How To Edit Existing Animations in Unreal Engine

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[Music] hi everyone Paul here welcome back to the channel where I make howd do videos I took a short break from creating videos to recharge my batteries now I'm back with another Unreal Engine tutorial this is part of the character animation how-to Series in this video we're going to learn how to edit existing animations there are multiple techniques to do this and I'm going to cover it using the tools in Unreal Engine starting first with the basic animation sequence editor I'll create separate tutorials for the sequencer and animation blueprint techniques so stay tuned for that with the animation sequence editor will cover editing additive edits and adjust the curve trimming animations combine animations together then record and create new animation assets this is an easy one let's go so I'm starting off with a third person template you could use or import any animations that you like in this video I'm going to use the def default animations from the uee mannequins so I'm going to start with the MF Idol animation sequence here so if want to make edit to this animation using the animation sequence I have some options here so I could select for the particular bone so I have the skeleton tree here available for me I can search for the bone that I want to edit like so or I could also go under the character menu here and search for all bones and then all all hierarchy that would display all the bones for me so when I have the head selected here I want it to look left and right so when I click on the key here that's going to create an additive layer track below here for the particular bone it would have the it would have the translation rotation and scale so I wanted to look in this direction say on there and I'm going to move the timeline to around 25 here and create a key that would create a key frame in that section and I'm going to move it to around 50 then create another key I'm going to move it to 75 create another key and around 95 look in the other direction create another key and around here I'm going to have another key so it would reset the position back so looking into that it would look like this look there pause a little look at the other side pause a little cool now if you want to edit the curves you could um click on this uh bar here it would open up the curve editor now you could see that this particular animations have their a particular key frame in them so I could select these and I could change the type of um interpolation so this is linear at the moment so I can change it to uh cubic to make the transition a bit smoother so it's going to ramp up slow down and similar here I could do the same here and change the cubic interpolation now the animation will look a little bit smoother so you could tweak this as you want cool and when I save this and go back to my third person here because that is used in the animation blueprint when I play here my character by default would start looking around when it's on idle running won't be affected but once it moves idle it will start looking around cool so that's one way to use the animation sequence editor uh another way is you want to trim the animation so for example this move uh run forward I'm actually going to duplicate this I don't want to touch the original so here if I click on here you would see that this character runs a bit faster so I could go under the asset details here under rate scale if I lower this to 0.5 my character would uh run a bit uh slower and this is around uh 53 frames so what you could do as well is trim it so around this section uh I could right click and any frames at the left from 0 to 14 would be deleted and the animation would start from there and if I wanted to end around here and I could do the same I could remove uh trim it on the right section here so from frame 30 to 40 that would trim it down save so that would create a new uh trim down version of this animation another thing you could do on the sequence editor is you could combine animations together so let's jump back in the content drawer I could pick one of these animation sequences the starting point right click create and then you have three options here anim composite anim montage and post as it we're just going to cover uh compos it in this video I'll cover compo uh animation Montage on a separate video so this animation composite would allow us to combine animations together so this is the slow run forward animations that we have I could um grab one of this animation sequence and drop it here and that would create another segment here in the composite layer and then I could have jump as well so the combination that I'm doing uh doesn't really matter here um it doesn't make sense but this is how you would combine animations together so imagine you have a group of animations that kind of blend simless you could group group them together using uh animation composite uh there's a few tweaks you could do here cuz it Doesn't Really blend your animation doesn't really blend from one animation to the other so what you you could do here is you could also have the option to trim when the animation starts or how long the animation is for this particular one it's 93 seconds so I could say 0.5 to trim it down this idle is 7.5 seconds I can say 1 second and this particular jump animation so here from here to here we could say don't start at this animation start at this animation we could stay start at 0.3 yeah so from 03 this is the starting position and then would cool so that is how you would combine animations together using the animation composite now another uh cool thing here with the animation sequence editor is you could record it to create new animation assets so if I hit the record button here and it's asking me for animation so I'm just going to say combine and let's put this in the Quin folder uh 30 FPS is fine and it's going to start recording here so it would record even though a c is on PA mode so once I start playing that's the time it would start um capture everything everything and when I hit stop it would create that combined animation for me so if I open that up you would see it's playing but it's not animating because the animation started when I hit the play button which is around here so with this one you could use the trimming technique when the animation starts you could right click and then say remove from 0 to 239 save but this is still um a bit uh long so I'm just going to trim it a little bit more cool so that's how you would create new animation assets from um the animation composite or using that record button cool so hope you like this short easy video thumbs up thumbs down please subscribe to the YouTube channel cheers bye for now
Channel: Just Another Dang How To Channel
Views: 116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, ue5.4, character animations
Id: B56ejHb3lLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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