How to Enable Virtualization on Windows PC

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Welcome to this Channel. In this video we're going to see how to enable virtualization on your pc To check virtualization is turned on or off, go to taskbar right click on it. Select task manager. Click on performance. as you can see my virtualization is disabled. There are two types of virtualization. One is hardware level and another is software level virtualization. To turn on the hardware level virtualization, go to settings. then windows update. Select advanced options. then select recovery. click on the Restart now. Restart anyway. Click on troubleshoot. Select advanced options, UEFI firmware settings and restart. Click on OC. Scroll down. Select CPU features. Click on intel virtualization tech. Select enabled. Click on the cross icon. then select yes. To check virtualization, go to the task manager again. As you can see my virtualization is enabled. To enable software level virtualization go to search. Search for turn windows features on or off. Click on the first option. Click hyper v. Scroll down. Select virtual machine platform and Windows hypervisor platform. Select ok. Then restart now. You have successfully turned on virtualization on your PC. That's it for now. Thanks for watching this video. If you found this video helpful make sure to like this video and hit the subscribe button.
Channel: Bestifier Tech
Views: 2,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 65Yju5BmLbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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