How to easily make greeting cards from home 💌

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greeting cards are one of those things that you can sell over and over again you can make the artwork or the design once and it can apply for several years you can also sell them wholesale or in packages people love to give greeting cards especially in north america it's a very common thing for us to do here if you've been debating for a while on making them or getting them made then i definitely think you should [Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new here my name is sabine fenn i'm a full-time artist and illustrator based in toronto i'll show you how i make my greeting cards why i make them the way i do the packaging that i use talk a little bit about shipping as well so keep watching sorry for the mess in the background i am packing orders today and we are moving soon so everything's kind of chaotic right now i wanted to talk a little bit about why i make my greeting cards as opposed to getting them outsourced by a printing company and it really just comes down to cost for me i like to print everything as the orders come in i am constantly making new artwork and i just don't want to take up space in my studio with pre-made inventory i sometimes don't always know if a design is going to sell really well or if it won't sell at all i've outsourced them before and i've kind of compared to the ones that i make in my studio and i've actually found that the ones that i make are a bit better qualities it just made sense for me to keep going like that even though it's a little bit more work first of all the most important and key component to a greeting card is good quality paper i much prefer 110 pound cardstock as opposed to a hundred pound i just personally find that it has a much nicer feel and greeting cards are something that you want people to come back again and again for to give to their loved ones their friends i purchased my 110 pound cardstock paper from a local art store but i've left some links in the description below of where you can find some really good quality 110 pound cardstock paper it's ones that i've used before and i really love them not very flimsy it's obviously more flimsy when it's like this what am i doing i buy this paper in standard letter size which is eight and a half by eleven inches and i sell my greeting cards in 4.25 by 5.5 inches which i believe is a2 and what i do is print two cards on a sheet like this and then i'll cut it in half and score them and i believe this paper is actually quite affordable i think it only comes to about 10 or 20 cents a sheet for the sake of keeping things simple and doable for me to make handmade cards i do not offer any text on the inside of my cards i just keep them blank it's much nicer i think for people to put their own message in the card anyways it's a personal preference you can definitely add some text in there if you want to once i'm ready to make my greeting cards i will just pop the paper into the printer and then i will print the double greeting card so i'll have two and then if someone has only bought one greeting card i will keep the second one aside for future order they buy four cards i will print two pages of greeting cards if they need eight cards i will print four pages of cards while my cards are printing i thought it would be good to quickly tell you a little bit about the printer that i use i personally have two canon pro 1000 printers and they're pretty heavy duty i use these cards for everything in my shop i do lots of wholesale as well so i really need something that's heavy duty the canon pro 100 printer is a really good smaller alternative if you don't want a big size like this one i'll leave a few links in the description below with some different printers that i think would be good quality for greeting cards if you're not looking for something necessarily this big here is the first page printed as you can see i have two cards here i just have the logo and the artwork and that's it very simple straightforward that's how i like my greeting cards first i'm taking my trim air by westcott so i'll just cut it in half to 5.5 inches and now i have two cards this is kind of embarrassing but i use this to score all of my greeting cards i say it's embarrassing because i do a lot of wholesale orders and lots of orders on etsy i should probably have a professional one by now but i don't i just take my score here and i line it up under the ruler using my very official professional marker there i will just go ahead and score like this and then we have a greeting card and i will just double check and make sure that it's the edges are aligned sometimes it will overlap and i'll just cut the edge using my other paper cutter since this is a wholesale order i've gone ahead and printed six of the cards support them and as you can see they look pretty good when it comes to envelopes i personally found that brown envelopes look best with my artwork this is a totally personal preference you can definitely use any color that is available and there is tons for the size that i'm using i have found that i just have to search a2 envelope and this will come up these are really good they're craft paper they are recycled what more do i want when it comes to packaging the greeting cards i will take the envelope like this just flat open the card and just put the envelope right inside and this is because it will be in a store since this is wholesale so i want them to be able to see my name they can still see the envelope behind the card so they know that it comes with an envelope then i take a eco-friendly clear sleeve i get these from clear bag they are pla plastic so they're made of plant fibers i know that they're not perfect but that's what i'm working with right now and that's how i do it one thing i wanted to mention really quickly in regards to packaging is that i am slowly transitioning to those little peel stickers that kind of go around the card like this so that you don't have to use any plastic at all when it comes to shipping greeting cards can be a little bit confusing especially if you're in canada you know that our shipping fees are ridiculously high the good thing about greeting cards is that since it's such a small and lightweight flat surface it's not too expensive and you can actually ship it just using letter mail so i can put this in an envelope and put a few stamps on it and it'll be good to go you definitely want to think about shipping ahead of time when you're pricing your greeting cards my shop i have listings where people can choose any cards from my shop and they can put them together as a set and then that way i am selling more cards so it's more worthwhile and the shipping fee is lower and then just more profit in the ends i've found ways to make it work i'm sure you can too if you're still not sure about selling greeting cards in your shop i would say just give it a try why not you don't want to buy a printer you can outsource a few cards and see how they do greeting cards are really something that you want to kind of prepare ahead of time so with etsy especially right now i'm thinking of holiday cards already even though it's the middle of the summer there is a bit of a marketing strategy behind it too they are really great for some site income definitely a lot of companies make a full-time income from selling greeting cards don't underestimate them they are really great i promise i hope this video was helpful if you have any follow-up questions on the greeting cards please feel free to let me know in the comments below we are moving soon so everything is just very chaotic right now and i am just kind of in over my head with everything if i missed anything in this video please feel free to let me know below and i will answer any questions as honestly as i can and let me know if there are any future tutorials you'd like to see anything i haven't covered yet i will see you guys in the next video bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sabina Fenn
Views: 20,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5n_9fnrwgjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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