How To Fix A HP In A Preparing Automatic Repair Restart Loop

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hi this is Liz I'm an HP certified tech repair technician and today we're discussing how to fix an HP stuck in a preparing automatic repair loop first thing I would do it for troubleshooting method is I would remove any sort of hardware I may have added if you had a ram or a hard drive solid-state drive try removing them and restarting the computer see if it remedies next thing over turn off from computer and remove any sort of USBs or cds or anything your computer couldn't be accidentally trying to boot off of also if you find this video in any way helpful please like I'm sure next thing hit power and we're gonna start tapping on f9 to check your hardware because HP's have built-in diagnostic software not everyone knows that so I would tap on f9 repeatedly after hitting the start button to access this diagnostic software cuz we're gonna check your hardware to make sure it's functioning properly ok so I'm at my boot menu but this HP I have to hit escape to access it some just bring you right to it and when you're at the boot menu you're going to arrow down and you're going to select diet system diagnostic with some HP's you can just tap on f2 from start up instead of f9 but it varies from model to model and then I'm gonna select hit enter and say I go to system Diagnostics and then once I'm there I'm going to check my memory first thing I'm gonna do is you're the memory check I'm gonna select it and then I'm gonna hit enter you know start testing my memory because this particular error can be a hardware or a software issue so we're not going to show you one solution cuz that's not what we do it any head fixers we're gonna show you all the troubleshooting method so as you can see my memory quick check pass so it's not my RAM it's not my memory so we're gonna go back to the main menu and now we're gonna test my other main component the hard drive and do a quick check ok so you can see both past the hard drive and the RAM if they hadn't I would have needed to repair those if yours doesn't we have a video down below on how to replace your hard drive alright next thing we're gonna do is we're going to if this doesn't work if the last thing didn't work you would hit power and start topping on f 11 because we're gonna now work through the software problem we're going to tap enough in love and to get to your Recovery Manager another feature of your HP you probably didn't know about and we're going to try to factory reset your computer so we're going to once you get to this screen we're going to arrow down to troubleshoot reset this PC now there's two options for a soft reset or a hard reset the soft reset tends not to work for this problem so you're going to need to do remove everything which I know it's sad you lose all your information but we're trying to save a computer here so sometimes the tough solutions are the ones that work so if you can't access this or you find the reset doesn't work it could be I'm sorry I'm going to pause a second you can hit fully clean the drive that's the one you want and you'll lose all your information but it usually works and like I said if you can't get the factory reset to work or if you cannot access it it could be that your operating systems too corrupt and you need a fresh install I have a video down below on that it skipped the hard drive installation portion and just look for the fresh install so that would be your step after the factory reset if it doesn't work or can't be accessed but we're gonna select the fully clean the drive option and select enter and hopefully through this troubleshooting method you'll be a to repair your computer and get out of that loop you have any questions leave them down below thanks for watching our video if you found it in any way helpful please like and share if you like do-it-yourself computer repair videos then go ahead and subscribe if you have any questions there's some great ideas for some videos leave them down below and one of our certified technicians will respond as quickly as possible anyway proven egg head to another egg head this is Liz signing out
Channel: Egghead Fixers
Views: 363,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HP, laptop, computer, repair, fix, how to, what, doesnt, wont, solution, problem, tutorial, windows 10, Preparing Automatic Repair hp, windows preparing automatic repair, preparing automatic repair windows 10, hp preparing automatic repair, preparing automatic repair loop, hp preparing automatic repair then black screen, hp preparing automatic repair not working, hp preparing automatic repair then shuts off, hp preparing automatic repair loop fix windows 10, hp preparing automatic repair fix
Id: _NGtIEe12Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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