Black soldier fly.ProteinMaster. Result of our substrate tests

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[Music] well hello guys welcome to pretend massive business Nairobi this is your friend again kill just want to show you some results of what I did eight days ago and if you can remember very well I had said done a video of cow dung mixed with a base brown and we a wheat bran because the one handed alia it flopped didn't do well well that was just countermand on and the cotton was not good so had to travel to a long distance somewhere and get a very good clean fresh cotton because both of you guys are asking this question I have a lot of cows they have lots of these can I use it so a friend a friend from India just give me this idea I mix a cotton with some which brand to allow some HP in and I did that soon I did edit one for base Brown I mixed with Miss Brown and then mixed with wheat bran so this is a tease after so I think we need to just to see the results and see how they have done but I have look at them and they are good so you can just get a closer look and one thing with 11 they always hide underneath so we just need to dig in you see they have done very well they have done very well very very well you see they were they are big so this one is the one with the Mays brand they have done very well get a closer look again they have done very well you can just have a closer look that's how they look to me I can say the results are good very good you can see even some almost to their pre pupils already there are deeply pupils in here they have done very well so that this one is mixed with our Ms Brown so on this we mixed with with brown let's have a look at it also look at it very very well look at them been growing very well three pupils are still here they have done very well you see the way they're like they're so thick they are very fat here then they've done very well look at this one they have that business eight days and look I said the way they look the size these eight days eight days that is the size they are very good so I've done my fat guys I'm happy so happy because I know some of you who wants to be yourself remember we're always saying BSN is a game changer this is what we need to do to begin to do and if you have not started you'd better start it is very good it's good very good fit for your chicken for your for your degree for your pigs for your catfish fortune lapier and the best thing with this is that for the pigs they eat when they are live the same thing with the catfish the same thing with the chicken only debris and chill nap here you need to dry them but the rest you eat them not to it very high in protein it is what is coming to change our the fish meal so that my results I hope guys that this will help you and again please let subscribe let's share this video don't watch this video unjust and you know very well you have a family you know that you can help call that farmer tell him about these share this video and it's gonna be well so that's our results from protein master we say thank you even for taking your time I know you guys I've been waiting for this video the results are good so as protein master you can see you can walk with cotton right now you can just need to ask a little bit of base bran and some a little bit of our wheat bran if you have it somewhere cheap I don't know but in Kenya it's a little bit on the high but maybe other countries is cheaper so please please again subscribe welcome to our channel share these videos are getting again for any resource for any question please just put your comments there we will try and answer so thank you again and God bless you please let's go be yourself this is organic let's look this way tell the farmer to tell a farmer about protein masa about BSF take her again and go bless you welcome guys to protein must be supply robe it is your friend Kim we've been doing some tests of different diets different waste that you can be able to use I did these like two weeks ago these were fish Awful's just fresh from the fish mongers I got him and I was using them and I did a video and there was sauce maybe ten Kings women so bad today they are still there with us you remember had come it that way and I had kept it outside that will be because of air but I believe with the fish office I have a game from AHA to buy the game the fire was telling me he was doing on the fish offers in tanning and it's possible while are we doing this because you guys who are in the Lakeside you guys who are able to get this fish office you can use them to be yourself remember BASF is turning wastes into a very good protein source and that's what we need this fish offers are thrown out in the gap in the dumpsite don't authority to get that we get them let them feed our BSF and then the BSF freedom back again to the fish and then to the chicken of the rest so it's a plus so I did these though it was so smelly for me back I was ringing at it you can be able to boil them just a little bit and it will kill - ma'am and you may be able to use them so easy because the guy in Dubai who he was telling me he was doing like 80 tons of the fish offers almost every day and I do so for him so for us also it's possible guys on the leg side use these guys who have access for these use this again so please join me as I just open it up and we see the results you can see the results they are okay you can see the fish offers have been eaten up completely maybe you can get you can just get a closer we're gonna be able to see them yes that's what they are so okay I can see they've done well also they've done well they eat up everything every part of fish is eaten up you look at this these bones here they've been eaten up totally I tell Lucy blacks with a fly larvae it's a voracious eater you can see they're still eating it it's not totally done so when you when you're having something like this you can be able to mix them with something else you can do fish or falls with something else and if you did work well for you so these are our results we've been able to do that is being able to work very well I just want to encourage you guys again let's do it let's go be yourself let's do it it's something that's very nutritious for your chicken for your pigs for your fish but goose anything you can do it you can do it please guys so from ruining muscle again we want to say thank you so much and I'm going to encourage you guys that you should not turn off this video before you ship to a friend please tell your farmer we can be able to be guys we can be able to do it tell the local government authorities about it let's go viral let's let's do it up in a massive way in a big way because it's going to help our youth it's going to have our old it's going to help our farmers it's a big big value chain so please again guys from program Massa we said thank you so much subscribe share the video and let's go P yourself let's go garlic let's go way the way we were years back we tell you to do it you too much Jia much it was not bad but I believe organic is better than GMO you believe that - mmm so once again we said thank you and the Lord God bless you as you continue these thank you so much [Music]
Channel: ProteinMaster Nairobi
Views: 5,485
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Id: x0T3JAwphOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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