How to finish a wooden cutting board

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hey guys and gals welcome back Chris Mount leita Woodworks welcome to my deck it's a deck with a de um so just a quick tutorial on how I finished my cutting boards uh these boards have already been pled routered I put a chamfer on the top and I have been trimmed down the size so I already did the one side of the board so this is just 150 grit I want to run over it and just try and get all the rough surfaces down we're going to be flying through some different grits here so once the 150 is done I get a 220 and I always like to start on the bottom of the board when I'm doing the 220 grip because I'm going to flip it over and that's the side that I want down while I finish the top that way the top isn't grinding against you know whatever surface I'm on you see I flip it over and now do the top I break the edges all the way around do the long and the end grain I say the chamfer that goes around the top and then once that's done I'll move the top of the board yeah 220 grit this shouldn't take long this is a finishing uh grit so you'll see I go back and forth a couple times until it's nice and smooth to touch b a b that's it now I'm move on to 400 grit I buy sheets of this so I just have a little block of wood and I do this part by hand and makes your U makes really appreciate the finish and you're able to get some really nice detail done with the hand sand I only do 400 to the top I'm not worried about the bottom the Bottom's not going to get seen it's not going to get touched very often so I only worry about the 400 gr to the top of the board once 400's done we're going to start applying water I know this seems Contra intuitive but by applying water to the whole board all that grain that's been sanded down is going to raise back up okay and then we're going to let the water dry once the water's dry like you see here we're going to go back with the 400 grit we're going to sand down the entire board again well sorry just the top and the sides like I said don't worry about the bottom of this stuff um we're going to sand it all back down to 400 okay so that little bit of grain that raised up we're going to sand it back down once it's sanded down we're going to do it again I found that usually two to three times of applying water letting it dry sanding it down um gives you the best finish in the end and what this is going to do is when we the oil on the board you're not going to have a rough surface and when it's washed for the first time they're not going to lose that smooth surface it's going to stay relatively smooth over time so you see I let it dry for the second time come back with the 400 grid again get the top the sides the chamfer and it should be good I I did two applications and these turned out perfect this is a walnut and a hard maple if you're curious so then just standard cutting board oil you can also use mineral oil for this first coat uh I just put it on the board and move it around I'm gonna let that oil soak in itself I'm not pushing it in and my camera died so see me pick back up here real quick but I'm not forcing the oil into the board here I'm just moving it around except on the end green just because it's a lot harder to push the oel the green so after the first coat dries you dry the touch I come back with 1,00 grit 1,000 grit's going to remove any kind of imperfection that fin it's going to make it what I call Amish smooth anybody that's better on Amish furniture knows how smooth that stuff is and then our second and subsequent coats however many coats of oil you put on now I'm actually rubbing the oil into the wood grain um forcing it in there any any where it may have missed I'm forcing it in okay I'm going to apply it and I'm going to let it sit and when I come back after about a half hour or 45 minutes if all the oil is soaked in I put on another cat so case in point here I came back the board was dry again uh so another another sand at 1,000 I do that in between every coat of oil and then another another coat of oil that I'm rubbing in I know for a fact I just I've done enough of these three coats is enough and sure enough I came back later on there there was oil standing on the board and when it oil standing on the board you know you've got enough wipe off the excess and boom you're done just like that 150 220 400 1,000 in between coats of oil go until you don't have or until you have oil standing on the on the board so until next guy next time guys take care like comment subscribe I'll see you later
Channel: Key City Woodworks
Views: 93,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutting, board, how to, diy, mineral oil, cutting board oil, walnut, maple, wood, work, handmade, sanding, finishing, kitchen, cooking, tools, utensils
Id: 9qsWR24JzSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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