How To Find All 16 Armor Trims In Minecraft 1.20

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Minecraft 1.20 has added a total of 16 unique armor trims from Silence razor and Rib to iron host learn in this video how to easily find each one duplicate them and use them to decorate your armor now of course the most important thing to know before we find the armor trims is how many armor trims are there and how do you use them you can see right here that as of Minecraft 1.20.2 There are 16 armor trims in the game they vary across different dimensions biomes and structures and also methods of obtaining them there's also 10 unique colors you can add to each armor trim this is added with items such as lapis emerald diamond and quartz this is an example of what a trimmed iron armor looks like if we take a look at every side of it you can tell that it really does look nothing like the original iron armor but instead has been transformed this amazing looking colorful suit so how do you actually use an armor trim you want to have a smithing table now you might be wondering what's the trick to the smithing table how do you actually make this well it's very easy just put put down the recipe for a crafting table and add two iron ingots to the Top If we take a look at the UI here you can see there's a slot to add a smithing template it even tells you that then we can add what they call an Ingot or a crystal and you can see there's actually an outline for each one of these items we can put in this slot here the piece of armor that we want to add the trim to and in this final slot of course the color and you can basically just do that consuming one of each item there are ways of crafting more armor trims once you get one of them and I'll get into that later and although this particular trim does not add as many pixels of color as the one to our right which is the silence trim this still adds a really cool effect especially with that diamond ring around the top of our head so now that you know the basics of how the armor trims work how do you actually find this item you want to go to and find the seed of your world if we take a look down here you can notice that we can actually select different structures to show and to not show I just have selected here all the structures that can contain in them the smithing template armor trim if we take a look around on this seed what you'll notice is that there is a very large number of these structures that can contain armor trims all across the world and now that you know how to find those generated structures and we're going to start with most people's favorite trim by far that is the silence trim and to find this we have to go very deep underground so the silence armor term is found in the ancient city chests now there are multiple types of chests in the ancient city but as long as you're not inside of one of these icebox structures or at the special chests inside the giant portal every single chest inside of this structure can contain the silence armor trim but the chance of actually finding one of these armor trims inside of a loot chest here is 1.2 percent what that means unfortunately is that on average a player has to search 83 chests to find themselves a single silence armor trimmer hoping you get that one in 83 chance of finding and we have actually right here the silence armor trim inside of one of those chests most players would also consider it to be the best looking for instance this has been dyed with redstone and silence trimmed on netherite Armor and you can see it's an absolutely beautiful texture sort of resembling a superhero suit also if you're enjoying this video be sure to press the like button subscribe to see more content like this and turn on notifications that you never miss any of my videos in the future how do you find the ward armor Trim in Minecraft this armor trim is also found inside of the ancient city so if you go around this structure just reading all the standard chests you should be able to find it in there the actual chance of finding the word armor trim though even though it's found in the same place as the silence armor trim is much higher and that's because it's actually a five percent chance to find this word armor trim which means you have to search an average of 20 chests to find one of these smithing templates and if you're wondering what the word armor trim looks like here's what it is its main feature is this very large pattern in the center which more or less resembles the warden head with some pixels here and here and the large face with that open mouth but there's also some other good parts of the texture as well like let's say these interesting rims around the shoulder pieces now the next armor trim the wayfinder armor trim is found in the suspicious gravel of the trail ruins you can see right here we found some suspicious gravel already now the chance of finding that wayfinder armor trim when brushing a suspicious gravel is an 8.3 percent chance and what this means that each Trail ruin will probably give you at least one of the smithing template of the wayfinder the wayfinder armor trim has a very zigzag appearance to it in fact even on the texture of the armor trim itself it's sort of this swirl and you can see that's continued on on the pattern with this zigzag pattern going back and forth on all four pieces of the armor how do you find the Razer armor trim this is found in the suspicious gravel that's located inside of the trail ruins now the Razer armor trim has an 8.3 percent chance the same as all the other armor trims in the structure of being found in your suspicious gravel which again means that overall the chance of finding armor trims out of here is pretty common and finally we have the smithing template of the Razer armor trim the appearance of the Razer armor trim is quite interesting as well you can see that it contains these very small elements that break apart in the center the Razer armor trim is a very light trim as there's not many pixels of color it actually adds I've done some exploring and found a new Trail ruins the reason why is that there are two more armor trims that are found in this structure the next specific one we're looking for though is the shaper trim now again this is found the exact same way as all the others we just want to brush that gravel until the item comes out and the Chance is also the same as all the others being an 8.3 percent chance what that means is that about one in three of the suspicious gravel that you dig up inside of the structure will give you at least one of the armor trims in fact we're seeing that 30 chance right now this smithing template does not have the most exciting texture being without almost call a default smithing template texture but still you can see it does have those bands of color around it and these very small bands of color around the chest plate let's descend One Last Time into this Trail ruins and find ourselves the final Trim which is the host armor Trend now the host armor trim again like all the others is an 8.3 percent chance of being found and we have now located the final armor trim of the host smithing template let's find out with the host smithing template looks like one of my favorite things about this pattern is the line that's around the top of the boots and the bottom of the chest piece there overall another variation on a similar pattern that you can find along with all four of the other trims inside of the trail ruins to find the snout armor trim you want to explore into the Wilds of the Nether and find a Bastion actually any Bastion works you just want to be looking in the main loot chests and inside of those there is an 8.3 percent chance of finding that snote pattern now what's interesting about this is that there's already a banner pattern called snout but now we have the additional smithing template called snowed as well and both of these are found in the same loot chest so though the banner pattern is useful make sure that you're getting the smithing template this texture is meant to look like the pigland brutes armor and you can see that it really does resemble that with the big Buckle in the center as well as this texture having these lines which correspond to lines on the pigland brutes armor and the hat also having two bumps on the sides which are maybe meant to represent the pigland's ears the next armor trim is found inside the nether fortress and you want to go past this lava well to the interior section of the Fortress so he can start looting the chests that are in here now this armor trim is the rib armor trim and there is a 6.7 percent chance of finding a rib armor trim inside of any chest here and finally after searching for a long time we've found the rib armor trim as well as some other treasure the rib armor trim's texture is incredibly unique because it more or less adds ribs to your armor that that's right the texture is basically just on the sides like this and this is a really cool thing too because you might notice we trim this with gold not copper but it does have this very dark texture to it and in fact whatever material you use on the rib armor trim for whatever reason it'll show up darker on that rib armor trim than it will on any other Trim in the game the Sentry armor trim is found in the Pillager Outpost now the chance of actually finding it inside the Pillager Outpost structures chest is 25 so you'd have to rate an average of four Pillager out posts to get one of these trims if we take a look inside this chest you can see right there is the Sentry armor trim now the Sentry armor trims texture used to actually be the texture for the Dune armor trim the biggest main feature of this armor trims texture is this large sort of flower-shaped pattern in the center you can see it down here on the boots as well and on the helmet we have this sort of Mohawk stripe that goes through the armor stand now that was very rude of those Pillow managers to destroy this armor stand as I was telling you about it the Vex armor trim as you would guess is found in the only structure that is known to always contain vexes and that is the Woodland Mansion now the Woodland Mansion itself does not actually contain very many loot chests inside of this chest there is a 50 chance of finding the Vex armor trim they don't have to be found in just the specific room of the Woodland Mansion any sort of General Treasure Chest inside of the Woodland Mansion does have that 50 chance of containing the VAC smithing template the Vex armor trim's pattern makes total sense because it's the pattern of the clothing of The Vindicator and evokers and that of course starts with their grumpy eyebrows you can see up here these purple eyebrows have been added to our armor but as well as that on the main body of the armor there's this stripe of cloth which more or less shows that this Parts in the center if you want to find the wild armor trim you have to go to one of the wildest parts of Minecraft and that is the jungle Morse specifically the jungle temple if we take a look through the structure there's a very high chance of finding armor trims here not only in the treasure that can be back here you can see we actually found two of the wild armor trims now here's where this gets really good every single time you find armor trims in the structure you will find two and the chance of finding those two armor trims in any chest here is 33 chance we're literally a two-thirds chance of finding two armor trims in this structure now the only problem with the wild armor trim is that its texture is not particularly wild one big difference about it though which does look cool is this small triangle on the front piece of the armor that also is going upwards on the back piece of the armor this is also the texture that shows up on the actual smithing template itself if you want to find the Dune armor trim you want to find the most deserted part of the desert and that is the desert temple down into the treasure room here there is a chance inside of these chests a 14.3 percent chance of finding yourself the Dune armor trim and if you look in this chest we actually have two of those Dune armor trims right here and they're not in any of the other chests but there is a very small chance of actually finding a total of eight armor trims out of this one's structure the Dune armor trim used to have the texture that's now for the Sentry armor trim and a dune armor trim was given in my opinion a major upgrade you can see one of the central features of the Dune armor trim is this almost eye looking pattern in the center you can see on the leggings we also have a circular pattern which looks really good and all across this armor it really does have an awesome sort of Egyptian themed pattern to it but probably in terms of how commonly it is across the entire Overworld the easiest armor trim to get is the Shipwreck armor trim which is called the coast armor trim it can be found in any of the three chests across the Shipwreck if we look across here there's actually two of these Coast armor trims in the map chest in fact you can find up to six total smithing templates that can generate inside of the structure all of the coast variety and you'll always find two of them if the they generate it all inside of a chest as a 16.7 percent chance of generating two of these in any one chest or as a total in a three chest shipwreck you're gonna find two of these and about half of the shipwrecks you raid now if we put this smithing template across the armor the main pattern of this is the sort of dip down in the armor texture you can see that as well around sort of the belt of these leggings and also on the front of the pants it just kind of dips down a little bit in that Center the tight armor trim is by far the most difficult armor Trim in the game to get to actually get this trim what you want to start with doing is drinking a potion of water breathing night vision as well as a potion of invisibility if you're wondering how to actually find the Elder Guardians they're in this part of the temple the top and that part on the other side place an area of dirt with TNT and cap it off with a block of redstone this will explode and will reveal to you a way into the guardian Temple we have this Elder Guardian that we got directly accessed to you can notice when we killed that Elder Guardian it gave us this smithing template which is the tide armor Trim in any ocean Monument there are three Elder Guardians with a 20 chance per Elder Guardian and ends up being about a 60 chance of finding one of these but that chance is not increased At All by the Looting enchantment the armored trim itself looks very much like prismarine and the texture of the armor also looks a lot like prismarine giving us that amazing prismarine brick texture across all of our pieces of armor how do you find the eye armor trim well it's located in the stronghold structure but more specifically the stronghold libraries now this is one of the best armor trims which is not just the fact that the pattern is a giant eye so it's 100 chance to find them in any single Library chest and if you're in the average stronghold which contains two libraries that means that the average stronghold in the game will actually give you a total of four of these eye armor trims in fact you can see just over here we've made our way into a second library and in this chest guaranteed there'll be a third one the eye armor trim as the name suggests has a giant eye and its main texture but there is also these other patterns on the leggings and one of the coolest Parts about the helmet is that this texture gives you eyebrows for most players this could be a great choice of adding eyebrows to your armor but there's one more armor Trim in the game which is also end related and that is found by going through this portal if you go to the end City and go to any of the chests that are located in it they don't just have to be the chest and the main structure it could also be the ones contained on the ship here there's a 6.7 percent chance of finding this the Spire armor trim being found not very commonly across these structures now in terms of the actual texture of this this checkerboard pattern on the top of the pants that's also found around the sleeves and sort of the back legs of this texture are what makes the Spire armor trim really unique there's also these sort of dips in it which remind me of some of the other armor trims and also this armor trim has probably one of the best headband textures of any of them now this is the last armor Trim in the game but there is a really big issue that we run into with armor trims they are so difficult to find how could you really be expected to use them if they're so rare it would always seem like a waste well that's where the armor trim duplicating comes in now diamonds are used in the duplicating process of the armor trims along with that you also need the armor trim you actually want to duplicate and you need one of these blocks there's 10 different blocks that are used to duplicate every armor trim is duplicated by putting it at the very top of the crafting grid with its corresponding Block in the Center and surrounding with seven diamonds all these eight items are consumed giving us back two armor trims now that's how you duplicate the silence armor trim how do you duplicate the ward armor trim thankfully it's the exact same that in the top Cobble deep slate 7 diamonds that is the block that's needed is that Cobble deep slate to duplicate this item if you want to duplicate any of the four armor trims that are found in the trail ruins thankfully they're all the same you want to have terracotta in the center of the crafting grid surrounded by diamonds and this works to duplicate Host this works to duplicate wayfinder as well as Razer and also the shaper armor trim the snout armor trim is duplicated by using Black Stone the other nether armor trim the rib armor trim is also duplicated the same but we're going to use Netherrack of course a different nether block now the Sentry armor trim as well as the Vex armor trim and the coast armor trim all three of these are duplicated with Cobblestone so seven diamonds and a cobblestone will duplicate Sentry it will duplicate vax and you can see finally it duplicates Coast the wild armor trim is duplicated with not Cobblestone but a mossy cobblestone the Dune armor trim is duplicated with Sandstone as of course that is a block that's nearby to where it generates the tide armor trim is actually not duplicated with prismarine bricks even though that texture would seem to make sense it's actually duplicated with a standard prismarine block we have the smithing template of the eye armor trim this is duplicated with n Stone and is of course again also surrounded with seven diamonds and finally we have the very last trim found in the end City the Spire armor trim this is definitely one you're likely to duplicate and that uses a full purpur block but anyway that is how you duplicate all of the different armor trims inside of Minecraft 1.20 one of the nicest things about armor trims is of course the huge variety with there being 10 different colors and here's actually what all 10 of these materials look like on Armor this is what an iron trim looks like on Armor and all of these are the silence trim on chainmail this is the general texture of emerald this is lapis gold netherrite looks a lot like netherite although it is a little bit darker then there is quartz which is actually different from Iron it's a little bit lighter and a little bit more crystally in its texture there is then Diamond as well copper amethyst which is much darker than its standard texture and a beautiful Vermilion red stone with all the different colors all the different shapes and all the different variants you can have with armor trims this is truly one of the most customizable and fun parts of the game and also also be aware that some trims can change the shape of armor somewhat and that no armor trim will actually affect any of your armor Beyond a cosmetic manner anyway if you enjoyed this video make sure to press the like button subscribe to see more content like this turn on notifications if you want to never miss a video in the future and I will see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 623,566
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Keywords: Minecraft Armor Trims Guide, Minecraft Armor Trim, How to find every armor trim in minecraft, Minecraft smithing template guide, ARMOR TRIMS: Everything To Know - The Complete Guide, The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Armor Trim Guide, We Collected Every Armor Trim in Minecraft Survival, How To Get Every Armor Trim in Minecraft 1.20, How To Find EVERY ARMOR TRIM In Minecraft 1.20!, Minecraft 1.20 - How To Get All 17 Smithing Templates (Armor Trims), How To Use Armor Trims In Minecraft 1.20
Id: yPyqe9H5KiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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