How To Edit GoPro MAX Footage Using GoPro App

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today I will share with you how to edit gopro max footage using the gopro app so you can make a video that looks like this hello and welcome to a very quick tour of Trafalgar Square [Music] so let's get started so once you imported the GoPro max footage onto your phone it will appear under the media tab on the app now here you can see a mix of footage so we have 360 footage filmed in 5.6 K 30 frames per second I have hero mode footage which would shot in 1080p and I have reframed 360 video from the 5.6 K 30 frames per second 360 video now if you want to create a multi clip edit then you need to go to the story tab tap create and edit and then here you can see the videos which you can import you will see all the flat videos over here so where are the 360 videos and how do you import them well actually you can't if you want to import 360 video you first need to reframe it export it as a flat video and then it will appear here so you can add it into your edit so how do you reframe 360 video well I'm gonna go back into the media tab I have some reframes 360 video already but I'll show you two examples starting with this one so to edit this 360 video I'm going to tap the middle icon which will allow me to trim the video and add keyframes I'm going to tap the scissors icon to trim the video and this is so I can keep the good parts of the video and get rid of the rest so I'm gonna tap this is icon here because this is the part I want to keep highlighted in blue I want to keep the parts whilst I am walking up until here tap the tick to confirm so now that I've trimmed the video I'm going to add keyframes and keyframes basically tell the software this is what I want the video to look like at this point in time so at the beginning of the video I want the frame to look like this so I will add a keyframe here now at the end of the video I want my video to zoom in a little bit so I'm going to pinch the screen outwards just a little zoom make sure the gallery is straight and in shot and add a keyframe here now I'm going to double-check that the aspect ratio is set to sixteen by nine tap the tick to confirm I'm happy with this shot so I'll tap Done and I'll render the video now when I render the video it's going to turn this 5.6 K 30 frames per second video into a flat video which I can then import into my video edit so now that that's done I have the options to share this video clip on to social media but we're not going to do that just yet I'm going to go back and then swipe across to edit my next 360 video which is this one same again tap the middle icon to edit it I'm going to tap the scissors icon to trim it and I'm going to trim the video as I start walking about here I'm going to keep it until I stop walking which is about here tap the scissors icon tap the tick to confirm and now my video is trimmed now I'm going to go to the beginning of my video I'm going to barrel roll this video so I want my start in view to be over here and I'll add a keyframe at the beginning now this video is 28 seconds long so to barrel this video I'm going to add a keyframe seven seconds in which is a quarter of the video but I'm going to turn it a quarter of the way add a keyframe here then I'll go to the 14th second turn it upside down so that's another quarter of the way then I'll go to the 21st second and turn it another quarter of the way add a keyframe here then I'll go to the end of the video turn it all the way to look up to Nelson's column and now all my keyframes have been added now I need to change their transition between the keyframes to linear so I'll tap this change it to linear and while some in this mode I can go to the other keyframes in between them change it to linear as well and you can experiment with these to see what the difference is and if I quickly pay that back you can now see Nelson's column starting to barrel roll now that that's done I will render the video so now that's ready to be imported into my video edit to create an edit go to the story tab tap create and edit and here we have all the flat videos including the ones which we just made from their 360 video now to import these videos into your timeline just tap them to select them and tap the tick to confirm and now all the video clips have been added to the timeline which you can scroll left and right now the GoPro app has essentially made a video for us now all we need to do is adjust it to suit our needs so the GoPro app added text at the beginning of the video if I tap the text I can change the text by tapping on it and I'll change it to my London vlog tap the tick to confirm I can change the duration of the text to short tap the tick to confirm and I'll go back in the second tab I can change the theme of the video so right now you can see the text looks like this but now if I change it to action you'll see the text now looks like this which I prefer so I'll keep it the next tab is music so I can use GoPro stock music so I like that music so I'll keep it but if I want to I can tap the plus button go to your music and now I can add any music from my phone but for now I will stick to GoPros music and in the next tab I can change the length of my story or my video and I'm gonna change the length of my video to 20 seconds now the great thing about the GoPro app is that it will automatically edit the video down to 20 seconds or if you want you can make a longer edit up to 44 seconds it depends on how many video clips you've added into your story but for now I'm gonna keep it to 20 seconds the last tab is aspect ratio now I exported all my videos as sixteen by nine so I will tap sixteen by nine and now the GoPro app will automatically reframe all my videos to the sixteen by nine format now go back to my timeline and I have a video here where I speak and you can hear my voice competing with the background music but what we can do is make my voice stand out from the background music so to do that tap on the clip go to volume tap boost and now the background music is very low and my voice has been boosted tap the tick to confirm now because this is auto edited it hasn't actually picked the correct part of what I'm saying so I'm gonna go to trim and here you can see what the GoPro app has Auto edited but I'm going to change it to manual and I'm going to trim it to the only the bit where I'm talking about there that sounds good so I'll tap the tick to confirm so now override the automatic edit and I'll tap the back button now I want to move this to the front of my timeline so I'll hold down on the clip and just drag it to the front now if I want to color grade this clip I can tap it tap filter choose a color grade which I like and I can choose the intensity of the color grade tap the tick to confirm and now I have a color grade on the video clip if you want to you can play around with the color grade X bozhe contrast vibrance white balance shadow in highlights and at the end of the video is the GoPro logo and if you want to get rid of it just tap disable tap Done and now if I play this back from the beginning you can see what the GoPro app has Auto edited for us [Music] so now I have my 20 second video ready to export I'm going to tap save go to the share icon save it to my phone and that's it once your video is exported you can now upload it to social media hello and welcome to a very quick tour of Trafalgar Square [Music] I hope you found this video useful and I'd love to see your gopro max edits so please do tag me and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Best360
Views: 46,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best360, gopro max, gopro max app, gopro max app tutorial, how to edit gopro max video, how to edit gopro max footage, gopro max editing for beginners, how to use gopro app, gopro app tutorial, gopro app for beginners, gopro, gopro max app for beginners, gopro tutorial, gopro app video tutorial, gopro app for android, how to edit overcapture, overcapture tutorial, gopro max tutorial, gopro max editing, gopro max editing tutorial, how to edit gopro max on phone
Id: fQ-h0dYqRAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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