How To Fix ACER Couldn't Find Storage Driver Load Error in Windows Install

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oh it's you welcome back everyone it's Eric here from Netflix got another video for you guys today got another one I can't believe I'm making yet another one of these oh oh well it's a storage driver problem that you're probably having um this one's gonna be for Acer we made videos about Dell HP Lenovo and Asus before if you want to go ahead and check that out we'll link them down below in the video description as well as probably the end of the video too we'll go ahead and Link those together but it's a problem when you're actually installing driver now if I think why are you making another video about this well because it's very popular right you guys are very interested in knowing about this and this one has even another issue or another layer to the cake so let's go ahead take a look at and see what's going on so first what you want to do is you want to go to a web browser right and you want to make sure that you get the driver first because that's going to be the most important thing so go ahead and you're going to bring up this so you can go to your oh you can go to Google maybe let's go Google search it and so you can do a few things you can go to the main driver website or you can just put in whatever that you have or you could just put in whatever that you have here you see Acer driver downloads right that's going to link you to a site here you want to make sure you go to you'll see that there and it's going to ask here now for your model now this one's all going to be maybe a little bit different here just where we switch off but for our model so our model we have here would be the Nitro an517-55 and you just pretty much the same process that you want to do it make sure you select the right model for your laptop and here it is so great now you want to be looking at the OS here it's going to be Windows 11. now when we go to that you're going to see there's a bunch of different drop downs here I'm gonna go to drivers and we'll scroll down and you'll see it here pretty much automatically with the irst driver now there's going to be a few different ones maybe they work a little bit different ways but we need the driver form you'll see utility you also see driver so you want to click the latest one you might have some rollback drivers which are pretty cool too made for possible compatibility but if they're updating it it's probably a good thing that you get the updated one let's go ahead here we want to download the latest one that we can and this one's from a little bit a while ago but still should be pretty good for this case anyway and you want to get a USB that's going to have no space for it which isn't much anyway but I'm going to go ahead and put this in my downloads but you definitely want to go ahead and put this maybe on a USB that you have here right okay and what we're going to have is we're gonna have a zip drop uh what we're going to have is a ZIP file here um you could put that in the USB make sure you're designated there even though this one's it's actually in our actual driver page there now you can do you can use 7-Zip or you want to just be able to extract it I like using 7-Zip I can go to website two and download that for its nice extractor and if you're not sure about 7-Zip you can actually just Google search 7-Zip and it's usually a one you can go here and then you could download the XC and then just open it and then it should be fine if you wanted to do that otherwise you can just hit extract all but I'm gonna go 7-Zip and I'm going to go ahead and extract it here we just want to pull it out of the zip folder here and we see that we get our file now we're going to have a little bit of a thing here right where it shows the file here so here we see that we have our setup.rst.exe now we can't just use this because the BIOS isn't going to see it that way when we try to configure it that way we need to right click this and we also need to do the same thing we need to get a 7-Zip and we're going to actually extract it here or we want to extract in any other type of extractor that you have so we're going to extract the exe file and that's going to actually give you a file here okay so we're not done yet we actually have to go to that dot text file and we need to extract this one too and this is going to make you another folder that has three dots and your file is actually in there it's a INF file but don't worry about that for now so we'll finish up here make sure again you put this a whole entire file on a USB so don't just save it here you can just put back the whole entire folder there from the downloads into your USB and we have everything extracted so now we have everything ready so when you go to boot options I'm gonna go F12 to the boot options there try to boot sometimes you get the security boot failed and what actually that is is you actually have to put a security on this so you actually have to set a supervisor password in the Bios now make sure you remember this or at least remove this after you're doing the process here because if you forget it you're going to lock yourself out of the BIOS and it's not going to be fun really to try to remove that anymore so if you do have that you can just add the password and then remove it later or just keep the password just definitely remember it and then we'll go from there then we'll go to boot to the USB yeah it's F2 by the way to get to the BIOS now we can go through the windows and do that and we have a video showing the windows bootable installer if we want to do that otherwise you can go actually to browse when you get to the setup page and you want to go to setup.rst and then you want to go to that dot dot file and then it's going to have the INF file then you can go ahead and select that and hit next and it's going to install all the drivers and make sure everything's good there so you can actually see the drive now and then you can continue the windows installations pretty basic pretty straightforward there again if you don't have a bootable if you're not sure about that we actually have that I'll even put that in the link in the description as well as towards the end of the video if you guys are interested in seeing how to make a bootable installer if you need this one it's nicer to do it this way it's a clean install Windows um it's fresh Windows all the bloatware especially that requires like a login account we can bypass that too okay guys so I hope you guys enjoyed watch this video I hate making another one for this but it makes it more informative for you guys I definitely want to make that for you guys to know obviously we're techshop received we do installs all the time as well as lots of obviously logical repairs and data recoveries but this is something else to see as well because we like to do absolutely everything for our customers right so hope you guys enjoyed watching this video if you guys have another type of driver or another type of install for another type of computer then go ahead and check our other videos we have the Asus we have Dell Lenovo and HP at least making this video if there's any other ones maybe if there's like MSI if if it has one then I'll definitely make a video for that as well to be showing you guys otherwise thanks a lot for watching hope you guys enjoyed and and work for you too so leave a comment down below if it actually did work for you or if you found another workaround or if you had to use another driver or something else so love the support guys see you guys next video thanks for watching take care bye
Channel: lapfix
Views: 16,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acer storage driver, how to fix acer storage driver, acer storage device not found, lapfix, how to, fix, acer, couldn't find storage driver, load error, windows install, acer laptop storage driver
Id: puZc5mZvLoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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