How to expose POD Using Nodegroup in Kubernetes | How to connect POD | How to create service in EKS

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hello everyone welcome to my channel my name is venkatesh I am a devops engineer this is devops pro Junction Pro YouTube channel in this video we are going to see about how to create a p and expose via the notep so in my previous video I already showed you how to create the cluster in the console and uh how to create the not group group as well if you did not watch my previous video you can go and check the video so this is the continuation of that video it will be uh get more understanding if you follow the first video so in this video we are going to see uh let's uh connect first of all the cluster then uh we will create a part and expose it let's dive into the video for that uh you have to connect your cluster you can go to your uh command line mode editor anything you can use uh I hope this is uh more clear uh in this video um so go to your editor and here you can uh use the comment AWS eks using this comment uh you can able to connect your cluster so you can use before that you have to do configure your credentials with this account if you don't know how to do that you can check my in my playlist how to uh configure the AWS uh credentials with using access key and secret key here I already configured with my account so this is my access key and secret key and here is the region I'm using and you have to use Json format so once you have connected you can use aw is S3 LS command you can check whether you can able to access your S3 buckets or not here I can able to access to connect your cluster you have to use AWS eks iph iph region and your um region name I'm using Mumbai and this is my region name if you don't know the region name you can also go and check here uh this is the region which I'm using so you can use whatever uh region uh same as the code you can use here and then uh update iphon Q config and then name here you have to specify name of your cluster in my case demo cluster one this is the name of the cluster demo underscore cluster one and uh you can give enter so once you entered you can see that this is added and you can you should installed uh in your system Cube CDL then only you can able to access if you did not installed you can install Cube CTL and uh Cube CTL get nodes we have already created two notes so these are the notes and uh here is the Nam space Cube CDL get name space here and these four name spaces which which all default name space here and uh we can check whether any ports running or not we don't have any ports under default name space and also uh check the services we don't have uh any uh new services this is still default service which is already running here so here what I'm going to do I'm going to create a nam space called Dev create Nam space you can use NS to create the name space called Dev so scube C so by mistake Cube CDL so here I created the name space called Dev you can see here I have created the name space so here I'm going to create a part with the label so that I can able to expose the part normally uh to create a port you can use Cube CTL run command and Then followed by you can give uh any name I'm giving name of ngx p and then image name which is going to be ngx so once you enter you can see here nnx Port got created let's check the status of this part Cube CTL get parts so this is the part and you can see here this is currently uh under running status and this is created under the default name space okay so we are going to create a pod under Dev right now to create your pod under Dev you can use Cube CTL run I can use the same command and the name I'm going to give as ngx2 and then I will use iPhone y and my Nam space name so now I created the part but it is only on your uh default name space if you want to see the dev Nam space p you can use iph n here you can see Port 2 is running under our Dev name space so like this you can create your ports under Dev name space let's create a another part here um in the default name space itself and I'm going to add the label as well because I'm going to expose this part via the not port for that I'm going to give the labels is equal to app equal to my NG INX app this is the label which I'm going to give and this is going to be run under my default name space itself you can see here right now still it is creating and right now my port three is running in my default name space now I'm going to check any Services which is running on the default Nam space and you can see here we have only one cluster IP which is default one now I'm going to expose this board via the notep for that I'm going to create the service Cube CTL Expose and pod name you have to specify your pod name here my pod name is ngx POD 3 and I'm going to expose it bya notep put type is equal to note port and the port name is a and I'm going to give name for this service as my first service enter let's see the service you can see here right now we have the not Port service running on the port number 31536 this is the notep number so let's uh see our Port Cube CTL get ports Ian o wide you can see our Port currently running on this node part three is running on this node let's look into the public IP for this 37 149 here we have two nodes which is already running and uh we have the details for this part 37 149 so this is our node and here is my public IP I'm going to copy the public IP here and go to here and colon with my notep value this is my Noto value 31,000 536 and you have to give port a public IP colon the notep so once you give you can see this ngx is working this if you did not see this one you have to check your Security Group in your ec2 instance go to your Security Group under your ec2 instance and here you have to allow your IP if you are using your own network or your own laptop IP you have to allow else you can add this one using that you can give all traffic and in this all traffic you can add with the all IP I already added here so you can see that uh you will get this web page via this not Port right now I'm going to log in this um pod and I'm going to edit this page as well let's uh log let's enter into the Pod Cube CTL excc I I it ngx I pod 3 I i/ bin slash bash So I entered into the Pod right now and here you can see I'm inside the Pod you can see here and here I'm going to edit the page so the page will comes under user share ngx under that we have HTML So currently uh we have HTML and here we don't have uh VA editor here so that we have to install the VA editor so for that we have we will update first of all app get update once it got updated we can install the app get install iPhone y Vim we can install the vi editor right now so I'm clearing the screen once I installed V editor and we have HTML page I entered into the HTML page I HED I so that I'm getting this page and here I'm going to edit this document as welcome to ngx I hited I and here welcome to devops Pro Junction YouTube channel I edited this content and I just save this content here let's go and refresh the page here I have only welcome to nnx once I refresh you can see here welcome to devops Pro Junction YouTube channel like this you can expose the part and edit the content I hope this video is helpful and somewhere it is useful to dirt your hand if you find this video is helpful give thumbs up subscribe my channel follow for the more videos and thanks for watching
Channel: DevOps Pro Junction
Views: 2,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iam roles for service accounts, aws kubernetes tutorial, eks kubernetes tutorial, aws kubernetes setup, amazon eks kubernetes, aws kubernetes iam, irsa kubernetes aws, aws iam roles and policies, aws iam roles tutorial, kubernetes iam, iam kubernetes, amazonwebservice, kinesisdatastream, eks security groups, systemsmanagerdocuments, awscodepipeline, softwaredeveloper, eks iam permissions, inspector, aws iam roles explained, eks iam role permissions, anton putra, eks iam auth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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