How to Fertilize Fruit Trees

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well we have to distinguish first of all are we talking about a mat or fruit tree or are we talking about one that has only been in the ground for say six months or a year our one that's just being planted now the one that's just been planted you do not want to use any kind of a fertilizer that is going to burn the roots so what do you use well water soluble is my favorite it comes in many different brands and varieties Miracle Grow is the one that's most commonly known but you don't have to use Miracle Grow there's a lot of others out there also but the 20-20-20 balanced water soluble fertilizer is an excellent fertilizer to apply and either 1 2 3 ounce per tree per week and the way you do that is they mix it in 1/2 a gallon to a gallon of water pour right around the trunk and that will get your tree really started to move now you're not going to do that forever so depending on the size of the freshly planted tree you might want to do that for anywhere from 2 to 6 months if it's real small you do it six months if it's a medium-sized tree you might only do it two months once you get a tree established then you go to some time release fertilizer that's usually a granular and again you might want to utilize a balanced fertilizer to play safe now if you want to grow roots and get bloom out of something then you would go with a higher phosphorous which is a middle number if you're wanting to grow grass for instance you'd go a real high first number which is nitrogen but on regular fruit trees generally speaking you're better off to just have a balance in other words the same numbers across the board if you're talking about regular granular fertilizer is six six six if you're talking about water-soluble a 20 20 20 so the bag of the fertilizer will be a good source of information also when you get into an older tree here's your formula for an older citrus tree as an example if it's ten years old or older you want to put 10 pounds of regular granular fertilizer around the tree the first of February the first of June and the first of September 1st of February gets you bloom and fruit set 1st of June gets your feet in while you've got a rainy season during the summer 1st of September gets you sizing out and quality on your fruit those are just that's just a good little formula and but if it's less than that then you want to apply one pound for a year of age of tree applied those same three times a year that's provided a tree has been in the ground for a year and a half to two years row cars
Channel: Hawkins Corner
Views: 131,087
Rating: 4.8495889 out of 5
Keywords: How to Fertilize Fruit Trees, Fertilize Fruit Trees, micacle grow, how to fertilize, time release fertilizer, water soluble fertilizer, how to, fertilize, fertilize fruit trees, florida, plant city, fruit tree, fruit trees, Edible landscaping, Richard skinner, Hawkins, Hawkins corner, Hawkins corner nursery, Nursery, Landscaping, Century pioneer farmer, century pioneer family farm, century pioneer family, Adam Putnam, Florida commissioner
Id: c49CERZ48oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2012
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