How To Find Suction Side Air Leaks In Your Pool

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Rob: Hey pool owners is Rob with Today we're going to show you some common methods on how to find an air leak in your system. Some symptoms of an air leak in your system could include air in your pumps strainer. You could have low PSI on the pressure gauge on your filter, you could have air bubbles OR real weak flow from your return jets. Some common areas where you might get an air leak would be the pump lid, O-ring on the lid, it could be from these valves in front, on the suction side of your pump, there is going to be anything before the pump. Any of these diverter valves they have O-rings in there that can go bad and they can draw air. Any of these joints and the plumbing or areas you would want to check. If you have a suction cleaner, sometimes the hoses will get holes in them and they will draw air into those hoses. Now, without further ado, let's get to some of the methods that we can use to find these air leaks. Okay, the first method you can try is using some incense around the suspected leak area. If there's a good leak you'll see the incense being sucked in, we can see a little bit going in there. The only downside of this is if it's a real windy day, it's going to throw a wrench into the smoke here, but you can see some of the smoke going in. Alright, another method, you can try a shaving cream, putting it around the suspected area. If there's a good air leak there, you should see some dimples in the shaving cream where the air is being drawn in. All right. Another method would be to get some dish soap, mix it up with some water, get some bubbles going and put the bubbles like right where you think the leak might be and you can easily see the bubbles being drawn in here. You know exactly where the leak would be. In that case, it's on the valve you'd replace the O-ring. Okay, so of those three methods, we saw the most reaction from the suds, from the dish soap and the water, probably second would have been the smoke from the incense, followed by the shaving cream. We didn't see a whole lot of reaction from the shaving cream. One of the things you can try is if you have a garden hose, where the pump is running you could run the water over a suspected area and let it run for about a minute or so and if the bubbles disappear from your pump strainer, you know that's where your leak is. That's worked for me in the past as well, but if you have any questions or another method you've tried that's worked, leave a comment down below or visit us over Thank you.
Channel: Inyo Pools
Views: 90,961
Rating: 4.8645597 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, swimming pool, pool air leak, pool not priming, why is my pool not priming, swimming pool leak, pool pump priming, air bubbles in pool
Id: eIweuWQ-WpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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