How To Export React Native Expo App to APK

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hey everybody Welcome to algo prep master and in this video I'm gonna show you how to turn the react native Expo app into APK so this is the calculator app that I used in a different video I'm gonna live I'm Gonna Leave a link in the description of the video on how to code this calculator app so you can try it on your own but in this video we're gonna turn this app into an APK and then install it on my Android phone um so grab your laptop and let's start code so the first thing that we we're gonna do is uh start a new terminal and go into the folder where projects in and now we're going to do npm install and I've forgot an L there but it's still installing and npm install Dash g e e s Dash CLI and let it install um now that it's installed we're gonna type es build Dash uh P Android and once we do that it's going to ask us to log in to Expo now in this case it's not going to do that because I'm already logged in but I'm going to leave a link in the description of where you can make an export account and then log in through Visual Studio code after you log in it's going to start the build or uh have a build queue so you want to do Ctrl C and stop it and navigate to your ees.json file now I'm going to leave a link in the description for the Expo docs and this is the website where we're gonna take this line of command so we're just gonna copy uh all the way from build to preview three uh copy it and paste it into the e as Json file and after we do that uh we wanna copy and paste the command uh in the Expo website again the link will be in the description um and this is the APK docs so you copy that you paste that into the terminal and from now this is when your APK should be generated um in this case again it's going to queue it uh because I just made an app not too long ago um but I'm just gonna wait and show you what happened so now it should give you a link to download your APK download your APK and now we're going to install it my phone is giving me a warning saying that they don't recognize this developer but since I recognize the developer it's me I'm just gonna install it and open it and as you can see we have the calculator operating and working so yeah that's pretty much how you turn a react native app into an APK and use it on your phone so if you like this tutorial and it was helpful for you please leave a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel till the next one guys peace out
Channel: AlgoPrepMaster
Views: 16,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V52RteeXLrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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