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Elle everyone is Genesis again welcome to another tutorial and today I'm going to be teaching you guys how to take your own III pulley and bake them into your loop holy mesh that's I'm taking your loop pull you out of ZBrush and taking your iPod details into your loop as you can see ya this is a loop fully this is I really you can see all the details that I sculpted here in ZBrush and the idea is I want to take this detail into a mesh like this and and that's what I'm gonna be showing you and now you can work with this and I can take it to a molecule in ZBrush I'm sorry in substance painter and you can start painting you textures so I'm just going to show you my walkthrough why I usually do I don't export my I pulley mesh and my loop will image together I spot just my loop fully and I export my normal map and my displacement map and I bake my I use my normal map into sauce and sweet I don't bake my normal maps in substance painter because so since substance painter does not it's not good thinking no I I amount of polygons like as you can see this is 9 million this is 9 million polygons they'll be a lot for substance painter to bake I've tried it it doesn't really work except you're working with something like maybe 3 million polygons probably it's gonna work with this name you know me start going to 9 10 20 million it's usually usually chose messes up for me and anyway so I just wanna show you do we I use it and it's actually faster instead of just exporting to my meshes together and try to bake it in a substance made time he's gonna show you my own way and the fastest we had the best way and not the best video is other ways anyways moving on let's start this tutorial okay the first thing we're gonna do is go to zip log in and we're gonna go to more team map exporter and click on this so it can come up yeah make sure your displacement map displacement stone Donna you know mop your normals at home no it's just this what this means is this displacement mom this norm about if you work in an animation of him you want something like this if you want if you're working in games or you're doing real-time rendering you just need this because real never every knows what we displace my mom at least that's my knowledge Oh at this time anyways though so I work with pre-rendering which is renderings and packages like Arnold old theory so I usually use this and displacement map is really powerful that's a lot of information into it and and normal map actually fix the the details that you you get Y displacement map actually deforms to mesh so let's move on so you want this to be turned on and the next step we're gonna do is make sure the resolution of your map I usually use for K that's 4096 and you can use to 2 kilo one K it doesn't really matter it just depends on what kind of project you're working on if you want a lower resolution in your texture you choose focus sometimes people use 6q 80 I think 4k is enough so I use 4 key you can choose 2 K 2 K so k 2 anyways and the next thing we're going to do is file name on the file name we have TIFF the gif means TIFF is an image format I usually just use this I don't change it to PNG or toggle which TIFF is a very good format it has a lot of information and I think it's lossless so that's a plus so you can see the file extensions is a file extensions name extension name so you leave all this this doesn't really matter and we can actually rename them if you want except you're working with you dams when I'm working with you dams yeah I am I'm going to create a YouTube tutorial later in the future but we are not working with you don't see if you're working with YouTube's you may have to change you file extension especially for displacement map all the maps actually if you are picking I'm up this Pinero vector texture you have to change the file extension Maeby's dot displacement or DSP doesn't matter so when I'm teaching that I'm going to go over this again but for this tutorial we don't need that so we're just gonna press ok and ok the next thing we are going to do is go to under an export option if you click on export options you're going to get this on the export option go to displacement map and you want this to be the same as the resolution you're going to export as you loo this your low res this one me what this means is right now we're in solution five and one big subdivision five detail into subdivision one so once subdivision want to have all the details the solution fibers so if you are exporting you that damage subdivision one is your locally so that's what this means meaning that okay I Italian ZBrush that this monopoly subdivision want and I want you to take my displacement map my subdivision five into myself edition one you want this my baking level so the I don't know if that makes sense so if you're if you are what effects if you expected your low poly as them subdivision to which I usually do I don't actually expect a subdivision one so just for the sake of this tutorial some people it doesn't really matter you're probably going to get the same result so if you export in at this level subdivision one you want this a subdivision once with SEO expert in a subdivision to you want this at self diffusion to because the idea you put in oh so if you do this if you put this a subdivision - and you expected and subdue someone it won't work you get an error so make sure you loop within your low poly mesh is the same this is really important so this is your mid viola I usually put in some code for this a great value doesn't really matter you just leave it at 0.5 skill to one density to zero no let's go to normal Maps normal Maps you want engine tones would you use this usually I own automatically do not own any other clean adaptive I thought it doesn't really do much it just increase your when you export in time I do it I don't see the difference that really doesn't really too much now this very important flip chip if you work if you are going to be working and in OpenGL you can you turn this off if you're working with DirectX like let's say you're working in an unreal you want this to be on because it's gonna be using the direct X so you want your flip G on and 3ds max I use 3ds max as my 3d program so I use this DirectX to turn this on though I'll advise you to just use this as a guide using OpenGL anyways that's that now we also create all maps you go back to create all maps and this is gonna turn on you already have already done this obvious gonna I'm just gonna delete this so that we can do this again and we can just call this call this maps and maps as maps click Save and ZBrush is gonna do is thin so you can see it just turned it to the lowest subdivision right yeah and why strength there is okay I'm trying too big all that information for me I hope you should have to have to bring this opposition to the lowest of the lowest subdivision and do some calculations so that's what ZBrush it in ZBrush is calculating and it's analyzing as you can see analyze normals so this shouldn't take long yeah 0.59 seconds so which is pretty fast for something like this so we have our normal maps and we have a displacement map and what we need to do now is export our mesh our loop will you mesh and I'm showing you my own method usually what some people do is export your loop with an eye pulley and you don't pick this map thinner tell me about your experience go to the substance meantime take it over there which I don't do because I get some errors and have to do some cleaning work which I don't like doing anyways now you can why I usually do is export as obg and I go to 3ds max and export us FBX but for this tutorial I don't want to stress you guys we just experts here as FBX obvious going to make sure you do a subdivision and you go to export and go to mesh and call this add mesh you can put it on the school sometimes these programs they don't like spacing so right save file exported so we're good now we can go to substance mentor so see you guys in substance painter so guys we in substance painter we're going to bring in our Lupin in mesh into substance meter so good file we're going to go to noon and actually this is metal roughness just default export in texture option should just leave it at this and you don't need to touch this because you can actually change this later on the document with the resolution so you can even you complete it at 4k whatever it doesn't really matter now normal map format this is important you remember when we we had ZBrush and I told you to choose flip G this is where this way it actually this way we actually use that so because I said I'm using DirectX and then he is free is it open G Odom is when you wake spotting your normal map you didn't flip G so I'm using DirectX Anton you know if the icon don't flip me on my zebra show you have to turn off flip D we use indirect test just know that that's really really important guys so now this way we're gonna add our mesh so go to add and go to where we saved them and see some maps and choose no map I'm not going to use displacement map I don't really use it and you could use it but I don't use it there's a trick because subsequent arrows are really two displacement map is the way you can use it for there's no point using it so I'm not gonna use it so I'm just gonna add only normal maps and I'm gonna select my mesh do we exported from ZBrush and mesh you can see add mesh and so expert that now we can say okay so so something that's gonna read my soup you can see if not your substance painter before it's just like using my at interfaces the same old and left mouse button to turn around Alt + right mouse button to zoom in and middle mouse button the middle mouse button to pan so here we are mentioned that once baked in our normal maps and we want to get all the details that we got in our ZBrush so now what we what usually do is go to texture set search set settings and go to big mesh now I turn off this and a ton of ID because I'm not using any ID and if I'm gay I don't need tick nice I don't think I use that for key yeah it doesn't really matter usually what people do is they put in their local year and I know they put in the I put here and then they pick the number mouse which I don't do it because the result is not ridiculous if you fully my technique just use break mesh so substance paint and paint has been to stop doing this job and walk on everything and pick all the necessary map so we need to walk on our textures in substance painter and shouldn't take long right now speaking an ambient occlusion now is picking the curvature map you could actually pick all this mapping in ZBrush actually you can actually be the ambient occlusion and you cannot plug it in which I do I do I baked this in substance mandible i plug in my normal maps because i don't want to go to the baking no mobs yet it's not a cool so you see we don't see of those details about what we need to do you see yeah we see select normal map I can now select this map you can see the name ed now let's look at this all our details we can see them from ZBrush is there so that's how I do it that's how I do it and it works perfectly gets everything done everything's looking nice ok this is the main thing is looking where do you want to fix this let me quickly fix this good camera no this 35 yeah ok ok so we can see this everything is there so that's how you do it guys you can now take sure you your character in substance mentor and if you don't know how to take sure your character and so something that I actually created tutorial on how to texture the dark skinned character in substance mentor the link is down below and link should be up here somewhere so I hope you guys learned something that's how I do I expect my loop really my I put into my loop hoodie in substance painter and as I work to help you learn something I'll see you guys in the next one like subscribe in the notification there so you can get notified when I drop my new tutorial I try my best to bring two or three tutorials a week and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Genesis Williams
Views: 55,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush to substance painte, substance, substance painter, zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush to substance painter tutorial, baking tutorial for zbrush, baking tutorials for substance painter, uv mapping, 3d tutorials, high poly to low poly baking
Id: QUuuUxCyWyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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