How to feed your Black-soldier fly larvae from eggies to maturity. #ProteinMaster

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[Music] hello everyone my name is kim from promaster uh we do here a lot of training uh we specialize in uh training our farmers are setting up farmers and uh doing more on bsf blacksmith farming so uh i want to pick from a roseanne where she left the last episode she did was on how to get the eggs from the love cage and what where you guys left was getting these eggies uh from the love cage and then hatching these ones uh to be able to get your neon nights the five day old or the six day old and then from there then we're going to do the rest and show you how guys we're going to feed so please subscribe on this channel and also i have a channel called the protein masterpiece of nairobi please subscribe also into it and learn more on black soldier fly farming so welcome and let me show you how we're going to do the hatching so now we've gotten our eggies from the love cage these are our eggies for us here we use the the wooden eggies the different types of eggs you can be able to do the wooden one you can be able to do the boxes you can be able to the conduits but for us here the egg the wooden ones work very well for us so i'm picking from uh whereas and left so once you collect your eggies now you need to come and hatch them with that substrate for for us the substitute we use we use the the wheat bran and the maize bran why do we use the wheat bran the maize bran because once you're coming to hatch you need to give your larvae your neonites a nutrition substrate a nutritious substrate and you don't just use any other another waste any other waste when we started we we did uh the pig waste uh for the neonites but it didn't do didn't do very well so we work now with uh the wheat bran and the maize bran and that's very well this is just like sorry luck it's like when you're feeding a baby when you're saying you need to start with very light food so that's why we do the maize bran and the wheat bran so the mess bread and the wheat bran we soak it for a few days uh and we put some water in it and we're about to leave it like for around six days or seven days once it's beginning to ferment just a little bit then we introduce our eggs now to these and once you do that you take your eggs you place them on the coffee mesh these is a different way of hatching you can be able to do uh something different like placing your egg is directly on the substrate remember this substrate is wet if you can just take a look this substrate is wet so what when you're placing your egg is on the substrate if you're doing it directly let your egg is ah where you have the eggs face upwards because the moment your eggs get in contact with the wet substrate you lose your eggs so why we don't like using this uh method here uh chances of losing your eggs are very high like you may not hatch 100 you may have something like 80 or something like that so for us what we do we place them on the coffee mesh and then we place them on top of this substrate so once it's on top of the substrate what will happen we call it the shower leak hatching these we land uh from a friend uh abroad and it's been able to help so many farmers and it's working very well so with this you are sure you'll not lose uh your eggs you're hatching here probably 95 to 98 percent sure you're going to hurt your eggs once you're done with this remember your substrate i said after seven days after you've soaked it in water the wheat bran and the maize bran once you've soaked in water it will begin to ferment so once it begins forming it may it may be able to attract the house line so to avoid that what we do we we get a net and we cover we cover on top the other reason we do uh cover this way is because we want to maintain some warmth anytime you're doing hatching even on the chicken eggs or something like that you always need to have some good warmth so that's the reason again we cover to maintain and get some warmth so that's why again you'll be able to get your eggs harsh on the third day the eggs hurt on the third day and once you get them from the love cage always remember don't go beyond three days from the lab cage get your eggs from the live kids not be on three days you can do one day or two days by the time they get them out and when they begin to hatch the third day they have hatched but for us we leave them we give it another three more days so we give them six days so after six days we'll leave them here and then uh we'll be able to remove the the new knives we call them the new nights the five day old or the six day old from uh the wheel brand and uh on the maze brand and then now we introduce them now to the main waste remember your waste will not always be the maize brand and the wheat bran because this would be too expensive for you guys so what we'll be able to do we'll be able to introduce now to the waste which now you have either the chicken poop or the market waist or the pig waist or the kitchen waist whichever waste you have then you'll be able to introduce them now after six days from these this is how they look like after they have eaten from the wheat bran and the maize bran how you tell that it's ready you can be able to look on on these and once you see the there are a lot of husks on top then you know they are ready and also the thing uh you just look at it and it's dry a little bit another because it doesn't have a lot of water no dry because they've been able to eat remember these are voracious eaters so the moment you just see there has a lot of husk on top here you just know your larvae the neonites are ready so after six days we need to introduce them now to the main waste and now i want to talk about the main waste now like for us here in project master what we do we use the pig waste we use the kitchen waste uh we've got the market race also so why introduce them to this kind of waste number one remember they always say we are what we eat so i want to say also the larvae it is what you give them it's not just about waste we can have nutritious waste not just any waste so how you feed them remember what you're looking for and looking at is the protein content of this larvae you want to replace it with fish meal and everything else so you need to feed them very well and uh let them have a nutritious and or a balanced meal for them no matter what you call we call it we call it waste but let it be a balanced kind of waste so what we have here right now we have a pig waist and some little bit of uh kitchen waste these are some remains from the schools around this is what i'm able to use if you've got some schools around get some food from there and be able to use them so here we've got some rice some beans and all these and some pig ways pig waste for us we always love it because it works very well for us and uh it's it's nutritious remember again what you feed your pig with if it's high in protein also uh the waste will also be having some good protein on it so we mix these two and it works very well the quantity of these we always give it between seven to eight kg per tree uh again it's at 250 grams of the neonites so that's what we're going to do but after that we give it another seven to eight days and then you'll be able again to find a similar output uh when you look at the food or maximum ten days these will be determined by the weather and the temperatures in your place if it's very cold it may go up to 14 days or beyond 14 days but if you go to your humidity right if you go to your temperatures right if you got uh the ventilation is good in your place if you've got the lighting right all these are work uh better for the larvae so make sure the temperatures are good we're talking about an optimum of 26 degrees celsius when you get that and you balance that then the feeding will be also good the other thing you need to look at in these is the population don't do less if you do less again they'll do more than uh seven days or ten days so you don't know how to balance on this 7kg to 8kg the moment you strike the balance right you'll be able again to have the uh the dates are getting well because if you do more than 14 days again you'll take too long so get balance the dates balance the weight balance the feed everything balance you get your results very fast so the other the other ways we are having here we've got the market waist so here we've got some fruits different kind of fruits we've got tomatoes here we've got bananas here why do we all have these not grinded if you if you've got the power to grind you can be able to use a hammer mill and grind all these but for us we always say this will not stop you from doing your bsf project we always say start simple make it simple make your life easy don't complicate things even if you don't have a hammer meal let the bsf do it remember i said they are rashes eaters they'll grant for you and after seven ten days you'll be able to have your friends so i wanna show you how we do it we weighed we weighed already uh our six day old larvae and we know three hands full uh are able to do 250 grams three handfuls i want like my three handfuls that was 250 grams so that's what you do again is 8 kg so let me just show you so what we do we just uh mix them very well because if you just uh take a hear from these if you have not mixed well you will not be able to collect because they always hide on the edges so we just mix them very well after that normal made three handfuls i spread them evenly that is one two and three let me just tell you something there's a question that people always ask uh why do you put together the brand because we do together with the brand because we can we cannot be able to separate the brand from the lobby you spend the whole day you take the whole time here so we just do it together so our 250 grams so we do more like uh let's say because of the brand we may do something like 300 grams but we always say well it's 250 grams so combined together is 250. so once you do that again now the rest the next one also uh three handfuls three handfuls again three handfuls so what you do you evenly spread them that way so i need to do this so that's it so after these they always if you look on like on this one here the neonates are already under now they love to burrow so once they get in they dig in and they begin to eat that's what i'm saying if you don't have a hammer meal don't mind let let them break it for you let them break for you so after 7 to 14 days 7 10 or 14 days why i'm saying this 7 7 10 or 14 days that depends again with the temperatures the weather condition of your area for you to be able to get and to hit the right days the temperatures should be very good we're talking about 26 to 36 but the optimum is 26 degrees if you're able to do 26 degrees that will be very good so for the guys who are in hot areas you'll be you're wondering maybe you're asking yourselves there you're asking how do i get these this is how you do it when you're in hot areas for you to be able to get an optimum temperature of 26 degrees what do you do roll up your greenhouse uh open up let the wind blow uh inside uh let it be well let it be ventilated with that you'll be able to do that the other thing you'll be able to do that is always pour water on the floor the moment you pour water on the floor uh it will be able uh to to get your your place with good humidity remember another thing traditional degreasers of the temperatures the other thing is the humidity 40 to 80 percent for you to attain this in hot area you can be able to pour water on the ground and then with that when it begins to evaporate up again will increase your humidity so it gets better for these for those who are in cold areas you are wondering how do i get to 26 maybe i always get maybe 18. so what do you do don't roll up your greenhouse what do you do now maybe you can uh get some uh jico and maybe light your place up and then that will be able to increase the temperatures up the other thing you'll be able to do you can do a humidifier a humidifier again will be able to increase your humidity up again and then with that at least you'll be able to get your seven to eight days remember what we want to do here we want to do this thing at the shortest time possible so let me be able to feed your animals very well so after you've done that the thing also you need to do again always turn this food up inside out like this way pull your hand in and then turn it that way we do that after every three days why we do that is we want to oxygenate this place so you irritate you do this because the moment you do this you put you push in some oxygen and your larvae are able to eat very well because once you leave them that way remember it's like cubing under maybe a peat and there's not enough oxygen so once you turn this way this this one reason why they eat between those days that i've mentioned because there is enough oxygen now in there and they're able to eat very well but once you leave them without turning inside they take very long they may go even for 14 days or something like that but the moment you already oxygenate this thing they are very fast just like you if somebody just uh maybe closes your mouth or you know something like that when you're eating you're not able to eat very good so always turn after three days oxygenate the place i rate it and it gets better the same thing with the fruits uh just put your hand in turn that way and that's it and then after eight days you'll be able to find the results like what we had on the new nights the food will be light uh what will happen you'll not you'll not be able to see the rice again you'll not be able to see the uh the peak waste again what you better see you may see you may think it's like soil in there but that's the frost that's the compost after the eight days this is how it will be looking like remember what i told you before this is how you tell the food is dry uh they can you can be able to see your lobby has grown to to a better size a bigger size most of here we're talking about easter fours and fives so once you look at you look at your food this way there are the do's and the don'ts in this side in this section please don't add any food on top of these what you do need to save them fast because you add some food on top here your larvae ends up maybe some dying and it doesn't work very well so what you need to do you need to sieve these separate separate the larvae from the frost and then feed them again for another seven days which again you have a different result and then from that point is when you're going to have your your pupae and sieve now your pupae with different sieves and take them to the other side after uh receiving from the seven to eight days this is what you get you get a frost which is very good for farming you're doing organic farming using the frass and then now we've got our larvae here on this other side so remember the fast feeding we did was seven it was eight kg now our second feeding now we're going to use lesser uh waste we're going to do 2kg so from these we get about 2 kg of waste because remember these have already fed we've got at least a lot of insta three fours and fives so what we do now we pour them in here on the 2kg of waste so again they always love to borrow they'll go under and then after here again it's another we give it under seven days they'll be able to feed very fast and then we'll be able to get the last saving we should be able to get our most of them now will be to uh have gotten to people uh pre-pupa pupa and insta five most of insides so we give another seven days and then we do the last saving so basically that is what uh uh it entails in doing the feeding the sieving and all the entire process uh from uh day one from the hatching all the way to the 21 day this is what you do and this is how we get this this is the last process we get and uh from here again we'll be able to show you on the next episode on how we do the last process of getting our pupae and moving them then them again back to the lav cage so thank you so much again and uh tune in again on this channel keep on uh subscribing to this channel again and also on to my channel project masterpiece of notably kenya see you then [Music] you
Channel: Utmost Precision
Views: 30,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black soldier fly farming, black soldier fly farming in kenya, harvesting eggs of the black soldier fly, circular economy, smart farming, hermatia farming, women in agriculture, wode Maya, terrence creatives, Food Friday, circular Economy, Feeding your BSF, FAO, Climate Smart Agriculture, citizen news, Nation news
Id: 4Yi_p28eAIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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