How to Edit Text in PDF File in Windows 10

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hi and welcome back to the PDF element Channel my name is George in this tutorial we're going to learn how to edit PDF text using PDF element for Windows I hope this will bring you more efficiency without your documents at work have you been trying to edit text in your PDF but it's not working in today's video we're going to solve that problem and you're going to learn how to edit text in a PDF the simple and efficient way if you're not familiar with PDF element don't worry by the end of this video you'll be totally comfortable with everything you need to do welcome back to the PDF element YouTube channel we're going to learn how to edit text in PDF element using Windows including these details how to add PDF text how to resize a text box how to create horizontal and vertical text how to format text in a PDF how to set a default font and font size how to edit some lines without affecting the whole layout and pro tips on how to edit text within a PDF image file if you don't know how to edit text in PDF don't worry this video is going to clear up everything for you we're going to learn how to change our font our size our color and be able to delete parts of the PDF without affecting the overall layouts but remember before we get started you're first going to need to download a PDF element from our website go check out the link in the description below this video to get your free download number one how to add text in a PDF in this part I'm going to show you how to add text to an existing PDF the first thing we're going to need to do is open up our PDF where we need to add the text the first step is to go to the edit tool button from the main menu bar on the upper part of our screen now click on the add text button from the edit toolbox and click on any part of the page to draw the text box once you click you can start typing and you will see the text will be automatically adjusted in the text box you can change the length and width the text box all you have to do is click on one of these eight dots around the text box and drag until you get the size you want you will also notice that there are already existing text boxes you can also add text to these to add text just click anywhere in this existing text box and type the content you want or you can also copy and paste text into it there is no limit to the text boxes or content you can add so you can edit the information that is necessary isn't this a lot simpler than you thought it was number two how to resize a text box sometimes it is necessary to know how to edit text in a PDF by increasing or reducing the size of a text box so the content is displayed in a more convenient way to do this it's very simple go back to the edit option and click on the text box that you want to resize then we're going to place our mouse cursor on the blue line and you will see eight circles displayed around the line just like when you change the size of the text box you can do an existing one by clicking on any of the eight dots and dragging until you consider the size appropriate and yes that is how simple it is to resize a text box number three how to create vertical or horizontal text if your text is added by default horizontally but you want to add vertical text we can add it to our PDF click on add text and then I'm going to draw a text box as per our needs and then type or paste the text into the text box you will need to go to property section if it is not displayed on the right part of your screen right click on the text box and from the list select properties change the orientation by rotating the text with these buttons you can also perform this task by right-clicking and selecting rotate left or rotate right buttons just make sure you set the orientation you want if you want to delete the text box in the same list select the delete button after clicking delete the text box should automatically be erased do you see just how easy that was to be able to change the orientation of our text number four how to format text in PDF if you want to format text in PDF the first thing we're going to need to do is go to the edit all icon in the edit bar after that we have to select our text that we want to format click on our text box of choice and select the text you want to apply format or we can choose the full text there is a new feature in the latest version of PDF element that will allow you to quickly edit PDF text even in preview mode you just have to select the text you want by applying formatting and this will automatically display a float bar that contains basic functions such as changing the size and font or even underlining bold italics changing the color of the letters and among other things if you need to make use of other more specific functions PDF element also offers you many other things to do this right click on the text box of your choice and select properties you'll immediately see a panel with various functions on the right like this one over here once you have made any change it should appear immediately on that text box surely now you've realized how practical it is to use PDF element number five how to set a default font and font size when adding text into PDF elements are you used to using a specific font or size well you're no longer going to need to change it manually every single time with PDF element you can choose the default font and font size every time you use a PDF just click up here on the file option from the main menu and hit preferences once you're in the preferences window move your cursor to the left and from the list click on font choose the font and size you want for your future text editing if you want more specific default text settings PDF element gives you the opportunity to change font style and color as well this is how you can set your default font and size and again everything is easy within PDF element number six edit form and text do you know that you can edit form and text at the same time within PDF element first we're going to go up to the form tool and click on the add text icon which is the first on the list click on the part of the document where you want to place the form field and after you've clicked you should see a shape like this one to edit the form text first right click the form field and select properties from the drop down list after clicking properties a pop-up window will be displayed go to the name box and type the text you want remember that PDF element is an application that gives you many customization options so you can also modify the appearance such as the Border color the line thickness and the background color of the form field you can also edit the text font as well as its size style color and alignment you'll realize this task is also very easy haven't you now on to number seven how to edit some lines without affecting the overall PDF layout in general when we want to edit text in a PDF file through PDF element the paragraph is set by default however unlike word text if you need to edit PDF text there might be certain limitations at this time you need to switch to line mode to enable this feature first click on the file tab from the drop down list and select preferences now on the preferences window scroll down and tick the support line mode document editing option this will enable the text mode option below the edit tab click it and select line mode once you are in line mode click on the piece of text you want to edit the PDF text and that is it the rest of the content will be intact what great advantages PDF element offers you to edit a PDF text file this is the last section of the video and for this section we're going to be using the OCR feature once you've opened the PDF image file click on the OCR tool located up in the home section now select the type of result you need to get from the optical character recognition process the pages you want to scan the language of the document and click apply once the character recognition process is finished your document will be fully editable now you've learned in just a few steps how to edit PDF text using the ocl feature so this was all about how to edit PDF text including adding and formatting text at this point I'm pretty sure you know how to edit text in a PDF document I hope these short and precise tutorials are very helpful for you so you can learn the most efficient ways to edit your documents in the future if you'd like to know Laura PDF element or other PDF tips and tricks please ask us your questions in the comments below alternatively you can go to our YouTube channel and search for the problems you have also stay tuned for more videos coming up including how to edit PDF text on mobile thank you very much for watching this tutorial all the way to the end if you like this video be sure to drop a like down below and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss future tips and tricks
Channel: Wondershare PDFelement
Views: 43,741
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Keywords: edit text in pdf not working, how to edit text in pdf file in windows 10, how to edit text in pdf file, edit text in pdf free, how to edit text in pdf file in computer, how to edit text in pdf image file, edit text in pdf file in windows 11, edit text in pdf file, edit text pdf, how to edit text in pdf editor, edit pdf text, edit text in pdf, how to edit text in pdf, edit text pdf file, edit pdf text for free, how to edit text in pdf file in laptop, pdfelement
Id: 2MaxDC3A5iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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