How To Export Stems In Adobe Audition for Mixing and Mastering -

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[Music] so if we played this back here I'm going to pull up our video panel as well and you can take a listen and look at some of this so ideally what I'd like to do is provide my video editor with complete stems of each one of these tracks of audio you can see that if you look here like on this first voice mono track there's actually multiple clips that live in the track itself we've got this effects track which just has some effects kind of in the middle and then we've got a bike sound effects mix so I'd like each one of these to be one continuously long stream that has all of the effects that we've actually applied on these tracks so that the editor or someone else can actually hear everything as it sounds in audition when they're cutting the video together so to do that it's very very simple we can go up to the file menu choose export multitrack mix down an entire session so the first thing we want to do is actually give it a name now this of course is going to reference the actual session name which in this case is very very long we can leave that as it is you then need to choose a location you can see here that I chose a folder called stems export on my desktop and then we come to format's and this is one of the more exciting features in Adobe Audition cs6 lots of new export and import formats supported so again by default if we want to keep it uncompressed we would probably choose Windows PCM wave we're going to go ahead and choose that there sample type we'll keep that the same we'll keep the bit depth the same format settings the same but mix down options is where we want to go because this is where we can tell audition exactly what we want exported so we're going to click on the Change button here and this is where we can choose what stems are actually created so we have the option here to create a stereo master so this is everything compiled all together in a single stereo file but we can additionally create a single stem for the voice track the extra sound effects sound effects mix and the music mix down and you can see because we have a bus on the music track here we can even do a separate export of the music bus as well so we can go ahead and choose that click OK again we can include markers and any other metadata that's in any of these files we can have the files open after the export is completed and it begins exporting individual stems of all these tracks now when it does that of course they'll appear inside the files panel so let's go over to our files panel we know which files they are because they have the complete name of the session listed here which is Jerry bike full mix Oh - Auto speech line mixed down and here's where we can see all of our individual stems and if we double click on these you can see this one is that it's little sound effects bleep at the end right at the end there it is a little scratch here's our music mix down here's our sound effects mix here's our complete stereo mix down of everything and here's just a solo track just with the voices [Music]
Channel: Mike's Mix and Master
Views: 5,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: online mixing and mastering, best mixing and mastering service, mix and master, mix and master online, online mixing, best online mixing service, mixing and mastering services, professional mixing and mastering, affordable mixing and mastering, audio mixer online, mixing and mastering, online mastering,, mikes mix master review, review, exporting stems, Adobe Audition, how to export stems in adobe audition
Id: 8W6sZl62c-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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