there but I assume you already backed it up or you're just looking for a clean stall and that's what you want to do then you can just delete all these partitions here again this will wipe all the data on here and we want to just be stuck with the last one which we have a big nice big drive one terabyte drive now we can install it all right and there you have it we've got the windows 11 install on there so hope you guys are watching this video about finding the storage driver for this Asus Zenbook but any type of newer product Asus has Asus laptop probably has this type of issue or any other type of newer laptop that has that um that has that type of driver or like an optane or rst driver whatever you want to call vmd driver we make videos about that especially on the other brands we'll definitely link those down below if you're interested in that again if you're interested in making the windows 11 bootable we have a video on that you can go ahead and see how we do that to before we even get to this point so you might have to watch two videos just to install Windows on your device so on the Windows device that you just bought a new one for or whatever if you have a problem or if you just want a fresh clean install because you bought something new and you don't want all the other junk they put on there or bloatware whatever you want to call that as well so I hope you guys are watching if you did please do like relatives help us a lot score for more content see you guys next video thank you take care bye
Channel: lapfix
Views: 90,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asus storage driver, asus laptop storage driver, how to fix asus storage driver, lapfix, lapfix alexandria va, asus repair, install windows 11 from usb, windows 11 install, windows 11 bootable, can't find any drives windows, cant find any drives windows, click load driver
Id: 01wKvgiu0Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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