How to Easily get 90% in All Damage Stats! (what you're missing) Max your Damage! - Neverwinter

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hey and welcome to never winter with Aragon so here I want to show you how you can get your stats your totals to those sweet 90% as a damage dealer so you can maximize your damage potential I get asked a lot how can I do it you stand here outside of combat and you always see your stats look awful they're not at 90% well you have to be aware that a lot of gear will give you their stats when you're in combat and attacking your your enemy and those are the gear pieces you use and you end up with all these 90% we can see that right here in combat now you're going to have to continually attack your target to maintain all of those stats so how does this work how can you do it for yourself what actually gives all of these stats that you may be missing let's cover all that in this video so first things first the way the Stat system works is to get 90% you need things that are going going to add to your total and the biggest thing is your ratings they're going to give a maximum of 50% you can read that here with an example of our crit severity it's at Green it says there this rating is at its maximum effect it shows what your total is but you can see the rating contribution is 50% this is in Brackets the maximum you can possibly gain from ratings if your ratings are red you have too much much and you want to rebalance so that it puts it back in the green if you have them just on white then you still have things you miss you can increase this further to get that total percentage higher you can see our rating contribution here is only 45.6 so we could get another 4.4% from increasing our ratings up to Green now the higher the item level you get you'll find it easier and easier to get these ratings to maximum that is because you're using things like Mythic enchantments to give you ratings you're using Mythic Insignia to give you ratings you may have Guild Boons giving that too and companion gear you will also have party Buffs that are like auras that you'll get from other players in group content that will give you ratings as well you can see what I mean here by having a rating on red it will show you that you are wasting stats we have over 2,500 ratings that are in excess and have no effect so we need to rebalance that for example we're going to move Mystic Aura back over to our dominant force and that equalizes it out and we're not wasting those anymore you can get gear pieces and such which give you ratings but as you get towards end game you don't really want to use those pieces because you'll just be wasting it for example these Dragon hiide boots can give me 10,000 accuracy I don't need that whatsoever we could get a little bit more power when we're in a group we will get that no problem but ultimately the biggest place for Ratings is yeah the enchantment page right here with these artifacts and then all these Insignia you can use certain companion gear to balance ratings along with different Guild Boons here in the offense and there's also some consumables as well like Guild food here that could give us 4,000 r ings however the thing that people most struggle with is getting the totals how do you get those to that 90% that green that maximum well you have to look to other areas because again the maximum you're getting when your ratings are green is 50% so you miss 40% to get to 90% total so you're missing 200% in stats where do you get all of that well well again there are a lot of different ways a lot of gear is going to give those total percentages again it's not going to be like super straightforward this headpiece is it very simply says you just need your stamina over 75% and you gain 10% accuracy there you go but then you have more vague bonuses like this armor here you might have to whip out a calculator and figure it out basically you're damaging your enemy and every time you hit them for more than 10% of your maximum hit points which should be most of the time on a damage dealer you gain a stack of 1.5% accuracy and 1.5% combat Advantage for 15 seconds but it has maximum five Stacks so you do the math you can get 7.5% accuracy and 7.5% combat advantage and that is going to get added to your totals again and so you're only gaining those bonuses when you're continually attacking your target those are bonuses yes you can rely on if you're a class who can attack your target a lot and that should be all damage dealers you just need to prioritize always attacking so you have an armor piece that can give you like 15% arms piece can give you 10% boots can give you 5% weapons can give you 10% this neck and waist set can give me 7.5% plus the recharge speed bonus ultimately there are a lot of different bonuses you can use we just only covered the gear scratching the surface on the amount of stats you can get you have an overload giving you 10% the devil's Precision which is giving you 10% stats a combat enchantment giving you 15% that combat enchantment is the lightning flash you can read there again has the same thing giving you stacks of 2.5% maximum three stacks and so on and then you have Boons can give you 8% that's just these small teeny little Boons here 1% there 1% there 1% there all these just giving 1% and adds up 8% you have the companion enhancement can give you 7.5% this is the purple Power just here Precision we're using it to give us 7.5% crit strike then we have the offensive tamed Velociraptor this would be an equip bonus we can have here and when we're in a full party and everybody else is using this you gain 18.75% power this is not actually 3.8% it's 3.75% the game just rounds so that's a massive bonus you can gain right there wining a full party I will show you can use other things if you're not in a party but you can use then uh utility bonus with 7.5% defense 7.5% Universal 7.5% another Universal 7.5% all just bonuses that can go in here that are going to give you that amount of stats that's the usual that those companions can give you can get some exceptions yes then you can get some buff food consumables potion giving you 5% that is exactly the flask of potency right here then an Elixir also giving you 5% you can choose between the sunl Lord's gift Elixir or the Wild Storm Elixir then you have event food giving you 10% so here we could use squash soup you could use watermelon sorbet both going to give you 10% to offensive status there's a few others as well you can look up my video on consumables and belt items and I have them all listed in some way and then you can have a belt item here giving us 3% this being like the forgers box you can also run with the spider totem which would give you 2.5% but a damage buff to drought and then you can run your race giving you 5% dexterity can give you 10% it can give you upwards of 16% that it gives us here depending on your ability score some classes could only get maybe 10% from here so I just kind of average it out and put it at 10% but it could be higher Forte is going to give you about 30 3% or so because it's not going to be true bonus to your offensive stats you can read and it's going to split between power and offensive stat depending on your class and then a defensive stat so the defensive stat kind of takes away from the total so if we have 44% Forte right there we would gain 33% bonus to our offensive stats and so we have that there but then you can have comp Ians when you're in a party like tutor giving you 5% portella giving you 7% p and crit Ora giving you 4% anyway it all totals up to over 250% stats this would put you overcapped because you only need a total of 200% to max out all these five stats you're just wasting all those extra stats if you're not balancing this properly if you use all of these bonuses you're just wasting nearly 60% stats that's kind of pointless you want to choose alternative options that's going to give you damage rather than wasting all that and that is why you choose different options for example companions we would use mince cure instead of stats we would use the Neverwinter night instead of stats we would use the btii instead of stats and if we're not in a full party we're not going to have things like Tudor portabella the crit Ora we're not going to have that full party of r so we're also going to miss that so we aren't going to have that many stats to move and then we end up with this right here rebalancing for Solo or pug content where you're not relying on other people to give you stats so you're not relying on the Tam Raptor and you're not relying on tutor portella and the crit Aura so what you want to do here is straight away just get Minsk btii never winter night they're already very good damage bonuses and you're gaining this much damage and you then just have this many stats which is close to that 200% you need to Cap all of those stats again you need to be very careful where you're getting all these stats and which ones you're getting on which type of gear to be able to balance that properly because you are just wanting to put 40% into Power 40% into accuracy 40% combat Advantage Etc you should need to also be careful that Forte is going to give a large portion 50% of its effect over into Power that's for everybody everybody who is a damage dealer half of your Forte stat goes into power so it becomes very easy to get power nice and high and so you'll be focusing on other areas then you will gain a secondary offensive stat as a damage dealer depending on your class so for rogue it's combat Advantage so it's easier for us to get lots of combat Advantage so it'll be harder on other classes you'll need other gear pieces to give you more combat Advantage other companion bonuses and consumables Etc to give you all that combat Advantage so this would be something like you would use in Solo and we can still get all those 90% as you can see we are doing right here we're solo not with a group we can still hit all 90s in those stats and still use damage Buffs like Minsk the Knight and btii however if you are in a group and can take advantage of all those group bonuses you want to rebalance even further you want to take choices that are going to increase your damage and give you room to fit those extra stats you can gain for being in a party and that is where you would go to this you'd be sacrificing your weapons changing them to something that would give you damage your feet you might change them to boots that would give you damage your shark you might change it to also give you damage your companion enhancement you might use something like armor brakes load reaction D Etc that's going to increase your damage but also your parties I just average it to 5% there it's going to change depending on which one you're using but then you still have the companion bonuses there and ultimately you're now nearly at a 50% damage buff which is like 20% higher than you would use if you were by yourself so that's pretty significant you're still gaining over 200% stats so you can cap everything and you're good now there are classes who are going to naturally gain some powers and abilities that are going to give you stats on Rogue we get 2% combat advantage that's it we can use this feature to give us another 2.5% crit strike but yeah other classes are going to have upwards of 20% free stats looking at you fighter there 10% combat advantage and 10% crit strike and then an option to get even further another 5% here so they can gain like 25% free stats which means they can rebalance even further they can choose let's say a head pieces is going to give us damage a neck and waist set that's going to give us more damage an overload that's going to give us damage instead of using those stats you just take Alternatives that can give you a bit more damage Buffs again keep in mind this is all kind of roughly the maximum stat bonuses you can get like feet you can actually get 7.5% but that's specific to some classes Rings you can get up to 10% damage against certain enemy types which would be better than like just 7.5% stats you can also get ones with 8% stats I just kind of generalized it as well as these are the usual bonuses you can use at that kind of level of stats also like your arms here you might not use the 10% ones because they give you power and if you're in a group with the tamed Raptors here then you don't need that power and then you'd be better off running something else like these healing mths to give you crit strike ultimately yeah it's all about balance thing and hopefully this is at least somewhat helpful to show where all these stats are coming from how much you need and yeah all those stats are readily available there you can get more than enough to max out everything and once you're at that like ca stats state with the over 200% totals here you want to be switching over to certain damage Buffs instead once again a massive thank you to all of these channel members for their added support we'll see you guys around goodbye for now
Channel: Aragon
Views: 10,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aragon, neverwinter, build, new, guide, gameplay, endgame, Viperion
Id: AWR4EvAg7dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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