How to Enhance ChatGPT Conversations with Knowledge Graphs | InfraNodus Tutorial

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hello everyone my name is Dimitri and in this  video I'm going to show you how you can use   visual text analysis to develop your ChatGPT  conversations in an interesting way so that   instead of having something like this where  you gradually get lost in the interaction you   have a graph that shows you the main topics that  you covered together with ChatGPT and also where   you can see the gaps in your discourse so you can  address those gaps and develop this conversation   further in an interesting direction that will  help you explore new ideas and get to the Nuance   of meaning of this conversation so keep watching  if you want to learn how it works we will be using   the app that I developed that's called InfraNodus  which is a visual text network analysis app it's   available on InfraNodus.Com and what you can do  is find the chat Gypsy conversation like in this   case for instance I had a conversation with it  on neo-liberalism because I wanted to understand   what is actually meant by this term a little bit  better so then I export this conversation just   copy a link and then in for notice you have  a feature where you can import links I will   go to the apps and import choose URLs websites  and URL copy and paste my link click save and   what happens is that InfraNodus extracts all the  keywords and Concepts from this conversation and   visualizes them on the graph the concepts that  have a more influenced session bigger on the   graph as you can see here and if those Concepts  or Notions are used in the same context like   for example in this case they will have the same  color so this visualization provides you a really   quick visual overview of the main ideas on a very  granular level if you want high level ideas so to   see more of the topics that you covered you can  also click here or there and then it will show   you the main topics which are actually generated  by gpt4 neoliberalism history capitalism debate   political economy and Welfare economics and then  we have more here if we click here so we can see   all the topics we covered which is really great  if I want to refresh on this conversation because   it happened I think a couple of months ago and  I wanted to pick up where I left so I decided to   use that and to see if I can develop this idea  further right so first of all what I like to   do is to get a general overview using InfraNodus  to see what other topics I covered neoliberalism   history here the pink one capitalism debate  political economy welfare economics if I want if   this doesn't give me a general idea of what it's  about even though it does but I can also summarize   in this text using GPT which is built into  InfraNodus just to get a summary of this   conversation so basically we see that we've been  talking about neoliberalism and how it's a term   that re refers to a set of economics and political  bullet policies and also how capitalism is an   economic system based on growth and so on and how  it's related to Concepts such as profit service   and production so that gives me a quick overview  of the conversation now let's say I want to see   how to develop it further so I'm going to reset  the Highlight here by going again to show all   and then it will show me all the statements uh one  way that you can do is a very direct use of the   feature that's called the blind spot so basically  what InfraNodus does in this case is that it   identifies the topical clusters which are shown  here that could be better connected and highlights   the gaps between them so you can see which topics  you could connect and generate some ideas to make   those new connections which you haven't made  before right in this case for instance I can   reiterate through a few gaps and normally I  like to look for the ones that are further   apart so for example impact of globalization and  profit maximization in this case this seem to be   sufficiently apart they're kind of connected but  not so well so let's see what Jeep T4 generates   we have a button here by the way I can also just  think of the connection myself which is something   I like to do because it helps me develop my  own ideas but if I want to kind of stimulate   my thought process I can also generate a few using  Ai and then and get into it myself so for example   here it says how can the regulation of global free  trade markets influence decision making to promote   production of good services at competitive prices  to maximize profit so basically how deregulation   affects profit seeking behavior of course because  it's AI sometimes it's not going to phrase the   question really well but our task here remember  is to stimulate our thinking so how can we connect   those ideas here I'm thinking how can deregulation  affect profit maximization this is interesting I   can either save this question into notes Here by  clicking this green button or if I already have an   answer or I want to add this idea into the graph  I can simply click here save the graph and it's   going to be added into this discourse I can even  answer this question and it depends whether I want   to answer it in this very conversation or if I  want to make a sort of like a new file that will   contain all the new ideas so you can actually  work in both ways I prefer when I start with   something like this that I haven't touched  for a while to actually develop it in   the notes here so here I see how can the  regulation of global free trade influence   uh profit-seeking behavior and then I  can say that indeed there is a connection   between those two aspects but also I would  be interested to look at the stats and see   if there was any correlation between for  example deregulation practices and profits   derived by the big corporations right so I can  just write it as a note think of a connection between deregulation and a profit s of  big corporations just something for me   to research later you can save it so I have it  in my thoughts and then I can generate some new   ideas so I can regenerate some of the questions  and as you can see it highlights the Gap so for   example I can also choose a new one let's say  something that is further apart from each other maybe this is interesting welfare policy  and neoliberalism they're kind of uh on   slightly opposite parts of the graph so I  can also think of a connection between them   and let's see what is the role of neoliberal  advocates in the private sector responds to   the emergence of Classical liberalism in the 21st  century and how it's affected by public welfare   police intervention so this needs some knowledge  on the subject and even though it's an interesting   question and I could go and research it I will  show you another feature I could actually ask   the same question that the AI generated back  to the AI for it to generate an answer for me   so I just click on elaborate and then it will  elaborate on that statement and respond with   some idea so it says that a neoliberal Advocates  influence promotion of the regulation and free   market principles however Public Welfare policy  interventions often challenge those ideas by   emphasizing social responsibility and equality so  this is great because I already discovered this   dichotomy that I had in the conversation where  I was talking on the one side about the need for   free markets and how it drives economic growth  and at the same time that there is also a way   of looking at things where you need to prioritize  social responsibility inequality because it makes   for a more stable Society so I can save this into  my notes I think that's an interesting thought I   can even use it later to start a new conversation  with ChatGPT and to develop this idea further   um and I can also generate some more responses to  see what can be maybe phrased a little bit better   or maybe to get a completely different response  right so this is another approach I would use look   at the gaps here uh regenerate uh them and then  see how I can connect them in an interesting way   preferably seeking those gaps that are further  apart from each other right so this is why   reiterate a few times and then I generate  something I think of a connection between   these two topics if I need help I use the AI to  generate an idea for me I always encourage people   to think of their own questions and then answer  them first because this kind of engages you into   a really nice conversation with yourself but you  can also use the AI for that so here it generated   another question for me and then I just do it in  this iterative way over and over again until I   reach some idea that I like but I already did  that so let me show you something else another   feature that you have in InfraNodus is actually if  you switch off the high level ideas what you can   also do is to say like okay I know that all those  topics I already covered them in the conversation   I know that I've been talking about neoliberalism  capitalism economic marked and so on what is the   Nuance that's interesting inside so what I can do  here is actually select all those Concepts that   I know already are in the conversation and hide  them from the graph so I peel off the top layer   of ideas to see what's hiding behind and then I  see okay there's something about social personal   brand so that's interesting let's click on  those terms to see in which context I use them   okay so there is something about erosion of  privacy and pressure on mental health and also   self as a brand so how it actually changes people  neoliberalism and capitalism makes people turn   into products and all the negative effects that it  might have so I can also add this idea that I just   had just from looking at the graph and selecting  those topics as a thought so how capitalism   and Neo liberalism affects people and makes  them turn themselves into a brand and again   here because it's not I'm not so much concerned  with phrasing my sentence as well these are just   some ideas I'm going to show you what you can do  with them after so here again I picked on some   topic that was present in the conversation but not  so evident imagine me having to read all of this   to kind of find this again that would be really  complicated my yeah it's my transcript with uh T   so so basically what I did here I just pulled off  the top layer found the stuff that are interesting   wrote down some thought and then I can go on  actually and I can remove this stuff from the   graph to see what's hiding on there so I see  this see there's a lot about individuals okay   this already covered policy State intervention  so something about how State intervenes into   economics and how that works that's an interesting  subject but let's imagine I'm not interested in   that so I will peel this off and look for more  specific stuff I just look at the graph if I   like I can also by the way reduce the number of  nodes shown if it's too much for me something like   that maybe will work so for example let's say I  would like to see what was written about Classical   liberalism idea so that's interesting because I  was also now it makes me remember that I was also   asking it what is liberalism and how neoliberalism  is actually different so that is also something   that I remind myself about the conversation  and about the possible thread of how I could   develop it further right this kind of historical  lineage of the term and how it evolved over time   so I can deselect those then select some new stuff  like for instance what about humans what what was   I talking about humans actually here and in this  case because it's a smaller node I can show more   connections and you also have a really nice  feature here that shows if you don't want to   use the graph only what are the nodes that this  node is connected to so you click on relations   in the analytics panel and then you see that the  word human or the notion of human is connected to   context argue potential base word so you can see  the stuff that you like that is connected to for   instance Freedom human freedom and then I can  see okay this is the context where it was used   uh for humans Write the basic respect  well-being and freedom so Human Rights   and freedom in connection to how they are  affected by government regulations so this   is interesting it's once again this idea of  a trade-off between freedom and social good   you know when does your freedom become a problem  for somebody else so this is basically how I would   use these features peel off this graph layer by  layer to get to the deeper more interesting topics   that I'm interested in and then once I'm done  I can get all these terms back into the graph   regenerate the main ideas maybe I wrote something  down into the graph so the graph will naturally   change and then I'll select to look at the topics  by themselves and for example see if there's maybe   something that I want to develop further like  for me at the moment it's very interesting   to think about social branding and how people  become products on social media because of this   trend somehow right that that they have to Market  themselves and advertise themselves and promote   themselves and so on so that's interesting this  is maybe the subject that I'm going to explore   further in the conversation maybe I will start a  new chat with Chat GPT in relation to the subject   or I will simply go back to my chat and this is  how I'm going to continue it what about social   branding and how it relates to the conversation  about click this it will take into account all   the context that we had and then developed this  idea further I can also get back to my notes and   also copy and paste some of those stuff and  generate some new conversation what I can also   do is to make a summary actually of all those  notes which I took which are my most important   observations about this conversation note summary  so then it will generate a summary of those notes   and uh what what all those notes are about and I  can actually even copy and paste this into chatgpt   and ask it to kind of develop the conversation  further in this direction and you know already   probably that you can give it instructions  further in this direction using the summary   of what I'm interested in below so here I'm  copying and pasting that when it finishes talking   I'm going to send it another prompt here you see  it's already responding me on the social branding   and the connection to the previous conversation  I had on this topic and then we will also discuss   how this conversation relates to the regulation  and Global free trade and profit seeking Behavior   and and then I will probably connect it to uh  all these issues of how it affects people on   the human level how it affects society and  probably some interesting ideas will come   up and I will form an opinion on the subject  and maybe develop it into a text or just some   thoughts that I can share with myself or with  my friends so as you can see here I'm copying   and pasting this summary asking it to develop it  further and here you see it's uh starting to talk   about the relationship between global global trade  deregulation neoliberalism and personal branding   so that's interesting because it links all those  topics that I got interested in by finding them   in the graph first right so I found them here at  the beginning and then I picked the ones that I   feel like could be interesting for me and here  we are starting to develop this conversation   further making new connections between them and  this is what InfraNodus does really well helping   you find uh the main ideas in any discourse and  then helping you make new connections between   them or explore the periphery of those ideas by  peeling off the top layers and then going beyond   the initial sort of boundary of the interaction  or of the conversation you had try it out on   InfraNodus.Com and let me know how it works also  subscribe to this channel so you can be informed   about more videos that will show how you can  combine visual text analysis and Chat GPT and let   me know in the comments or on our support portal  if you need any help with that thank you very much
Channel: Nodus Labs
Views: 8,773
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Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, infranodus, ai, gpt4, gpt 4, gpt3, artificial intelligence, text analysis, knowledge graph, tutorial, ai chats, productivity tools, thinking tools, LYT, link your thinking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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