How and When To Fertilize Fruit Trees
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Planting To Create Life
Views: 1,532
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: outdoor grow, fertilizer, how to fertilize fruit trees, how to fertilize, plant one on me, amazing trees, shrubs, landscaping, classification of plants, problem garden, gardening mistakes, mistakes, gardening hacks, backyard garden, dying tree, tree, save a tree, withering tree, problem, tree died, fig tree, soil, nitrogen, npk, home gardening, agriculture, trees, planting, backyard, food forest, how to, root, forest, tree farm, root system, tree root system, tree health, garden planner
Id: K1cIFFYmC3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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