how to fight god

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I will become the god of this new world Our Fate was tragic once but she gave up everything to change it God does not punish humans ever he's with them cruelly [Music] human beings really dislike not knowing things we want certainty whether that's in our career our home life our knowledge our relationship but this isn't a modern phenomenon it doesn't only apply to such modern things avoiding the uncertain mix for a better rate of survival as intellectual beings we have the ability to acquire information dispel doubt and think before we act however much it sometimes feels like we don't we ask why and whether positive or negative we've become an exceptionally evolved race from this but no matter how far we flee from the harsh natural world which bore us there are some questions which we feel are never answered questions which rise above the concrete world into our abstract Minds why do I exist what is my purpose what will the future hold for me and everyone humans Despair and uncertainty and so without an observable answer we turn to Faith the belief that we may have an answer we exist because an omnipotent being placed us here our purpose is to enter their Heaven because they are benevolent and the future will be what they say for they know all that is and will be with faith we turn uncertainty into meeting into purpose and into belonging our minds clear and our days return we are no longer abandoned on the precipice of knowledge but somewhere along this line are deep-seated fear returns even if all of this is true why is it true what is this Grand Eternal plan what is the purpose why do I suffer if you gave me a purpose if you placed me in your world with love why do I suffer you do love me and us then why has it never once shown no matter what I place this ill-gained Faith Within it's here I find God most prominent to consider because out of everything which exists to me suffering makes the least sense when we witnessed the mismatch between kindness and cruelty wonder why and reach no answer it seems only apt to look above because to keep pressing through a meaninglessly cruel world feels entirely void we want to know that we suffer for a reason as such in this most depressing and hopeless period I've ever felt I myself began to wonder about God I was assumed they were not real too to such malice but I began to wonder as my mind wandered so often through so many days what if that malice was their proof what if God was real and simply hated us luckily for my time but maybe unluckily for the human race this is a question many have pondered before giving us the problem of evil if God exists then why is the world so vile specifically he poses a question to the 3-0 God one who is omnipotent omnipenevolent and omniscient if these assumptions are all true then evil must not exist for God is all-knowing to be aware of it all good to want to stop it and all-powerful to be able to stop it yet they do not there are many attempts to answer this question such as the Free Will defense which states that yes evil does exist but only because we are free to choose evil and God in loving us provided us with free will That Power of Choice is a greater good than the evil it brings the idea of balance is often used as well say to no good we must have a frame of reference that being evil one simply cannot be without the other so for God to be good the world must include evil but these refutations have flaws of their own and we could go in circles all day about whether God is flawed or not in my recent struggles I've come to believe that if God does exist or they are a being a force of the universe the laws of physics or any form is simply flawed and as such I want to focus not on the problem of evil itself but rather what we do in response how do we fight a flawed deity now before we begin I want to make note that for each section I'll include a term you can search which can provide find more details for some of the aspect I drew upon to make this video and I encourage you to do so because I wasn't able to include everything in those within the contents of this video and now this is a minority of my own thoughts and mostly a primer on the thoughts I've taken from others but I think such a compilation can provide value both as an introduction to series with deep topics and information to further the self-discovery of those topics as well as a nice reprieve of entertainment so I hope you find something worthwhile like that in this video also note that every series here will be spoiled God doesn't usually kick off a story so remember that the chapters feature can be used to skip ahead and no one's section is required for another foreign I think the only story to begin with is women Saga as it provides the take most grounded in reality it's a story about the brutality of Life young men not even yet truly adults who dream of nothing more than death in combat seeking to enter an afterlife better than their mortal world the grown men they turn into who survive fight through Wars and are hardened by them in their horror the old men they turn into who wage these wars spilling blood for nothing more than money pointless lines in the sand or maybe for no reason at all at all stages it is death for the sake of death the Vikings assault Christian lands killing both their soldiers and citizens alike whether one in this world worships one God many or none whether they live by the sword or by discarding it for kindness the only Faith they seem to meet is an early and brutal death entire armies fight for a false selfie entire Villages are slaughtered for the safety of one man that man is knut a timid Prince from Denmark sent to a dangerous Battlefield by his father to die in the most acceptable way as a devout Christian who would never harm even a fly he's the disgrace of Viking Blood and his death on the stage of war is seen as a gift of Grace death as a Grace he is discarded by his father dropped into a world which has no salvation but is this father who discarded him one of biology or one of faith even as a prince at home knute's life hadn't been free of strife he learned to be quiet and meek as a defense against his own family those who showed power or ability were slain by the others who desired a crown atop their head he accepted his status as the unloved child accepted that he was shipped to a battlefield far from home where he may suffer or maybe except it isn't the right word as it's clear from his demeanor he's forcing himself to believe statements like this foreign per se but rather faith faith that his struggle is merely a test from a being who knows better all the fear the horror the death is in service of something greater humans prove themselves worthy of heaven and are granted Eternal peace if they live according to the Lord's will despite suffering God has a plan but when we assume things will work According to some plan we miss an important questioning is it even possible to pass the test God created faced with true absolute evil can man be expected to still be good losing his father figure the only human who ever treated him with kindness watching a group of former allies Slaughter each other in the hopes of using Knute for their own gain when he is worth nothing the prince comes to a realization he does not question Heaven and Hell nor the existence of God but rather the goodness of God the world he made the rain and snow the mountains and valleys it's all the Pinnacle of beauty it's possible he Witnesses it all before him but all stained with the blood of humans why is man lacking that beauty God has shown himself able to create every man Canute Witnesses fails God's test so is it truly one that man can pass as he asks [Music] out of a love for his fellow human beings he rejects the God he still believes in if his test is so harsh it drives man to everything which we have witnessed that his test is flawed his test is the source of evil man needs another way than gods what we see here is a very realistic fight against God in regards to the problem of evil Knute accepts that his deities omniscience and omnipotence are true but rejects their Omni benevolence he understands the danger of the Blind Faith which he once ascribed to and as such he drops the blind aspect but not the faith aspect he still believes when devoted to his faith the prince was inactive he allowed men to be slaughtered under his command rather than ordering them he watched an entire Village to be massacred for his warmth in feeding without objection and he served as nothing more than an item from which men killed each other around by believing that everything was part of this Grand test from God he failed to ever use his power and position to lessen the test he sees that he has the power to do what his God seems to be against and begins crawling the violence around him even performing a seeming Miracle on a berserking viking getting him to drop all of his destructive urges with nothing more than presence and love he could have been doing this the entire time one man could have so why was God not why had God not done it or told him to it gave him a sign or anything why was the test suffering itself and not to see if we could find the alleviation of it and so he fights God by presuming to create a heaven on Earth if no one will pass the test required for eternity then they may as well approximate it while we're here it begins to live his life to the fullest potential which was afforded to him taking his own shot at the Reigns which would allow him to control and change the world his fight is in essence living life to his fullest it's saying to God even if you do exist I do not wish to receive salvation only through the suffering you present us I will live the life I was given as I see fit with my own purposes if God is not good but is all-powerful and all-knowing what other choice do we have but to live life in service of ourselves despite the controls they placed on us Ergo Proxy is the other end of the spectrum of realism Humanity here is relegated to Dome cities in a harsh ruined Wasteland the one we witness most Rondo is a bleak civilization where every important duty is carried out by robotic assistance and the population live menial lives with a given purpose while everything seems normal enough at least for a dystopia Within These domes the series enlightens us as to the truth of their existent and eventual demise each city is rolled over by a sort of Pocket God aptly named proxies they shaped the world within its contents and people who cannot reproduce that function is carried out in pods and the cities themselves require the proxies and remain powered as they do and thus support life all creating a system which relies on these Gods from cyberpunk metropolises to cartoon amusement park each God crafts their own world and Bears witness to the wonderful fruits of their labor fruits which rot and die these deities are not all-powerful they normally love their Creations they know their worlds but they do not have the power to solve the issues they themselves created famine and War and disease and tragedy still befall their citizens as nearly Immortal beings they are forced to watch as everything they created is thrown back in their face they are failures embedded with Souls the weight of failure of infinite time to ruminate on it to witness the pain they caused destroys them so they abandon their worlds they kill their citizens they go insane and lose themselves they were built knowing a purpose like their citizens but they failed the task as they lose control over their Creations we see for certain that these creators are not all powerful and when that is the case then must we even fight against God to war against each other to develop tools and live unintended lives of our own will to break free from the domes and live under the rule of no God we see beings which have surpassed the purpose of their deed outside of the power they provide the proxies become obsolete the creation no longer needs the Creator as we do the same things mucking about in the building blocks of the world to make bombs explore beyond their means into space cure diseases which once debilitated and eradicated us are we sure that we have not surpassed a limited God ourselves we may have already fought and won if God is Not omnipotent then the correct way to fight maybe to abstain from conflict if we fight they may simply become scornful for this fact we witness proxies who turn on their Creations upset that their purpose has been fulfilled and they now have no meaning even though they continue to exist they lose their love because they have recognized their lack of power so they Reign fire they destroy cities they eradicate the entire populations is our world's God upset that we have surpassed their intentions and that they have no way to fix that consequence of their action but scorn is not the only reaction there is also sorrow Vincent one of the series main characters is a proxy who has erased his own memory of being so and is determined to live among the Creations he has failed rather than killing them in Rage he joins them in sorrow if they must feel pain due to his actions then he will feel that pain alongside them as punishment he's forced out of one city across a harsh Wasteland to another stripped of all identity conforms to it and is still regarded as an outcast resigning himself to death in a world with no chance of reconciliation he uncovers meaninglessness once again both as Creator and creation he finds the same end the creation cannot escape the flaws of the Creator and here we find an interesting point the source of his sorrow is such things that despite love and good intent he was unable to make a world which truly valued life as he finds with his own there is no reason for why suffers as a human because his suffering was not purposefully created it was simply a byproduct he never intended suffering to be and so there is no reason besides mistake what if that extends to All Things what if all God planned for our world was vast oceans to observe and the rest was just an accident some elements accidentally snuck in there and now there's life with millions of planets is it that odd that one would be so spectacular by coincidence one consequence of a god which is not all-powerful might be a lack of Greater meaning or purpose on the whole because the state of the world is not intended and cannot be controlled in a definitive way we cannot assume that the life we're living was any more intended despite God we reach a state of absurdity we want things to make sense as Vincent does if we find no answer and fall to despair once again we need not fight God God has fought themself but you probably noted I mentioned the stage above the proxies saying they were imbued with a purpose there is a Creator above them one which a specific ruler proxy one expresses anger at stating that is when everything became clear everything about the malice implanted by the Creator this Creator is Humanity the reveal of Ergo Proxy is that the human rights rendered their planet uninhabitable and fled to space leaving other beings in their place to rehabilitate the Earth hence the name proxy the humans we witness in the anime are not the human race but rather copies they cannot reproduce because they are not intended to survive further the proxies die in sunlight meaning when the sun and thus a habitable climate return to the Earth what will be left are perfect habitable cities and infrastructure maintained and built by now dead beings we see exactly this in one of the domes explored by real our main character a picturesque perfect suburb complete with machines for every task but no humans to utilize it at least not yet as we've seen that is the ideal case but not what always occurred it doesn't always occur because the proxies have souls they don't just create mindlessly they think and feel in love and hurt and everything humans do why what scent does it make for our standards the future of our species to be so flawed and unpredictable we either could not or did not create something which was safe from the pain of a soul we as creators were either limited or outright malicious believing no creation should exist without knowing the Pains of its creator learning this truth the knowledge that they were created merely to fail and die proxy 1 in reality the original form of Vincent decided to fight against his intended purpose he destroys his own city as many others as possible and leaves his own Fail-Safe another creation that being Vincent a proxy made by a proxy leaving him with the truth and without the flaw of a weakness to sunlight proxy 1 hopes that Vincent will carry on his quest despite the Creator the original humans who may threaten the false humans of Vincent ruled over and who still persist and who he still loves in this point we see naturally the idea to go against one's purpose as a means to fighting God one of Rio's lines expresses this where she states that even though she's doing what her God thought she would she's not doing it because she was created to do so she's doing it because she feels it's right but also we see creation as an act against the Creator if we are truly molded in the image of something so powerful what's to say we are not another layer of deity that we may not ourselves create we removed Rock from the ground inanimate Stone and turned it into the means to convey electrical impulse then collected those impulses and stored them and controlled them and gave them the ability to seek out knowledge and act on their own within the pounds we set things like that like AI may not be sentient but it is a form of inorganic life created by the human race how did we know God isn't looking down on us questioning our sentience in comparison to theirs the same way we do with our technological child even if it can't raise into the same extent we do can solve problems faster than us store data better than us share it farther than anything we could ever do we created something with new flaws but also new benefits ones which surpass anything we could dream of doing with our limited bodies with this in mind maybe we have found our method to fight God we do not have the ability to whether through a lack of comprehension knowledge power or many other things but maybe we can create something which has different flaws and has such better strengths which we can leave behind to fight for us fighting the Creator through creation itself one of the most striking elements of Ergo Proctor's story is that of Vincent being a god living among his beings to experience their pain we have no way to prove that there is not a god living among us in that kind of way that we are abandoned but because we were loved but I think it serves best to look at a similar idea in a similar series cereal experiments Lane a shorter and thus in some ways simpler story than her others so far it begins with an unremarkable life lane is a timid schoolgirl without many friends Hobbies or really anything for that matter she like her room is quite empty until she receives an email from a classmate who committed suicide claiming that she is alive and well in the wired sort of like their world's internet or maybe more accurately the network of all devices grasping for any connection Lane turns from technophobe to technophile seeking to cover the mystery of this email and then later the wired itself but what she finds is herself rather herself people she meets speak of her actions once she's never did of who she is in ways she's never been Lane uncovers variations of herself which exist and act without her knowledge but as her running amok and ruining her life they hurt people spread rumors about her friends become Legends of the wired in their acts and she has no control over it although she does find a solution to this crisis of self to become God to remember she is God merging her Consciousness with the wired itself she breaks down the barrier between it and the physical world allowing her to manipulate information move between all spaces and times and remove all knowledge of her existence from the world she does this to make it from her perspective a better place so she is good she is all powerful all she'll Act was knowledge the most basic fact of a God that they are in fact God God simply did not know they were God as such they were also unaware of the extent of their actions of even the fact that they were taking them well they lack of omniscience is often described to a lack of knowledge of evil could it not also be that God is simply unaware of themself then maybe they created the world and wished to forget or did so from exhaustion or never actually knew in the first place and simply created by living and not knowing what they did like a child in a sandbox building and shifting wildly with abandon playing no mind to the microorganisms left in their wake because they did not know such things existed they are not aware of the power they have when she becomes aware Lane erases the world's memory of her driving herself in a liminal State for the good of her people accidentally mentally destroying her best friend with her uncovering of godhood just after they together discover the importance of something so basic like physical connection like feeling someone else's heartbeat Lane begins to ask act in the best interest of the world she attains all goodness she sees the harm her lack of knowledge is caused and recognizes it through another lack of knowledge making others forget memory manipulation he or she is all-powerful all-knowing and all good maybe again it is the case that we don't need to fight God not because it is pointless or that they are too powerful but because they simply aren't aware and if they were made aware they may fix the suffering of the world at least as much as they could the path to a better world may be through kindness so that when God does become aware they want to save us they look back on what we showed them as Lane does with Alice and they choose our best interests because of that because we were kind to God sometimes the fight may not be proper to begin with to go back to our early example do we scold the child for not knowing of bacteria or do we teach them about it instead foreign we would like it to be an even playing field if God is all-powerful and they stood us too in a way become God to fight them and what better series is therefore becoming God then the only recently dethroned most watched anime of all time in the west Death Note while light's insistent speech is about becoming the god of the new world are his egomania a stark contrast to his straight laced student Persona there is more to it than empty Pros we can see his actions as operating towards the goal of achieving all three points usually associated with a god upon acquiring the Death Note the book which of someone's name is written in it they will die which is the literal power of this world's Gods light begins to simulate the first point omnipotence he is almost as powerful as a being can be in contrast to everyone else who wield one of these notebooks he is the most successful in New utilizing that power rather than say being immediately caught adding legitimacy to this point it also supports that he is well not all-knowing is as all-knowing as he needs to be light does not need to know everything he simply needs to know more than everyone else to retain power over them with his Superior intellect and knowledge he succeeds at this point and the last point of omnibenevolence is subjective he asserts that he is Justice by eliminating criminals and creating a nearly crime-free world he and even many others see this as good and welcome his rule meaning he can also simulate success on the final Point Light Yagami is actually a sort of de facto God he is not Immortal he can't fly and go between the human world and realm of gods but he is more active and engaged than the boredom-driven lazy Shinigami who populate that realm he may be more of a true God than they are by Russ expecting those three points but in a world with Gods who are more powerful he could only attain that power because of a God ryuk one of these Shinigami seeking some excitement allows light to become powerful even if by chance when he drops the extra Death Note in the human world from boredom well light may be the star of the show ryoka is in control the entire time he's simply choosing not to exert his power every action which is taken by his megalomaniac partner is first sanctioned by this actual deity to fight God God must first you allow you the opportunity to fight them since the Shinigami can't be killed by their own power the only option to defeat one is suicide a higher power must be convinced or coerced into ending their own existence since you yourself do not have that power being from a lower tier and we do actually see this with REM a Shinigami dies if they use their Death Note to save a human since humans all have a destined lifespan to elongate the humans is to have their own taken away light manufactures a situation where Misa who is watched over and loved by REM is threatened and can only be saved by the death of light's rival L knowing she was bested REM still follows this path and turns to dust to save the human she cared for leaving light having literally killed a god it was a lot of planning much more than realistic for us but he succeeded in our task here today the problem is that was just one God yuck is still there and still in control although the series ends with light dying to multiple gunshot wounds ryuk still writes lights named his death note only seconds away from his demise lights coming to the method of death he utilized so often recognizing this fact and Dives with a piece of unmistakable knowledge he was never in control he was never God he was only allowed to play God for the amusement of a real deity here we see an impasse with the idea of fighting God itself the method is to attain the power of a God but if they can bestow that power then they can also take it away and if we can reach that level without them surely they would be aware of that and prevent us from ever attaining it ourselves the only God we could kill for certain would be one who was not all-knowing and not all-powerful but rather just all good the kind Who Loved humans despite their flaws and sought not to kill them but protect them the kind like REM was for Misa are those the kinds of gods we should fight against we have spoken so far about how to fight and why but what if there are many gods with many qualities which ones do we fight and which do we not what if we kill the kind God and the only things get worse with the remaining evil ones in all of our cases so far we have made the assumption that the problem of evil is true it needs to be solved for God to exist in the three Omni state but what if that assumption is wrong can God be all-powerful knowing good and still allow evil to exist Fate Zero in classic Arrow butcher fashion takes a new twist at examining this issue Caster one of these servants summoned by the Holy Grail to fight for it in the wish it can grant is a sadistic Maniac he and his master rinosuke commit heinous Deeds which deserve no flowery language they torture and kill children claiming this work to be their art and the purpose of their beings they leave this death and destruction to fester and call it the grace of art returning to their Hideout to find the artwork destroyed both fall into anguish at the loss of the work riunosuke wonders maybe we were just having way too much fun and so God decided to punish us which is met with absolute scorn from Castor he claims that God cannot exist precisely because of their actions Castor spent his entire time alive not just as a spirit but as a man defiling torture and killing and yet he was never punished he wished to be he desired it as proof that a higher being did exist could interfere with the world and save it but the only punishment he found was at the hands of fellow humans who coveted his land and possessions and so had him put to death clearly because he embodied the very problem of evil itself and was never punished God cannot exist but ryonosuke offers a different take is it true that a good God must actually hate evil before we get into this argument let's lay some groundwork for the argument of a deity who is simply seeking entertainment to start off what need does an all-knowing all-powerful God have to create our world if they could create anything making a world which changed and evolved would be seeking to bring into reality that which God did not already have but they have or could create everything normally this leads to the omnipotence Paradox can God create something even God could not lift either way they prove themselves limited but here we look at that and ask but why would they do such a thing and the answer may be simply because if we assume that boredom is not a negative trait given it is one which Spurs action and which would naturally follow from a being who has achieved all there is then stands to reason our existence maybe nothing more than the entertainment of God as Bo Burnham so famously saying you're not my children you're a bad game of Sims this is the basis for what ryonosuke argues he Comforts casser's raids by saying no God does exist in fact he loves everything you've done if he didn't want evil to exist why would evil things be so doable so interesting and so engaging why would death and Decay Fascinate us so if we were not meant to partake in it God is writing a story to entertain himself and playing the hero a hero who needs villains to fight against or else it wouldn't be the entertainment they sought by providing such a Grand Challenge to God in their atrocious actions people like Castor and rionosuke are actually the ones he loves most his closest followers God wants to be fought and they put up the greatest fight of anyone blasphemy has become worship so here we have to ask not if we should fight God but if God wants to be fight and if so then how do we truly go against their will if some deity has placed us here on this Grand stage as actors in Heavenly play Then is the appropriate response to our suffering to be good to live as if we were Pious to provide the least value to a Creator we dislike or is it to be boring to live as Bland as possible and thus Rob god of the value he sought to take from our beings and the ways in which we find despair when your enemy is the hero of a story they themselves write one who controls every detail and casts every situation in their light for their sake what can we really do but make it a story that even they don't want to read foreign [Music] reactions to the problem of evil is the fact that God may be incomprehensible a worldly sense of power and knowledge and especially morality may not be developed enough now or ever to understand the workings of a Divine being we point out tragedy and claim that God cannot be good and the Counterpoint is that yes to us those things seem awful but what if in some holy plan they were actually part of something better I don't want to focus on that sentiment much because my reaction to it is very much still knuts if God's morals do not serve our world then whether they are right or wrong is of no concern I will fight them on principle for our sake but there is a nugget in there I want to explore further what if we just can't comprehend God not just their ethics but say in general like with our senses how do we know that we could see a higher power with our limited eyes or hear them with our worldly ears would they play by the same laws of physics which bind out us and create our perception or is there some higher playing in which God exists if there are a rays of light we cannot see how do we know we'd see God these questions could go on and on leaving us with an endless stack of things we can't answer which may offer an explanation for this seemingly lack of Godly care in our lives this is a theory which is unpalsifiable every bit of evidence against God could be reason that's proof of their incomprehensibility but despite that making it not much for debate I think it's interesting to explore the possibilities have you ever considered what your reaction would be to a foe who you physically cannot understand well some have before and let's see what they created from that feeling it's here we find guren login in the series final Arc a newly burgeoning human race is threatened by a collective known as the anti-spiral named for their will going against spiral power the drive of natural beings to move forward seeing the continual release of this energy will eventually lead to the death of the universe these beings gave up their Collective wills and drive and became overlords of the universe stamping out all sentient life which exceeded Beyond meager means as such races like Humanity were made to live in ways where they would never expand say combined to Villages underground and nothing more however a constant War isn't the method the anti-spiral employ in service of this goal having achieved a form which is incomprehensible to living beings where they exist in a greater Dimension all-powerful and all-knowing believing themselves to be acting in the greatest good the anti-spire will fight each race on Common Ground they temporarily present themselves in a comprehensible manner in their beat their foes on level ground in order to inflict ultimate despair they allow the spiral races to come oh so close to winning to feel like it only to realize they never even had a chance there was no way they would ever win and so they returned to their worlds defeated and never again challenged their Godly foe content to take what they can get this is what we see with Lord genome the former spiral Warrior who sides with the enemy's motivations even though they inflicted despair upon him as he seals Humanity underground so their population will never become large enough for the anti-spiral's attention eventually they forget a surface ever existed and this is the point of ultimate despair to remove the very drive to push forward itself humans have a desire to understand and this deity which is not able to be understood then provides them with one fact they can take away that's just despair our desire to understand becomes the exact way in which God God kills us but leave it to guren login to present an out through irrational logic if we can't understand God then we'll refuse to even try instead of saying we must understand Simone and his crew say there is nothing to be understood what's before them is reduced to simple logic by kicking common sense to the curb there is a force standing before them attempting to kill them whatever the intent or Reason the only option is to fight everything else leads to the same dark path by rejecting overthinking and maybe deeper thought on the whole they reach a more positive idea we even see this as the anti-spiral tries to trap them in their own thinking and they break free from it their method of fighting is pretty paradoxical as well since they are fighting that which makes no sense then Humanity must make even less sense going against all expectations striking everywhere at once throwing themselves into everything which they don't understand Simone and team dagger and defeat an all-powerful foe by preventing that foe from comprehending them if there is nothing which exists that God cannot control then we must become something which does not exist so they have no power over us we were gifted Logic for one reason or another it seems safe to say a gift so complex came from something with a similar characteristic God enjoyed their ability to reason and so bestowed it on us as well and that can be used against it some things will never make sense and God is likely one of them so what is there to do but make even less sense than them coming from a series which is also all about overcoming weakness and spurring on action I think there's a lot more here than just don't make sense it's that sometimes trying to make sense of things makes no sense if we spend all day trying to understand God to then fight them then we've already lost the war because we'll never reach an answer and never do anything sometimes the most sensible thing to do is that which makes no sense another assumption we've been making this entire time is a singular presence of God that they exist as something separate from Life in the universe but what if God was those things what if they were everything maybe when they gave birth to the universe their energy was transferred into the forms then we now know maybe their life is what gives rise to the lives we have our sentience is what their sentience used to be we could find everything at some constituent part of God they don't interfere with the world but they are the world I believe we can still argue this makes God all-powerful all power which exists is a fact of God themself the shift of their form into motion hate Sound and so on they can still be all-knowing because they are everywhere at all times so they have been witnessed to every single thought every single Discovery everything which has come and will come to be and while the least stable of the three pillars we could see them as all good as well if they are everything then they must fuel every twinge of pain as we do they must suffer alongside us they must be suffering itself they became it for us and you may say but why did they create a world with pain in the first place and the answer could be balance if they are not able to interfere in the workings of the world because they are it then everything they set forth from that initial Point must be carefully crafted to prevent catastrophe transactional laws would communicate this order ensuring that nothing grew wildly out of hand in either direction good or evil because all lines pointed inwards for every awful action there is an equally good one this is essentially our idea of karma as such neither side will ever gain control and from a carefully crafted initial Point God controls the world without interfering in it we can also see why there cannot be laws which avoid suffering in this pain is complex complex enough that we even derive pleasure from it at times it would be impossible to create a balanced law which carves out every single method of pain and excludes it because there is no balance in such a thing that careful match of Good and Evil would be completely thrown out of whack by that so that was a lot to cover at once but I think it'll sound pretty familiar if you've seen the series which entirely embodies this concept reading about this I wrote in my notes I mean this is straight up Monica Magica for those who don't know the enemy centers around a simple premise make a contract to fight evil and you get any wish granted this deal is offered to girls who then become magical girls fighting evil by the name of witches which they must do to maintain their energy while they deal is simple to begin with it's solely revealed that these vulnerable girls were tricked they do not fight evil but rather become it when they fall to Despair and their souls are clouded without a path to return magical girls become witches and the energy given off in this transformation is used to help prevent the heat death of the universe watching her Mentor mommy die and then seeing this faint befall her best friend sayaka oticular Monica who has yet to make her wish begins to question everything only furthered winds revealed that homura the mysterious transfer student is her friend from another time one whose wish led her to an infinite Loop of time where she's never able to save Monica from the awful fate of becoming a witch but each occurrence of this Loop of time does something strange because all of these separate timelines rely on Nautica she becomes a person inherently powerful to the universe and as such has the ability to make an exceptionally sweeping wish she uses this to rewrite the fabric of the world itself preventing not magical girls from their Fates as this would upset the balance of all things but rather preventing them from feeling into such inflicting on others the pain of this state by removing their existence before they can transform she becomes this law in the past present and future merging her being into the universe itself and existing not as Modica but as the law of Cycles she does not exist but the energy and effects of her life still do just like our pantheistic God luckily for the Monica magical world its main character became a God who was inherently good as I've argued before mataka is essentially the embodiment of positivity itself combined with the power she gained from Homer's time tricks the knowledge from so many timelines once she gained awareness and considered the universe she was an effective God but there is an impasse when God becomes the world itself how do we fight the world or rather even the fabric of the universe itself we can never destroy everything we could never be everywhere to ensure it was destroyed unless we become a god ourselves and unwrite the things that God wrote then we must have no way to fight them right maybe we can at least get started on that track and homura offers us an interesting take on how to do it unable to cope with the loss of the only person who gave her life value homeware Falls to Despair and becomes a witch in this state she creates her own world and with anything unable to affect it due to her being sealed Away by the incubators and as such not safe but unable to be affected by the law of Cycles she becomes nearly all-powerful herself by repeating these Cycles again and again and she finds a way to fight God in this assuming they were an entity before one who thought and felt as they likely would have been to desire to create then it stands to reason that aspect of God would be present in their creation their logic was bestowed upon us the rigidity of their being to the solid formation of atoms their heat to the stars and planets cores we would have to find some part of them in everything because everything came from them this is essentially Homer's method she lured the personality of Monica into her world due to their personal connection and then separated that aspect from the law that gave birth to it the law of Cycles is not harmed but it is no longer madika if you leave behind the energy the omniscience the omnipotence all the powerful aspects and leave just this personality say then have you killed God by reducing them to a simple mortal what makes them God is it who they are or why they are now how do you draw out the Persona of God from all things well I can't say it's easy sticking with what I've analyzed from the series before I believe the method would be to become the opposite of who God was if the world must work on balance due to the nature of their creation I.E good and evil attract or balance out in some way to maintain the universe then the opposite of who God was would have to draw near everything which constituated God before or at least their personalities say Monica was kind to everyone homura to none Monica was hope homura of pessimism light Darkness good evil selfishness selflessness they are diametric characters which draws them together in the name of balance if we can somehow know who God was we can continue to fight them by becoming everything they were not but I can't say knowing that would be simple in itself there's a lot of going to knowing god but that's going to have to be a topic for another day because this is already one of the longest videos I've ever produced I thought about splitting it into to multiple Parts but I've done that once before and I still feel cheap from it to this day so I decided not to hear but it was a lot of effort and realistically more than I should have taken on for a weekly release so any support that you could provide to help this one do better would be greatly appreciated you know likes and comments everything engagement algorithm um yes because it helps the video do well but also because many of you probably know these topics better than me I was doing more of a jack of all trades thing here and so you can share that love and knowledge in the comments to better this community we've made and um I know people probably say this all the time but the comments really do help me stay motivated with this because uh like I'll see people saying like hey you sharing your story really helped me put mine in perspective and all that and literally just seeing one of those makes it all worthwhile because I brought something positive from what I felt and that's what I'm trying to do for myself and Shout into the void of the internet and it just kind of validates the whole experience um so those really do mean a lot I'm off script so I don't have the right right words to express that because I'm awful going off the cuff so I should stop rambling stop and say there's important links in the pin comment Twitter Discord where the community is really growing and hopefully we'll be doing a lot of improvements and getting some cool stuff going on there and most importantly patreon with these lovely people above me support me and help me keep doing this crazy wacky Wild Thing I get to do and love so much so big thanks to them but to everyone for your support and kindness and watching and I'll say thank you for watching and I hope I'll see you again soon
Channel: ProfessorViral
Views: 72,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, madoka magica, ergo proxy, serial experiments lain, gurren lagann, death note, vinland saga, fate/zero
Id: IPuCx2jNcGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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