How to Expose ProRes RAW on the Atomos Ninja V

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all right so yeah we're in my kitchen i have this like cable moving across me not my kitchen my dining room but um with that said what i'm about to show you is my ninja 5 and z6 and how i expose pro as raw but before that i wanted to quickly just kind of talk a little bit about how some of the stuff you should know um and basically all i really want to say is that you should not be afraid to underexpose this footage and what i mean by that is don't underexpose it five six stops but a darker more balanced even image with prores raw is better than something that say is clipping in your highlights or super underexposed so a balanced semi-dark image is better than pretty much clipping either darks or lights on it um but with that said we're going to hop over i'm going to turn this camera around and point it at my camera there my other camera and we're going to film my atomos i'm going to show you exactly the three tools i use and basically it's the waveform the zebras and the uh the false color um so with that said let's take a look so the first thing i use to actually expose my image is a waveform monitor and i always keep that open no matter what even if i'm using zebras or false color and basically there's very quickly at a glance tells me if my image is over underexposed um so if it's under exposure you see that kind of flattens out it's overexposed you see it kind of blows up in the top there but we're just going to put that back now and that's the first thing i just kind of always keep that up to give me a pretty decent idea of where everything is landing but the most important part for exposure my most used tool you see in the sky here is my zebras and what i do with my zebras is i actually keep those right on 95 and what that basically allows me to do is if those zebras are showing that is clipping so if i turn these off and i zoom into the sky here you can see that that's all blown out where those zebras are but if i turn it down to where they disappear and i turn them on or off it doesn't matter because that's not overexposed anymore i'm not clipping so i'm going to put that back i'm going to zoom back out what you could do is if you like to be absolutely certain nothing's overexposing as you can set them to 90 and that will just make your image a little bit darker but for the most part it won't change much same theory where if you see them just pull them down but there is a caveat to this that if there is say something in your image say this here is what i'm exposing for this house you know i can kind of bump that up to where the house is the exposure i want and then you can be okay with say these areas here and here blowing out if you're fine with that um so just kind of use them as a guide to say you know i'm okay with losing information in this part here it doesn't really matter if i lose information here or here so that's the second thing i use and those are what i use most often but where those kind of fail is when you're doing skin tones you can set them to 70 or whatever exposure value you want your skin to fall at but i don't like to change that because i pretty much use these as my overall guide to what is clipping i pretty much use zebras as a clipping guide if i can set that to 95 it's a little finicky there we go so i pretty much use those as a clipping guide that you know i want to make sure i'm getting detail in these areas where i use false color is for setting skin tones so you can see on the left here there are three points three different grays with green and pink in between and those are essentially your skin tones darker skin tones are probably going to fall more down towards these ones here the uh 25 to 54 range and then uh lighter skin tones are going to fall more to like the 54 to 77 range so what i'll typically do with those is i'll pretty much just expose where i'm not clipping first so i'll make sure that i'm not clipping um and then the next thing i'll do is i'll go to false color and yet again i'll adjust my iso my exposure whatever i need to to kind of land where say this house is my skin tones right this house over here is where i'm trying to expose skin tones i'll pretty much land that to where they're all within that range you see gray and pink that's corresponding to 59 to 77 55 to 58 ire and then you set your skin tones on that and then i go back to zebras i don't want to turn focus speaking on and then that will pretty much set your exposure for that for your skin tones and then you can see what you're actually clipping and then if you want you can of course turn it down and get it where you want but um for the most part those are what i use really is those three tools a false color zebras and then waveform and those get me pretty much very close every single time i do it in addition that i will mention here that if i go to my settings and i go to display or not display well actually we can say here i keep this all in default it's all just what the camera is set to or what the atomos is set to but in the monitor tab i do monitor in pq mode i don't monitor a native anymore i used to do native but i found that since it is prores raw and it is rec 2020 pq uh you can monitor in pq and you kind of see more of what you're actually getting but with that said my battery is dying so i'm going to end this here and then we're probably going to hop back out to facetime so i can talk a little bit more about this all right so yeah hopefully that helps like usual if you have any questions feel free to ask them down below um i will say that when it comes to in comparison to my knowledge of color with this type of stuff with pros raw i'm not the greatest with exposure pretty much is my own method for the most part other than where skin tone value should fall that's a pretty standardized thing but if you do it this way if you pretty much preserve your highlights and almost under expose you should have fairly good results i mean this is how i've been shooting on my z6 since i got it pretty much with end log and prores raw it's pretty much how i shoot on all my cameras is under exposed because i like to preserve as much detail as possible but um if you shoot that way you should have pretty good results so there really isn't much more to it if you have questions like i said feel free to ask down below and i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Joe Scotto
Views: 12,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atomos, ninja v, prores raw, prores, nikon z6, nikon, atomos ninja v, exposure, waveform, false color, ire, skin tones, setting exposure, video exposure, raw video, apple, setting video exposoure, prores raw exposure, how to expose prores, how to expose prores raw, ninja v exposure settings, ninja v settings, atomos settings, overexposure, underexposure
Id: GZ9Eh6E1upA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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