How to Fix 10 FRUSTRATING iPhone Issues!

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I made a video a few months ago where I shared fixes for 10 of the most frustrating iPhone problems and a lot of you watched it so with that in mind I thought said share fixes for 10 more extremely irritating iPhone issues stick with me until the end of this video if you've ever had something happen on your iPhone that's driven you nuts because you never know I might be about to show you a way to fix it okay let's get into it let's be real how many times have you tried to type out that popular four letter swear word that starts with the letter F only to have your iPhone swap it out for a type of bird my point is there are times when you'll go to type something and your phone will assume you mean something else and automatically swap that word out for you problem is you don't want to disable autocorrect in its entirety because when you're typing it's actually pretty useful it would just be great if your iPhone could learn that for you personally you want certain words spelling a certain way luckily for us we can enable this go to settings then General then keyboard and then text replacement tap the Plus in the upper right hand corner of the screen in phrase type the word exactly as you want it to be spelled on your iPhone a handy tip here is if you're inputting a person's name for example you would type it out with the capital letter at the start then in shortcut type the word out you don't have to include the capital letter here just type it however you type it when you're working on your phone tap save when you're done and the replacement has been created and will work each time you type that particular word out you can now go ahead and do this for all of your favorite cuss words just like I know you're going to whenever I make a video about typing on the iPhone I always get a load of comments from people who complain that they have big hands or fat fingers or a combination of the two and find themselves forever pressing things by mistake well if that sounds like you I bet you've struggled with this next problem in the past your iPhone by default is configured so that if you're on a call and you tap the side button that will end the call for many people this is a good feature but for many others it's a pain so here's how you'd fix it go to settings then accessibility then touch scroll down until you see prevent lock to end call toggle this on now when you're on a call if you accidentally tap the side button it will not end your call Apple pay if you've not used it is amazing you browse around on a site find what you want to buy and then rather than having to input card or shipping info you just tap on the Apple pay logo and let your phone handle all of that info for you or if you're at a physical location you use your phone to pay at the card machine without having to take your actual wallet out of your pocket to use Apple pay if you have an iPhone like this one you double tap the home button but if you've got an iPhone with face ID you double tap the side button and that double tap motion on the side of the phone can be really awkward especially if you're holding the phone with one hand there's a setting that you can change that gives you a bit more time between the presses and makes this easier if you go to settings then accessibility and then side button you can change the speed from the default to either slow or slowest depending on what works for you and your situation play around with it until you get it how you like it by the way if you prefer to have content like this in a written format there's a PDF to accompany this video and you can access it by joining my membership program where for a small monthly fee you'll get access to all video PDFs moving forward plus the grind library of old ones just follow the link in the description of this video that says become a channel member there's a couple of settings in FaceTime which can be really irritating if you don't know about them the first is one that's been around for a long time now which I honestly had no idea about until recently and that's that there's a setting automatically toggled on by default the user's augmented reality in your iPhone to slightly alter your eyes while you're on a FaceTime call to make it look to the person at the other end of the call as if you're looking into their eyes keep in mind the camera on your iPhone is at the top of the phone so the adjustment is only minor it's just bringing your eye level down a bit but it still ultimately software that's altering your image and you may not like that go to settings then FaceTime scroll down and toggle off eye contact also another setting that I think you should be aware of is the one above FaceTime live photos essentially if both you and the person at the other end of the call have this one enabled you get this little white button show on screen while you're on a call tap that and the screen of the other person will flash because you capture a live photo of them that's then stored on your phone now when this feature first launched my wife and I would try and use this to capture photos of each other looking as bad as we could because you know bands but now that the novelty is worn off I actually think it's a pretty awful invasion of privacy if someone does this to you with that in mind all you have to do to make it so that this won't happen to you is disable this feature if you've ever picked up your iPhone in the middle of the night expecting it to be fully charged and notice that the charge has stopped at 80 you might be wondering what's happened your iPhone isn't broken this is actually a feature called optimized battery charging essentially what happens is your iPhone is configured to learn from the way in which you charge your device and when it knows that you're most likely putting your iPhone down for a long charge overnight for example it will charge the phone in a more controlled manner to begin with your phone will fast charge but then hold it 80 percent and when it gets close to the time that you're likely to wake up for the day and want to use your phone the phone will finish off the remaining charge at a much slower rate it does this for a couple of reasons firstly it's more likely that when you pick up your phone your phone will be fully charged when the setting is enabled rather than your phone reaching 100 charged the charge being disabled and then your phone losing some charge in the meantime more importantly it reduces wear on the battery helping to increase its chemical health my recommendation to you is actually to leave this feature enabled but if you don't want to you do have the option to disable it head to settings then battery then battery health and charging if you want to make use of the feature ensure that optimized battery charging is enabled turn it off if you don't want it on my reason for saying you should leave it switched on is because I honestly think it works I charge my phone overnight every night despite so many people telling me that I shouldn't I use it throughout the day charge it every now and then when I need to this is a six month old iPhone 14 pro with 100 battery health my 18 month old iPhone 13 Pro still has 92 battery health not as good of course but still good in my opinion it's up to you of course but that's what you need to know by the way if you're enjoying the content here why not consider signing up to my newsletter the proper weekly I include some tech news from the week a behind the scenes of what's Happening Here on the channel as well as a tip for an item in the Apple ecosystem the newsletter goes out each Friday it's free to join and I'll include a sign up link in the description of this video a tip that I've mentioned loads here on the channel is using your spacebar as a trackpad to make it easier to move your cursor around a passage of text if you've not seen this tip in action you just press and hold on the space bar and then move your finger or thumb around the screen which in turn moves your cursor around but some people still find this a bit fiddly as you're having to move your finger around on the screen separately from the cursor itself thankfully there's another option for you if you and hold where you want the cursor to land on the screen you can then move your finger around and the cursor will move with your finger it's just as accurate and of course because you're doing this where you want the cursor to land it's easier to control also just let me take this opportunity to remind you of the different ways in which you can select a text on your iPhone tap once to drop your cursor on the screen somewhere in the text double tap on a word to select that word triple tap to select a specific passage of text there's a couple of frustrations related to notifications that I hear iPhone owners talking about all the time the first is the updates to iOS in the past might have changed the way that your notifications appear on screen Apple seem to be constantly tweaking the way that notifications display so it is a good idea to check how yours are showing and change them if you need to go to settings then notifications up here at the top where it says display as you can choose between account where it displays the total number of notifications at the bottom of the screen a stack where a stack is shown at the bottom of the screen and tapping on it will expand it out or a list where you can see all of the notifications the other frustration is when you've got your iPhone by your bed at night and a silent alert comes through but it activates your phone screen lighting up the room in the process there's two ways you can deal with this the way I'd recommend you deal with it is to make use of your iPhone sleep mode if you open the health app and set up sleep you can set a schedule for when your iPhone should go into a sleep mode each night for example mine comes on at 10 30 pm and is then on until 7am and during that time my iPhone is essentially in a do not disturb mode alternatively you could go to focus modes and choose do not disturb you just have to remember to do this manually the final option is to mute lock screen notifications for specific apps if you know that you've got a specific offender that always wakes you up so if I go into settings then notifications and then tap on a specific app here where it says alerts I can disable lock screen notifications for this app will still show but crucially not when the iPhone is locked and so it won't light up the display at night your iPhone has a function called featured photos and it's actually really nice depending on how you've got your phone set up your phone may pull photos together into collections that you can view in the photos app or even show these collections to you on your iPhone's home screen but obviously in life there are going to be specific photos that we may not want to be displayed on our home screens or photos of people or occasions that we perhaps don't want to have to delete but don't want our iPhones to feature and regularly remind us of here's how you'd handle that here's a photo and if I tap on the Ellipsis in the upper right of the screen you can see that down at the bottom I've got the option to remove this specific photo from featured photos or remove whoever is in the photo featuring that person less if you use Siri on your iPhone there's a good chance that you use the trigger phrase which I'll write on the screen now to access it sometimes though if you're maybe using an iPad Mac or homepod that are all also listening out for this phrase it can all get a bit confusing as to which device should respond to you your devices are pretty smart and will generally get it right but there is a way that you can stop your phone from listening out for that key phrase without having to totally disable it if you go to settings then accessibility then Siri you can toggle off always listen for that that Siri phrase that I won't say with this toggled off all you have to do is place your phone face down and it won't listen out for the phrase while it's face down also another couple of frustrations with Siri is that it doesn't wait long enough for you to say your request which you would fix by using this Siri pause time section at the top of this menu and then it either speaks responses back too much or too little and again you'd use the spoken responses section down here to amend that blurry photos are going to happen from time to time but if they're happening all the time for you there's something not quite right about your phone and you'll need to take some steps to figure out and fix the problem firstly let's check some possible settings that could be causing the problem open settings then camera and scroll to the bottom of this page try toggling on or off prioritize faster shooting lens correction and particularly macro control if you have a phone that this is compatible with see if any of these help the issue if none of these fix the problem chances are it's a hardware issue that you're facing restart your device and check that any phone case that you're using isn't causing the problem but honestly the number one Hardware issue that causes most people to have blurry photos is that their camera lenses are dirty and need a clean think about it your fingers probably touch the lenses quite often so that means that grease from your fingers maybe skin cream or any other substance is getting wipes on the lenses quite frequently and unless you're cleaning the lenses on a regular basis that can really build up use a microfiber cloth and whilst you don't need to use special cleaning substances I would recommend wash if you're going to use one it's apparently the same stuff that they use in Apple Stores and it's very very good so there you go 10 frustrating iPhone issues and how to fix them what do you think any other fixes that should have been included in this list drop me a comment and let me know and as ever if you found this video useful do please consider leaving me a like and subscribing to my channel for more content like this in the future see you on the next video
Channel: Proper Honest Tech
Views: 87,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix these common iphone problems, easy iphone fixes, common iphone problems, how to fix iphone problems
Id: Ztc0HMpOep4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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