How To Finish Academic IELTS Reading In 50 Minutes By Asad Yaqub

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got one more passage and the title is the case for mixed ability class now there is the case study for mixed ability class mixed ability class mean a class where intelligent students and less intelligent students they were studying together so we've got all the passage now please come to questions 27 to 30 multiple choice questions 31 to 35 summary completion with a box right you will find a word in the passage then you will find the synonym of that word in the box and you will write your answer and last questions are yes no not given so in this test we didn't have true false not given only yes no not given as the last question where should we start from exactly L complete the summary using the list of phrases so let's start with summary completion after that you can do yes no not given or multiple choice questions but the good thing is all three question types are type A all the questions are type A type a means questions and their answers they are in order okay so let's make us start we've got question number 31 is stream streaming effective now streaming We Know One streaming only on Facebook or YouTube live streaming and all that let's see is streaming effective according to professor John hetti of the Melbourne educational Research Institute look for John Haiti Melbourne education Research Institute John HTI professor John hati second page first paragraph and first line professor John hati director of the Melbourne education Research Institute found it now this is the location and answers are going to start from here right and you'll find the answers here and the good news is you will find all the answers in two paragraphs this paragraph and the next paragraph and you will find all four answers now let's read the question there is a very very little I'm reading question number 31 there is very little indication that streaming leads to dash little indication streaming leads to something let's go back please come to the previous paragraph despite all this there is a limited Imperial evidence last please come to first title page title page last two lines because this paragraph starts from here title page last two lines despite all all this there is limited empirical evidence now limited empirical evidence what does that mean there is very little indication okay so there is very limited empirical evidence to suggest that streaming results in better outcome for student results in results in mean leads to better outcome for students now let's see a word for better better outcome for students leads to look for a synonym of better outcome for students it's option H higher achievements okay streaming leads to Higher Achievement for Higher Achievement they use the word better outcome better outcome and higher achievements they are synonyms so that is why correct answer is option H and one answer will be used once only so once you use one option you can just cross that from there okay he points out that I'm reading question number 32 he points out that in schools which use streaming the most significant impact is on those students placed in the dash now students placed in the dash now let's let's go back same paragraph please follow me second page first paragraph fourth line after full stop what is more streaming appears to significantly and negatively affect those students assigned to the lowest sets so those students placed in the for placed in they use the word assigned in what is the answer answer is is lowest set now please see the synonym of lowest set lowest set bottom sets D is the right answer for lowest right word is bottom lowest class bottom class right so D is the right answer for question number 32 by the way you are doing academic is reading section three this is the highest level of English okay this is the English for queen of England or president of America right okay question number 33 especially where are large proportion of them what do they mean by them stud students large proportion of them have Dash now let's go back so I'm reading after lowest sets these students found it okay middle second page first paragraph in the middle after lowest sets these students tend to have much higher representation of low socioeconomic class right much higher representation of socioeconomic class uh okay just a second Let me refresh the question in my mind especially where a large proportion of them have okay so they say here uh low socio economic class higher representation higher representation means large yeah large proportion of them have a and they use the word much higher representation of low socioeconomic class now look for the synonym of low socioeconomic class that is option F low socioeconomic class means disadvantaged background disadvantaged background means low socioeconomic class so f is the right answer for question number 33 I mean you need to know these synonyms and you can only learn them by practicing is reading tests right okay meanwhile for the dash there appears to be only minimal Advantage now for home there is that minimal Advantage same paragraph less significant I'm reading it from 1 2 3 4 fifth last line less significant is the small benefit for those lucky clever students Now look for something lucky clever students all right lucky clever students for that we've got option e brightest pupils lucky and clever students they are brightest clever means they are very clever in the class they can do everything properly so option E bright brightest pupil for students they use the word pupils pupil is the synonym of students and for brightest lucky and clever okay there appears to be only minimal Advantage a further issue is that teachers tend to have dash of students teachers have something related to students next paragraph second paragraph second page second paragraph and you see the word teachers in fourth line I'm reading it from third line one of the most significant factors is Teachers estimate of achievement streaming students by diagnosed achievement automatically limits what the teacher feels the student is capable of so teachers estimate of [Applause] achievement okay okay and then they say streaming students by diagnosed achievement automatically limits what the teacher feels automatically limits what the teachers feel which option is that limits what the teacher feels that is lower expectation limits and that is lower and expectation what the teacher feels right B is the right answer for question number 35 so on your answer sheet you will only write the letters you will not write the words okay good now what should we do yes no not given or multiple choice yes no not given can be a good idea I tell you why you can have Tuka stuff also right you can get rid of it earlier and for yes no not given you have to read one sentence to answer one question okay and questions and answers are in order okay let's start question number 36 uh we got we got ski whatever okay if you mispronounce it don't worry no one is there to correct you so we got we got ski model of Education now voty is your clue word and his model of Education uh supports the concept of mixed ability class now listen if his model of Education supports mixed ability class mixed ability means intelligent student less intelligent students and dull students they are studying together in one class okay so if his model supports answer is yes if his model disapproves or does not support answer is no and if they don't tell us whether his model supports or not then answer is not given now let's go back can you find him okay so it's the second last paragraph title page second last paragraph where we find this answer yeah uh what we are going to look for is his education model supports mixability class okay now uh the statement about him is given in the beginning right please come to the last line of second last paragraph and that forcing everyone found it okay it's the fourth last line of the whole page title page fourth last line and that forcing everyone found it and that forcing everyone on the same hike regardless of aptitude would be M madness Okay now come back we got model of Education supports the concept of mixed ability he says it is madness when he says it is madness does he support no he does not support so what should be the answer answer should be no well done got it there he says it's Madness and here they say it supports question number 37 some teachers are certain about ay student students to take on M KO roles in the classroom now mko roles and teachers are certain certain means they are sure uncertain sorry teachers are uncertain means they are unsure okay teachers are uncertain about allowing students to take an mko roles in the classroom all right M KO M KO is there second page left column and last paragra graph a crucial aspect found it yes okay now let's read it from there a crucial aspect of constructiv constructivist theory is the role of mko more knowledgeable other mko means more knowledgeable other in knowledge construction while teachers are traditionally the mkos in the classroom the value of knowledge knowledgeable students peers must not go unrecognized have they mentioned anything that teachers are uncertain or teachers are certain there is no information about the certainty of teachers that is why answer is not given okay in the question they say teachers are uncertain in the passage they do not touch the issue of certainty or uncertainty question number 38 it can be rewarding to teach knowledge which you have only recently acquired recently acquired means new knowledge not old knowledge he says it can be rewarding to teach knowledge which you have only recently acquired now we go on second last paragraph in the middle after full stop there is also something found it everyone second last paragraph of the passage in the middle there is also Al something exciting about passing on skills and knowledge that you yourself have just mastered you have just mastered what does it mean it can be rewarding to teach knowledge which you have only recently acquired only recently acquired mean just mastered so answer is yes question number 39 priority should be to ensure that the highest achieving students attain their goals priority should be to ensure that highest achieving students like the position holders should get their position right highest achieving students attain their goals last paragraph last paragraph 1 2 3 4 Fifth Line after full stop you see the word and found it and and today more than ever we need the many to flourish not suffer at at at the expense of a few bright stars but does he say he says and today more than ever we need the many to flourish many means all the students should flourish not suffer at the expense of a few bright stars like few bright stars are bright students he says it's not that we need to pay attention to the bride students only now what's the question the priority should be to ensure that the highest achieving students attain their goals no right in the passage he says and today more than ever we need the many to flourish many means bright and dull together they need to flourish not suffer at the expense of a few Bright Stars okay question number 40 taking part in collaborative outdoor activities with teachers and classmates can improve students outcomes in the classroom so fourth last line the fittest students realize they need to encourage The Reluctant there are Lookouts who report back and extra items to carry for others there's no information here once a year okay once a year please read from here once a year I go on a hike with my class a mixed bunch of students it is challenging the fittest students realize they need to encourage The Reluctant there are Lookouts who report back and extra items to carry for others we make it together what's the question taking part in collaborative outdoor activities with teachers and classmates can improve students outcomes in the classroom have they mentioned anything about the outcome of this activity they talked about activity Now activity is good or bad or whatever the outcome is that is not mentioned that is why the answer is not given for question number 40 I again advise you to repeat the whole test right this test is confusing in all parts although there are type a questions but still it is confusing okay now we are left with multiple choice questions 27 28 29 and 30 if the time is running out and they say 1 minute left write all a or all B if you write all A's one answer will be correct if you write all B's one answer will be correct and if you write all C's two answers will be correct without effort okay so don't do this 27 a 28 b 29 c not like this okay when you're doing true false not given and you want to guess all true or all false don't write not given because the proportion of not given is less than true or false when you write all true and there are six questions three answers will be right without any and this is only last minute tip don't do it tomorrow in the class okay yeah that you're doing it from tomorrow this is just the last minute tip when the time is running out 1 minute left 2 minutes left then you can just do it all don't leave any blank and don't give up in your I reading test like they say 40 minutes over 20 minutes left and you say test is very difficult I can't do you should do it however you need to complete on your answer sheet there must be 40 answers right or wrong you need to do that okay all right now let's go on we've got questions 27 onwards with the write the correct letter question number 27 writer describes Romeo and Julie J lesson in order to demonstrate now Romeo and Juliet is a love story so what is it that writer describes Romeo and Juliet in order to demonstrate something okay Romeo and Juliet where do you find it first paragraph now answers Will Go On from here okay Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet uh with a class of 15 years old he's given some of the students copies of of no far no fear Shakespeare a kid-friendly translation of the original for three students even these literacy demands are Beyond them another girl simply can't focus and he simply can't focus and gives her pens and paper to draw with the teacher can ask the no fear group to identify the key characters and maybe provide a tentative plot summary he can ask most of the class about corrector development and five of them might be able to support their statements with textual evidence now two curious students are wondering whether Shakespeare Advocates living a life of moderation or one of passionate engagement so a lot of information now let's go back have you noticed one thing two students had this a girl who was not taking interest teacher gave her the pen to draw draw pictures and all that right so let's see the writer describes a Romeo and Juliet lesson in order to demonstrate option A in multiple choice elimination is the best one If you eliminate wrong choices you will come closer to the right answer option A how few students are interested in literature no option b how a teacher handles a range of learning needs maybe option C how unsuitable Shakespeare is for most teenagers not at all option D how weaker students can disrupt their classmates learning so correct answer is option b how a teacher handles a range of learning needs come back please okay so he's given some of the students copies of No Fear Shakespeare a kidfriendly translation of the original for three students even these literacy demands are Beyond them what does it mean three students are unable to understand another girl simply cannot focus now what is it different learning needs the teacher can ask the no fear group to identify the key characters and all that so how a teacher handles a range of learning needs B is the right answer question number 28 what does the writer say about streaming in the third paragraph streaming in third paragraph 1 2 3 okay what does the writer say about streaming in third paragraph the practice of streaming found it yes sir okay the practice of streaming or tracking involves separating students into classes depending on their diagnosed levels of attainment at a macro level it requires the establishment of academically selective schools macro level one is micro and one is macro maccro means wide micro means small so at macro level it requires the establishment of academically selective schools for the brightest students and comprehensive schools for the rest rest means the remaining students okay okay now let's go back so what does the writer say about streaming in the third paragraph option A it has a very broad appeal macro level very broad appeal that links okay option b it favors clever students no option C it is relatively simple to implement not at all see this this is called elimination you eliminate wrong options option D it works better in some schools than others no so it has a very broad appeal and for broad appeal they use the word macro level at a macro level it requires the establishment and all that okay one more thing second last parag second last line of same paragraph the practice is intuitively appealing to almost every stakeholder appealing to every stakeholder what does it mean it is very broad appeal appealing to every stakeholder every stakeholder means very broad okay okay question number 29 what idea is suggested by the reference to mount kangma okay whatever it is just try to read it as it is so what idea suggested by the reference of Mount La La La in the fifth paragraph now we go to fifth paragraph Mount this what idea is suggested fifth paragraph 1 2 3 4 5 it's the second column second paragraph title page second column second paragraph mixed ability class found it yes now read it carefully mixed ability class class board students frustrate parents and burn out teachers the brightest Ones Will Never submit Mount this and the stragglers won't enjoy the lovely stroll in the park they are perhaps more suited too individuals suffer at the demands of collective mediocrity prevails so is learning like hiking I mean just read again mix stability class bore students he says mixed ability bore students frustrate parents and burn out teachers means teachers have to struggle a lot like five students understand 25 students don't understand right the brightest Ones Will Never submit Mount this and the strugglers won't enjoy the lovely stroll in the park and all that now let's go back what idea is suggested by the ref of Mount kangma in the fifth paragraph option A students following unsuitable paths not at all they did not discuss paths that they are following I mean this is a mountain Mount this is a mountain right option B students attempting interesting tasks no option C students not achieving their full potential yeah maybe option D students not being aware of their limitations okay let's go back let's read it again mixed ability class bore students frustrate parents and burn out teachers the brightest Ones Will Never submit Mount kangma and the stragglers will not enjoy the lovely stroll in the park they are perhaps more suited to now those people who are not able to climb the mountain they can enjoy in the park so they will not enjoy individuals suffer at the demands of the collective mediocrity prevails so is learning like hiking all right so correct answer for that is option C students not achieving their full potential what idea is suggested by the reference to mount Kanga in the fifth paragraph students not achieving their full potential come back when they say the brightest Ones Will Never submit Mount this and the stragglers won't enjoy the lovely stroll in the park they are perhaps more suited to so they will not reach their full potential mixed stability class bore students frustrate parents and burn now teaches and the brightest Ones Will Never submit and the strugglers will not enjoy so they will not reach their full potential yeah okay uh let's go on question number 30 what does the word Scaffolding in the sixth paragraph refer to scaffolding so what is the reference of scaffolding in six paragraph all right scaffolding where is it [Applause] huh okay it's the title page and uh last paragraph where you found zpd right you will find it in uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 six last line scaffolding I'm reading it from two lines above the purpose of teaching is found it yes sir now please follow me here the purpose of teaching is to provide and then gradually remove this scuff folding now what is scuff folding we got to see that until they are autonomous if we accept Okay we not clear about scuff folding let's go on one to two lines above can you see development zpd I'm reading it from there development Z PD this is the gap between what they can achieve only with support teachers textbooks worked examples parents and so on and what they can achieve independently the purpose of teaching is to provide and then gradually remove this scuff folding until they are autonomous okay now scuff folding is something to tell them how to do something until they are autonomous if we accept this model it follows that streaming students with similar zpds would be an efficient and effective solution so let's go back option A factors which prevent a student from learning effectively option b environment where most of the students learning takes place no option C assist given to a student in their initial stage of learning and option D setting of appropriate learning targets for a students uh aptitude let's go back the purpose of teaching is to provide and then gradually remove this scaffolding until they are autonomous okay now yeah it's actually going to be option see assistance given to a student that is scolding assistance given to a student in their initial stages of learning until they are autonomous until they are autonomous means when they know how to do things so before becoming autonomous that means initial stage of learning and Scaffolding means assistance given to a student in their initial stage c will be the right answer for that all right okay now let me tell you one thing I reading will be like this okay you cannot say that I reading should become simpler or easier or you cannot pray the day when I have my exam passage will be very simple questions will be very easy right all the night you pray for that and when you go for your exam then you find it's very difficult in the last exam which was held uh probably a couple of days before some of the students they sent me the feedback and they said reading was extremely difficult now it depends on the students for an average student any reading is very difficult for someone who has good KN how it can be moderate so level of difficulty depends on you but that's true sometimes reading can be very very Stormy in the actual exam your ears will be read okay and you'll be doing reading and all that stuff so in order to avoid such type of situation it's a very good idea to solve at least one to two reading tests a day with the timer you should have proper timer okay 50 minutes or 55 minutes if you're planning to appear in computer delivered dials then complete a test in 1 hour but if you're planning to appear in paper deliver dials then you should do it all in 50 to 55 minutes because you have to transfer the answers to answer sheet as well right now most important thing is if you do not understand ILS reading academic I reading at all it's a good idea to solve some general training reading tests and then you can come to academic reading you will understand things better okay and if you are a general training a student and your score is not improving then it's a good idea to solve some academic reading tests when You Face difficulty then the general training reading will will be quite easier like you know one week we solve academic reading test one week we solve gender training reading test the week when we solve gender training reading test academic a students are very angry sir this is so simple this is so easy why don't we have that right so when we solve academic reading then gender training students are quite uncomfortable right but anyways reading is like this but the good thing is if you practice you can overcome all these things you can Master this and you can be all right okay thank you so much
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS
Views: 5,496
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Keywords: ielts reading, ielts reading tips, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts tips, ielts, ielts reading academic, ielts reading test, ielts preparation, ielts test, ielts reading matching headings, ielts reading practice, e2 ielts, ielts writing, ielts exam preparation, ielts academic, ielts exam, how to prepare for ielts, fastrack ielts, ielts reading tips and tricks academic, ielts reading true false not given, ielts listening, e2 ielts reading, ielts reading band 8
Id: ObnmvTw40m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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