How to earn 6-figures as a blockchain developer Step-by-step (2024)

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becoming a blockchain developer is one of the fastest ways to change your career and earn a six figure salary it's one of the highest paying fields in Tech with an average salary well above $100,000 per year but how do you actually pull this off well in this video today I'm going to talk about a stepbystep plan for earning six figures as a blockchain developer I'm going to talk about all this as a blockchain developer myself who's done this and has helped lots of other people do the same so if you're new around here hey I'm Gregory and on this channel I turn you into a blockchain master so if that's something that you're interested in then smash that like button down below and subscribe all right so let's get into this let's talk about how to earn six figures as a blockchain developer step by step a little bit about my background in case you're not familiar you I'm a self-taught programmer I didn't go to school for computer science I didn't you know go to a coding boot camp you know I taught myself on my own now I was already a developer before I got into blockchain but when I started my coding journey I was able to scale my income to six figures within 18 months of just learning to write my first lines of code and I've helped lots of other people do the same thing you can totally do this as a beginner you can check out the video I did with pavon I helped him land his first blockchain developer job in Silicon Valley making over $100,000 per year without any blockchain experience and in this video I'm going to take all the knowledge that I've acquired from having done this myself and helping lots of other people do the exact same thing so you can see how to do it step by step and if I had known this stuff before I started this process I honestly could have done it a lot faster so let's get into it like I was saying before you know blockchain is one of the highest paying fields in Tech with an average salary of about $150,000 per year now of course that's somebody with an experience but whatever I'm evaluating opportunity I want to know what the averages are and what the total upside is before I go down that track and you can see on the upper end you have lots of people making over $200,000 per year uh with an opportunity like this so sure you may not start making six figures right at the gate but how can you get there and that's exactly what I want to talk about well step one is you have to learn the skills you know period if you don't know the right in demand skills that the market is looking for then nobody's going to pay you and you're not going to end up making six figures as a blockchain developer so what are they well the first number one skill that you have to understand is solidity so what separates blockchain developers from other developers is the ability to actually write programs and put them on the blockchain and the number one programming language for doing this is solidity so that you can write smart contracts for the ethereum blockchain and other evm compatible chains solidity has the largest uh you know Lang market share for any smart contract platform and therefore is the number one skill that you have to understand as a blockchain developer now after that you know solidity unfortunately is a little bit of a limited language only you thing you can really do with it is write smart contracts so if you want to do anything else like create a website write scripts deployer smart contracts write tests create Bots that interact with them then you need a secondary programming language and my number one recommendation for this is Javascript so JavaScript is the number one language for blockchain Developers just behind solidity and so if you want to become a highly paid blockchain developer and scale your income to six figures then you need to get good at JavaScript and I'm super excited to announce that I'm launching the ultimate JavaScript training the JavaScript boot camp on Thursday February 15th inside I'm going to show you everything that you need to know in order to become a JavaScript master so that you can you know expand your income possibilities as a blockchain developer so trust me you don't want to miss this hold your spot with the link down below all right so the next skill that you need inside your developer toolkit is having some type of framework for being able to create smart contracts you need know the solidity programming language but then you also need to be able to have a framework on your computer so hard add is a really good example of this uh you're also going to need some blockchainbased libraries in JavaScript like ether's JS okay so you can talk to the blockchain because most applications won't talk to them out of the box most programming languages won't uh then you also need some a framework to create websites or front end and my two big recommendations for this is reactjs and also nextjs and then finally you need a way to run JavaScript on your computer outside your web browser andall packages and that's exactly what no. JS is for all right so those are the basic skills that you need to know now let's talk about how to actually learn the skills okay so the best way to do this is what I call learning by doing and I'm going to break this down into two different phases phase one is what I call guided development okay so this is basically where you want to learn be learn the fundamentals of the programming language that I just talked about and by creating projects okay you can do like language tutorials where you see each part of the programming language but if eventually you want to be putting that together to where you're actually creating applications so that you can see how this stuff works in context so if you want to get practice on how to do this you can go to my YouTube homepage you can see a playlist there called free blockchain development courses that's going to show you a bunch of different apps that you can create through this method you can learn solidity you can learn JavaScript um you know the basics through this type of process and that's what I'm going to call guided development because you have a guide taking you over the shoulder and showing you everything step by step so that you learn through that process through immersion just like like you learn a foreign language but then once you finish that you want to move on to the next phase which is what I call unguided development because at the end of the day if you're going to have the skills become a six figure developer you have to solve problems uh with code you have to write code that actually does stuff without guidance without the instructions and that's where unguided development comes into play so the easiest way to practice this is take something you've already created like one of these tutorials that you might have done here and then build a new feature on top of it basically make it do something that it doesn't already do okay uh you can start small you can just change the background color just to get your feet wet but then you ultimately want to add a new feature that it doesn't do now the best Step Beyond that is to create a brand new project completely from scratch um that you you know don't have the instructions for maybe you say I want to create an nft Marketplace or an AI nft Mentor or something like that well you want to write that code without referencing somebody else's implementation so that you're having to solve those problems step by step and whenever you do this you'll inevitably bump into walls but that's how you push past them and you get on the same path of self-learning that every developer gets on and that's how you learn the skills that are valuable in the workplace now once you've gone through that process of unguided development and you've actually created an App for yourself now you've accomplish something that has two purposes you have an app that you've created and then you have a portfolio piece that you can show other people so what you want to do is you want to take that portfolio piece and put it into a portfolio website just like this that basically markets you as a blockchain developer shows off your project lets people click through to the code they can use it okay and then actually explains the code in some way so what this going to do it's going to help you stand out from 9 9% of other people who are not going to do this okay they're just going to send out PDF resumes that they're going to get lost in the employer's inbox but if you do this you're going to show that you're going the extra mile and it's going to sort of pre screen you uh before you actually get on the phone with somebody who might want to hire you all right so once you've got that part down it's time to start looking for the job now let's talk about the path to you know getting six figures as a blockchain developer because that's the point of this whole video so you have two options option number one is you could get a six-figure job out the gate so it is possible it is harder you know I personally did this and we'll talk about what qualifies the value proposition for sixf figureure blockchain developer later but I think for a majority of people sort of the better option is to get your foot in the door somewhere and then increase your salary over time whether that's through getting a raise at your current position or stair stepping your way through you know changing jobs to getting that six figure Mark so if you choose to take that route there's again two different Forks in the road one is that you can get like an entry level job as a blockchain developer all right and then you can work throughout through that process but the other way and this is one that I really like I've helped lots of other people do um is basically you can start out as a front-end developer and you can transition your way to other parts of the stack inside of blockchain or you can just stay a frontend developer because there's lots of good paying you know JavaScript front-end jobs inside the web 3.0 space okay you know becoming a JavaScript Master gives you an additional entry point into the industry and that's one of the reasons I focused so much on JavaScript lately and it's one of the biggest reasons that I'm launching this JavaScript boot camp coming up on February 15th so again make sure you hold your spot down below because this could be your big ticket to Landing your first web 3.0 job all right so no matter which direction you choose whether you go straight for the throat and become a six- figure developer obviously you've got to get your skills up to that level we're going to talk about what constitutes those skills here in a second or you decide to basically you know go at a lower level and sted upep your way up to the next level you you have to understand at what point do you become a 6ig developer what sets them apart from everybody else um so that's what I'm going to talk about now all right so what sets six figure developers apart from other developers and how can you run this yourself through this test to see whether you have what it takes or not so I would I would categorize a six figure developer as a true Problem Solver okay so somebody says like hey I have this problem with my code this person can actually break it down and articulate how to solve it and they'll solve this problem in their head before they start writing the code a lot of developers are trying to solve the problem and write the code at the same time but that's really the backwards approach you need to know what the solution is before you really start typing out the code to fix it now there's going to be little smaller problems along the way but you should have the high level overview before you start doing that so another big you know characteristic of sixf figure developer is that they can work independently all right so this is something that doesn't have to be actively managed they don't have to have someone sit down and pair program with them um they're not just always asking how to do every single task that's handed in they pretty much know what their supposed to do someone can give them a task they can go off on their own they can complete it now every developer runs into problems they ultimately can't solve but you have to be a good problem solving figure out what's the best you know compromise here to get around that for the best case business decision um and that leads me to the next point which is a six-figure developer really doesn't say I can't all right if somebody tells you hey I need this done they're not really going to say I can't do this they're going to say how can I figure out how to do this that comes with being resourceful and how to do I learn what I need to know in order to achieve this outcome now inevitably like I said before some problems are truly unsolvable uh there sometimes there's no solution there's only trade-offs and you have to find the best trade-off that you can get in order to make uh whoever you're working for happy but it's about being able to to know that that's the case uh and not just you know say my my technical abilties to the limiter here it's about is the problem actually truly solvable and trying to find the best way forward and dialoguing with that so you can actually drive to decisions in the coding process now some misconceptions I want to clear up uh Google is okay for sixf figure developers uh most developers would absolutely just crumble if they didn't have internet access to look things up on Google on chat overflow Now using chat GPT to help solve problems so don't feel like uh you're inferior if you're having to look things up all the time good well-paid developers still do this okay they still reference past projects or other projects to see how they solve certain problems they don't always type every single thing out from memory that's still okay and the other thing is they still talk to other developers to you know bounce ideas off or ask questions uh sometimes it's really common for beginners to be too scared to ask questions because they make it thinks it's going to make them look stupid but really competent developers are really quick a lot of times to just throw the questions out there quickly because they know the faster they get answers to problems the faster they can find Solutions and move forward and provide value that's what a sixf figure developer does that's what separates them off from other people is providing more value faster and so if you're not quite at that level how do you get there okay because again this whole video is supposed to be on a step-by-step process that you can follow becoming a sixf figure blockchain developer so the best way to acquire these types of attributes are workplace experience okay so basically once you get into your technology and you solve problems over and over again you start to see the same types of problems go up and you develop that problem solving muscle okay uh being able to work independently comes to the same means okay and then basically saying you know not saying I can't but how um also comes to the same means basically experience fixes almost all this stuff assuming that you have the potential to do it and if you're watching this video you probably do um now if you are not learning these things through worplace experience maybe you want to enter into the industry um you know basically as a 6 your developer then you have to acquire these things on your own how do you do that well you do it by building really complex projects on your own sort of like how do you get a job with that experience well you get that experience outside the workplace and you can develop all these characteristics um by working on your own projects um that are very sophisticated by running into walls and figuring out how to get past those walls using AI to help solve problems you can talk to other developers in Discord groups uh you can go to hackathons you can do all that stuff to get this experience outside the workplace and ultimately uh you know raise your value to that six figureure Mark all right so that's an overview of how you become a sixf figureure blockchain developer step by step which talk about the skills you need to learn how to learn them how to implement into a road map into actually Landing that six figure salary now like I said at the beginning this video if you want to do this you have to get good at JavaScript okay it's going to give you an additional entry point into the industry it's the number one language for blockchain behind solidity and if you want to become a JavaScript Master then make sure you hold your spot for the JavaScript boot camp this Thursday February 15th and so I'm going to show you everything you need to know step by step so trust me you don't want to miss this hold your spot the link down below and whenever you're finished make sure you smash the like button down below for the YouTube algorithm subscribe and until next time thanks for watching dppy diversity
Channel: Dapp University
Views: 18,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ethereum developer, ethereum solidity, dapp ethereum, ethereum app, ethereum development, ethereum dapps, ethereum application, ethereum tutorial, ethereum mist, decentralized applications, ethereum web3, dapp, ethereum contracts, solidity, programming ethereum, ethereum programming language, ethereum coding, ethereum contract, ethereum code, ethereum virtual machine, ico
Id: -iDfn78Zybk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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