How to create an EKS cluster using AWS Console | Create node group | Configure Kubernetes cluster

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hello everyone welcome to my channel my name is venkatesh I am a devops engineer this is devops pro Junction YouTube channel in this video we are going to see how to create the eks cluster in the AWS console itself and uh we are going to create a cluster and in this we are going to create like a worker notes as well using the note group for this I have already logged in my AWS account here you have to type elastic kubernetes service so this is the service which is in AWS for our kubernetes so once you go once you uh go to the eks uh console here you can see uh add cluster you have to click this and give create and uh here you have to give the name I'm going to give the name as demo cluster one and I'm going to uh give the latest version here um here there are the latest uh version which is on 1.28 which is uh 1.29 is there 1.28 is there you can give any one of the version right now I'm not going to create with the latest version because in later on video I'm going to show how to upgrade this version so for that I'm going to create 1.26 so 1.26 is supported until June 2024 and here you have to create one I am policy for that okay so this policy uh won't be available you have to create um your own so that it will comes so for that you have to go to your IM am and here there are uh the policies and here uh the policy name I'm given as Amazon e policy Amazon uncore uh eks policy eks policy so it's not it's not comes under policy sorry it is comes under role so we have to create the role so the role uh which means like uh your eks cluster is going to uh access why are the uh your policies so the policy should have the permission of uh e related so that you can able to uh view this cluster um when you when you are the user for that only we are creating so here I have the policy um role uh so in this role what I have done uh I have added the Amazon eks cluster policy okay so uh Amazon e cluster policy uh go to the I am here uh you can go to roles and here you can give create and you can give any name um so before that you have to choose eks here you you need to choose eks and choose eks cluster and give next and uh it will comes under default only one policy will be there for this road so you can choose it as a default and give next and give the name um any name you can give and give create once you created um you will get a policy name uh with the uh Your Role so that I have already created Amazon eks policy so once you created this policy come here and here you can give refresh once you give refresh you can see this policy you can choose this one so this is the policy uh this is the role where you you are creating the policy so that you can able to access this cluster okay so once you created and uh you can give cluster access uh this is you you can give as a EK API and config map everything you can choose right now as a default and I'm going to create under VPC which is a default one and uh this is subnet and you are going to if you are giving some Security Group you can add it and right now I'm not giving any Security Group um and give next if you want to give any add-ons you can give this uh add-ons um then uh this is uh you can choose it as a default whatever you want um and this Are all uh before we have added the add-ons right those version so this is uh going to be the version and once you have choose everything and you can give the create once you give create uh the cluster will be started creating and um it will take around 10 to 15 minutes till then I will pass a video Once cluster is created uh then uh I will start do the recording now you can see that uh we our cluster is on active status uh let's uh go into the cluster and you can see here there is compute here uh you can add your node group so this is uh this is comes under self manager notes if you are creating any self-manager notes then it will comes under here and if you are if you are making like a manager note group then it will comes under here you will create a note group The not group name Will comes here and the notes will appear here uh let's uh see in this uh demo how we can do this add node group here and uh give some name for the node group I'm giving node group one and here also you have to create one IM am rule for that I have already created the IM am rule I will show you how to create this IM am rule here so in this uh in this IM am rule you how to attach these three policies here so these are the three policies Amazon easy to container register read only policy and Amazon eks cni policy Amazon eks worker node policy so these policies you can create using go to roles and here you can give create and here you can you you have to choose easy2 once choose easy to next you have to give um here can add the permissions so these are all the policies you can add which I have already sh so you can by clicking uh this tick box you can add this all three policies which I shown in the previous uh previous um previous video previous on the uh um role you can you can use this all three uh things so once you created you can give next and you can give some name for your worker node policy and you can give create role okay so once you done this one uh and come to the your uh worker node worker node uh creation and you can give refresh and your role will appear here you can choose this one right so once you all done you can give next and uh here you are going to choose the Ami uh here I'm going to choose the the Linux Ami and this capacity going to be the on demand and uh here I'm going to choose the instance type as t2. medium so T2 micro if you are choosing there will be some issue with while you are placing placing the Pod so don't um go for the t2 micro uh it won't work much so go for T2 medium or some other some other instant type right so once you done that uh give next and again give next um then uh you can you will see the uh review uh here I have total two notes I'm going to create you can you will also choose before uh desired and minimum Max everything and give next uh here you will choose the uh Security Group everything uh subnet you will choose um so whatever subnet you want you can choose or else you can go for the default one um it will for the demo purpose if you are using and then give create once you give create uh it will start uh creating your note group uh you can come and see in the compute so uh once notes got created uh these notes will comes under here till then I will pass the video right now you can see that our note group on active status and we have total two notes in our terminal so we have total two nodes which we have created right now and our cluster is also on active status so in this video we have seen how we can create a cluster and node group in next video I will show you how to connect this cluster and how we can create ports and services using that how to access via the website I hope this video is helpful and uh if you find this video is helpful and give thumbs up subscribe my channel follow for the more videos thanks for watching
Channel: DevOps Pro Junction
Views: 8,372
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Keywords: how to setup kubernetes cluster on aws, how to setup kubernetes in aws, setup kubernetes cluster on aws, kubernetes cluster on aws, kubernetes cloud, kubernetes on cloud, aws eks kuberenetes tutorial, aws kubernetes setup, aws kubernetes tutorial, aws kubernetes, kubernetes aws, kubernetese on aws, kubernetes tutorial, kubernetes aws setup, kubernetes aws tutorial, aws eks explained, aws eks example, aws eks tutorial, techworld with nana, eks aws, aws eks
Id: 0bUEKcjC_jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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