How to draw heads with Loomis Method (Tutorial) | DrawlikeaSir

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[Music] hi guys my name's Marcel and if you look at the lumus method like this it's obviously looking very complicated and that's coming from the guy who grew up speaking this language so you know I'm aware what complicated means but don't worry because as you guys know I animate all of my videos just so that yall understand all of this a lot better and judging by your reactions I got from my Instagram reals about the Lumis method so far it seems like today's video will be a pretty reliable way of teaching you on how this works pretty sure you will understand how to draw a Lumis head after this video so I will first explain to you how this method works as foolproof as I can and then there's going to be a step by step where you can draw along only thing I would ask of you would be to give this video a like animating all of this by yourself isn't a joke so I would really appreciate that enough talking let's get drawing like I said [Music] all right pretty sure you have seen a Lumis hat before it's this hat with the circles on each side the Lumis method is a method that is very closely orientated to the human skull and a human skull isn't actually A Perfect Circle if you take a closer look at it and that's exactly why you cut off these parts on the right and on the left side and and after you have added these Crosshair guidelines you are actually done with the base the trick here is to add these crosshairs to each side though like not only the front but also to the sides because that way you now have an incredibly powerful base with this method you do not have to be afraid that your facial features are going to be completely off or have the wrong proportions and that's all because of the circle on the side that you have seen before that's what makes the lumus method so genius because you immediately know where your hairline starts you know the height at which your brow line starts you know where your nose ends all of these points are right there and since they all have the same spacing you also know the height at which your chin is located AKA where your face ends it's all like one big giant puzzle and if you have drawn this base correctly and with the right proportions you basically have all of your puzzle pieces ready you just have to place them into your base the easiest example would be the ear your ear belongs in this quarter right here and your nose well I literally told you where it would belong before so you already have an indicator on where that belongs and I can already feel you sitting there being like the rest is obvious and I don't even need to explain anything because you can connect the dots already I don't have to tell you that lips exist so yeah guess you will be able to figure that one out yourself and connecting the chin with your ears also doesn't require you to be like the Vinci himself and like I said before there's a guideline for the brow line so that's also kind of self-explanatory and maybe now you've seen what makes this method so genius I've just been able to puzzle together a whole face shape just by using these guidelines as well as a guide the only thing that you have to nail in order to get to this part here is this simple base from the beginning and this Inner Circle right here that you could see should be about 2/3 of the main Circle because well obviously if you are drawing these guidelines too big or too small that would lead to your facial features also having the wrong proportions now I have been explaining this from the side view because in my humble opinion that's not only the easiest perspective to draw a face shape but also to understand this whole topic but in case you were wondering on how this works from the front the very same things apply here as well after all these guidelines have to be the exact same height no matter at which perspective you look at them so same goes from this perspective you could easily make out the hairline and the end of the nose from where we cut off the circle again there is also the guideline for your browse right here in the middle and again if you look at the spacing of these you could easily add the fourth one just by adding another line for the chin like I said they just have the same spacing again pretty easy face shape just by filling in the blanks with this simple base now Andrew Lumis was kind of a tryhard with this so when drawing a basic Lumis head you could totally go ahead and use his measurements but there's always the question of how important this actually is when people sometimes have different eyes and other facial features and even Lumis himself was a fan of diversifying faces and not always just perfectly measuring every feature after all if you would draw a real life person you would always have to measure their proportions manually anyways all in all I would recommend giving his original book a read it's like 80 years old by now so I don't think it's much of a problem now if I provide you guys with a download to the PDF there's going to be a download link at the end of the video tldr I think this is a bit much but if you want to learn all of these guidelines by heart all the more power to you now there is still one thing that you are probably wondering about and that is how to draw this face in perspective you could easily nail drawing the front and side view in no time but like with every drawing in perspective uh this is where it gets tricky because in order to understand where to place these features is in a 3D space your guidelines would also have to be 3D in order for you to do that it always looks a bit more complicated than it actually is you have your usual to the guidelines and then you just got to have them intersect with the guidelines from the front it's not impossible or something but yeah if you're like a total beginner this could be a bit too much for you at first because now you would also have to draw these spal features in a 3D space as well and in order to hammer home the point even more and by point I mean this right here as actually this polygon looking hat that lumus came up with and having these planes in mind could help you maybe understanding a face in 3D better but my personal opinion on the matter is that from here on out it's all actually just practice there's no real shortcut for all of this if you're kind of able to draw decent 3D figures practicing this face da for a couple of days or weeks is going to make you better at it so yeah I don't think there's much of a shortcut for learning this but yeah if you want to learn how to draw faces in perspective perfectly go ahead and learn this polygon Hat by heart oh and also there's an advanced version oh yeah have fun with that now all of that was a lot of input but now that you've hopefully understood all of it let's give it a shot by actually drawing a Lumis head all right let's do this step by step just a couple of disclaimers before we actually start please Draw Bigger I still see how a couple of you guys are drawing very tiny but if you would want to have a clear overview for practicing you should draw in a similar size to the one that I'm drawing here otherwise you can't spot your mistakes and don't know what you need to improve about your art later on also you can toggle down the speed of the video if you don't want to pause over and over again but most importantly patience especially things like a head in perspective is not going to work out on the first Tri so it don't feel bad if you need like a dozen tries or something that's normal also if you see me use special tools like my Eraser pen for example you don't have to ask where you can buy them I have an Arts playlist on my website it's all linked there # not sponsored like I said before we are starting with the side view cuz I think that's the easiest perspective to draw for starters just like you would expect I start with a circle and the crosshairs now next thing would be obviously this Inner Circle and this Inner Circle is 2/3 of the whole thing so the way that I am handling and measuring this is to split each side into three parts that way you can be sure the size is [Music] accurate now everything's ready I'll just add the guidelines for the hairline brow line and [Music] nose the only thing missing here is the guideline for your chin and that's also pretty easy since it's all the same distance so measuring that one can be quite easy and now by adding the middle line for the face and also adding our jaw that's the basic face shape done already I will proceed to now add some basic features just like I explained it before drawing eyebrows to the brow line the nose ending at your nose guid line and so on actually I'm also adding a neck and stuff but you obviously do not need to do that what's also optional is the guideline for the cheekbones that doesn't really do a lot in this perspective I'll just add it because of OCD and stuff and that's actually it for when it comes to the silhouette what I'm doing at this point now is to lightly erase over everything just to make things a bit clearer I just think it's a lot easier for you guys to see what's going on this [Music] way and after adding some details that's your basic lumus hat from the side and I forgot to draw a hairline but I think you still get the juist now from the front view your base is getting a bit trickier you would obviously start out again by drawing your circle and obviously your Crosshair that doesn't change and just like before I'm also measuring out 2/3 of this Inner Circle because again 2/3 are the height at which I'm cutting off the sides just like I've explained at the beginning of the video the only thing left for this base here would be the guideline for the chin again just use the very same distance as the other horizontal guidelines and you're good I'll also add these cheekbone guidelines which again it's optional but I just want to make you guys understand all of this when it comes to drawing perspective later on only thing left here would be to add a jaw in order to complete the face shape and also correct this awful cheek guideline on the left because what was I even doing and now for the facial features I'll block them in once again and there are the eyes which I'm making damn sure that they are on the same line you know just to be safe then there is your nose which sits on the nose guideline and it usually ends right around where your eyes are oh and your ears are also on their own design ated place maybe you remember but they sit in this quar on the side view and if you think about it these are the very same guidelines here so you also know how big exactly they need to be oh and at this time I'm not forgetting about the hairline don't worry you don't need to say anything it's actually pretty easy your hairline is just the upper guideline that you would have to connect with your ears and that only leaves the mouth your basic Lumis head usually has the mouth at the very bottom of the Sho so that's why I'm adding the lips as well okay that's the face shape and everything placed where it should be placed at this point I'm lightly erasing over everything again just to make this next step a bit easier so yeah just adding a couple of details once again I'm just trying my best here to stay neutral with this drawing and not to make it too stylized or make it a manga drawing I'm trying to stay neutral here when it comes to the [Music] style and yeah that's it for the front view all right now for the last one like I said before this is the hardest one this takes a lot of tries especially for beginners so don't worry if it it doesn't work out right away I know I sound like a broken record at this point but yes you start with a circle and a couple of crosshairs this time though we'll do it in perspective so you will need to see things in perspective here now you know what's coming I'm cutting off the sides or side because you can only see one side here oh and I'm also going to add a CR crossair on this side as well since this cut off part is now a flat plane your Crosshair on this side is also going to be flat okay so far so good now I'm just adding the same guidelines as I did before you know like the guidelines from the side view yeah I'll add them exactly like I did before same placements and now there's obviously something missing here and it's the exact same guideline but from the front again just like we did before same guidelines nothing changed here and this is where it gets tricky though because I think it's always helpful imagining these guidelines literally like they would go around the corner I think this is how you know if you're good enough when it comes to your 3D drawing skills this is a bit harder than just drawing a flat plane from the side and last but but not least there's still this Middle Line missing now but you'll just have to extend the middle line from your crosshairs for that and you're [Music] good if you are now able to add the jaar you're done with the face shape the Jaws just connecting your ears with your chin so that's one of the easiest things so far okay and this step is one immense help to help you out with the face shape maybe you remember this useless cheekbone guideline from before it just connects the middle of your ear with your jaw and still it doesn't really seem to do anything here but on the other side it's a very good way of completing your face shape okay I know that was a lot and actually Kudos if you did this first try chances are you need to practice this a couple of times before you nail it but if you didn't well congratulations I'll just continue with adding the facial features and I'm actually adding them as a polygon version just like the one that I showed you at the beginning of the video by drawing especially the nose that way it makes it a lot easier to understand in perspective I think you can tell that lumus really put a lot of thought into this [Music] method and yeah once I added everything you know what's coming right you guys know the last step the last step is to go ahead and subscribe to to this chat lightly erase over everything that other part was optional but just saying the next video will be about how to pursue your art as a career like how to publish your own Manga comic or novel and so on so maybe you want to stick around for that video subscribing could maybe help you out with getting notified when that video drops and yes I'm not forgetting about the hairline again don't worry also I did promise you guys a download to the original PDF by Lumis right again the original book by Andrew Lumis is like 80 years old by now so I don't think providing the original book as a PDF download is all that much of a problem and you can get the download link sure thing the only thing I would want in return is for you to comment my name come on it's not that hard I said it at the beginning of the video right just comment a little thank you along with my name don't be shy say my name [Music]
Channel: Draw like a Sir
Views: 101,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, tutorial, drawinglikeasir, draw like a sir, how to draw, loomis, loomis tutorial, loomis method, loomis head, loomis perspective, drawing head, head, face, perspective, drawing loomis method
Id: A6KMT4Potss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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