GoPro Max Review: 17 New Things To Know

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hey folks this raid deceive America calm here and we give you 17 things no but new go probe max no the point of this video is all the nitty gritty kind of detailed stuff that you're not really gonna find anywhere else I'm gonna cover the good the bad and a bit of the ugly so it's definitely not a marketing video as you'll certainly see here now while I do have a ton of comparison footage in this video right here you're about to watch I've also got an entire video dedicated to just comparison footage up in the corner there of the GoPro max with the hero a black and some other stuff so definitely check that out if you just want like pure raw comparison footage it's all up there now before we get the official list of things to know I'll give you a quick freebie which is the price it is priced at $499 is more than the hero a black at $399 and 170 bucks more than the hero 7 black which is down now to $329 now at the end of the video the very last item is a complete deep dive between the hero weight black and the GoPro Max I would definitely encourage you to watch that part of the video because it's been a lot of GoPro marketing that the max is essentially the cure rate black to the next step and I'll give you a spoiler that's not at all true so you want to definitely stay to the end to kind of decide which camera may be right for you so let's go ahead and dive right into number one on the list of new things which is a new touch screen you see that right there it's a touch and a preview screen it's a one-point 7-inch screen versus if you look at the fusion in the past there was no screen there there's this tiny little status screen that's in the top corner there that is not visible now on the GoPro max but instead you got this big old brilliant screen that you can actually see what you're doing now for me this is probably the most important new feature on this camera because it makes it so I can actually see what I'm framing of what I'm doing with such a wide viewing angle up to 270 degrees for example in panel mode for taking a photo you want to be I'll see what's in the picture and what isn't a picture you want to make sure your fingers aren't in the picture for example silly things like that of course it is a 360 degree camera but you won't see the 360 degrees on the screen you'll basically see what's kind of a front of you versus the entire picture now well it is a touch screen there's ability to lock the screen so if you're going into the water for example to go ahead lock it so that way don't to worry about accidental swipes and stuff like that you've also got the button atop there to do recordings to start and stop recording as well as a side button for changing modes and you can use voice commands as well to go ahead and tell it to take a picture or take a video or stop the video and all the kind of usual stuff you'd expect for most GoPro products and last few years the number 2 unlist is simple it smaller and it's also lighter so roughly the weight wise is slightly more than a GoPro Hero 7 black so you're talking with the frame case and all the kind of stuff they're not that much different than a GoPro that you would know in love in the past but it just it just seems easier to use it seems smaller from like an overall size standpoint it fits in better places this was definitely a bit bulkier the other change you'll notice on the bottom is the amount so in the case of fusion it did actually have a foldable mount on the bottom but you had to like break your fingernail so you try to close it open it was just sort of a mess it was a good theory in practice not so much versus the GoPro Max follows the exact same mount as a hero a black which simply folds back and forth in itself it's got some screws in the bottom so if you do manage to break it though I say it's pretty darn hard to do it's a metal mount of metal base plates but if you did manage to break it these screws in the entire mounting bracket is simply replaceable it's like 20 bucks or whatever on GoPro site okay now if you've been finding this video interesting or helpful whatever the case may be go ahead and like that like button down the bottom right now it really does help out the video and the channel quite a bit next on the list is the fact that it only needs a single SD card and that's a pretty big deal from a workflow standpoint Fusion required two microSD cards versus two max has one micro sd card there was never really good tips a lot of reason why Fusion required two SD cards at 24 the 360 cameras and the same bit rates in the same Depp and all the kind of stuff didn't on one but they had to and that was a nightmare to deal with post-production wise you take both SD cards out put them in the machine individually after each other take the file stitch it together manually it was a big pain that's all gone here in the case of max it'll automatically produce a single file already pre stitched on a single SD card now well that makes great progress for using your phone because it makes a lot easier for a phone to pull those files from this unit onto your phone you can do all sorts of awesome stuff that we'll talk about later on the video on the GoPro app if you're talking desktop access like if you're gonna use Final Cut Pro or premiere or whatever the case is those apps can't read these files yet instead you have to go ahead and use GoPros processor run it through that and then you can go ahead and use the files now while I was worried about that in practice it's a heck of a lot better than it's been on fusion in fusion it took me forever on both my higher-end Macs as well as my kind of lower end MacBook Pro and stuff to do that processing of the footage but in the case of the maxis footage even on my three-year-old MacBook Pro kind of the least capable computer I have it's still only taking twice as long the footage time meaning five two minutes of footage takes about four minutes to process it which is no big deal like I just do that and I'm done with that and I can then pull it in a final cut to or premiere and do what I want next alyssa is the two different modes for the max which brings you a new mode which is called hero mode and that means that it uses a single lens as opposed to do lenses so this is ideal if you want to use something like a chesty chest strap as your mountain biking just mount on your chest like this and just use the one lens facing forward to give you a much wider viewing angle they would even on a regular GoPro the way it works is simple in almost every single mode on the max camera there's a little icon left-hand corner and there's a hero icon and there's a 360-degree icon you just choose which one you want if you're in hero mode and then you can choose to use the front lens or the back --lens and no matter which mode you're in you can see the display right there of what you're looking at keep in mind though one of the big catches in hero mode on this camera is that your max resolution is 1440 P which is really really small compared to the 4k that it's offered on the hero four or five six seven eight basically every GoPro camera made in the last half a decade or so next on the list is a new max hyper smooth mode now when you're in hero mode which means you're using a single lens you can use those called max hyper smooth that's basically taking hyper smooth but adding a little more capability to because you have a much wider viewing angle in the case of the hero a black for example there is hyper Spoons 2.0 and hyper smooth boost hyper smooth from max for max hyper smooth how do you want to phrase it is theoretically like equal to boost or above boost and I would say that's definitely true and that's because it has so much more camera angle to work with your camera viewing a little work with that it can take a lot of those bumps quite well still you probably won't notice the difference between Max and boost because they're both so good and in fact the downside here is that what the GoPro here right black you can go up to 4k with boost on vs. here you're still limited to resolution of 1440 P next on the list is the new Max super View mode now what this is is for the hero mode meaning that if you're in a single lens configuration only you can go 26 degrees wider than the widest configuration on a GoPro here right black which is pretty darn wide this is super useful for gamla mountain biking scenery or you're putting on a chest and you just want to see the entire world around you skiing the same thing if you're putting on a chest mount but it's also useful in places that you may mount it and you just need a really wide angle like for example inside of a car or facing back towards car it gives you just lots of flexibility in most cases where you want to capture just simply a wider angle than you could on a normal GoPro Hero for this next we're going to switch over the audio side of things which is the six microphones on the GoPro max in the case of fusion add four microphones which is more than the three microphones that's available on the GoPro Hero seven and eight black cameras but on the GoPro max it gives you spiracle spatial audio so that means if I were to go and put this camera on a table and then talk as I walking around it and you had headphones on you could actually hear me on the left hand side on the right hand side and so on in addition to the spatial audio you're also gonna get better cancellation from wind noises here's another sample that vs2 here right black arms next time we'll listen we have probably one of the biggest features of the GoPro max which is key framing and the kicker is it's not even on the GoPro max but on the GoPro app itself what keyframing does allows you to take that 5 point 6 K footage that you have a 360 we have footage and to go ahead and mark these key frames of where you want the view to be so while people use 360 footage on YouTube Milla places these days for the most part people don't actually instead what they're actually doing in most cases is using 360-degree footage and then cutting out to the 1080p video within that to be I change their camera viewing angle so they can just shoot the whole thing and then later on figure out the actual angles they want that seems to what people mostly want to do with 360-degree cameras the problem was in the past diffusion that was a pain in the butt to do and you couldn't do it very easily and GoPros own app now it's super easy to do like a couple minutes type easy to do for a huge long video I did this one right here in literally just two minutes for all this footage and it was super clean and simple next on the list is horizon leveling built in so in the case of a hero right black there was horizon leveling but you had to use a GoPro app with fusion you don't need that because it has everything all figured out already it can horizon level in the app itself for hero mode so that means if I mount up my camera slightly offset this will automatically correct it and make it correctly level using the entirety of this camera lens it's super cool it works just exactly like you think it would it's an option that you toggle on the camera itself and then it is simply does it to the fur off footage next up on the list is the max time warp now time warp is what GoPro simply calls hyperlapse and it's something they introduced in the GoPro Hero 7 black last year in the case of the hero 8 black it also has time work but it has new auto mode the main difference between time warp and something like a typical time lapse is that time warp stabilizes the footage across that entirety of the time frame so if you look at a standard time lapse and try to speed up you'll see the footage it really really wobbly and it's usually jumpy it doesn't really fit very well versus the time warp uses accelerometers and gyros inside of this to make it buttery smooth and you can see that in these examples you're watching right there next there's precisely one new feature on the photo side of things for the max which is the power panel what that does it takes a single panoramic photo in one shot using a two hundred sixty degree viewing angle without any sort of ghosting artifacts so if you compare that to a phone for example you look at this image right now it took earlier today of a bunch of marathon runners running by in that case I tried to shoot the panel going across you holding my phone it has all these weird artifacts or runners in the wrong places it doesn't work very well versus with the GoPro max it shoots that in one instantaneous shot using the lenses it has here so that you don't have any ghosting or art effects or blur or all the kind of stuff that you hate when you're trying to shoot a panel on your phone speaking of capabilities the GoPro max now supports live-streaming in the past the fusion to not so this supports live streaming of a single lens so the front lens or the back lens your choice at 1080p up to YouTube Facebook and rtmp so have all the same sources as the GoPro hooray black again single lens oh not 360-degree footage next up on the list is the waterproofing this unit here is waterproof down to five meters and flat I tested that I went down to the bottom and I put the camera down there and I swam back up again and I let it take some video and some pictures and I was in the water for at least an hour so one day and then another hour another day assuming no problems doing that stuff except the pictures themselves so when you're underwater the pictures are useless they're all fuzzy they're out of focus and that's because of the way these lenses work now when I asked GoPro about that they said yep that's the way it is instead they've got to wait for a GoPro case for the max and something that are working on but they have no availability no pricing doesn't sound like they really have a really crystal-clear play on that - any time soon on the flip side though three is the next new feature which is gopro plus so if you've been around gopro for a while you know that gopro plus is their cloud service that allows you to upload all your footage where the camera automatically got all backed up up to the cloud service it's great in case you managed to destroy your camera gopro plus also has like a deal where you can get accessories 50% off and you can get if you break your camera for any reason they'll go ahead and replace it and we'll do it really quickly and all these sort of things it cost you like five bucks a month or whatnot next up of the list is GPS connectivity now the fusion that actually did have GPS in it and in fact it wrote it to the files but max actually makes this even use that gps data with fusion you couldn't use GoPros tools to overlay like your speed and stuff like that on the videos max you can it's pretty simple to do using GoPros own apps and it just works just like every other gopro camera on the password of next up in the list is a new digital lenses now this is something introduced in here right black and essentially allows you to choose between the different viewing angles when you're using a single lens where you can choose between you know linear and wide and super view and so on and that brings us to probably the most important part of the video which is deciding between the GoPro Max and a GoPro here a black now I'm gonna tell you right now here right back I'll just put that the table right there for you for 98.4% of people which is a completely random number but that's probably about accurate and in order to show you this to you I have to get my list and I just can't use a phone for this I need a freaking laptop to put all the features that are not in the max that are in here right black and I bring this up because GoPro says repeatedly immediate calls in a in person media meeting goes in and in all sorts of public communications that the GoPro Max is simply taking the hero right back to the max that's an actual quote to the max to the next level it's not true at all in fact there are so many features that are missing here it's mind-boggling number one is that the hero a black goes 200 megabits per second versus this is only 78 mega its per second there's no HDR photos no raw photos only waterproof to 5 meters versus 10 meters on the hair rate black not compatible with any of the mods period there's no capture presets like introduced on the hair right back max frame rate is 60 frames per second versus 240 frames per second on the hair right back it's limited to 1440 P versus a 4k it has no auto low light mode at no burst photos no y burst no front status screen no night lapse photos on the bright side though things that it does have is one has 360 degree photos and videos so that's pretty cool it has the max super wide mode so if you want that super crazy wide angle whether it be for photos or video that is there it has the ability to reframe after the fact so you can go and take that 360 footage and then figure out your camera angles later on something the regular GoPro Hero simply can't do and with the new tools and a GoPro max it's super easy to do that it has six mics versus three mics so if you're trying to capture low spatial audio that's there you can do super Panna which is something that you're not going to get on the GoPro series it's also got way more battery than a typical GoPro does and if you're capturing a 360 degree photo that resolution is considerably higher at 16 megapixels versus 12 megapixels for the hero right black so there definitely are some reasons why you might want to get the max so the challenge to me though is it feels like the GoPro max isn't really just to hear a black plus plus plus I wish it was I wish it was a hero a black with all the things I hear right black and then all the new things of the max that would excite me that'd be something I'd be like boom I'm buying the max tomorrow I'm buying a bunch of them so if you're trying to figure at this point which camera to get the answer is probably gonna be the GoPro Hero II black if you got through this entire video and you're like eh I'm not really sure here right black if you got this entire video and you're like boom I understood every bit of that lingo and every repercussion and all that kind of good stuff then go for the max is probably the camera for you and it makes sense to you and you know what you can use it for that's awesome for me personally I'm still gonna use the hair right back on my daily driver I will pull up the max occasionally when I have very specific use cases for something where I want to reframe it later on but by and large I'm just gonna shoot with the hair right back and be done with it because it's easier to use and it gives me way more features that I really really loved again if you want more information with here a black check out my 18 things to know up in a corner there otherwise go ahead and whack that leg but on the bottom there if you found this interesting or with a subscribe button for plenty more sports Technology goodness have a good one [Music]
Channel: DC Rainmaker
Views: 256,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GoPro Max Review, GoPro Hero 8 Black Review, gopro max specs, gopro hero 8, gopro max, GoPro Max vs GoPro Fusion, GoPro Max vs Hero 8 Black, GoPro Max vs Hero 8, GoPro Max Hands on, Gopro Max 360, DC Rainmaker, DCRainmaker, Ray Maker, Action Cam Review, best Action Cam 2019, Best 360 camera, best 360 action cam
Id: uUCXiajM89Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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