How to easily deploy Windows Virtual Desktop using the Azure Portal

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so the windows virtual desktop spring 2020 update is now generally available it's all managed through the azure portal and it's easier than ever to deploy a windows virtual desktop environment i'm mike roderick and i'm going to show you what the pros know [Music] so here i am in the azure portal and as i said with the spring 2020 update everything for windows virtual desktop is now handled directly through the azure portal because it's arm based so we manage it just like we would any other arm based objects so let me show you how to deploy windows virtual desktop and just how easy it can be alright so i'm going to start by navigating over to my tree over here on the side i've already pinned windows virtual desktop over here if you haven't you can simply go up to your search bar and search for windows virtual desktop but i'm going to click on that and that brings me to this single pane of glass where i can manage everything to do with windows virtual desktop you'll see over here on the left hand side i've got my host pools my application groups workspaces and users so it can all be managed from right here that's fantastic no more powershell no more making sure that windows virtual desktop has permission to reach into my azure tenant it's all done right through here all right so i'm going to start by simply clicking this button here create a host pool that's going to get the process started and it's going to launch a wizard again because it's arm based we're using json templates simply fill in your information it prompts you for what it needs you fill it in you click next next next and you're off to the races it's really pretty amazing all right so i'm going to zoom in first and take a look at our choices and then i'll zoom back out and fill those in you can see across the top there that we are dividing this up into basically five tabs basics virtual machine workspace tags review and create and below that you can see things like subscription right what subscription i'm using i'm going to create a new resource group obviously recommended but if you already have one that you want to include or store these resources in feel free to do so we're going to generate a name for our host pool decide where we want to store that metadata information my case you can see east u.s is already selected but you're free to choose any region you have available for you i can decide whether or not this is a validation environment uh oops and i'll zoom back out there sorry and then below that i've got my host pool type and i'm going to come right back to that in just a second so let me choose my i'm going to create a new resource group and i'm going to call this a wt p n right oh sorry k for what the pros know how do you spell no yeah mike knows all right my host pool name i'm going to call this one my win 10 multi if i can type i'm going to leave that region east us and then down at the bottom again i'm going to choose my host pool type and i've got two choices personal or pooled personal meaning each user gets assigned a specific vm or session host pooled meaning i'm going to use multiple users per vm this is where i can take advantage of that windows 10 multi-session iso or sku that's fantastic that's the option that i'm going to choose so i'm going to choose pooled now when i choose pooled i do have some additional choices to make how many users am i going to allow per vm or session host i can set that max number of users i also have the load balancing algorithm that i need to choose breadth first means if i have like five session hosts in my pool i'm going to spread each user that connects across those vms equally then start back at the first one and spread them across the other option is going to be depth first where i stack the sessions up on a single vm until i hit that maximum that we set right above there before i move on to the next session host and start assigning sessions there alright so i'm going to say let's do a maximum of 10. this is something you would adjust based on your vm size that you create and the workload that your users are going to be putting i'm going to leave that as breadth first as well then we'll click next to virtual machines and this screen looks really easy because by default it says no if you had some pre-built machines that you wanted to use in your host pool you could choose those we can add them after the fact or we can go ahead and create virtual machines now which is going to be the most common option i'm going to go ahead and choose yes for that and then you'll see we have to make some decisions about the vms that we're going to create so it defaults to the same resource group that i've created my other resources in you can see my east u.s location below that i've got the size it's going to default to a standard d2 sv3 that can change by the time you get in here but really you know you're free to pick whatever you want you can click that blue link there that says change size and it'll give you a list of all the different vm sizes that are available so if you want more virtual cpus if you want more memory on those session hosts to support more users or to support a heavier workload by your users feel free to click that and pick a different size vm below that you'll see the number of vms how many session hosts do i want to create in this pool i'm going to give it a prefix these machines are going to be joined to our active directory domain so that prefix it'll it'll add a dash 0-1 to that name for each one of our session hosts that it creates and then below that i've got my gallery this is where i can choose the image i'll show you my options here in just a second as well as the disk type i can do a standard or premium ssd depending on what i need for performance right how many iops do i really need there let me fill in some of this information i'm going to leave the defaults at the top number of vms i'm going to leave that at 1 just for this demo to make sure it completes it quickly and then for my prefix i'll do what the pros know it'll add that dash 0-1 and then for gallery i'm going to leave that on gallery you can also do custom images talk about this in other videos we've done or you can check out it pro tv we're talking about creating a custom image i'm going to leave it on gallery and choose one of the pre-builts and this is really cool alright this is the only place that you can access that windows 10 enterprise multi-session that means i can have multiple users logged into the same vm hosting multiple sessions at the same time allows me to maximize my resources maximize the utilization of those vms keep my cost down really cool you can see i've got version 1909 or i can jump up to 2004 whichever one you use also note the options that already have microsoft 365 apps installed that's right i can pick one where i don't have to go install office it's all going to be there already which is what i am going to do because i like to keep things simple all right if you had a custom image or those one of those images didn't work for you wanted to pick another image you're free to do so you can see this link right here browse all images and disks this will take you out to the microsoft gallery or if you've created a custom image and you've uploaded as a shared image you can browse and you can select it from there so if you need to do custom line of business apps create that custom image that's where you would go i'm going to scroll down a little further and you'll see that i have my standard ssd chosen i'm going to leave that i'm okay with the performance of that below here we get into network and security this is an important part right because those session hosts are going to need to join your domain whether that's an azure 80 domain services whether you've got a hybrid environment and you're connecting to an on-premises active directory the subnet that you connect these session hosts to needs access to that domain controller so that it can choose or so that it can join the domain just like you would right in a normal physical environment so i'm going to change that to the appropriate subnet as soon as that client vms i happen to have a hybrid environment set up here and i've got a site-to-site vpn running from azure back to my on-premises network and that's my network that's connected so that they'll be able to find and join that domain you can change the network security group if you want to you can provide public inbound ports right you can add a public ip address not necessary for windows virtual desktop to work really cool thing about this i do not need to give these session hosts public ips in order for users to be able to connect to their windows virtual desktop only if you had some special circumstance that you needed that do you need to change that below that i can choose a specific domain if i had child domains that i wanted to add these session hosts to or if i had a specific ou that i want to create the computer account in i can choose yes and specify that there below that's the most important part where i've got my administrator account i'm gonna have to zoom out so i can scroll down a little bit this is where you need an account that has permissions to join that machine to the domain or machines depending on how many sessions hosts you're creating i have a standard account that i've delegated the rights to join machines to the domain best practice really don't want to use an administrator account if you can avoid it only needs permission to join the machine to the domain so i'm going to add that account here specify that upn can't type and talk at the same time so let me focus on that and then that password and you have to do that twice to make sure you typed it correctly the one got you right here this does not verify that you've typed in the correct password or that that user account has the appropriate permissions you can go all the way through this template and as long as you provided a valid upn or in the proper format and a password that matches the the validation wizard will say your template passes and then when you try to run the template to deploy your wdv environment that's when you get the error failed to join the domain and usually this is the big culprit so come back check make sure you typed in that username properly that that user account you chose has the appropriate permissions and you've typed in that password correctly so hopefully i've got that done correctly we're going to click on next and this is where you create your workspace right you have to assign your application groups to workspace workspaces are what the users actually connect to when they're connecting to windows virtual desktop we can deploy and i'm not going to have lastpass remember that password we can deploy the entire desktop which is done by default we can also go back and create additional application groups if we just want to provide basically a remote app experience check out some of our other videos and i'll show you how to do that but you do have to assign it to a work group before this will work if you choose to do leave it on no here that's fine but just understand that before this will work you're going to have to go back and create and register that workspace i'm going to go ahead and choose yes and do it now right i don't have any workspaces created yet so i'm going to use that link that says create new and we'll go ahead and fill that in i'm going to call this a what the pros no dash workspace something like that and i'll click ok all right so now i've got and that's it that's all you have to do is create give it a name and it'll create the workspace and by default it's going to create a single application group known as the desktop application group and it's going to register it to that workspace so that out of the box all i have to do is finish this wizard and my users can connect to a full windows 10 desktop experience all right so i'll go ahead and click next tags administration billing purposes if you use tags in your environment you'll have those available you can fill those out there i don't have any so i'm going to go ahead and click next review and create so now what it's doing is it's building that json template and it's going to validate make sure i apply applied or provided all of the appropriate information that it's going to need to do this deployment so there we go i've got my green validation passed right across the top so i am going to click create and that's going to start the process now honestly this will take maybe 8 10 12 minutes some of that's going to depend on your region and the size of machine you chose and things like that but it's not going to take very long so what i'm going to do is use a little bit of tv magic we're going to go away and we come back we will have our windows virtual desktop environment deployed all right there we go we have a green check mark it says my deployment is complete here i can see that we started at right 12 22 p.m on the nose i did not do that intentionally uh and then if i look at my system time right down here we are looking at 12 33 so if we do the math uh about 11 minutes on that deployment was all it took all right now there's a link here i can go to resource let's see where that one takes me that takes me right out to the host pool right which is cool but i'm going to show you if i go back to the dashboard and i choose my windows virtual desktop we come back out to that single pane this is really where i need to get used to managing because i can manage all of my different aspects i can see and i will select host pools that i now have that win 10 multi host pool all right i can go to workspaces and i can see and we'll talk about in other videos i'm going to break this down a little bit further talk about all of the the different components but it's all there my application groups everything has been created i'm going to go back over to the host pools and i'm going to drill into that host pool all right and we can see a lot of information about the host pool i'm going to zoom in here so we can see that a little bit better you can see i created a one session host you might have created more and if i zoom back out so that i can scroll down we'll see there is one application group in one application that's that default desktop application group they're going to name it whatever my host pool was dash dag by default that represents the full desktop experience i can go back and create additional application groups where i deploy individual applications all right so from my list here i'm going to navigate over to application groups i could always navigate here as well and in there there you'll see that wind10 multi-dag that default desktop application group because what i need to do is i need to navigate to this group and i need to create an assignment before anybody can connect to it they need to be assigned so in order for us to test this out verify that everything is working i need to create one assignment so i'm going to from my navigation tree click assignments over here then i'm going to click add and really need to pay attention to this a big big advantage of moving from that fall 19 to the spring 2020 update or this arm-based windows virtual desktop is the fact that i can do 80 users or user groups we talk about that some other videos big advantage there i have a group called wvd users that i am going to select contains one member that we're going to use in our little test environment and click select so anybody in that group i can now control who has access to windows virtual desktop by simply modifying that group membership in azure active directory alright so to test this out what i want to do is i'm going to launch a private browser session not from there mike there we go and we're going to pretend that we're one of those users that's in that group and see if we can connect to that windows virtual desktop environment so the url that we use to connect to that is going to be http s colon slash rdweb dot if i can remember this wvd dot microsoft dot com and you can see i've typed it in before slash arm slash web client there's other ways we can get our users to connect to this later on i can show you that in some other videos i'll go ahead and hit enter and that's going to connect me but it's going to want me to authenticate so i'm going to use that test account that i have we'll log in we'll provide that username we'll type in the password and then i've set up multi-factor authentication something we're going to discuss in some other videos so i need to to apply that code and we'll click verify and so now it's reaching out and it's determining what assignments have been provided for this particular user and there it is you can see that wtpk slash ws that was the workspace that we created in there one group or one application group has been registered that default desktop group so i'm going to click on that we'll click allow much like you're doing a remote desktop connection do you want to allow your printer your clipboard you want to allow them to come along with you right we can control a lot of this in the settings that we are going to have to authenticate again they are working on some oops that is the wrong password let me do that again they're working on some single sign-on options the two different authentications the first one was connect to wvd services this one is to connect to the actual windows 10 desktop and hopefully i typed in the correct password and there we go it's clicking in or it's logging in spinning that up you know just like you were making uh just like you were logging into your physical machine right this is what your user can do from any device that has a html5 capable browser whether that's a windows 10 laptop a mac an ipad doesn't matter right as long as they've got a browser they can type in that url and they can now access their windows 10 work desktop this is really incredible stuff i'm waiting for that to spin up just a little there we go we can see i wanted to show you that i am in windows 10 and remember i chose an image that included the microsoft 365 apps so you can see i'm kind of rushing it you can see it building the menu and things like that this is my first log on right so just like you were logging onto a machine for the first time a couple things in the windows 10 start menu have to be built but look there's excel there's word i can launch any of those applications so all within a matter of what 15 minutes or so we were able to deploy a fully functional windows virtual desktop environment now granted i this is a very simple environment right we still have a lot of things we should worry about we want to set up multi-factor authentication we want to set up profiles using fs logic so that no matter what virtual desktop they connect to their my documents are the same we want to think about you know some other security thing some performance issues for sure right so this is definitely just a very simple kind of a proof of concept but how easy was that right this new spring 2020 update allows me to configure everything and manage everything and monitor everything after the fact all through the portal in fact if we jump back over to the portal all right i can go back out to my host pool i can click on uh users and we'll give it a second we'll find uh aubry and i can click on that user and i can see assignments that she's been assigned to it looks like i need to refresh that i might not have picked that up just yet let's see there's the the session is in place you can see that she is connected to the machine so i can monitor all of this uh directly from the portal i can do everything right from here so there you have it that is the windows virtual desktop spring 2020 update that has gone generally available is now referred to as just windows virtual desktop make sure you take a look at some of our other videos we have on youtube where we cover additional content dealing with windows virtual desktop and jump over to it pro tv where i've got a hands-on series i talk about a lot of the different aspects of windows virtual desktop alright make sure you check out the playlist for more what the pros know videos and subscribe to our youtube channel thanks for watching
Channel: ITProTV
Views: 41,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deploy windows virtual desktop azure, how to deploy windows virtual desktop in azure, deploying wvd in azure, how to deploy wvd in azure, azure wvd deployment, deploy windows virtual desktop, deploy windows virtual, azure virtual desktop, azure wvd deployment step by step, deploy windows virtual desktop step by step, microsoft wvd deployment, how to set up windows virtual desktop, microsoft azure windows virtual desktop, windows virtual desktop spring update
Id: qv0MSeeffrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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