How to Enable Ray Tracing in Gorilla Tag

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today I'm going to be showing you guys how to use Ray tracing in gorilla tag like you can see on screen now now before we get started I just want to do a quick disclaimer with any mods that you install for any game there's always a chance that you can get banned obviously installing mods is not supported by the official game developers so you always want to be careful when installing mods and if you do not want any chance of getting banned at all then just do not install any installing Ray tracing is a little bit different than installing any other mod for gorilla tag I would say the chance of getting banned is just as high as normal gorilla Tech mods so with all of that out of the way let's get started on this tutorial so for installing Ray tracing I have four files here but only two of them are required to actually have Ray tracing working this file here is just my settings for gorilla tag Ray tracing so it is always nice to just have a preset without having to change anything so I will leave a link to download this in the description and this file right here is to install Bloom which can make the game look a little bit better so the first file is this reshade setup the download this go to scroll all the way down and download reshape and 5.9.1 with full add-on support now when you download this it specifically says it can get you banned in multiplayer games this is mainly targeted to games with an anti-cheat like battle eye or easy anti-cheat gorilla tag doesn't have something that detects the files and can ban you instantly I've used this mod in public lobbies and have been perfectly fine but of course use this at your own risk the next file we need to download is the ray tracing so to download the official Ray tracing for reshade you can go to the patreon and pay five dollars it's just a one-time purchase and you get access to all the files which also includes the bloom here now I would say this payment is optional there are many links on the internet where you can get this for free but I'm not going to be discussing that in this video I strongly recommend supporting the developers behind this rage racing as most of the work these people are doing is completely free labor and the only way they get paid is through these patreon pages but of course choose whichever way you want to download the files it does not really matter if you choose to subscribe to their patreon once you get invited to the Discord go to downloads level 1 and download immerse Pro 2 3 306 or the latest version and also download the 0.36.1 version here which is going to be the ray tracing for gorilla tag now that we got all four files or all three files if you do not want to use Bloom the first thing we're going to do is run the reshade setup it's going to give you another warning about the bands in multiplayer games just press OK here you want to search gorilla tag if nothing appears here you can do browse and find the game manually click on it and press next select DirectX 10 11 12 which is going to be the second option when it prompts you to select the preset to install press browse and find my settings file and we are going to download the first four so quint in immerse once you have selected these four press next select next on all of these Pages once it says you've installed reshade press finish now open your steam page and find gorilla tag right click it go to manage and browse local files once you are here you will probably see a lot more files in here go to reshade dash shaders you can put this file window to the right and now you want to extract the reshade underscore GI underscore beta underscore 0.36.1 zip you can right click it and press extract all once it is extracted open it up go into the shaders folder and in the gorilla tag files also go in the shaders folder now you want to copy this Quint underscore rtgi file and paste it into the gorilla tag shaders folder it should look something like this now open the Quint folder in both windows copy all of these ones and paste it into the gorilla tag coin shaders folder after you copied these files into the Quint folder on gorilla tag go back to the main folder and go to textures and also do it on the window on the left you should see bluenoise.png copy that one to the gorilla tag folder once you've done that you've installed Ray tracing for gorilla tag and now I'm going to show you how to install the bloom right click on the immerse underscore Pro dot zip and extract all open that folder and go to shaders and you want to look for the one that says to Loris copy that file and go to your shaders folder in gorilla tag and paste it it should look like this once you've done that go back and go to the textures folder you should see one file here and you want to copy that to the textures folder of gorilla tag now you are finished with installing Bloom now we are going to run gorilla tag and set up the ray tracing now right now you actually don't need your headset plugged in you can if you want to but you do not have to at the top of your screen it should say something about reshade like this you want to press the home button on your keyboard and you want to press skip tutorial now if there's anything enabled here uncheck all of it now press home again and this is the part where I recommend some sort of camera mod I'm using yeezy's camera mod and if you press Tab and press the free cam button you can move around with the arrow keys in wasd if you don't have a camera mod you can go out in some sort of position like this where you can see the trees and also the sky now open the reshade menu Again by pressing home and you want to search for display depth enable it and it should look something like this now if you see on the left it is upside down you want to go to edit Global preprocessor definitions and change depth input is upside down to one and then once you change it to one click in the middle of your screen once you've done that it should be flipped to the right way now if the screen on the right is still completely black go to edit Global preposter definitions again and change is reversed to one and then click on the middle of your screen the colors should change a bit and it should look a little foggy on the right side this is the setup you want and now you want to go to the top left and go to the add-ons tab once you're here you want to find your correct monitor It's usually the one with a little arrow you know it's your correct monitor if you tap it and nothing changes if the resolution of your screen gets lower like this then that is the wrong one or if it looks something like this then that is also the wrong one once you've selected the correct one you can go back to home and disable display depth now your top four mods should be RT Global illumination Technicolor Solaris and depth of fields Ray tracing is going to be the very top one that says RT Global illumination and you can select that one and things should get a lot shadier I'm going to load up the caves map using Unity Explorer now that caves map is loaded you can really see the effect it has when you enable Ray tracing the next effect is called Technicolor and this is just a post-processing effect that can increase saturation and brightness this just makes the game look a little bit more brighter so it looks nicer the next one if you installed it should be Solaris this will give the game a subtle Bloom and you can of course increase the effect down here change Bloom intensity to whatever you want and now you can see the bloom is really strong I recommend a value of 0.3 to 0.1 I'm going to go with the middle ground of 0.2 the final effect I would recommend is adof this will auto focus to the subject that is in front of the camera and it will make everything behind it blurry and if you want to change any of these settings you can open this up and change it all here I'm going to disable everything else and only use the ray tracing so I can show you what settings you can change the main settings that will affect your performance is amount of rays and amount of steps per Ray I have mine on 6 and 30 I wouldn't recommend going above 30 here because there's not much of a difference now I wouldn't recommend going above a 10 here because there's not much of a difference if your computer is lower I recommend it a value of 2 for amount of rays and amount of steps about 10. if your computer is powerful you can do six or even four now other settings I wouldn't mess with but if you do want to change how dark the Shadows are and how bright the lighting will be you can change the ambient inclusion intensity and the bounce lighting intensity you can see if I increase the bounce lighting intensity everything gets much brighter I'd recommend a value of 4 for the bounce lighting and for the ambient occlusion I would recommend a value of 10. all these other values I wouldn't really change but if you want to change them make sure you read what they actually do before changing anything this is also a good place to test out the amount of rays and the amount of steps you can really see the difference between one step and 40 steps you can also see the difference in the amount of rays as one Ray looks very pixelated and when you're at 10 Rays it looks very clean so as you can see I'm in game right now and you cannot see any Ray tracing and that's because when playing in VR there's actually two different versions of reshade installed there's one restrade on your computer monitor and there's one reshade inside the actual headset so to use the one that's actually in the headset go on your left controller and open the steam VR menu and press this reshade button here this will show a similar menu to what was on your computer and if it looks something like this just turn on performance mode so here just enable the ray tracing and now you can see my game it has Ray tracing inside the quest if things are upside down turn off performance mode and use the edit Global preposter definitions and set it up like this usually the game is very laggy when using Ray tracing inside the headset the raytracing is only recommended to use on the computer screen just for Content creation if it's too laggy for you and your movement is jittery and you can't jump high you can try adjusting these settings like the amount of rays and the amount of steps there's also other effects you can use in here that don't affect your performance as much like Technicolor so now you can see my game is super saturated and I have no performance loss but that is about it for this video old download links will be in the description Please Subscribe as it really helps me out and if you have any questions feel free to comment it or join my Discord and ask there you can also join the reshade Discord in the ray tracing Discord if you have specific questions for them
Channel: maxo
Views: 166,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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