How to Easily Draw the Head | A Guide for Beginners

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hey guys welcome back to another one my name is brayden and i'm an artist so the loomis method maybe you've heard of it today i'm going to be teaching you six different loomis heads based on six different reference photos now the goal after you've watched this video is i want you to be able to look at a reference photo whether it's for a client or maybe it's just a portrait that you want to try to draw and be able to look at it and see the loomis head underneath so when you bust out your paper and start drawing you don't even have to think about it it's more or less second nature for you so if you find yourself enjoying this class then you'll probably enjoy my skillshare classes obviously that's separate from youtube but i do have a referral link in the description of this video if you check it out you can get a seven day free trial with skillshare after that seven days it's 14 a month but not only do you have access to all of my exclusive content you have access to their entire premium catalog so it's a pretty good deal now what to expect in this one we are going to be going through six different reference photos and i'm going to be showing you some tricks on how you can draw the perfect circle every time which of course is the first step of drawing the looms method from there analyzing your reference photo and seeing where the eyes of the subject go and by doing that you can pinpoint where you need your oval to be your vertical and your horizontal axis and that will allow you to effectively split the head into three equal sections by drawing out your hairline your brow line the bottom of your nose and then of course the bottom of your chin once those lines are established you can draw out your cheek plane and you can build out your chin and your jaw and then of course from there you can extend the neck and the shoulders of your subject before we jump into this one make sure that you like make sure that you subscribe and then make sure you turn on all of your notifications so that you never miss when my latest and greatest videos hit the channel here mr creations all right let's hit it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so first we're going to be using our compass and just a green sketch pencil and yeah so you're going to take your compass and set it to a two and then we'll place the compass right in the middle of the paper here and then just very lightly we're going to do our first step for our luma set we're going to do a basic circle now looking at the subject they're looking off to their left and about a three quarter turn so that means our oval is going to look something something like this okay something like that essentially what that is the oval is the side plane of the head so this right here is our vertical axis and then depending on what the eyes are doing looks like the eyes are an angle about like that so we're going to want to make sure that our horizontal axis which basically is the beginnings of our brow line you can think of it that way lines up with the eyes so what i like to do that's a little unorthodox from traditional looms heads is i like to put a little um temple plane right there and then we're just going to pull over our hairline our brow line and then the bottom of our nose so once we have those drawn out what we're going to do is we're going to identify our center line of the face okay just pull that down and then an equal pull from the bottom of the nose right about there that's the bottom of the chin so we have effectively three fairly equal sections of the face now we're going to want to pull up from the bottom of the chin up and over like that and then from our vertical axis pull down that's the beginnings of our jaw and then pull the chin over to connect to the jaw there we are just like that it's that simple it's that simple and then right here we have the beginnings of our neck and you don't have to get too crazy here with the the details i just wanted to punch in the turtleneck and kind of show you how you can plug your loomis head into the shoulders of your subject whatever that reference looks like just so that you don't have a floating head right but of course it's your drawing it's your subjective take on what you want but all right and then also right here this is the cheek plane of the subject you start from the center of your horizontal and your vertical axis and you pull over and down something just like that almost kind of looks like a mandalorian helmet if you want to do it that way if you're into the mandalorian i very much am and then right here you're going to want to split that third section into three equal sections in and of their own space and that helps you identify the top of where the lips would be and the bottom of where your lips would be so effectively three sections brow line hairline nose line and that's your first section your second section and then your third section and you can go through and you can beef up different lines play with line weights and qualities if you will but that is the basis and that took us what a whole three minutes and now we have a rock solid foundation for going in with charcoal or whatever it is that we want graphite and started to punch in the features okay so next one again compass we're going to sketch this one out with the blue sketch pencil this time but same thing we're going to set our compass to two we're going to place our compass right smack dab in the middle of the paper very lightly we're gonna do a circle there we are and this is where you can cheat you can take your compass from a two to a one and then you can use your compass to identify that side plane this is cheating obviously this isn't an oval it's just another circle but hey we're artists we like to do things that are easy and that are effective so that's a little trick of mine that you can use for yourself if you will all right so vertical axis because she's looking down right and then depending on what her eyes are doing looks like they're going like that we're going to take our horizontal axis and go straight across okay and then our temple plane right there and now we're gonna identify our hairline our brow line and then the bottom of our nose okay and then we want to identify our center line right we want to split the face right down the middle take that line from the center of the forehead down through the center of the nose center of the lips to the tip of the chin something like that okay don't overthink it guys it's just the luma said that's all it is it's the exact same steps only the angles are different but the steps are the same and don't worry about speed if i'm going way too fast for you simply pause the video catch up don't worry about speed focus on the technique and speed will come okay and then from the center of our vertical and horizontal axis pull over and down and we've effectively identified our cheek plane there wonderful and then the subject's neck and this one's doing something something like this and her shoulder the beginnings of her deltoid muscle are going down and then i just like to beef up the side plane there and just that kind of gives some dimension to my lumas head so hairline brow line bottom of the nose and then of course about three quarters of the way down top of the lip and then bottom of the lip just like that and don't go overboard with details guys just sketch i want you to sketch out a couple hundred of these okay first section second section third section that's it all right number three we're gonna do this one in red one of my favorite colors all right so set it to a two center of the paper nice light circle here and don't get overwhelmed by the symmetry of a subject that's looking straight on okay this is how you do it this right here is how you do it you just pull down because our ovals we can't see them right because of the nature of our subject looking straight on [Music] so we're going to pull straight across to the top alright your brow line is going to be in the center it's going to be the center of that oval on an angle such as this so you can just identify the center right and then you just pull over just like that hairline brow line and then the bottom of the oval is the bottom of our nose something just like that okay our center line obviously it's right smack dab in the middle just go one section at a time just like this you don't have to pull that line all the way from the top to the bottom and about an equal measure right there bottom of the chin okay so now this is where we pull up and then we connect it right there right to the bottom of that oval just like that over and up okay with practice you'll get better at the symmetry don't worry about the symmetry for now just focus on that technique because that's how you do it and of course he's got looks like a cardigan there's something like that here pull this over hairline brow line bottom of our nose bottom of the chin and then same thing top of the lip bottom of the lip make sure we split that equally there and then of course we can kind of beef up the sides of the head because obviously the head's not a perfect circle especially at this angle but with the loomis head it is a nice beginning for us so we have our first section second section and our third sections and then when it comes to the cheek planes again those cheek planes start in the center of your oval so just like with our brow line where we started from that point on the loomis head we're going to do the exact same thing with our cheek planes okay right from that point because that is the intersection of our vertical and our horizontal axis on the side plane of our lumas head something just like that there we are that's how you do a loomis head looking straight on now we're going to do a nice three quarter turn with a subject looking off to the right so we're going to do green for this one all right same thing set your compass at a two center of the paper nice light circle okay and then very similar to the first one very similar to the first one our oval is going to be something like that there's our side plane vertical axis and then the eyes are going like that so horizontal axis temple plane pull that hairline over pull that brow line over pull the bottom of that nose over once that's done identify your center line split that face right in half and this isn't an exact science guys this is the whole point of the loomis head is to give you a proportional foundation to work off of when it comes to implementing and drawing out your features such as your eyes your nose and your mouth okay a framework if you will kind of like when you see houses being built right that that foundation is what is built first and that foundation is crucial to the rest of the structure's integrity it's the exact same thing with portraits especially i always felt andrew loomis was on to something obviously he didn't come up with the loomis head that was actually an interpretation of his from his um art teacher but he made it his own as most artists do and you can do that too just because my loomis head looks like this and this is how i like to do it that doesn't necessarily mean that it's how you have to do it you can make subtle changes maybe you see something that i don't see and it'll make it better and you should do that okay number five same thing blue i hope by now you're starting to see that it's it's very repetitive the luma said it's it's the exact same thing over and over again it's just the angles are different so i'm hoping that with these different uh references with different angles you can walk away with a thorough understanding of how to approach your next portrait so same thing we're going to cheat here a little bit even though technically this isn't an oval just another baby circle we're going to do that our subject is looking something like like that that's the angle of the eye so we're just gonna do a vertical axis here our horizontal axis here our temple plane looks something like that then of course so our hairline will be up here somewhere and our brow line is going to be right here somewhere and the bottom of our nose is going to be right there yes and then our center line looks like other subjects not quite looking completely completely sideways so we're going to pull that center line something like this bottom of our chin pull our jaw down from the vertical axis and then connect the bottom of our chin there we are so hairline brow line bottom of the nose our cheek plane let's get that established pull it from the center of your vertical and your horizontal axis over and down we have the other side of the face here something like that boom perfect let's beef up our side plane there give our loomis head some dimension and then here i just like to play with the play with the neck and the shirt of my subject [Music] something like that that way you can kind of see the nature of the head as you can plug it into the shoulders [Music] and you can play around through different line ways just like i'm doing here you can line them all out or you can line none of them out it's totally up to you it's whatever works best for you section one section two section three and then of course let's not forget top of our lip and the bottom of our lips something like that okay uno mas as they say more red now i saved the most complex for last okay so something like this even though the angle of our subject here is is a little unconventional she's looking down and she's tilting her head and so there's a plane on this one that we haven't identified with any of the others and i'm going to show you how to accomplish that so her eyes are going something like this which means that the oval or the her side plane here it's gonna look something like this right something like this okay and the way her head is tilted we're not gonna be able to see the other one the other side so we're just gonna slice off half of our circle there and then there's our vertical axis and our horizontal axis okay don't get overwhelmed by complex angles like the way she has her head tilted stick to the principles of the luminous head and you'll be fine hairline brow line bottom of the nose let's identify the center line just come right down the center something like this just pull this down right there then because of the angle this last section is going to be a little shorter than all the rest there's the bottom of her chin right there's her jaw we're going to pull that over and connect it and then we're going to pull over and she's got a little bit of a square face so we can pull that over and then straight up and then here's that plane right there this is the bottom of her jaw okay this is what messes up a lot of younger artists that are just learning portraits they get overwhelmed by these complex angles something just like that right the light is coming from the right side and on the top so that whole part of that plane is going to be shadowed and then of course we have her cheek planes i have her hairline here a brown line there bottom of her nose somewhere right there and then of course her lips top lip bottom lip something like that so i'm hoping that you got a lot out of this video as far as how to use the loomis head with different references that's the whole point because obviously if you find yourself drawing a lot of portraits or maybe you're a portrait only artist there are many of those in the world where you want to get into that this is a rock solid approach that you can implement in your own drawings for your portrait portfolio and it is a proven method i am by no means the first i simply am teaching you what andrew loomis taught many many years ago i hope you enjoyed it stay happy stay healthy and remember never stop drawing
Channel: Messer Creations
Views: 29,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charcoal types and differences, how to draw, drawing tutorial, drawing lessons, how to draw easy, how to sketch, messer creations, drawing made easy, drawing class free, charcoal drawing, how to use charcoal pencils, charcoal pencil, graphite drawing, drawing setup, how to draw heads cartoon, loomis method tutorial, loomis method vs reilly method, loomis method front view, loomis method side view, how to draw head, loomis method drawing heads, loomis method
Id: fbta1j5BbLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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