How to Fill and Stack a Buttercream Cake | Georgia's Cakes

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hey guys welcome back to my channel in this tutorial I'm going to show you the best way how you can stack your cake including an extra filling inside what I've got in front of me is my raspberry sponge cake here I've actually baked this sponge cake in three separate tins because it's going to a friend of mine and she prefers sponge to buttercream I know she's crazy right so she wanted more Sponge to buttercream ratio so what I did I actually made my regular sponge cake recipe but timed it by one and a half and spread it out amongst three tins and I won't cut these in half I'm just going to use them as thicker sponges but what I do want to do is add an extra filling of my lemon and raspberry curd you can find this recipe on my YouTube channel I've recently done a tutorial on how to make exactly this I love the combination of lemon and raspberry so I've soaked these cakes in a lemon syrup they've got the raspberry cooked in into the sponge and I think a perfect pairing is going to be with this extra lemon curd Center but it's not as simple as it sounds there are a couple of things that you need to know if you do want to add a filling now imagine adding a slightly looser filling to your cake the Cake's going to be a little bit prone to wobbling around especially if it's going on a long journey so I'm going to show you two different ways of how to stack and fill your cakes with an extra filling so it's completely secure and you won't have to worry about any running buttercream or Jam or fillings so what I've done already is secure the first piece of sponge to my cake board and I've got my Swiss meringue buttercream here which I usually pipe in a spiral to get that nice layer of buttercream but because we want that added filling what I need to do is create a dam it's called so I'm going to pipe a border of buttercream that's going to hold the filling inside like so so starting from the outside piping even border all the way around the cake foreign to fill so I've got my curd here with a teaspoon and even though it's tempting to add as much filling as possible if you add too much filling you're at risk of having the cake sliding so I'm actually only going to start off with a couple of heaped teaspoons and use the back of the spoon to spread it out to the edge of the cake wear that border of buttercream is so you can do this with a palette knife I just find it easier with a teaspoon and you want a thin layer on there now of course you can use other fillings like jam sorted caramel which is delicious anything that you wouldn't necessarily mix into the buttercream and also it's nice to have that added texture inside too you have to be careful not to spread the filling too far for it to mix in that border of buttercream because if you do then it's at risk of coming outside of the cake and that can cause slipping and sliding around which we definitely don't want so I've got the filling filled in now I can finish off with the remaining buttercream so I like to encase all of this filling with a layer of buttercream on top so I'm going to spiral the buttercream like I usually would and cover the whole surface so I can't see any filling left now the filling is fully encased in this layer of buttercream I can now flatten it out like usual using my palette knife just a few turns around with the turntable and this is also where you have to be really careful if you push it out too much you're at risk of spreading that filling outside so you really want to contain that filling inside and now the second layer of cake can go on top make sure it's centered and repeat the process pipe the Border spoon in the filling spread it out so I've actually seen people add the filling like this and then go on with another cake layer and there's actually nothing wrong with that but I see it as once you've Cut the Cake you want every bite of this cake to have the same proportion of sponge filling and buttercream and just think of it if the middle only has the filling and not buttercream then you're just going to get mouthfuls of the sponge and filling without the buttercream which is why I go on with this layer of buttercream as well so once again fill the whole layer with my buttercream and I forgot to mention I did just keep this buttercream vanilla flavor even it out with my palette knife last layer of cake and then for extra security I always go around with more buttercream where the layers meet to really secure that buttercream and filling inside and this obviously adds that extra buttercream for the crumb coats so I'm going to finish off the crumb coat now like I usually would with a little bit of buttercream on the top around the bottom and then spread it out on the top like I usually would moving the buttercream side to side and encasing all those crumbs same on the side pushina buttercream really inside making sure that filling is nice and secure now if you're at this stage and you start seeing your filling spill out then just avoid the area it's spilling and get your crumb coat on as quick as possible put it in the freezer and then do a second layer for your crumb coat so luckily all my filling has kept inside the cake so just one crumb coat will be enough for me but I will highly recommend doing two crumb coats if your filling has started to seep out a little bit so I'm just going to finish this crumb coat off like I normally would [Music] so the crumb coat like I said was done as normal and this would now go in the fridge or freezer so now what I'm going to do is actually show you how to do this on a four inch cake but with a slightly different technique so now I'm going to show you a different technique of how you can add a filling to your cake with this four inch now you can do the same technique with the six inch cake which is the size that I did just before but I would highly recommend doing this for anything smaller because it's a smaller thinner cake it's more liable to sliding around so I highly recommend doing this technique there is an extra step involved which you'll see but the first step is to take the tin that you baked the cakes in just one of them with some acetate and this acetate will fit inside the tin like this and act as a wall and we're actually going to build up the cake inside with the acetate so firstly you want to go and put your first piece of cake inside the tin I have to drop it there we go and because obviously it's the same tin that you cook the cake in it fits nice and snug and now what I'm going to do is exactly what I did before I'm going to pipe a buttercream border around but this time I'm going to do it inside the tin and do it flush against the acetate so I'm going to pipe a border touching the acetates all the way around the sides of the tin that is a little bit more difficult to keep it even but as long as it's flush against the acetate like that it's perfectly fine now I'm just going to get a spoonful of My Chosen filling place it inside and because of the height it's a little bit more Awkward to spread it out but again I just use the teaspoon to get it as close to the edge as possible and you can always add more if needed but just remember don't make it too thick with the filling then as last time you want to fill the rest of that layer up with buttercream by spiraling and just for now I'm going from the outside inwards to encase that filling like so so I've got that spiral of buttercream inside the tin now now obviously it's at a more Awkward angle to start going in with a palette knife but what I can do is actually go on straight away with the second layer of cake like so it's always scary that bit and just push the cake down and that will flatten out that layer and I always use the tin as a guide to make sure that it's even and now I'm going to do the exact same thing before to the next two layers and add that layer of filling [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so obviously this is just the layering section not the crumb coat this has to go in the freezer now to completely firm up so it should go in for about 10 to 15 minutes in the freezer if you don't have space in your freezer you can always put it in your fridge but just a little bit longer because this is now going to get firm and then we're going to do the crumb coat if you would have built this Up Normally I guarantee you it would have been a total mess I've been there before so I'm just helping you do this okay so put this in the freezer and then we'll do the crumb coat in the next stage so into the freezer it goes and then I'll prepare for the crumb coat so this Cake's been in the freezer for about 15 minutes and you can tell that it's firm by just pressing the side and you can feel that the buttercream is hard so now we need to put this onto its own cake board and do the crumb coat so what I have here is a smaller four inch cake board on top of a larger inch cake board because this is going to be the top tier on top of a six inch it needs to be on its own cake board so I've already prepared that I'm going to put on the buttercream like so it's a stick it and then this is my favorite part people find it scary I'm just going to turn the cake upside down onto that smaller board press it securely now this tin is actually a loose bottom tin which means the bottom of the tin stays there and I can then lift this up separately if you don't have a loose bottom tin you can always put a piece of paper in before you put that first layer when you're layering it up just to prevent it sticking but it tends to come off fine anyway now make sure that this is straight as then again another very satisfying part we can pull away the acetate if you start pulling away the acetate and most of the buttercream comes off with it it means it needs more time to chill so now what I can do is fill in any areas that don't have enough buttercream but also apply that extra bit of buttercream for the crumb coats so like I usually would pipe around the side and fill in and you can see that none of that inside filling of the curd has come through which means it's nice and secure inside and now I can apply this crumb coats without the cake moving around so much so once again even if I'm not adding a filling I always do this technique with the acetate with a four inch cake it's just so much easier to ice and it moves around less especially because it's so small and then I can finish the crumb coat off like I usually would so there we go two different techniques of how to stack your cake with that extra filling I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget you can find all my recipes on my channel and of course in my new book where I also show how to do this step by step with beautiful pictures I put all the information below don't forget to like this video subscribe to my channel and see you soon for more tutorials foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Georgia's Cakes
Views: 11,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: georgias cakes, cake, cakes, cake tutorial, baking, baking tutorial, easy baking, how to bake, bake a cake, cake decorating, diy, tutorial, beginner baking, cake trend, food trend, cake design, how to cake it, sponge, recipe, cupcake, cookies, basic recipe, basic baking, how to make a cake, drip cake, fill a cake, how to fill a cake, jam cake, lemon curd cake, lemon curd, stack a cake, fill and stack a cake, buttercream cake, buttercream and jam, cake sliding, cake fail
Id: LqU8zcMQQPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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