How To Easily Full Head Highlights (Converting Full Head Scalp Bleach)

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welcome to the life of her my name is James Atkinson thank you for joining me in this week's episode now this week's episode is gonna be about full head highlight technique taking someone that was previously a scout bleach and gently working them to something that softer and the route and easier to maintain my client here is tiger she's a social-media influencer she has her own clothing brand she's super busy now and she doesn't necessarily have the time to upkeep Scout bleach every four weeks so she wanted to go a little bit softer I started this process over a year ago with her and I haven't really done her hair in between then she's been very busy and she's had her hair done in other salons since then but now she's back and she's wants to take the blonde to the next level she wants that seamless route effect into what is existing Lee very very blonde hair she doesn't want to lose the fact that she's got very very blond hair so we won't be adding lowlights or anything like that so if you think that might happen at the end of the video then don't be disappointed I know some of you do reach out to me and say well why don't you put a low light in I'm not a huge fan of low lighting techniques I feel they look dingy and murky after a while so you won't see many low lighting techniques from me unless it's one to break up a previous color through the means of are probably a route stretch into a low lighting technique so I hope you enjoyed this video if you do and you take something from it share it with your friends hit the thumbs up button that helps the videos get to a wider audience and it's really important to help me grow the channel so I can bring you more free content to this channel don't forget to subscribe it really really means the world to me for all of you that have subscribed 80% of the people that watch my channel haven't subscribed yet so it'd be wonderful if a few more of you would click that subscribe button to help the channel grow in the algorithm rankings and don't forget taps me down in the comments because I love that conversation about your thoughts on the technique and anything else you'd love to see on the channel first thing we're to do is look at what we're dealing with here on Tigers hair we have got a lot of regrowth as you can see and then a band of color from her previous highlighting session where they tried to diffuse the color into the existing blonde hair so I'm going to show you exactly how to manage this in a one-step process using highlights it is a very very simple technique to use we're going to section off from just behind the highs going to the head to the back of the ear through the middle of the occipital bone and then to the top of the ear and section that off into four sections starting in the back we're going to take a horizontal section we're going to work with a regular weave here trying to agree err on the finer side of a regular weave just to ensure we get seamless blending I'm using a clay base bleach that is not a balayage pitch but is called redkin power lift and 20 volume with a pH bandha or balm the additive inside this means that I can happily paint through the previous band and create a better blend between the existing natural color and the very very blond ends that exist one of the problems with the previous color the lift was not light enough so that is why you it looked like there was such a contrast between the two so it is really important that I make the effort to real IFFT the areas that were previously lifted some of you asked about my foiling technique and it's a really really simple thing to do place the foil up in the air the pin tail comb at the bottom of the foil fold the foil around the pin tail comb and then place it into the section that you have just weaved away apply your product fold it by thirds push up the back flap and fold the edges in super simple super easy and mega secure anyone out there who struggles with their foil slipping I highly recommend you try this technique in terms of products application I'm careful when I apply the products close to the roots and always apply the products as close as I possibly can I don't leave a gap between the lip of the foil and my clients scalp because of the technique that I use to fold my Falls with as we work our way up the head we're going to continue with exactly the same thing you will note that I am we moving around one two three centimeters away from the scalp area this gives me a slightly more irregular depth to the weave and I personally prefer this type of weave pattern I think that this creates a more natural-looking highlight as we go through tell me what you think down in the comments to your own personal weave techniques and styles I really do love to see what people come up with we keep in the sections about five millimeters in spacing due to the fact we've got so much hair that is uncovered at the roots and we have that band to deal with saturating the hair well as you work through is so important even saturation and plenty of saturation will be the key to whether your head your color lifts successfully or not I cannot stress to you how important saturation of product is and if you're not sure what I mean by saturation that is the amount of product you get on the hair that is in the foil good saturation will be the difference between a clean lift and something that you see struggling to lift over a long period of time as we move up to the top of the head a lot of you ask about this area and how to deal with it I will end up with a small triangle of hair in just a second and I will foil all the way through that section in this particular instance I don't always do this sometimes I leave a triangle of hair at the top in the crown and I just foil through it horizontally as you may have seen my previous videos I've got a slight overlapping of product here and it's a great way to deal with it just simply lift up the back of the foil wipe the product away with the tail comb and seal the foil down as you saw me use my fingers to do they're the flap at the back ensures that the no product will seep out of that seal now and it is incredibly useful to have and now some of you will think you don't want to deal with this tiny little bit of hair at the top here and it is a bit pointless to work on this angle and end up with this tiny little triangle but trust me it isn't worthless and this is one of the areas on the head your clients will see or their friends will see while they're walking behind them it is very important to play very close detail to the crown section working through the sides and the top I'm going to be working on a diagonal section diagonals always create softer shapes so using a diagonal in this instance is really really important we're going to take very fine weaves and we're going to take five millimeter spacings in between each section however on these first two sections I'm going to be taking the two millimeter spacing just to keep it a little bit brighter around tiger's hairline in these side sections I'm still using 20 volume with exactly the same bleach I started with the redkin powerlift bleach when I move on to the sections further up ahead on the top of the head I will change my peroxide to 30 volume this is to allow the top to develop a similar speed to the sides I will rinse the back before I rinse the sides on the top because the sides and the back are separated in the way that they are this means that I can wash the back out and it will not disturb the front of the color that I've just done I think washing the bleach off the back of the head as you work is very important now I wouldn't do it as I'm doing the foils in the front because I'm fast at foiling but once that product on the back has had its maximum development time or it has reached the level of lightness that I want I will remove it it is very important for the condition of the hair that we do not over process it just because we can't be bothered to remove it I feel it's very important to remove the color as we go I know some people out there don't think it's necessary but I think from a condition standpoint it is very necessary to remove the foils that are fully processed as we move through the technique if it has taken you two hours to apply a full head and that first foil went in two hours ago that is a much longer time than the manufacturer recommended you leave it on and you will indefinitely have created damage on that hair it is really important to keep your section as clean and tidy as you work through this technique the cleaner and the more even we take the sections the better the end result the eye is naturally drawn to in discrepencies blobs and anything untoward that you may have created so work with even clean sections as you go this first section on the hairline is mirroring the hairline as you can see we're taking a very fine section and then weaving that section everything that you do around the hairline is amplified so make sure that your sections are fine and beautiful do not take chunky sections and make sure that your first section is absolutely bang-on the hairline this will mean that your client won't see dark hair when they pull their hair back the next section is exactly like the previous section take a two millimeter spacing will then convert to our five millimeter spacings as we work through the technique taking diagonal sections and retaining that diagonal all the way through the technique is super important for softness I highly recommend if you've never used diagonal sections like this that you give it a go you will be very surprised at how beautiful and blended the results will be so some things to remember if you're using a diagonal section try and retain in a diagonal all the way through the section ending up horizontal or vertical is not ideal in this instance and it will not add keep the softness of the technique that you're trying to achieve checking before you remove the color is super important the amount of times I've worked with people who have said oh yeah it's been on ages take it off or just assumed that they've got the levels of lifter they required I appreciate you don't want to leave it too much over manufacturers recommended guidelines but if five more minutes makes the difference between a perfect color and manufacturers guidelines I would say go with the five more minutes it certainly won't hurt the hairs condition but it might make all the difference to the results that you get I'm perfectly satisfied with the lift that I've got at this point and I'm going to remove the back before I then move on to the fron sections scraping off the product like that will be a good way of seeing exactly what lifts we have got now on to the toner first things first roots apply the roots down to the previous color now the color that was done before as I said was like a warmer color in the mid sown there and it didn't quite have enough lift on it you get those orangey results when the color hasn't been left on long enough and you need it to be a little bit lighter so what I'm going to do is paint my roots on a level nine Redken shades eq and then i'm going to drag that level nine over that orange ii ban and then going to take that and then going to apply a level ten shades eq with some clear processing solution over the ends and let it process the level ten is a ten end color just a natural neutral because it is so light anything else will give me a reflect violet titanium any of those colors you will see because the ends are so clean i love a natural for when i want a really clean blond over something that has been really really cleanly lifted make sure you claim the product through as i said it's to get the product over that really really warm area it's gonna make all the difference when it comes to processing it and the finished result once i've done this the level ten color will overlap the warm band in the middle once the roots are applied as i said i'm going to apply my ends by just simply overlapping the previous color and applying it all the way through this is a super quick and easy way of doing a root stretch effectively but because the contrast of the colors is very low i've got a nine on the roots and a ten with clear on the ends to make it a level 11 i then just get the seamless blend without too much effort and here we have the finished result a super super blended root area into that ice white platinum ends that she had before I really like the result now and tigers super pleased with the result too and it means that she can continue growing out her roots without needing that regular maintenance of those really high maintenance Scout bleaches check out Tigers Instagram in the description below if you've enjoyed this episode hit that thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and I'll see you again really really soon for another episode of life of hair
Channel: The Life Of Hair
Views: 150,366
Rating: 4.9325686 out of 5
Keywords: hair highlights, blonde, scalp bleach, how to blend a scalp bleach into highlights, foils, toner, how to tone hair, foil sectioning, hair color, highlights, balayage, blonde hair, how to highlight, how to, balayage highlights on dark hair, blonde highlights, hair colour, hair, balayage hair, balayage technique, how to balayage, how to highlight hair at home, hair coloring, toning hair, hair toner, toning brassy hair, hair tutorial, bleaching hair, blond, free salon education
Id: 230vdYC75To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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