Ultimate Freedom.....Why We Left Landstar?! Owner Operator/BCO

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hi welcome back to wanda's world this is lashonda winding and in today's video i'm going to show you how we have now transitioned from being the owner operator to now having our own authority before we get into this video i want you to stop right now and click the subscribe button and also give this video a big thumbs up and comment below if you like this content [Music] so back in february i uploaded a video about showing our numbers since we've been owner operating in the trucking industry since now we have our own authority i wanted to kind of like go into details of why we transitioned from owner operating to getting on the own authority and still basically doing the same thing we was doing when we were at landstar if you guys did not know already my husband and i just delivered twins in october 2020 and i'm so glad that that section of our life is over back in february we found out we was pregnant and we went to a ultrasound clinic in march and we found out we were having twins so you know we were so excited you know just filled with joy and maybe two weeks later everything went down as far as me i was very sick the first trimester i could not have been alone by myself at home because i was just feeling bad the best way for me to feel better was me laying down and because i was feeling that way it made my husband rethink about being over the road uh more often than he should because obviously somebody needs to be at home helping me out and tending to the children so um we briefly left landstar and tried this uh local company out there said that it was gonna give this much amount of revenue um which was in our range that we like but also had him at home more frequently so hey we tried it out but it did not happen that way because this company allows didn't allow you to dispatch yourself so you have to depend on someone else and when you put yourself in that position you are opening yourself up to a lot of risk of your revenue going either up staying the same or going down and it did not go as beautiful as we had once so it's like okay we can go back to land store or we can try to do our own authority now if you were a experienced driver they've been driving um 10 15 years you probably would tell us to go back to landstar but we wasn't feeling led to go back to land store we were feeling late to go get our own authority why because we already knew the fundamentals of everything um brian already had a truck um i saw where we can hook up with this company that give you your funds upfront instead of waiting a long time for a broker so i was like it just makes sense if it makes sense then i'm all for it if it doesn't make sense then i'm not far for it so we jumped i mean i am a big risk taker and i'm all for if god trying to stretch us to do more and to stretch out our faith then i will be the first one to go you know what bae let's uh try this out and i did encourage my husband to step out of the boat and walk on water and see how this authority is going to take us or where it's going to take us and i'm glad we did that because we see the benefits first week we were running i mean no problem i mean once we got a lot of opposition as far as like well or objections saying no you shouldn't do this or you might not make that much money the first week or the first couple of months because you're not going to have that many uh brokers open to you because you have a new authority but that's a lot because the revenue uh the revenue went up and it didn't change it just felt like we was running up on the landslide itself giving landstar uh what 65 70 something percent we was getting the whole 100 of the loan and just paying that company to give us the funds upfront like that's it regular expenses and everything um which i'll show you later on in this video of us some of our numbers on some of the lows it was perfect and i'm glad that we did it if you are on the edge of not knowing if you want to get your own authority or not uh i think and i encourage you to try to do so especially if you already got experience if you've been driving for 15 years ten years four years i mean if you have experience driving a truck running a truck you're good with your as far as safety and everything i don't see any reason why you shouldn't try to get your own authority as long as you have um banking also and you kind of know about the rules and regulations of fmcsa and dlt regulations you know you just got a good understanding of how everything should go i think you should take the risk like we did and expand your horizons like there's nothing wrong with trying all you could do is try and if it didn't work out then go back and then make sure you build some more experience up and then try again but you don't you won't know until you step out and i'm i'm glad we stepped up but i just wanted to give you kind of like a short update on my reasoning for what [Music] so here's brent wendy and i'm just throwing a question at him and he's just gonna answer the question and then i'll be coming right back so i can finish talking to you a little bit more so i'm here to tell you guys some of the things that made me want to get my own authority one of the major one of the first things is being an owner operator for since 2016 you go through the ups and downs of having to run up to somebody having to pay somebody extra money or a percentage of your money just to pretty much run under their authority and have their logo on the side of their truck i mean you get the full on you get the owner operator experience but you really don't get the full experience of it so when i decided to get my own authority it ultimately came down to i could take that money and pay myself pay my business bank and do basically what i wanted to do run where i want to run go where i want to go do everything that i decide decided i want to do without anybody having to be over me i still run legal i still run my e-logs i still run everything that i'm supposed to do because it's just the right thing to do but i don't have you know a safety team looking over my back every time something goes wrong them calling my phone whether it be in the middle of the night or bright and early in the morning while i'm driving down the road uh and it's just a just a better peace of mind of having your own authority and uh like i say like i tell some of my friends i just got to the point where when you've been with this company this company take 15 this company take 25 percent for this company like landstar which i had no issues with of taking 30 you know they had 35 but you still be able to make the money that you want to make i just got to the point where i was like you know i'm just tired of people having a percentage of my money that money i could go out and make for myself you know and just build up my business back and that's pretty much it [Music] hey so to those guys out there who are women you know we don't discriminate on this channel but to y'all you know all the people who are trying to or thinking about getting their own authority you know here's some of my tips of what you should do coming from the aspect of you coming from a company driver trying to get your own authority or you being the only operator and you've worked under different companies like like i said prior to you know you're paying percentages to those people coming from a company driver most of these companies they want you to be having most of these companies want you to have experience like four years of driving this course that way you know they can give you the best possible rate on cargo insurance general liability and all those things to have your own authority so when you're looking at it from a company driver's standpoint it's it's one of those major jumps that you could take and you could be able to you know exponentially drive up your income you know it's you know driving trucks it's a life change it changes your status it changes everything that you would think um it it would change you know you get it you got into truck driving to change your lifestyle getting to your own authority is kind of like the upper echelon of being that driver of a truck so that's what you i would tell you that should be your main goal in truck driver to get your owner to start your own business to be your own own boss because we know that some companies out here we will name their names but some companies out here they don't pay you well in a company drop and you have to go where they take if you turn it down they starve you out why sit there and let them let somebody like that have control over your livelihood your family you know what you put on your table that's just too much power for somebody to have and that's just something i just refuse to do i will never you know the thing about it is you can never let them let let somebody reign over you or have any type of power over you because of the simple fact that they're going to feel as though they could control you and then i had run-ins with all type of dispatchers when i was in companies and you know they bring these dispatchers off the street some of these dispatchers they never drove a truck but they think they know how to dispatch drivers and they think they know what to do and you can have all the experience in the world as a company driver and the one time you get into it with your dispatch they're at their side with dispatchers before they sign with you in some cases you know it's just not working so coming from the owner operating standpoint which i was you know i drove for different companies prior to getting my own authority you have to really look at it like this i may not see it but i am paying for that cargo insurance you may not see it but you aren't paying for it it's come it's pretty much coming out the percentage that you're paying the other company you are paying for it in some type of way if you go back and you do your numbers and you take out that percentage of the money that you make with this company like one company i was making one company i was running with and took 25 trust and believe that 25 is going some type of cargo insurance they're paying that they're paying that that's what the money that they use to pay for so let's just look at it from the standpoint of you make you run your lows however you run and you make you make uh seven thousand dollars that week gross i'm talking about what your company booked the load for and everything you saw the raycon and all that type of stuff but you notice that you have to give them 25 percent of what's on their rate cut so you take that seven thousand dollars um that's seven thousand dollars and you whatever your percentage is and you get it you get get a breakdown of it uh i'm roughly thinking like if seven thousand dollars ten percent is seven hundred um ten percent is seven hundred another ten percent is uh another seven hundred is fourteen hundred and five percent would be uh half of it so i'm thinking like 35 350 so you're looking at a total of 1750 that you have given to that company off your weekly runs and at the end of the week you your percentage that you take on gross is just like 50 200 maybe 53. and you look at it from the standpoint of man that extra 1700 that i just gave away that's like if you hit seven thousand a week you giving seventeen hundred and fifty dollars away a week you're giving an extra seven thousand dollars a month to a company just to run under their authority and get their emblem on the side of the truck now don't get me wrong i you know you guys know i used to run for landstar we previously showed you know some of my numbers at landstar whether some guys believe what i made or not that's what i made but at the same time you know at the same time it is a breakdown of you know they do get they do get their money i still made a great amount of money with landstar and don't get me wrong and they have so many benefits that help you out as a driver so my advice to you is those drivers who may be at the at the aspect of learning they're learning the business land store is a great place to learn it and they have a great back but when you're picking your own loads you doing the work you put in most of the work why not give why not take the most profit you're basically paying them for you basically paying them for the extravagant discounts that they have which they discounts are great like i said that was a tough choice for me when i got ready to leave last star because of the discounts that they were given but at the same time if i'm making more money the discounts really don't make make make a difference because i'm putting that money away so i'm saving so you know i would take that chance to make more money than to get discount so with that being said you know from from from transitioning on operation straight to my own authority it's like that was the best decision for us when it came down to uh came down to making as much money as possible because you never really experienced ultimate freedom it allowed me to be at the point where i control my patrol even more of my family time like if i want to take time off i take time off if i don't have to worry about i don't have to worry about a percentage having to catch up with a percentage to um to a company i just take my time off with my wife it allowed me to be there for my family it allowed me to be there during the pregnancy of my wife without two twin girls it allowed me to be there and it afforded me a lot more freedom so it's like when i decide i want to take over that's the extra money that i would be giving to a company affords me to have saved up to be able to take off weeks and don't have to really worry about that so that's was one of my main things and one of one of some of the things that i would tell you guys [Music] that it's a real benefit to going out there seeking to have your own authority at the end some guys like it some guys don't i prefer it because it's benefiting me uh and it's given me my complete freedom all right you guys thank you for listening to brand winding now it is time for me to show you some of these numbers that god has allowed us to accomplish this year um but before i show it to you i just want you to see what is on my home screen on my phone and it says god pulled you out of the pit so you could reach back in and get more people out never forget that and that's what i would like to embed into you guys as well and share i want you to see that uh i'm here to help you my husband and i are here to help you and uh i just wanted to encourage you that if we can do it you can do it but we did this we got going before us just wanted to let you know he was the one that opened the doors he was the one that helped us to connect with who we needed to connect with and everything just worked out in our favor but let's see so let me show you some of our numbers this is from july 13 to december 21st 2020 and this is uh i'm gonna tell you the company that um give us our loans so i just i went through the report from them and this is some of the laws that we have recently ran um no i'm not going to show you every little details on about the scroll real fast right quick and but i want you to see the number at the bottom we could have not done that without god and holy spirit leading us and you know just jesus talking to us and telling us how to do things how to handle things and if he did it for us he can do it for you too you know god is no respectful person and if you would like to link up with us kick with us we have this facebook group called army of the lord transport community and all you have to do is um if you have a facebook account to find us in the search bar and you will be able to connect with us access questions and communicate with other people in the group as well i'm gonna put a little picture of of the facebook group so you'll notice us and just hit us up and god bless i just want you to succeed i want you to succeed brent wants you to succeed and god wants you to succeed if you want to be able to ask us questions and um you know we're down to earth just ask those questions and you know any worries you may have any issues you may um be having maybe we'll be able to help you out and we can sing to somebody that can't all you have to do is hit us up our middle or transport community facebook group uh we still will be uploading some stuff on this youtube channel but we couldn't continue to go for it then um expand our business without going back and telling people how we were able to do it you know we jumped in oh god just opened doors and since i'm just going to move all right thank you don't forget to like subscribe and comment below if you love what we just shared with you thanks until next time bye
Channel: Winding's World Youtube Channel-OFFICIAL
Views: 2,798
Rating: 4.8032789 out of 5
Keywords: Owner Operator, BCO, BCO driver, Trucking, Landstar
Id: cG7xJ7WME2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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