How To Edit Like Iman Gadzhi's New Style - Brain Animation in Davinci Resolve

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[Music] hello guys welcome to CSA design today I am going to show you how to make this a man gansi video template or effect in Dar Vinci resolve so let's get started first open Dar Vinci resolve and create new project go to Ed page and create new Fusion composition duration make it 8 seconds go to fusion page add background node connect a rectangle mask with it so that we can make the square shape select rectangle right click on WID and click on expression connect it with heighten in the code divide height by 1.75 so can we can get the perfect square add blow with background connect the same rectangle mask with blur also select blur and set the blur strength value to 100 now add a merge node connect merge node with it add another background copy the rectangle mask and paste the instant copy of this rectangle connected with the background now select the instant rectangle and instant solid and instant the Border width value uncheck the solid set the Border width value to 0.2 select background and change the Border color like this now create a circular shape add background and connect the lips mask with it change background color to white uncheck solid set the Border [Music] width resize it [Music] no animation go to frame 36 and add key frame on position set the position to 0.25 and add a key frame on length also go to very first frame set the length value to zero go to frame 12 and set the position value to zero so we can get this type of Animation also add a key frame on level value so that before animation this dot disappears [Music] add the transform node connect with it select transform and cck click flip now add merge node and add a text node with it select text type your text write one go to layer page on frame 40 at a key frame on Z rotation go to frame number 12 and set the Z rotation value to 120 now add another transform node go to frame 18 in an add a key frame on Center value aspect value and angle go to frame zero and set the center aspect and angle value is showing on screen also set the size animation go to frame number zero and set the size value 0.5 and a key frame go to frame 36 and set the size value to 0.9 now go to frame number 66 and set the size value one you can see the first shape is created now select all these node and right click on it click the group option make a group of these nodes add a multim merge node connect background with it set the background Alpha to zero now connect group one with multi merge we have to create six copy of this group so copy and paste it six time and connect all these groups with the same multi Noe now add transform node after every group now change the center x value of every transform no is showing on the screen now we have to make a three frame Gap among the animations of these groups so for that select all these groups and open key frames window click this option to fit press and hold these animations and make a delay of three [Music] frames now open every group and change the text to the relative [Music] number now time for animation go to frame number 66 select transform one and add a key frame on position value add key frame on every transforms position now go to frame Number 96 and set the center y value is showing on screen now we have to add a brain icon you can download this icon from Google as well add load a not and select the brain icon connect a transform node with it and connect the transform with a multi- merge node select transform and set the size value 0.7 go to frame number 74 and set the center y value to minus 0.8 and add key frame go to frame number 104 and set the center y value 0.3 three go to frame number 116 lock the center value go to frame number 132 and set the center y value to 0.05 [Music] now add color corrector Noe after brain icon and set the situation value to 0.2 now add a background node and connect the rectangle mask with it select rectangle mask and set the want value 0.4 4225 set the height value to 0.847 and set the corner radius to one connect a merge node with it add another background copy the rectangle and paste instant copy of this rectangle and connect it with the background now the instance the solid Del instance the Border width uncheck solid and set the Border width to 0.03 connect the merge with a multi merge set the internal background color to red and outer border color to white now go to frame Number 96 select rectangle set the center y value to 0.4 add key frame add a key frame on width value as well now go to frame number 74 set the center y value 025 and width value to [Music] zero now add text node add another merge node and connect the merge with this merge select text type your text font make it mon all right reduce the size to 0.372 go to layer page and set the center y value to 0.4 reduce the size right click on text and select character level styling go to modifiers tab on viewer select first two words and change the type to th hjn select next two words and change the type to extra bold go back to tools Tab and go to frame Number 96 add key frame and Center value go to frame number 88 set the center value to 0.2 now important thing select the merge node on which text is connected change the operator type to a top this is important now we have to added dashes line to this there are many method of creating dashes line I am using the text method go to the first group select transform and add merge note with it add and connect a text node with it select text and type dashes set the tracking value to 1.102 go to layout page and change the type to path now draw a path select the points and smooth it like this go to frame Number 96 go to text Tab and add a key frame and right on go to frame number 66 and set the right on value to zero now go to layout tab an important thing you have to remove the text free path key frame go to frame Number 96 and add a key frame on Center value go to frame number 66 and set the center y value to 0.325 five the dashes line is created we have to create dashes line for every group so in fast forwarding it you can follow the steps are showing on the screen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dash's line is completed now we have to connect transform node with multi merge go to frame number 108 and add a key frame on Center value now go to frame number 132 and set the center value to 1.15 add a text node connect with multi merge node select text and type your text set the size value to 0.115 set the center y value to minus 0.075 go back to text tab right click on text and select follower go to modifier Tab and here go to shading page go to frame number 160 and here you have to add a key frame on softness X and Y add a key frame on opacity go to frame number 124 and set the softness X20 and y value 20 and set the opacity zero now go to timing page and set the delay 0.5 now add a load a node to import the yoga icon you can download this icon from Google add the transform node with a and connect it with a multi- merge node select transform and change the size value to 0.485 change the center y value to minus 0.3 now we have to add two more dashes line two group six and one the procedure is same add merge node with group six add text node with it and this will be long line so add more dashes set the tracking value to 1.102 go to layout and add a path right click on here and remove text path draw your path use this icon to smooth the path draw another line like this I am fast forwarding it [Music] now we have to add the main background to it so connect a merge node with the transform that is after the multi merge and add a background with merge select background and change the type to gradient select this point and place vertically change the white shade color to Red now add a grid node with this background select grid change the rosol value to 10 column Sol value to 14 major line spacing zero change the horizontal line to 0.001 and vertical line 0.01 now add a rectangle mask with grid resize it like this set the soft Edge value to 0.2 add the transform node with it select [Music] transform go to frame number 24 add a key frame on size go to very first frame and set the size value 1.25 open spline window and smooth the key frame animation is ready let's preview it if you like my video kindly subscribe to my channel kindly hit the notification Bell icon so that you can be notified on new updates thanks for watching [Music] bye
Channel: Khalsa Design
Views: 9,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, graphic design, motion design, creative design, minimal design, Khalsa design, 3d animation, 2d animation, typography, aftereffects, adobe illustration, premier pro, logo animation, graphics animation, iman gadzhi, brain animation, animate like
Id: 8I2zw3ZTIco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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