How To End Your Schneider Finance (SFI) Lease Early Part 1

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all right YouTube we're going to start these videos on the SFI truck returning it what what I did what I had to do and what you're gonna have to do if you decide to turn in the SFI truck in early a little background on myself and why I did what I did I was a company driver on a dedicated Walmart account and I was home every day every night but I knew I knew I was leaving money on the table so there's there's more there's more to do more money to make more responsibilities obviously I wanted all of that so I know Schneider obviously they've got the the IC program so I called I called you to figure out what I needed to do as far as I see to get the truck I chose a 2018 for for a couple couple things here I chose to go with SFI truck itself by my own chuck for for a couple reasons one reason was I was not familiar or I really hadn't done a lot of overnight where I slept in the truck I got home every night so I wasn't wasn't sure that I was gonna dig that lifestyle I wasn't sure that my wife or kid was gonna like that lifestyle so where I'm gone five days at a time six seven days at a time versus being home every night so I didn't know I didn't know how I was gonna do OTR because I never I had never done it I was I was a local driver so instead of buying a truck and then coming to Snider and then finding out that I hate the lifestyle or the money isn't there or any of that I would be stuck with the truck that now I've got to try to figure out what else I'm gonna do with it or sell it so for me it is easier to go SFI and put skin and put zero skin in the game I got a 2018 Freightliner Cascadia my payment was a thousand fifty a week with the $50 going into maintenance fund I got the automatic so that cost $50 more week I decided to go with the new because I had less less concerns because again if I bought my own truck I would have the concerns of maintenance if it broke down could I afford to pay for it to get fixed there was a lot of unknowns that I wasn't secure with and depending on how much money I could make with with Schneider I see I was concerned that you know I'd be stuck with a broken-down truck and not be able to do anything so I went with the new the reason being the new trucks now have a six year six hundred thousand mile warranty so I figured worst-case scenario if I wasn't able to to buy a truck or whatever and I had to stick with this lease it had a solid warranty on it versus going used which used would be a less of a truck payment but would be more going into the the maintenance account hindsight I might have gone with the used mainly because more money goes into the maintenance fund and now and I'll get into the why you want that in either way it really doesn't matter I had the ability to buy a truck out the gate if you can find the financing but again I didn't want to buy a truck I wanted to find out what Schneider was all about before the IC program was all about before I even attempted to purchase a truck and B have skin in the game now I knew I was going to take a pay cut off the gate obviously learning the load board and and and everything like that but that's the same as when you start driving truck at 32 cents a mile or whatever you get paid you know after another year or two years you know you make more money so in the beginning of the game I lost money and and and I was prepared to lose money I got my lease I started orientation on the thing was the 25th of September I turned the truck in I believe on the 19th so I I had the truck two and a half months let's say the reason again let's just let's just go this row cuz this is kind of off the cuff I've got my notes but it's gonna be a little shady and in if I can keep my attention span going cuz I usually go live and life is a lot easier than pre-recorded but so with knowing I was leaving money on the table and everything and the Schneider truck was doing fine I was taking a pay cut I knew I would the maintenance fund was was more or less keeping up with the PM as far as getting new tires things of that nature you know hindsight I might have broke even on it or something but it wasn't that good of a you know $50.00 isn't a whole lot but you know what's new so I didn't have any issues with the truck luckily there's a lot of guys that come in with new trucks and there's issues so after after a couple months of running the load board I was secured with load board I knew what I was doing for the most part or what I was doing was working so I had the confidence of being able to get out of this truck and out of this huge truck payment so I started looking started getting truck papers right around November I started looking just kept my eye on it I was always I was looking now for a cheap truck but an inexpensive truck or some salted good used one miles not a concern I just don't I don't I don't care about miles I was looking at Pro stars initially reason being you know you can get a 2011 1112 for you know I've seen him for 13 K 13,000 I've seen him you can get the 2012's or something right around 30 grand you can get a solid one low miles I found one from my local dealer that he was asking 24,000 it was a 2011 or 12 it had a Cummins in it it wasn't a max force so I kind of max force max force has that bad name it has that bad bad image because of the the after-treatment system now I've talked to a lot of dealers I looked really hard at these Pro stars the reason being is that it's it's a the 10% of the fuel goes back into the engine to get burned for a second time now a too high of RPM that system can't keep that up it can't keep they can't burn that 10% so it gets collected in the filter if you kept rpms low depending on the gear ratio that the rear ends are and where your sweet spot is you can initially not really have any problems with that trouble also what I was told by multiple dealers that if you found a pro star that had over four hundred five hundred thousand miles on it the odds are that problem had already been addressed so that issue wouldn't be there so you could get these trucks relatively inexpensive I I'd like the pro stock I really do when I was talking to this dealer about this particular Pro star they asked me what I was running how much I was making what I was spending on my original truck and then he started doing this let's get it let's get you a full maintenance lease or had I considered a full maintenance Oh I thought there's no way in heck I'm gonna get a full maintenance lease with a month and a half two months of experience under my boat as an IC as an independent contractor so I went with it that wasted about two weeks because when I went to go sign that seal the deal the manager the owner of the business decided I'm not doing it he's not he's not gonna do it he only does fleets as full maintenance so that was out of gate by then I lost the taste in my mouth for for internationals I was done with him so the next two trucks on my list was a V and L 780 with the work station in the back or a t 680 so I went with the T 680 I found one in Fort Wayne Indiana for 48 five it had a Cummins engine which that's what I was looking for I did not want PACCAR I did not want to have to go to a dealership to get it fixed if something major went on with a with a motor the engine now the problem with the Cummins is is that you bring it to a Kenworth dealer and they still have to call Cummins and get approval to do an update to do things so it is a little time consuming but it is fixable pretty much at any shop they just have to call Cummins and get getting okay so once I once I knew I was I was found a truck and I knew I was gonna turn in my truck back I called Schneider financing and I said I want to turn my truck back I also called my DB L told him what my plans were that I'm turning in this truck what do I do they give you they'll tell you that they need a fifth wheel let me uh let me go to this page online here and I'll tell you the requirements of a new truck they need there's a particular fifth-wheel that you need there's multiple of them they're multi you know you need a sliding one that is probably the most important onboarding new truck requirements it's not that big of a deal really it's 2010 or newer you'll get grandfathered in with the 2010 and that's just 2010 engine it could be a 1919 truck as long as a head 2000 engine in it you have to remove your decals if you don't remove the decals that are on that trucks gonna cost you $62 these fifth wheel a sliding fifth wheel no wiggle room allowed they it has to be a sliding fifth wheel we tweaked some of our Freight is pretty heavy tractors fully fueled should be twenty thousand five hundred pounds or less wheelbase is two hundred and sixty inches or less so getting a double big sleeper isn't gonna work it's too big obviously need do T inspected first day of orientation or when you bring on a new truck they call it upgrading so if you have an SFI truck and you're bringing in your own truck that would be considered an upgrade and they make sure that the brakes are adjusted there's no holes in the exhaust system all the lights work reflectors are in place tires are legal the sliding fifth wheel that they require is installed if you find a truck that doesn't have that sliding fifth wheel they're not that expensive to get new ones I believe what was his name something shocker I apologize super trucker maybe he was just in he was doing this upgrade a week after two weeks after I did he had to get a new 5th wheel plate cost me hundred dollars no excessive oil or fluid leaks no cracks in the windshield that's pretty much the basics of that now let's go with that fifth wheel because a lot of people got got concerns about this fifth wheel and it's not easy to find it should be with right on there but it isn't the approved Snyder fifth wheels are as a Fontaine 6000 series the Fontaine h50 92 model or the x.509 - that's good for van and bulk the 6000 series is approved for van only the holland fleetmaster the fw 8 a style lock gen 3 and you can do a Fontaine 7000 series approved for van and bulk applications the Jost JSK series that they what else and the holland fw 3500 is an approved one you can also do a simplex s ii formerly an a SF a comment now holland or simplex - se now you can also get a Holland fleetmaster fw8 Gen 1 and Gen 2 a Holland fw 17 holland fw 3500 the FW 0 70 from Holland that's about it I mean it's rare and hard to think that if you have a sliding fifth wheel that one of these fifth wheels are already on it you think that it would I looked at one truck that had a fixed fifth wheel that wasn't gonna work you get a sliding fifth wheel put on four by about three grand from what I understand so when I called Schneider SFI to say okay I'm turning my truck back in what are what am I in for you know what's gonna be expenses on meiyan if I turn my truck in at either Charlotte North Carolina or Green Bay Wisconsin I would only have to pay $5,000 more or less fee for early contract I was breaking the contract it's $5,000 fee if I decided to turn my truck in or I could turn it in at Phoenix so Phoenix Charlotte North Carolina or Green Bay if I decided to drop it off in Dallas Edwardsville anyone in Pennsylvania Cargill or Carlisle or Gary Indiana any of that they would charge me $1500 to move those trucks reason being Phoenix Charlotte North Carolina in Green Bay is where they do the orientations for SFI or for IC and that's where the trucks need to be because that's where your orientation is is wherever your truck is since they don't do orientation and Gary which would've been a lot easier for me to drop my truck off and Gary but for $1,500 I'll brought it another six hours north to just drop it off in they they do not charge if the truck is needed in Charlotte North Carolina they do not charge that $1500 once you bring it to one of those three dcs or o'seas then that's it you don't know anymore now with this $5,000 what they do if I can get back to this what they do is they take that $5,000 and this is why I would lean more towards a used truck because more money goes into your maintenance fund right what they do is they take the money that's in your maintenance fund now granted if you are if you get a new truck they'll throw $1400 seed into your maintenance fund right so and then on top of your $50 a week or 75 whatever your credit rating is or what they say is how many miles are on that new truck is where they come off with this maintenance but how much you put in now I had a solid credit and I also was coming from company - I see so again I had zero down and I had a $50 a week truck don't now insurances and stuff I'll go through that as well I save quite a bit of money on insurance well not quite a bit of money I did save money on insurance if I can find that my insurance I was paying weekly was 188 47 a week I saved over $60 with this with this older truck so you also save on insurance now it'll let alone the truck payment so now I turn this truck in and Gary are ya in Green Bay rather they want to charge me in $5,000 so they'll send you a letter that says you owe five thousand bucks your MMA balance is 1797 is what my MMA balance was so they'll take all that MMA and and put that towards now the longer you have the lease remember I only had my lease truck free for two and a half months in reality so my MMA none of that was really up to par so I didn't have a lot of money in that MMA now if I've got a lot of money in the MMA then I could have walked out with nothing and money back if the truck was in good condition so they want to know where you parked it how many miles are on the truck when you parked it and who you gave the set of keys to that you would be talking to raylene or or Stacey whoever is your SFI representative they would they want this information as far as where the trucks will where the truck was dropped off at the miles the date and who's got the keys now when I turn this in I turned it in on Tuesday and I did not have to pay a truck payment of any sort the following payday so I didn't get charged for that that Monday which was excellent so I don't that $5,000 that I owe seventeen seventeen ninety seven twenty one is my balance or what my MMA was so my balance off that five thousand thirty two hundred dollars and $2.00 3200 279 so they sent me this letter saying that I've got multiple options since I'm still employed with Schneider national I'm still contracted to them they will cut me a deal I can make payments plan one if I pay $50 a week I would get a 15% discount so then I would owe 27:22 and 37 cents and I would have 54 weeks of that $50 payment I could also go to plan 2 and pay $75 a week they would give me a 30% discount on that 3,200 leaving me a balance of 2241 and 95 cents for 30 payments option 3 I could pay $100 a week get a 50% discount and then oh only 1600 and $1 and 40 cents for 16 payments and the final option is I could pay cheque or credit card one-time payment 60% off for twelve hundred eighty one dollars and twelve cents that's what I'm doing 1281 6/3 1281 twelve sixty percent off so twelve hundred eighty one dollars this is what I'm gonna end up paying after I break my contract I had the truck for let's say three months that's four hundred dollars a month I rented that truck a brand new truck for four hundred dollars a month and obviously I paid I paid my payments and all that other stuff but I again I was still making money on that and learning the system and finding out if there's something I wanted to do or or anything it I really had the full experience of the Schneider finance and was able to decide whether or not I was gonna buy truck with zero skin in the game except walking away from the truck now if I walked away from the Chuck and I had to go find a factory job or be a company driver again yes I would have this $1,200 I'd have to pay but that $1,200 for the experience that I got and the confidence of I got as far as to be able to purchase my own truck that $1,200 is a drop in the bucket it is a drop in the bucket so with that would that be inside this is going to end part one of multiple parts of this so that's the expense for an overview that's the expense of getting a truck and and how to return it and how much it's going to cost to get you returned that's not bad for three months three months of use so the next video after I regroup kind of look at my notes is what do I have to do to assign or bring in a truck or in their in their words upgrade how to upgrade so that'll be the next video I'll check out my thoughts here put everything together and we'll see you then but thanks for watching subscribe ring the bell all that good stuff be safe out there thanks for watching
Channel: The Other Trucker James Best
Views: 3,236
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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