Super Professional Epoxy Charcuterie Board Finish

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are you guys ready to take your epoxy and woodworking finish to the next level to go from a diyer to a professional well if so check this video out guys if you are close to the richmond virginia area and you want to take a small charcuterie board class from your boy from good goodview woodworks then go to woodcraft of richmond go to the website and you can sign up for this two-day course make some really cool charcuterie boards or serving trays however you want to say it and this class was really cool um these guys learned a lot and i know that they enjoyed the class as that's what they had told me and we also had a lot of fun as well so once again go check out woodcraft of richmond i'll leave a link down in the description below um but real pretty you guys did you guys did some really good work great students great teacher thanks man i really appreciate it all right would you recommend this class almost absolutely okay awesome thanks guys i just want to save a couple of bucks when you're building your river tables or charcuterie boards go over to and grab yourself some tape when you're taping up your form as your mold release you can save a couple of bucks because we it's three inches wide and also is cheaper than most of the tapes on the market so go to and get yourself a couple of rolls of tape in this video guys we're going to show you exactly how to get a professional finish on a charcuterie board but you can also use this if you're building a table as well now here we are just vacuuming up the dust off of the charcuterie board before we put the finish on we're going to be using rubio mono coat and they recommend vacuuming all the dust so that the oil doesn't bind with the dust here we're taking just a paper towel some water on it and soaking this board down it's called raising the grain or water popping and what that does is just prepares the surface it causes the grain to stand up so that when you scuff it again the next time with the scotch brite pad that it gives you a really smooth nice finish got to make sure we get both sides here and then we'll let this dry and right here we're going gonna do a time lapse so you can watch this dry and this is actually really cool this is the first time i've done a time lapse where you can see the moisture just evaporating off the surface i thought this was just a really cool shot if you notice you can see like where the crack is in this wood it actually stays moist longer the longest right there on the end where the two cracks are very interesting so now what we're going to do is we're going to take some 150 grit sandpaper we're just going to scuff it down one more time before applying the finish and here we have some mineral spirits we're going to take this and we're going to clean the surface of the board off so that we don't have any dust that inhibits our finish okay so after it's dry we can go ahead and mix up the rubio monocoat and this rubio monocoat is a three to one mixture you can let the oil dry on its own but it takes about three and a half weeks for it to dry on its own so we have this accelerator that we're going to put in at a three to one mixture three parts oil one part accelerator which you see right here that i'm mixing in so i did three teaspoons of the oil and one teaspoon of the accelerator three two one so we're gonna go ahead and mix this up and then we're gonna spread it out now this what's really cool about rubio monocoat is that it doesn't take a lot of oil to cover the surface so you want to spread it on i'm using just a little one of my old credit cards here that it's not in use anymore to spread this on so you spread it on and then i use a non-abrasive scotch brite to really get it even and then i'll put that non-abrasive scotch brite on my sander to really work it into the grain so now i'm just working this oil into the grain this actually gives you a much better finish from what i've found and i'll be linking all these products and materials in the description below so you guys can get a finish just like this now any of the links that i leave down in the description i get a commission on it's called an affiliate link but when you go to amazon and purchase these it doesn't cost you any more at all amazon is just giving me the hookup if the if you guys get to amazon through the goodviewwoodworks door so if you want to support the channel and you want to buy these products click the link down the description to buy them from that link so now i'm just taking a paper towel and i'm wiping off the excess oil what they say is uh spread it on let it sit for a few minutes and then buff it off with a dry rag or paper towel and the trick is what they say is that you cannot buff off enough so you want to continue buffing it until nothing shows up on your paper towel so you want to buff fold it over and continue buffing until there's no oil on the paper towel until that's that's how you know that you're done as you can see there i just showed it to the camera no more oil on the surface now rubio the name is mono coat but if you read on the website if you're using black walnut they do actually require two coats so i waited 24 hours we're going to get my old credit card out again and we're going to spread it evenly across now if you don't want to waste the rubio monocoat because it is expensive you can always put some plastic over top of it and store it in the refrigerator and that that'll keep it from setting up and once again we just apply it over the surface and take our non-abrasive scotch brite and work that into the surface again for a little bit once you get done working it into all the surfaces make sure you don't forget the edges once you get done working it in once we're going to do the same thing and we're going to take a paper towel and we're going to buff off the excess oil so here you can just see i'm just making sure that i'm getting all the edges because in the previous shot it looks like i missed i missed the front but i actually didn't so we're gonna go ahead and we're just gonna buff off the rest of that oil make sure there's nothing on it and you can really tell here now the sheen it gives a little bit more sheen and it's a much more even finish [Music] [Music] guys thank you for watching this was an awesome video i hope you learned a lot if you like this video go ahead and share with with your friends give smash that like button if you haven't subscribed yet do that right now click that subscribe button right now and you get tons of content just like you saw today if you are a good viewer i want to thank you for watching thank you for everything that you do in supporting this channel and as always guys thanks for hanging out with us do me a favor click one of these videos over here okay you eating some goldfish huh you got some goldfish crackers oh you give a kiss [Music] you're so sweet
Channel: GoodView Woodworks
Views: 28,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy resin, river table, woodworking for beginners, professional finish, next level, high end, black, walnut, goodview woodworks
Id: jjAn0uy-WtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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