How To Edit YouTube Videos FOR FREE (2021)

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hey what's going on guys today we're gonna be taking a deep dive into VSD see free video editing software let's do it [Music] alright welcome back to my channel guys my name's Jack are produced weekly content based around video editing video ography how to make money make a video subscribe now if that sounds interesting to you today we're taking a look at vs DC free video editor without further ado let's not waste any time let's get straight into it let's jump onto my computer right here where I prepared a sample sequence to show you what we're gonna be creating we're gonna play through it and then we're just gonna recreate it alright so without further ado let me shut up and let me shut shut down hold tight just basically listen to me talk for a second yo what's going on people today we're taking a look at vs DC free video editor let's do it [Music] hi welcome back to another video on my channel my name is Jack I produce weekly content based around video production now we're doing a little sample here I want a lower third somewhere on the screen edit it for me it's gonna appear somewhere then we're gonna get that lower third gone gone I want it gone silly text get out of here now I want to show some b-roll because I'm talking about something talking about a car promo video I shot it last week that was pretty fun and you know obviously referencing some of those clips on-screen but I want to do some advanced effects as well so I want a cool text effect I want to actually put one of the clips that I shot on my car shoot like a burnout or something in some text and throw that over the screen then you know once we've had that on for a minute I want that gone get it gone and then I wanted to show you guys some standard b-roll on-screen of the dope car shoot that I did so you could see it a little bit closer up than when it was in the bottom left or the bottom right or wherever the editing version of me decides to put it anyways get that gone again and we're done with the you know tester without further ado let's recreate this whole thing together well you heard me there we go we got to recreate it together now I noticed a couple little things went wrong for example I guess I put the transition here at the wrong point it's sort of transitions halfway through so does my mistake oh well we're gonna recreate this and we're gonna create it even better so that's all this stuff we're gonna be running through pretty much obviously this is you know just a standard kind of You Tube format of a video where we'd be you know doing a quick intro than having our you know intro smash on the stinger then you know referencing some stuff creating like a little lower third that animates itself on referencing some b-roll in the bottom of the screen and then you know having this cool text effect where we put a video inside the text without further ado let's create this from scratch so projects new project let's create a new project let's call it car promo number two number two cool and we want to go up here to add object add object is how we begin to import stuff so add object and then you know pretty obviously we go to video so we go to video we'll scroll down to the bottom of my memory stick already get number 47 number 47 clip number 47 this is our clip indeed and let's just start playing it so we can see where we want to want to kind of start making a cut yo let's go so it looks like I start around here so let's just drag this over and I'm just gonna go right before I start I'm gonna click on it so we've selected it and go up here to the editor tab and go to the split into parts tap it just go here and delete that one and drag it over now let's give it another play and see what I'm saying what's going on people today we're taking a look at vs DC free video editor let's do it cool so it is about here that I finished and we just want to repeat that process again go up to split into parts click it and we split it into parts now let's give it a play and see where I come back after I've given that space to edit the intro in I whoa there we go so it's about about here then we come back so we click on it again again just do a little split and we remove this middle bit and drag this over so we've got a little bit of work room to kind of use now I want to go up here to add object again and was import my intro stinger let's go to video and let's just go ahead and locate it you know this is a normal kind of thing you'd be doing as a youtuber important your you know intro after you've kind of told the viewers what the video is gonna be about and then we want to just line it up so let's go down here to the bottom right and actually just press the zoom button and as you zoom out a little bit zoom out just a tiny little bit it's actually this one here my bad I did the zoom into the preview it's the one over here on the left hand side not the bottom right so we can zoom in to the timeline my bad my bad my bad and let's go over here just frame by frame we can go across with our arrow keys and go to the first dark frame and just go ahead and position our intro right there so that as soon as it goes dark the intro starts and then as soon as the intro finishes we come back and we start the talking scene so let's play this and see where we start need to or where we need to start jumping in and editing our text on it then our b-roll on then I'll text effect and then our kind of outro b-roll without further ado was press play I welcome back to another video on my channel my name is Jack I produce weekly content based around video production now we're doing a little sample here I want a lower thirds so right here about here we start talking about this lower third so simple to add a you know text effect and a lower third for anybody is you know just text that appears in the bottom left or the bottom right basically the lower third of the video pretty obvious description we go up here to add object again go to text so he pressed text press ok and we give you know we're given the text kind of tool to draw our text box and let's just go ahead and edit right down here withdraw an appropriately sized text box press in here and just start typing car promo video behind the scenes boom so car promo video behind-the-scenes car promo video behind the scenes and simply we're just going to go ahead and you know just highlight both this text let's go here to Arial press it and go to Gotham I'm gonna press Gotham and in fact I'm gonna have the behind the scenes in Gotham ultra so we've got car promo video and then behind the scenes is kind of like a italic and it's a little bit more you know defined oh what's got should we just go ahead and take them both spring it out to about 45 see what 45 does 45 still looking a little bit small Madhu 55 okay cool so 55 is looking nice and I still want to make the behind-the-scenes stand out a little bit more so let's go to the contour color contour color and let's just go ahead and select kind of like a little gold lease or a gold this should kind of start giving us a gold rim so as you can see that the the text does look primarily white but also it is starting to have this kind of gold rim around the side and I think it's looking okay please look at okay alright so even though it doesn't look like a stroke necessarily it still looks a little bit more defined and I like it but you can't really necessarily make out what's going on it just looks a little bit more to find so let's actually go ahead and drag this down a little bit so that it kind of positions itself a little bit more where lower third would be probably around like there and we want to transition it on it's not the nicest just to have it you know appear so let's actually go up here to add video effect to go to transitions and I want to just go to wipe go ahead and press wipe and we're actually going to change the type of wipe that this is but also we're to change the position so this has opened us up a new area we're actually inside the text layer over here you can navigate so this is our main composition our scene 0 then we could actually double click the text to go in or we could tap the text bar over here and what's actually take this and go over here to our properties and just go ahead and double tap this to side so it was door and we want to change the side now it's just changing the type of transition that it is then I want to press ctrl-c and ctrl-v to duplicate it and drag it to the beginning so not only does it transition out which is the default but it transitions in and then we could go over here and we can give it a political sample here I want a lower third somewhere on the screen and my bad about that it's looking like we have actually created it to be going out again and we want to go directly to true as well there we go I'll pick it things up it's uh you know only 10:55 a.m. I'll move it a little bit slow I guess I'm forgetting part of the process by bad let's give it another sample here I want a lower third somewhere on the screen edit it for me it's gonna appear somewhere then we're gonna get that lower third gone so we got to listen to my instructions it's Sam we got to get it gone so let's go ahead drag it over here all we got to do to actually get this gone now that we've added the outro transition already to the layer is go over here to our cursor appears like this and just drag it over a little bit okay so let's drag it over you can see it's already starting to get gone let's give it a play and listen if it kind of lines up with what I'm saying okay then we're gonna get that lower third gone gone I want it gone silly text get out of here now I want to show some b-roll because I'm talking about so we want to show some b-roll because I'm talking about something so we got to get that b-roll let's go add object let's go to video and I'm actually gonna go over here to my record drive I'm gonna go to some finished projects that I've done and I'm actually gonna grab a car promo video which I got done shooting last week and I'm gonna grab the one which does not have the captions so that we can get away with using the nice video and it's actually gonna go ahead and import now I want to bring it in on this point but I don't want it to be on this exact point right so I want to bring it in on this point of the video but not this point of the b-roll right so let's actually scroll along the b-roll and I want to find when the montage begins so this particular car promo video has a speaker at the beginning so this girl is actually kind of breaking the whole thing down breaking what the you know the video is gonna entail and then she gets in the car and we cut to the montage so I want to just get to when that montage actually begins which is right about there so we go back up to editor we go to the split into parts go ahead and split it into parts and then just drag it over to the beginning of here and actually we can go here we could just frame by frame go over until it begin because I know that's exactly where I want it to begin but I don't want it to be that that clip and we could scroll in and we can actually just go ahead to this bottom layer because in the SDC the bottom layer always appears on top and we could delete it so this one is appearing then we can actually go here and just the type of beer old we want to do here is a kind of overlay b-roll so not b-roll over the entire screen which means we need to drag it down so it's click up here on the adjustment click it and hold shift and we can actually start bringing it down here to adjust it to fit down here in the bottom right and then we can actually give it up I want to show oh and my bad of course it has audio attached so we can click on it we could see that the you know properties start popping up here and we can actually go and find the audio volume that's on 0 DBS we can drag it all the way down to minus a hundred DBS and give this a play to show some b-roll because I'm talking about something talking about a car promo video I shot it last week that was pretty fun and you know obviously referencing some of those Clips on-screen but I want to do some advanced effects as well so I want a cool text ok cool so let's actually go towards the kind of end of this particular montage here and let's go just before the speaker kind of jumps on right here and let's just go ahead and again do that split and remove it just like that we've removed it now let's give another play advanced effects as well so I want a cool text effect I want cool so now I'm talking about this text effect again to create a text effect we would go here to add object go back to text but this time we're gonna create a bigger text that we did before instead of just putting it down there in the bottom left I'm gonna draw a text box across the whole screen I'm gonna call it car promo and I'm gonna highlight it and I'm gonna press that it is in the middle instead of actually being over there on the side and I'm actually gonna go ahead and press 500 and I'm gonna see what that look okay that's looking like a little bit too much let's go on 300 300 look at like a little too little so we're gonna go 350 and 350 is looking like not enough again 400 400 is looking just about perfect let's go here let's go to Gotham ultra making you know a more bold more defined font and that's looking relatively in the middle I think we could probably drag it up a little bit more to position it better a tiny bit better maybe over a tiny bit and to actually put a text in it's gonna be very very simple what we want to do is double click the text very very simple double click it and then we want to actually go to add object video and we're gonna import that clip now that black clip is actually over here in my record drive on my car burning out section we're gonna go ahead and pop it in here car burning out and obviously we want to maximize its it so it obviously covers the entire text box boom that's looking pretty good right there we should be all good and now we want to go here to blending mode very very simple and we want to go source in so source in it's actually going to place it directly in the car and you know surprisingly enough that's all we got to do but for this text effect right here I think it would suit some transitions so let's actually go back here press text go to add effect transitions and let's do let's do that swipe again we can do the swipe or we could actually do a push okay so we could do a push let's actually take this push let's see what it does to it it pushes it up just like that that's pretty cool we could bring that over here so that it does that at the end then we can duplicate it bring it to the beginning but just go ahead and change it to troops so that it does that on and now let's give this a play and see what it's looking like what I wanna do some advanced effects as well so I wanna and of course we're here in the volume because I forgot to go here go to audio volume and turn it off I'll make it a couple mistakes right now but I think it's a little bit better for the learning process if I do make the mistake because it's more of an authentic you know sight into you editing I'm sure you'll be making mistakes doing everything perfect and you know forgetting about the audio and stuff it's not that common right you know what I mean people people are always forgetting stuff and don't worry don't worry this is a more accurate representation of what editing for you will probably be like what's give it a place I want to do some advanced effects as well so I want a cool text effect I want to actually put one of the clips that I shot on my car shoot like a burnout or something in some text and throw that over the screen then you know once we've had that on for a minute I want that okay cool so for some reason we forgot to end it here right so right there it needs to end on that frame because it transitions out and then it starts getting confused so it's given another play screen data you know once we've had that on for a minute I want that and for some reason it right right okay we're actually gonna go up here to edit go to undo very very simply go to undo all right about that I just spawn myself out for a second trying to adjust this uh this uh this text effect right there once we've done the text effect and adjust in it you know once we've had that on for a minute I want that gone get it gone and then I wanted to show you guys some standard be really cool so we want it gone we're getting that text gone and then we're actually gonna edit on just some fullscreen b-roll to end this out with and that b-roll is going to be an extension of this one here so I want to go here and go control-c control-v duplicate this clip bring it over and drag it out so we're actually gonna extend it and I want to scroll over until the second montage begins cuz what we do in this particular clip is it goes in there for a second we go to a another speaker scene and then anyways get that garlic and then we come back but for some reason it's not working so apparently apparently uh what's called copying it does not work let's go here to video actually go ahead and re-import it I'm actually gonna go back here go to finish projects go to the actually I'm gonna go to a different car promo video that I did so we're actually doing two different types and I'm actually gonna scroll over scroll over until the second montage begins of the second promo video and I'm actually gonna grab it and it looks like that is the first scene let's go up here just go ahead and shop that one out and my bad go up here to edit actually undo that one right there I was selecting both you see when you trim when you trim something it still selects both you see how both of these are selected so if you go here delete it too quick you delete both so you got to click off then delete the kind of first segment scro it over and actually replay this and find out where i wanted to come in but also what select it go here and just go ahead and take our audio off so we don't forget then you know once we've had that on for a minute I want that gone get it gone and then I wanted to show you guys some standard b-roll cool so some standard b-roll on screen just like this give it a play b-roll on screen of the dope car shoot that I did so you could see it a little bit closer up than when it was in the bottom left or the bottom right or wherever the editing version of me decides to put it anyways get that gone again anyways get that gone again so as soon as I say anyways get that gone again click it go here to editor and actually go ahead and press a cut in there boom just like that we have successfully added together a sequence let's go back to the beginning what's actually give this one a play and see what we've created what's going on people today we're taking a look at vs DC free video editor let's do it [Music] hi welcome back to another video on my channel my name is Jack I produce weekly content based around video production now we're doing a little sample here I want a lower third somewhere on the screen edit it for me it's gonna appear somewhere then we're gonna get that lower third gone gone I want it gone silly text get out of here now I want to show some b-roll because I'm talking about something talking about a car promo video I shot it last week that was pretty fun and you know obviously referencing some of those clips on-screen but I want to do some advanced effects as well so I want a cool text effect I want to actually put one of the clips that I shot on my car shoot like a burnout or something in some text and throw that over the screen then you know once we've had that on for a minute I want that gone get it gone and then I wanted to show you guys some standard b-roll on-screen of the dope car shoot that I did so you could see it a little bit closer up than when it was in the bottom left or the bottom right or wherever the editing version of me decides to put it anyways get that gone again and we're done with the you know tester without further ado let's recreate this whole thing together and just like that we've created now the only mistake I saw was right here where I guess this this transition decided to not work so it is what it is you are you're always gonna get stuff going wrong in you know any editor that you're using this kind of just the natural kind of stated things that's why should we export this so I should go ahead and just get our our ins and our outs so let's actually go ahead and select this whole thing bring this down here over to the end so we've selected our entire sequence and let's go up here to export project now when we go up here to export project it's going to be pretty simple it's actually extremely simple we go here to output files okay so we actually define where we want it to explore to for me I'll bring it to finished projects why not and I'll actually go ahead and call it the SDC sample YouTube video actually go ahead and press pride and what's actually go ahead and change the video codec alright so n PG for profiles cool but not quite h.264 h.264 mp4 that's personally my favorite I'm actually going to go ahead and and say highest quality I want the highest quality possible edit name edit profile everything like that is looking good the actual width is gonna be 1920 by 1080 great 30fps codec raw video h.264 which is obviously mp4 codec and everything's looking wonderful to me we're actually going to go up here to the top and you know we can actually go ahead and press export projects so just like that we're gonna press it and you used premium features in your project hardware acceleration continue project without the premium features go ahead and continue and that's gonna start exporting now you know ignore that stuff I don't even know what hardware acceleration is you can use this particular program 100% free of charge and you know you download it from the description down below guys there is obviously a premium version like you saw right there but we were able to create things 100% from scratch without actually using the pro version the pro version would only kind of compliments it but that right there is the end of the video we've gone through a whole brief edit we've got to a render everything like that is being exported vs DC did sponsor today's video they paid me a little bit of money to make the video on their software but I genuinely do endorse their software I think it's a good free video editor and there's no tricking you into getting it by putting a watermark on it at the end so if you want your edit you have to pay to upgrade that sucks that's a big reason why don't work with film or film or as another video editing software they've reached out to me to try paying me to make some videos for them I will not work with them because of them trying to trick you into upgrading but vs DC are not trying to trick you they give you a full fully usable fully accessible editor with no watermark at the end which is something I'm very passionate about showcasing thank you guys for watching the video of a Jack Reese Jack go for more video production theme videos subscribe to my channel weekly video content daily video content it thank you guys for watching have a nice day see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jack Cole
Views: 218,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To: Edit a YouTube Video Under 5 Minutes For FREE (2017), How to Edit YouTube Videos FOR FREE (2018-2019), How To Make An Intro For Your YouTube Video for FREE! (2018/2019), Top 3 Best FREE Video Editing Software (2018-2019), How to Make a YouTube Custom Thumbnail Tutorial — Quick and Easy, how to edit youtube videos LiKE A pRo, BEST FREE Video Editing Softwares (2019 EDITION) 📽️ NO WATERMARKS, Windows 10 Free Video Editor, How To Edit Your Videos FREE ONLINE, 2019, free, VSDC, howto
Id: ttAlg8iEA58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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