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hey and welcome to my channel I'm Daniel and today I will show you how you can add your email address to office 2019 when you want to use the username I got a user name from my server provider but office 2019 Microsoft doesn't allow you even if you click the advanced setting to put in user name anymore but I have a solution for you and I will show you today I use Windows Pro and if you go to the control panel you actually find an email setting that is still the old email setting and with this one you can add email addresses and even user names like you were used to in all the other versions from Outlook and if you add your email address here you can still see it in the newer version as well so this is the workaround super simple super easy if you get any problems setting up your email address in my case for example I had to change the port for my s TMP the outgoing email server inside of the settings but then everything was working fine and here it's the old window you can use it like you were used to before you can put in your user name everything cool you see it's super simple fix this is how I solved the problem with Microsoft Outlook 2019 I hope they bring the setting back because I don't like this new wizard this channel is designed to show the process of how I build my travel business so stick around I'm making videos every single day and if you like this video give it a like hit subscribe and bring up in your bring on the bang I mean I'm talking about the gong gong gong you know what I'm talking about see you tomorrow bye [Music]
Channel: Daniel Kovacs
Views: 13,617
Rating: 4.3157897 out of 5
Keywords: outlook 2019 email username, outlook 2019 IMAP setting username, Cannot setup Imap email account in outlook 2019, Outlook 2019 doesn't allow custom username for IMAP/SMTP account, Microsoft Office 2019, MS Office 2019, MS Outlook 2019, Email setup in outlook 2019, outlook 2019 email setup, outlook 2019 add email
Id: CLolpljlLok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 29sec (89 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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