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hi guys welcome to this plant parts top credit UK video what we're going to look at today is the installation of waste pipe for a toilet and also we're going to have a look at how to fit the cistern and the feed pipes at the back of that toilet this is a concealed saw that system and I know we've done a video on that before but we're just gonna have another look at it come upon one of these lovely t-shirts we've got a few for sale there's gonna be a link for that at the end of the video please remember to subscribe and please remember to follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and snapchat anyway I hope you enjoyed the video guys and remember this video like say please do subscribe because we do lots of instructional videos and loads of plumbing disasters competitions and fun so far means do subscribe it'll definitely be worth your while so what I'm going to show you today I've obviously done a few videos before on this particular subject and just because I've got a nice clean install here I've got a good way I've been able to film the back of this toilet as well I thought it'd be nice just to give you an idea about how we figure out what we're doing with the waste and also just the ins and outs Oh sometimes the changes you need to make to the caucusing to be able to actually put in and flush unit so that that'd be handy for you guys tonight so what we're gonna do I've already first fixed my hot and cold and everything in here already and I've got my cold sticking out already for the film now it's a little bit of an annoying one this bit because this particular unit was bought with a customer and it's got a bottom entry usually for concealed staff and that's prefer to have a side entry purely because that means that when you're if you've got a problem in the future you can get to that wall connection really easy if there's a leak you can turn it off really easy that sort of thing so it's a little bit of a moon for me I'm afraid but sometimes you just don't have control over what people buy funnily enough the - that I've already installed upstairs have actually got a side entry so maybe they just ran outside entry once so what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring our four-inch out here we're gonna elbow up and with the flexible more equip from the cow pine we're gonna go into the back of the toilet we're then going to drill a hole into the top of our four inch there and put a normal boss in to take our inch and four twice that will run somewhere along here or somewhere other up out the way with as long as it's got a drop on it into the cabinet where the basin is we've got our cold feet just here I'm gonna do is bring that out and around to whichever side our coal feed comes up on then we're gonna fix our flush unit on here and also bring our flush pipe into the back of the toilet so it all fits together nicely and so it's back to the wall as well first things first just want you to see that we already got the back done we've done videos on this in the past so if you do want to know how to do this top side of the job then search on our YouTube channel for how to fit concealed toilet so as you can see there this will slip down the back just like so we've got adequate clearance the sparkies on so at the moment he's doing a bit of drilling so you've got adequate clearance on air so you can get your four inch in then obviously your flush pipe in as well but this will slip down then if you've got any problems you can cut around the silicon lift this up out of the way and do any work that you need to do so it's future proof anyway this is what we've got in the back of our load why need to do is cut a small piece that will go into the tee just behind us here behind this box work here we've got about a meters worth of 4-inch and then a dagger at the top and the actual chippies are gonna have to come back and vent the top of that dariya because there's no venting in there and they've just coming in and put all this boxing in so they're gonna have to do that so next thing I need to do so I cut my little bit of 4-inch it's gonna have a socket on here it's going about eight inches long and then what I'm gonna do is cut the boss into the top of it so he's my little bit here what we need to do first anyway before we get that on is it helps it's just a little trick a little bit of very liquid get that around the actual fitting itself and just sort of splurge that on a little bit and that will help push that on in a second hopefully these are you can get kind of different size 4-inch so we're just gonna run that round there corner to just get it on the actual rubber on here as well we love getting lubed up in the plumbing industry believe me oh yeah quick unfortunately I've chosen the tightest toilet in the world to make this video over there we go that's my own fault well that's there to go that's on now why now I've already got this cut to the length that I want it to be so the next thing you want to do is we get ourselves this strap on boss like this there are loads of other ways of doing it but I've done for the two toilets upstairs it's working totally fine you need to get a hole saw that corresponds with an outer size of this hole here because return wants to go inside the pipe a little bit or your seal will be made up on here now when it comes to saving these are you can use solvent well glue or you can use a very very strong silicon so be honest sometimes I think strong silicon is a bit better at the moment and say I'll just get a feeling I just don't trust solvent weld as much anymore and you see so many of them leaking I trust them on pipe fittings but on these I don't I prefer a little bit ct1 no I will go from there anyway so let me just draw the whole things to consider when you're doing this make sure that you're on a flat piece okay you're on a flat bit of pipe like so we're also gonna put a little bit of a on this so it goes upwards a slight bit lovely there's our hole right you get hole drilled so I'll just get yourself a little man there's file all the swarf just doesn't get in your way in a sec she's gonna grab the gun I'm just gonna splurge myself or CT one or equivalent I wouldn't just use normal silicon for this this you want to use high-end really really good gripper you know a leaks and just in case I'm gonna put some around here as well this stuff's is cheap as my old man says leaks are expensive and we've supplies a really good bead on here all we need to do is press the two together in match remand making sure that our little in a hole here goes inside this hole and you'll know when it does then just grab yourself a set of grips depending on what type of cloud system you've got you should just be out of this clamp these down believe me that is not gonna late a bit of a liquid on here just like though these up don't on them on the tiles give it a little rinse around just a run round like I did a minute ago and then get you get it on your rubber as well just get as much of it as on every surface this is going to be on common contact just get all of that on there like that now we can push this in perfect great really really pleased with that get this so we've got an elbow I mean the elbow can almost go directly in this this is sometimes a problem you have all this sort of stuff about that kind of gets in the way it's almost there just to keep this together while it's in transit once it's installed you know this stuff isn't gonna go anywhere also what I've done I've just cut this cold out the way so he's got a little bit of just water sat in the pipe so that's just still running out we're gonna need all of that out before we do any soldering working that in that in a minute so what I'm gonna do now very quickly is I'm just gonna run my pipe along here look at how cool this releaser is as well flip spoon comes off like that man I love that tool this toe side kit you should put it back on and then tighten right side and boom you're back on in a minute I'm just gonna do the alterations to the copper feed at the bottom and get that up but really before I do that it's best that I actually hang our actual system in okay now as you can see our flush is on this side so we're gonna be hanging it back to them all like so most systems like this come as a special bracket that define the height down from the bracket already that's saying our bracket wants to go that far to the wall so that will hit the top like that so all we need to do to find out exactly where we need it we know that the toilet is central to this unit here we know that our four inches central that unit there as well so we need to do is measure out from the back there find our Center and then fit our clip accordingly one thing I'll say about a lot of these clips you'll see that the Center for this is here so don't be fooled by the fact that it's that wide and then divide the width by two and then go there because you'll be wrong make sure you get your Center on there but as I say so many times all clips all toilets are different so read the instructions don't do what most men do alright and try and fit it and then go on a better reading instructions here girls I don't need to say that to you because you read the instructions anyway get it right first time I hate to say it but my wife is probably watching so then once you're at this stage here make sure you test all these connections to make sure they haven't come loose and transit there you should just be able to put this up on here like so and get that installed cold feed is down here so we're gonna have a flexi go straight into that now there's a bone of contention guys because obviously the those of you have follow us on social media will be like oh he's always taking the mickey out of Lexi's but they do have a time in place I mean if you see them going up into a radiator then that's not the time or the place definitely not send me the photo if you do find one but they're great to be used for this particular install where you're finishing off the second fix on a toilet and it's the same four basins and kitchen sinks it's more connections after taps where it's difficult to get to them that's the whole idea so we're gonna pop that in now then once we've done that we're going to get our flush pipe in like so and get that all measured up and cut properly but I think you can already see that we're a really good stage in this job now it's nice and neat everything's having won it and everything should be fine oh here she comes yeah watch out boy she'll cheer you up oh right so we now got the water back on I'm just filling everything up top I've just cracked this to make sure this is all okay we filled this all up we're just testing all our fittings out beforehand so now all we need to do is pop our cover on here it's very it's a great idea now that we we give this a bit of a clear-out under here as well and then we can get our Louie and it's a very simple process for us to get our flush pipe get that cut to the right height and that's sticking out at the right way and all that and then basically you can push the toilet back pop the cap down and instead of come up the toilet so I'm just gonna turn the water on for this sister through here funnily enough which is good because it shows that where I put my valve any servicing engineer it's gonna be able to get to it the reason we're turning on the water now is if we've got any leaks underneath here we need to know when all this lot is under pressure and the only way that's going to be under pressure is if this systems full and that the actual valve is shut off so then we know that we're under pressure then and that's all okay so the next thing I'm doing let's just spin this around often the best way to do the next bit is by eye I know it might sound a bit willy nilly but you're gonna be able to put in your flush pipe exactly there like that and then go right yeah that is where I wanna cut it so you know you're gonna basically cut it just above the bottom of this here now all different systems have different amounts that will allow the flush pipe in so make sure you know about that first or fit enough of these now ready to know so I know exactly we're going to cut that so I've got my cut mark there use a hacksaw or whatever you have available I I've got a little trick that I can do it with this how clean is that cut whip the nut off and then you literally have a standard compression fitting on here so nut then you've got your slip ring what this does it stops the nut clogging up on the back of this rubber and this rubbers got a little taper on it to make sure that the taper faces into the fitting okay and that the flat bit is where our rubber meets up like so if you can see that what was off now we've got no leak so it's good the last thing you want to do now is press the flush button that's why I've not even put it on yet right the next bit you need to do is obviously know how far to cut back this step here you've got a special rubber o-ring ribbed one that will go inside here but in but for now what you want to do is you actually just always want to leave it on the pipe and always leave it lubricated a good thing is these can just sort of clog up a lot so get that get that lubricant out like I said earlier on that's the most important part of this job is making sure that everything is nice and lubricated and goes on and off really easily a couple ways to do this you can marry this up next to it and then you know exactly how far back you can feel a little Ridge a little lip inside where that goes back you can feel that lip you can measure it if you like it's completely up to you how you figure this bit out and then that's cut off this is actly to the right height that we want and that's now on ready to go so ribbed for inch just pushes in here like that and then we've got this flexibility now to be able to work on this next thing I'd always recommend to do just like I've said a hundred times in this video is yeah a little bit of lubricant a on that just run that around it like so and also I get it inside the toilet hopefully you can see inside the loaf I'll just turn that a bit more there's that little lip that we're talking about we've measured our pipe to touch that lip pretty much we're just back from it now we should with any girl just better push this back onto the toilet like so nice test today to make sure that's all good make sure that you've got it right is to get a piece of the word that's actually going to be help holding all this lot out there we go a closer look shows that we're in there we've got everything in here where we need it to be and this is completely like firmly inserted into the toilet with our rubber on there as well the good thing is now if we do have any problems we've lubricated that it's gonna come in and out really easily it's not gonna pull the system off the wall or anything so we know that we're okay there we know that we can get to our valve really easily because that's just down here like so okay the obviously the Flexi is a little bit more flex than I'd like but I was expecting to be second fixing on a side entry unit here whereby I'd have run my piping core a bit further up and round there we go such is life so the next we wanna know before we put our back unit on well it's a good idea firstly to make sure using any bit of the material that's going to be used at the back in peace to make sure that the depth of our flush unit is correct because we don't want to flush the toilet find out that we've got no leaks and everything's all right but then when we push the toilet back it doesn't make up to the bit of wood for when we come to silicon you have to pull it all out again and maybe doing that work you might create another leak so we're gonna get our cut out now remember what I said we've done a video on how to cut these out already so that's pushed back there does this go all the way back yes it does perfect nothing to worry about there so let's just pull this off a little bit pull this out again and then give this a test - manually just up here there we go and for those of you that don't know I had a feeling there might have been family of rats living down at four inch pipe because I could hear them a couple of weeks ago when I was doing some work first fixing the shower behind us so hopefully that might have evicted the poor buggers sorry rat so anyway we flush the toilet a few times now absolutely happy there's no legs tightly pleased with how everything's gone so now I can pop this back down here ready for silicon inge later on so everyone's happy we can even fit button on now the buttons so you can see so this has been done by some of the chippy lads who are here you'll see I think the guy want to change the button over from what it was depending on what fill unit you've got make sure you follow the instructions when it comes to which hoses and the air bit want to go and walk very alike and now that's ready for us to properly fit the toilet down do the silicon in and stuff like that there's a lot more work to be done in here over the next few days and I don't really want to silicon until everything's finished so I'm not going to show you to do that now and we've done a video on how you can silicon toilets anyway I'll leave a link to that in the description below so you can have a look and there we go pretty much all done so there you go the bugs installed I've tested it for leaks and everything I'm now back to silicon it up so put the toilet seat on I hope you enjoyed today's video please subscribe to our videos and also follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and snapchat we did loads of stuff on there all the time loads it comes to win and stuff like that and also in a second there'll be a link to buy a t-shirt and maybe a bobble hat just like the ones I'm wearing at the moment but where's the bobble happen tonight anyway I only do the video guys and remember to old chap [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: plumberparts
Views: 462,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fit a toilet, how to install a toilet, fix toilet, toilet, concealed toilet, vanity unit, toilet waste, waste pipe, pipe, toilet flush, toilet flush pipe, flush, how to fix a toilet, back to wall toilet install, how to fit back to wall toilet, plumbing, plumber, tip, tips, knowledge, advice, how, to, instructional, video, tutorial, install, installation, plumberparts, official
Id: kI1rI3VT6zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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