How to edit multiple videos at once using FFMPEG

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hey guys in this video I want to show you a quick way that you can edit a bunch of videos at once so batch video editing you can take all the videos in a certain directory and just apply the same edit to it as long as it's the same thing let's say you want to cut it down to a certain size maybe you want to transcode the video convert them all from like a dot MOV to a dot mp4 or maybe you want to rescale them all from like a 4 a 3 ratio to a 16 by 9 widescreen ratio this will let you do that so it's using the software ffmpeg and it runs on Windows Linux and Mac I'm we're gonna be running it on Linux and I'm gonna be actually adding in an intro video and an outro video to my tutorials so this is this is the method that I use I don't actually get into like video editing software like kdenlive or any of like the Adobe Premiere or anything I just use this script and it adds in my intro video and my outro video to every file in this directory so it's really slick you've got to use a little bit of the command line to do it but I'll show you how I do that right now and let's hop over to the screencast and check that out ok so I'm here on my desktop now I'm actually running this script so it's gone through a couple it produces this is the X that what the script looks like so it's running a for loop it's just just in Linux like a bash script is what this is so this might look different if you're using Windows you won't be able to use this exact thing but you will be able to use this is the the actual command that's being called and so we could just type this in manually what it's really doing is saying the program we want to invoke is ffmpeg that's the command and then we're saying - I means input so we're doing that 3 times we have these three different input files and then the first input file is actually intro mp4 the second one well let's see I'll just show you this is what it looks like here is actually this so this is the actual command I would use I just type in cat Sh then intro mp4 outro mp4 so it gets those two files and then reassigns them to file1 and file2 and then it just says take file 1 add it to the next eye the next active item in the directory and then add that to the outro and then mix them all together use the video as a source use the audio as a source there's three files we're working with and then output output output as a prefix to the file to the original name of the file that's why when we come over here we see this is like output of lmms lesson 10 and this is the original of LMS lesson 10 so this output should have and it's still working on that one but it should have when it's done an intro and an outro with it we can look at number one and see if it does welcome to this first video in a video perfect what it's supposed to do the reason I'm having to reinstate of just because you can actually use concat and just add all the files together since they're all mp4 and they're all the same framerate I I can very quickly just put them all together and takes like half a second per video but when I was doing that I was getting these black frames between every video at every transition so when a transition from the intro to the main video because of the way the keyframes were set up and because it's mp4 it was creating some black frames I'm in there so that's why I'm really so it doesn't always just sort of have to be done and if you're just like merging just audio files or something you may not have to re-encode but for me I had to do that and that's why but it's been been working pretty well plus it looks it lowers the size like this original lmms one was 205 megabytes but the output here is only 30 megabytes so it makes it much nicer to upload to youtube but still at decent quality and I've been pretty I'm pretty happy with it I might change this method in the future but for now it's been working really well for me so I'm curious to know what you think go ahead and comment below let me know if you have a more efficient way to do this or if you have any advice for me for improving the process or if you have any questions perhaps I'll make a tutorial series on using ffmpeg to kind of show some of the commands that you can do with it I don't do a lot with bash shell scripting and I actually don't do a lot with ffmpeg but I have used it a little bit in the past so yeah thanks for watching and catch in the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 9,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batch video editing, edit multiple videos, apply video edit to multiple vidoes, automatically edit every video, apply to every video, ffmpeg batch, ffmpeg multiple video, ffmpeg, ffmpeg video edit, how to use ffmpeg, ffmpeg tutorial, ffmpeg video editor, ffmpeg bash, ffmpeg shell script, ffmpeg bash script, software to edit multiple videos, batch video edit
Id: wBCUqi52E4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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