How To Edit a Cinematic Car Sequence | Final Cut Pro Tutorial for Beginners

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so how do you edit a cinematic sequence how do you take average looking footage and turn it into something much more exciting well in this video I'm gonna show you how to edit a cinematic sequence from start to finish everything from choosing your like shots for your sequence music sound effects transitions everything that's coming up hey everyone steve here from learn online video and today i'm gonna be editing a cinematic sequence in Final Cut Pro I'm gonna be simplifying everything for you today so this is perfect if you're just starting out and Newt editing I'm gonna be editing footage that I shot in last week's of video gimbal moves to make any car look epic so if you haven't seen that yet be sure to check that out I'll put a link to it in the description and below now my aim for this video is to come away with a 60 second cinematic sequence using this footage whilst also teaching you as much as I possibly can so that you can apply these same techniques to your videos okay so here we are in Final Cut Pro X and I have created a new project i've called it cinematic sequence this project is 1920 by 1080 and I'm editing on 24 frames per second timeline now let's start with workflow okay because this is really important as video editors we want to be efficient and know where things are when we need them so on my computer here I have a folder called cinematic sequence and inside that folder I have four more folders and this is everything that I'm going to be working with to create a cinematic sequence I've got my gimbal footage that's all the footage that I'll be editing I've got music sound effects graphics and overlays so I'm just going to grab all of these and I'm gonna drag them into my project in Final Cut Pro okay here we are this is everything imported into Final Cut Pro as you can see I've got a lot of Clips here now the first thing I like to do when it comes to editing a sequence like this is I like to highlight all of my Clips all of my footage and drag them all everything one onto the timeline like this now there are a couple of different ways that you can edit this isn't necessarily the most traditional way what some editors will do is they will select their clip up here in the preview section and they will sort of edit like this and then just drag down what part of each clip that they like but that's not the way I like to do it I like to drag all of my Clips down onto the timeline I like to watch everything that I've shot that day and I like to do what I call cut the fat and ultimately this is stage one for me the first thing I want to do my knit main objective stage one is to create a timeline with nothing but usable clips on it okay that's my objective now let's just have a look at my timeline here my timeline is 40 minutes long I've got 40 minutes worth of footage and my aim is to get this down to 60 seconds now this was a slightly unusual shoot because I did shoot quite a bit of extra footage I wouldn't normally shoot this much but you probably wouldn't have guessed it by watching the video that I posted last week but it was a bit of a nightmare shoot it rained the ground was really boggy I had to take multiple shots I taped my gimbal to a broomstick so I couldn't check my exposure so I had to shoot lots of shots many different times so quite an excessive amount of footage compared to what I would usually shoot but like I said stage one for me is I'm just going to sit here go through all of this footage and create a timeline with nothing but usable clips on it now I'm just going to show you the first couple of clips and how I do this and what I look for and what I class as a useable clip and then I'll speed up the rest okay now I've actually imported these clips with the audio on which I probably shouldn't have done because this was a very windy day let me just play your clip see so none of this audio is usable so I'm just to turn the audio down on these clips because we don't need it but let me just play this first clip and I will show you what I define as a usable clip okay so let's play this clip okay so this bit isn't usable it's kind of wobbling around but now the gimbal move starts to move in so actually I want to start my clip there like I said I'm just cutting the fat at this stage okay I just want to get rid of anything that shouldn't be on the timeline so gimble move is pushing forward it's pushing forward and then it gets a bit wobbly and it stops there so I'm just gonna rewind this bit and I'm going to cut it there so I've now got here one usable clip the clip comes in like this and then it stops about there and I'm just going to skim through this footage because I'm gonna be pulling back now and what I'm looking for here because I remember shooting this shot was a push forward shot you can see I've gotten a little bit lower with the gimbal there so now I'm just gonna cut this section here because I know that that bit isn't usable I'm gonna play again okay I actually prefer this shot I prefer it just a little bit lower button and then okay then it cranes up over the car like that and stops there so I'm going to cut it there so essentially what I'm doing is I'm just going to go through all of these clips and I'm just gonna get rid of anything that I don't think is usable or anything that I think I'm gonna need in this edit get rid of it so then at the end all I'm left with is really great usable clips and I'm just going to speed up this process so that you don't have to watch me edit 40 minutes worth of clips [Music] okay so I've been through all of that footage 14 minutes worth of footage and I've cut it down to two minutes and 49 seconds so I was really really brutal when I went through that footage it didn't take me long I was just skimming through it and just picking out all the shots which I thought would be usable so at the moment what I'm left with is two and a half minutes worth of what I consider usable footage it's not to say that I'm going to use all of this footage but I've just essentially got a timeline full of usable clips now the next thing that I like to do which I think is really important is to just highlight all of these clips ctrl C or copy and paste so I've pasted a replica of those clips towards the end of the timeline now the reason I've done that is because I'm about to get really brutal with editing these clips and if I get a bit too brutal and edit a clip that I actually want what I don't want to have to do is go through all of my footage and try and find that clip again so by duplicating my timeline and pasting it down here I've got consistent access to all of my useable clips kind of a safety net if you like I could of course you know put this in another project but for me having it at the end of the timeline it's just really convenient I can dip into it as and when but for now we're just going to forget about those clips just gonna put them down there and focus on these ones because these are the ones that we want to edit and I remember my aim for this edit is to get a 60 second cut and at the moment I've got almost three minutes worth of Clips so I still need to get really brutal with this footage now what I like to do now is what I call feel the vibe so I want to start thinking about what music I'm gonna use to edit these clips do now it may be that you've already got a song in mind in which case just edit to that one but in this case I've got a couple of tracks here and I haven't quite decided yet I really love this track here let me play it for you Pervis I love this dirty beats that thing I think that would be great to edit to burns but but it just doesn't feel super cinematic to me where is it I've got this in this one just here let me play this one to you listen to this build wait for it here we go here we go it's kicking in this bit [Music] listen to that hey now the aim of this sequence is it is for it to feel really cinematic in epic and for me this track instantly does that it feels cinematic in epic so as much as I love the other song decision has been made I'm gonna use this track here now what you may notice is the song is much longer than all of these clips it is three and a half minutes long so the song is far too long so I need to get this track down to around about 60 seconds and I like to do that at this stage because if I can get and edit off my music that's gonna help me edit my footage to it so what I like to do now is attempt to find 60 seconds in this track that I can edit too now the beauty of editing music on the timeline like this is that you can see the audio waves so if we just punch in you can see where the song dips and you can see where it picks up again and just here I want to start my edit just before it kicks in somewhere around about hang on let me just drag this up here smoking all the footage for now and focus on this track somewhere here you can see it builds and says play it through yeah boom there so I want my sequence to start round about here in the music just about there and look I've gotten really lucky because as you can see if I skim across this track you'll notice that the music dips here and it dips around about the minute mark around about 50 to 53 seconds of dips let's just hear this one [Music] and that's a great end to a sequence that feels great sounds great okay so I'm actually just gonna cut the music there and delete the end of it and just like that I look about 59 seconds so straight away I have got what I would consider a very cinematic epic sounding track which is pretty much exactly the duration that I'm looking for so it was a bit of luck involved there I think it builds nicely at the beginning it kicks in Peaks here yeah great I'm gonna go with that one so I would just drag that one down there underneath my footage so I've got a timeline full of great usable clips and I've got my 60 second cut of the music now of course I'm gonna make tweaks here and really fine-tune this as the Edit goes on but for now we've got some really good foundations to start editing so this is the bit where it gets fun up until this point it's been a bit of hard work you know it means chopping stuff up and being brutal and trying to figure things out but I feel like man with we figured a lot out we've got a great load of clips on our timeline and we've got a cool track to edit - so this is where the fun begins okay so next thing I want to do is start ordering these clips now for the sake of stopping this audio from kicking in and just going to put my music track at the end of the timeline because I'm just focusing on the visuals for now okay so what I want to do because at the moment all of this footage is in chronological order this is the order in which I shot this footage on the day and I know because I shot this footage that this order isn't gonna work some of these cuts just aren't gonna work so I'm now gonna go through this footage and start ordering my clips okay so let's just start looking through these clips and putting them in an order which will cut together nicely so let's play this first clip now I really like this first clip this push forward show I think this would work really well is an opening shot to this cinematic sequence so I'm actually going to keep that there is now I've got two shots here two similar shots I kept both of these when I was looking through the footage but I need to be really now if I'm really brutal that second clip was marginally better so I'm gonna delete that first one again we've got to be brutal here at this stage but don't worry because we can always dip in to our footage over here if we make a mistake so clip number one I actually quite liked lick number one as it is and I think that would work really well as an opening shot now the next shot lifts up it's a crane shot with a tilt like this and straightaway you'll probably notice that my gimbal actually comes into frame just here which of course ruins the shot we don't want to see that but don't worry because I'm actually going to be adding cinematic bars to this footage so there'll be a black bar at the top at the bottom of the screen in the final edit so we won't actually see that gimbal in the final edit let me just look at both of these clips again this is another crane tilt shot pushing up and that one is better because the my gimbal appears much later in the shot so again I'm just gonna delete that first clip so we've got push forward got a crane shot I'm actually just gonna actually still being a bit brutal here I'm not quite putting these in order yet okay let's have a look at this one this is an an or bit shot just walking around the car oh we got another one here what's this okay - very similar shots they're prefer the second one let's delete the first one so yeah I'm not quite ordering these clips yeah I'm still just being brutal just wanna get the duration of my timeline down a little bit this is the orbit from the back I can see my reflection in this shot which I don't like but you know I'm not gonna be super fussy with this edit okay we can we can maybe get away with that we may or may not use it and of course let you can see my my behind the scenes tripod in the corner there so we're definitely going to need to cut that clip before we see the tripod so let's just do that now because we may end up using that schema through this one this short actually looks a bit too close up by the time I add my cinematic bars I think that'll be a bit too tight so let's just get rid of that one this shot here I don't know why I've kept this on the timeline I don't actually like it doesn't quite work that one for me and I've got two of them so let's delete both of those they're gone okay this is a badge reveal and also right should have mentioned here okay this clip is super quick it doesn't quite work but I've shot all of this footage at 60 frames per second so I can slow all of this footage down by 50% and it'll still look great so let me just show you what I mean so just highlight this clip we're gonna come up here to modify retime and we're gonna come down to slow 50% so I've just reduced the speed of this clip by 50% and look how much better it looks compared to the original get that way way smoother compared to that original shot so a lot of these clips I may very well end up slowing down by about 50% certainly if any of them seem too quick or if there's any Shake in any of these shots slowing your footage down to 50% is really gonna hide any of those nasty camera shakes so we've got a badge reveal over there let's go to this next one I prefer that one I prefer it sliding to the right and actually so let me actually delete that first clip and we gonna go with that one got another push forward shot here okay oh this is a push forward with a crane going over the car like this but is very similar to our opening shot I kid of course maybe reverse this clip like this and reveal the car but I don't think I'm gonna do that in this edit soand we boot up and we get rid of that one okay this is an interior shot pulling back out through the window I've got two of them there I don't like the end of that second shot so I'm going to leave that one an interior pullback shot here well there's a bit of shake on that one beer - shake on that one you know I'm going to do and come up here to modify and I go to re-time and little too slow to 50% because I think this clip would look much better at half speed hmm maybe 50 percents a little bit too slow don't worry look we can just click on the drop down menu here on the clip and go to custom and I'm gonna slow this down - lets go with 75 let's meet in the middle show me so I've slowed it down not by half the speed 75% okay that feels better yes okay it's not too slow equally it's not too quick and shaky quite like that shot and what's this duplicate sure here probably should've looked at both of those before I decide what's on that one they're so similar let's just delete that second one okay internal shot interior oh yeah I remember this one - pull back pulling back over the seats looks like we've got two here they look very similar Oh first one looked like I had a little less shake okay next one top-down shot again you can see the gimbal in the bottom corner there don't worry about that we'll get rid of that when we add some cinematic bars okay it's pulling back looks like god duplicate coming up here's another one you can see a bit more gimbal in that shot that could be a problem I think it will be you know as that one can't see as much less to leave a second clip pull out of the car through the window okay okay this shot here if you watch my previous video you'll noticed that I had this gimbal on a broom stick straight in through the car like that now that I find like I think it's a cool shot it's pushing forward it's low to the ground movement is being emphasized crane shot up through into the car to the end but I need an end shot for my cinematic sequence so here's what I'm thinking okay let's highlight this clip it's come up to modify let's go to re-time and what we're gonna do is we're gonna reverse this clip so instead of it starting low to the ground pushing in through the window what will happen now is it will start from inside the car and pull out let's just play this back it comes down like that now I think that will serve as a really nice end shot so we're getting close now look if you look at the total duration of these clips we're at 1 minute 14 seconds so we've been through those clips again and we were brutal we are almost there essentially we know me to order these clips and we need to be a little bit more brutal we need to tighten them up so this is a good stage now to bring in this track as you can see we're not far off we've yeah we've just got to edit a little bit more reorder these clips and we'll have what I would call a first draft okay so now is a pretty good time to start editing to music and beats and things like that so let's just play this opening clip to the music and see how it looks [Music] okay so there's a beat that comes in there that beat I think there should be a cut on that beat I also think that maybe that it's first clip it's maybe a bit too long I'm just gonna trim the front off this track I'm gonna fade it in because remember this isn't actually the beginning of the track we've kind of stolen a chunk from the middle of that that track to use for our sequence so let's just play it here I have the volume a bit here okay so I definitely want to cut on that beat let's just watch it again coming through okay so I'm just gonna cut this clip on this beat okay here we go push it through musics building building cut okay now that cut doesn't work at all for me because we're pushing forward towards the front of the car and then kind of awkwardly cuts to the bottom and then lifts up so I want to cut from this opening shot to another shot my question is which one now I do have one in mind I want it I want to cut the sequence so that each shot is slightly different not disorientating but just so that I'm not cutting two clips together that are similar so one that jumps out at me as being different is this shot here of the interior the pullback shot so let's just play this pushing in pushing in and on the beat with a known polite like that that's me cards together much better come in pump [Music] I quite like that okay we're getting somewhere [Music] it kind of feels like it's a little static at the beginning when it cuts it feels like the camera hasn't quite started moving it let me just see yeah I think we need to trim the front of that clip off just a little bit these are minor tweaks but they do make a big difference okay that's better that was much better see that does my little tweak by cutting the front of that clip off it's keeping that pace okay a question that I'm often asked is should I be editing to the beat of the music and in some cases yes do you know if you've got a sequence which is building and building and building and then the chorus hits you may then start to cut together a really fast sequence equally you don't want to be cutting on every single beat because then your video becomes predictable and you don't want your video to be predictable so sometimes do sometimes don't feel what works best but just whatever you do make sure that your edit isn't really predictable and cutting on every single Pete okay so pushes in cuts Paul's own I think up there there's a good place to cut and we want to keep it quite punchy and snappy so the opening shot can be a little bit longer because that music builds but now we want to be getting a little bit more brutal we want to be cutting a bit quicker [Music] okay so again what now we're now ordering these clips are they cut together nicely so we've gone from a front on shop we've gone from a polite of the interior we could cut to this shot the crane and lift up it's not too bad cuts together quite well but let's see why other options we've got here we've got an orbit this could be a nice way of keeping the pace of the videos a nice amount of movement in this shot here so let's bring this one into position for our third clip okay so clearly this clip needs a bit of work let's trim the front of that off I can't better okay yes I quite like that let's go with that shall we push forward shop cuts to interior cuts to external orbit yes I like it okay so at this point we've seen external shots interior shots but we haven't seen many details yet so one clip that springs to mind is this bad shot so let's bring this clip down here it's on the fourth clip so we're going to cut from interior Poulet orbit to bad shot let's just see how that plays out [Music] that's why I thing for me yes quite like that again we're not being super precise with our cuts here but we're just trying to get a nice rough edit together certainly in terms of the order of these clips but we're doing pretty well so far we are sixteen seconds into this edit okay so we've got our bad shot what next okay so we've got this crane and tilt a shot which actually cuts together quite nicely nurses play this [Music] okay first thing I notice is that the camera movement is too quick I don't like it there's something not quite right about that so the first thing I'm going to do modify this and I'm gonna slow this down let's start off with a custom speed shall we this goes 75% again that seemed to work quite well last time and this is play this clip again at a reduced speed okay definitely need to cut off the front of that we want consistent movement here okay so that's just kinda gehen [Music] you know what that's still a bit too quick for my liking I'm gonna reduce that by 50% again that's better much prefer the speed of that movement and of course you can see the gimbal cuts in there I don't like that I'm not going to get away of it if it gets too high into the frame so let's cut that there like I said before we can hide this gimbal with some cinematic bars later okay Sierra going on yeah like that looking good [Music] feels like the clips a bit too long though I'm going to cut becomes there's a beat there I don't want to be cutting on every beat but there is quite a nice just basically here's the thing okay so if you're going to cut your clip and there's a beat really close to where you're going to cut that clip I would suggest just cutting on the beat because if you cut your clip and the beat comes in you know just a second afterwards it feels a little off so let's just cut on this beat let's play it through you'll hear it here we go here that bump bump the bear that's where I want to cut that clip just then just play that through [Music] comes Mike and there we go great may have cut just a frame or two too late let's bring that back in okay so we've got our crane tilt that pushes you're gonna cut to next I feel like we've spent a bit of time externally on the cart we've only been inside and seeing the interior once so got to keep this edit fresh got to keep the pace going or you gotta put a variety of shots in here so I really like the crane tilt but now we need to jump inside the car so we've got an orbit there forget that one for now we've got this one okay okay so we could go crane tilt into the pullback off the interior I'm going to see how that cuts so we're going to go up [Music] yeah quite like that I think that we need to trim a little bit off the front of this clipper be awkward at the front we're back again that's better [Music] if I slowed that clip down something not quite right about that yeah I did mmm make any spirits lower let's try 50% again now that it's in the Edit I'm thinking [Music] it's a tough one okay let's just trim that available to up now is a good time just to play this from the beginning to get a feel for this edit and the pace and how it's cutting together so let's just watch it back from the beginning building like it yeah nice pacing yeah [Music] line the velen's a bit slow like the speed of that one [Music] you know what I think we should do here I think we need to add a speed ramp that's why I think we need to do a speed ramp if you don't know it is where you take a clip and you change the speed of it so it may start in real time and then you slow it down or it may start in real time and you speed up and then slow it down again so let me just show you how you speed ramp a clip because I think we're at the 20-second mark this edit we haven't done any kind of speed ramp or anything yet and I know I wanted to keep this as a basic editing tutorial and this maybe is edging on sort of intermediate training but I think a speed ramp would work really well here so here's what we're going to do play the split it starts off slow like this and then what I wanted to do is speed up like that but then slow down again so [Music] here's what we gonna do let's play the clip and then decide where we want this speed ramp to take place so I want this clip to start slow which it is doing at the moment because we've reduced the speed by 50% but then I want it to speed up so here we go play slow bump there that's where I want it to flip speed up so we're gonna I not a clip and we're gonna hit shift B like that and let's just zoom in a little bit here and what you can see is that we hasn't cut our clip but what it's done is it it's split it up here on the orange bar so now I want to do is skim through this and decide how much or what part of this clip I want to be sped up so if we skim to where we want the clip to slow down again and hit shift B now what we can do is change the duration of this middle section with this drop down menu so we can just drop down here and I'm gonna go first and I'm gonna go 8% like that so now we've added a speed ramp to this clip so we're just waiting for this to render for a second and we're gonna play it back I'm gonna see how this looks so here we go comes in plays oh look at that see that that was a speed ramp now later on when we move on to the sound design section of this edit we're gonna add a woosh effect into that speed ramp is what else that's we're really going to bring it to life this is watch it back once again [Music] shin-bi bumf love that okay I think we'll just cut it there so it's going from 50% speed sped right up in the middle and then it slows down again so let's just bring this back a tad get a feel for this pace again play it through that becomes [Music] crane tilt interior oh and there's a beat there that we can cut how much seems to work quite well bump Flair bling cutter blade yes yes okay this is exciting it's starting to look quite good okay so we've cut from the interior shot let's just see what we've got going on this timeline here and another internal short let's go external this shot okay this shot is quite different it's a sort of a top-down shot let's have a play with this one again okay again you can see my gimbal in the bottom right hand corner here I'm not too worried about that I'm gonna add some cinematic bars I can adjust the framing of this grip all these sort of finer details I will do at the end once you've got a rough cut let's just get our clips in order for now okay it can't start until there coz that's when the camera starts to move it also feels like this is gonna be a bit quick yeah that shots too quick way too quick let's it's a bit shaky so that's just retime slow it down to 50% see how that looks [Music] probably bit too slow if monist let's go custom speed 75% seems to work quite well for every reason on these clips and again you know you're in control here you can decide what speed you make your Clips just do what you feel works best [Music] I want to see the whole of the car as we pull back from this okay so I'm thinking we need to cut it somewhere around about here so crane tilt speed ramp top-down external shot okay great what should we go for next how about this orbit I think that could cut together quite well that's just yeah not bad not bad [Music] it's kind of cutting naturally by itself at this point and look we haven't got long to go we're almost at the end of this we've really whisked through this and again like I know I keep saying this but this really is just a basic cinematic edit that's or foundations to editing any cinematic sequence this is more media showing you the process okay so okay I'm just going to try and speed things along a little bit here because I know that this is probably quite a long tutorial okay so we've cut from the top line shot to an orbit yeah like it like it like it like probably a bit too long probably maybe starting around about yeah yeah okay so that doesn't cut too badly actually into that one what acid we got we got this clip here tell you what I'm just gonna swap those two around let's see how that looks I'm gonna go from the orbit [Music] okay I think what's keeping out there was right [Music] okay so I'm slightly jumping ahead of myself here but I have identified a problem and that is that the end of this sequence is so important it's really important to end your sequence on a high you know what you'll often find is that you'll get into the rhythm of the Edit but then the ending can be a little bit trickier to end because you want it to end well you don't want your video to peak in the beginning and then just be rubbish at the end so in my head I envisage this video ending with the last beat of the track hitting just as the camera comes out of this window so let me show you what I mean so something like this that is how I want it to end but if we just zoom a little bit here what you'll notice is that we don't have enough clips to get us to that part of the track in order to make that happen so we've got to take some desperate measures here and we've got to do something quite brutal because I've currently kind of edited this whole sequence to the beat so if I start fiddling around too much it's really gonna mess things up okay so I've been having to think about it the best way to give this sequence the ending that I would like and apart from adding more clips to this sequence which I don't want to do because I'm happy with the amount that I've got here really the only way around it is to trim off the front of this track which I don't really want to have to do but equally I really do want to want the video to have the ending that I envisaged so I was going to trim off the front of this track I'm gonna bring this clip back down here so for me now it's really important and I line up the end of this track okay some kind of work in reverse engineering this clip now okay so I really know I just want to line everything up so that that beat happens just as the camera pulls out of the window [Music] not quite there yet let's reduce the front and pull this back a little bit see how that looks [Music] yeah pretty close pretty close okay I think we go with that let's not get too anal here okay okay so we now have the ending that I want but what effect has that had with the rest of our sequence I can check the sequence back push forward building music is building yes and what well he's trying to a little bit [Music] that show might be a little bit too slow but I can live with it even the speed of this one like the camera movement like the cut pull back the speed rambley will had a whoosh effect in a minute gimbal you can hide cuts on a beat there quite nicely [Music] window [Music] external shot a game of the backseat [Music] okay I think that's come together quite well we're almost there folks okay let's just have a look at the speed ramp shot okay so you may have noticed when I imported all of my assets that I had a sound effects a folder in that sound effect folder I've got a whoosh effects now of course normally I am put a load of sound effects I've got a full library and actually Final Cut does come with a sound effect library just click up here look under sound effects you can type in what you're looking for there and there are actually wash effects that come with a final cut but I don't particularly like any of them so I've imported one of my favorite water sound effects which is this one here so I'm just gonna drag that below this clip just line this one up here play it back yeah there we go maybe just a couple frames later here we go interior back with the whoosh sound effect okay so you know you can obviously go to town with the same design if you like and add whoosh sound effects and everything like that I just really wanted to show you you know quickly a speed ramp with a whoosh sound effect to show you what kind of an effect that that has on an edit it can really bring it to life as soon as you start having things like speed ramps and whoosh sound effects and combining them all together it can really elevate your edit ok so we have a pretty solid edit here we've got all of our clips on the timeline we've got our music we've pretty much edited in time and and beat with the music to a point in which it was or flows and cuts together nicely we've added a cheeky speed ramp in the middle along with a whoosh effect just to get used to playing around with some sound design and playing around with the speed of clips now at this stage what I'd like to do is go through all of this footage and just fine-tune the framing as you know there's a few shots in there where you can see the gimbal we need to sort that out so at this stage what I like to do is come over to my graphics and overlays folder that I imported at the beginning and take out my letterbox overlay and then just drag that down over the top of all of these clips and extend it like that and what's what that's done like as you can see is its added letterboxing to my footage and that just gives it a much more cinematic feel if you don't know these overlays by the way don't come with final cut but what you can do to come over here to your effects panel in the search box just type letterbox and just there look final cut does have some letterboxing the reason that I've done this as an overlay is because I can just drag on top of all my clips and extend it across all of them with the letterbox that comes to Final Cut you have to drag it onto each clip okay but I am in the process of developing and building some of my own digital products letterboxing digital overlays transitions all that kind of stuff will be available very very soon and if you're watching this tutorial in the future do check the description below because I'm a very well and it links to all of these digital products and overlays there by now so analysis play these clips through and make fine-tuned adjustments to any framing and composition of these clips happy with this one it looks nice and scented worked well I'm not going to touch it this one's fine not a problem of that yep fine this one needs some work [Music] and let me tell you what's wrong with this one it's just punching a little bit here okay I get it straight away look at where the car is at the beginning of this clip it's it's cut off that's an ugly composition so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to the end of this clip because actually yeah actually the end of this clip the framing is fine so I'm gonna select the clip I'm gonna come over here to my transform section and I'm gonna keyframe just by keyframing here on position just gonna add a keyframe there because I like where the car is on I like the framing of that clip so we've added a keyframe to the end of that clip then that's a skim back to the beginning of this clip and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna adjust the framing of this clip so I'm just gonna drag it down like this so I've adjusted the framing of this clip and Final Cut has automatically added another keyframe at the beginning of this clip so now the clip starts here much better much better framing composition we can see the whole car and then as the camera lifts up [Music] it ends with the car nicely framed so by adding that key frame I've been able to keyframe the composition of that shot just to keep the car in centre of frame this is playthrough so much better minor tweak makes a massive difference find with that one oh we can see the gimbal here like okay this is a problem so we need to definitely adjust the framing and composition of this top-down shot so we've got options here let's just reduce this down to 25% so I can see it a little clearer and we can start adjusting some of the framing and composition skim through okay so I think what we can do here to really help us aim is number one is just scale this clip up a tad okay select the clip and we're just going to scale it up attach so instantly that's cropped out the gimbal there you can still see it peeking in the corner there what we can do is just move the clip down a little bit like that and that has gotten rid of our gimbal being in frame yeah that works this has played out through [Music] nice framing and Composition fine on that one [Music] tell you what we're almost there it's just increase this one to fit okay so we've added our cinematic bars we have adjusted all of our framing and Composition throughout this entire sequence we've got music we've got some sound design happening we've got some speed ramps the next most obvious thing to do is to color great this stylize it a little bit more so I'm just going to show you this very quickly okay so here's what I do I come up here to my titles and just here I've got an adjustment layer now again this doesn't come with Final Cut Pro but I will try and leave a link in the description of this video where you can download an adjustment layer and this is how I like to color great okay grab an adjustment layer put it between my cinematic bars and my footage and drag it all the way to the end like this I'm not going to go too nuts on the color grade with this it's just more to show you the process so we now have an adjustment layer an adjustment layer is a layer that you add to the top of your clips and you can add effects to this adjustment layer and only the adjustment layer will be affected not the clips underneath so if you color great the adjustment layer anything underneath that will also appear color graded so let me just shoot I mean okay so I'm going to come over here to my effects panel and type in LUT now I use em LUT by motion video effects this is a free plugin for Final Cut Pro I will leave a link to it in the description below so I'm going to take em LUT and I'm going to drag that on top of my adjustment layer like that and I'm gonna come over here to my right and select this film icon where you will see my M lot library which I'm going to select okay so I opened em lot I'm just going to come over here because I have my own nuts here which I'm also given away for free by the way check the description of this video and you'll see some free Luntz a link to some free Luntz they will be these exact Luntz by the way there's five here totally free use them as you please and the LUT that I'm going to be adding to this footage is the dramatic LUT I'm just going to select that what you'll notice is that that's pretty intense it looks really ugly so what I'm going to do over here you can see intensity it's at a hundred percent so of course it's gonna look ugly so what I tend to do when it comes to color grading and having Luntz is reduce the intensity all the way down to zero and then work my way up so let's just push this LUT up okay yes okay it's never go over kill with these things okay fifty percent seems too much let's take it back down again for me somewhere around about the thirty five percent mark works pretty well me gonna remember this is iPhone footage that I'm editing okay so it's kind of a little bit oversaturated so you don't need to put these Luntz on too high of an intensity so around about thirty five works well with me so we now have a color graded sequence color graded with cinematic bars here we go [Music] [Music] so they have it's terrific as a long run in congratulations for making it this far into the video I hope you found it useful and I hope that you can apply these techniques to your footage if it did help let me know give it the old thumbs up and if you'd like to see more content like this learn more about video production and you can do that by watching one of my other tutorials by clicking over there but that's it from me thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Learn Online Video
Views: 137,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit a cinematic video, cinematic video editing, final cut pro editing techniques, cinematic sequence, video editing tutorial, video editing tutorial for beginners, final cut pro for beginners, learn online video, how to edit b roll, how to edit videos, make your footage look cinematic free cinematic video effects, car video editing, final cut for beginners, video ediitng basics, car videography, car filmmaking, filmmaking tutorials, steve wright, edit video
Id: _l1XBnGXOxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 18sec (3198 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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