This crypto trading bot is PRINTING MONEY in the 2024 bull run!

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imagine creating a cryptocurrency trading bot that makes money while you sleep doesn't need any money for you to trade and can't lose any money well that's what's possible with blockchainbased trading Bots that use Flash loans the proof is there on chain this developer made over $2,000 in a single transaction and this developer made a whopping $300,000 in Profit just last month these types of bots are absolutely printing money in 2024 this is a massive opportunity that I expect to continue to heat up as this crypto bull market progresses and so if you want to learn how to do this then listen up and this video I'm going to explain exactly why this is happening why I expect this to absolutely explode from here and how you can create one of these Bots yourself I'm going to tell you everything you need to know in this video today as a blockchain developer myself who's built multiple profitable trading bots so if you're new around here hey I'm Gregory and on this channel I turn you into a blockchain master and so if that's something that you're interested in then smash that like button down below and subscribe all right so let's get into this let's talk about this crypto trading but that's absolutely printing money right now that's going to just become even more profitable as this cryptocurrency bull market heats up now first let me get something out of the way I'm not talking about a trading bot that tries to predict what the future cryptocurrency price is going to do and then buys or sells based on this information this is an Arbitrage based trading bot that capitalizes on opportunity right now that only makes money in the present moment and cannot lose any money whenever it's trading so I made a video in January talking about how there would be a massive opportunity with these bots in 2024 you know that was back when Bitcoin is trading at $40,000 back then then the aggregate profit for these types of trading mods on one single blockchain was about $3 million at the time recording this video it's over doubled to over $6 million and as this crypto Market continues to heat up who knows how big that pie is going to grow and so if you want to jump on this massive opportunity then make sure you hold your spot the link down below for the trading by Master Class on Thursday April 11th inside I'm going to show you how to create a blockchainbased Arbitrage crypto trading bot with flash loans trust me you don't want to miss this make sure you hold your spot the link down below all right so let me explain why there's such a massive opportunity with this bot in 2024 let's go with the basics of how Arbitrage works so basically if you can buy a cryptocurrency on one exchange for $100 and sell it on another exchange for $101 that's a $1 profit okay that's an Arbitrage opportunity now a $1 profit doesn't sound great but what if you could do that with a thousand units of the cryptocurrency that'd be a $1,000 profit or what if you could do it you know a thousand times with different cryptocurrencies that'll also be a $1,000 profit now what makes Arbitrage opportunities happen in the first place Well Point number one is there's lots of different places to buy and sell individual cryptocurrencies so if you look at Bitcoin it's trading on dozens of different exchanges and they all have a slight price discrepancy so you could buy Bitcoin here and then sell it here for a small profit but you don't want to do it that way which I'll explain in a minute but Point number two is that cryptocurrencies are very volatile the price goes up and down like crazy and whenever it does these exchanges fall at a sync and that's what allows you to be able to buy on one and sell on the other because the prices don't match and this volatility goes absolutely insane during crypto bull markets because you can see the price of cryptocurrencies move you know multiple percentage points every single minute and therefore there's way more Arbitrage opportunities now again you could theoretically buy Bitcoin on this exchange and then move the money over to another exchange to sell it there but you don't want to do that because the price could move on you and then you could actually lose money what you want to do instead is use decentralized exchanges that hook directly into the blockchain things like uni swap pancake swap radium here's why these are decentralized exchanges that operate directly on the blockchain and when you use an Arbitrage bot you can hook into each individual exchange with smart contracts and do the trades in real time and the price cannot move on you basically that means if you try to do a trade it's only going to go through if it's profitable and what's even better is you don't actually even have to have any money in order to do the trade wait what you know how is that possible well that's because you can use something called a flash loan so what is that well this is a technique where you can borrow million ions of dollars in cryptocurrency as long as you pay it back in the same transaction okay and there's also no risk that you can lose the money that you are borrowing so let me explain what does that mean borrow money pay it back in the same transaction so blockchains support simple transactions and then complex transactions so if I'm just sending cryptocurrency from my account to a yours that's a simple transaction with one instruction take money out of my account and put it in yours but you can create complex transactions say like step one borrow the money step two do something with it step three pay it back and that's step four you know keep the profit and that's the beauty of being a blockchain developer is that you can do this with smart contracts in a way that nobody else can't you have a massive Edge in this regard because nobody else can just get their metamask wallet or their Phantom wallet and do flash loans to do arbitrages you can only do it if you have a bot like this and because this bot's using smart contracts to facilitate this process of taking out Flash loes and doing arbitrages that smart contract is only going to let the trade work if the Arbitrage is profitable and if it can successfully pay back the flash loan so the blockchain will only mathematically programmatically enforce those rules so there's no risk that you can lose the money that you're borrowing and there's no risk that you can miss out on the Arbitrage opportunity the blockchain will not let you do that okay so that's how the trades happen with the smart contracts on the blockchain but what about the bot itself well the bot really has two parts you know the contracts that do the trades and then the bot part which is basically a program that scans opportunities in the marketplace it looks at different tokens and different exchanges watches for these opportunities in the marketplace and then calls your smart contract to make the trades and then sends the profit to your wallet now that's an overview how it works let's talk about how to develop the strategy that's the key you want to develop a strategy to do things that other people aren't doing in order to make money with this because you have to tell the bot what to do so how can you create your own strategies well let me show you why there's nearly an infinite number of ways to do this okay so there's multiple variables in this equation the cryptocurrencies you're trading so the pay the exchanges you're watching and then also each individual blockchain so let's start off with the tokens okay so you can see there's thousands upon thousands upon thousands of tokens that are trading on many different blockchains and it takes a genius to see that there's nearly an infinite number of combinations of just these tokens alone okay but then you talk about each exchange there's literally hundreds of different decentralized exchanges out there that have trading pairs on top of them now of course some more than others but there's still at least dozens of active ones and then on top of that there's nearly a dozen different blockchains that you can employ this exact strategy on of course ethereum is the largest one but that you have Tron binance smart chain arbitrum optimism base blast and several more evm compatible chains and so when you mix and match all these different variables there's nearly an endless number of combinations to find opportunities that somebody else is not doing right now and that opportunity gets even crazier in a bull market like the one we're in right now because again the cryptocurrency volatility goes up which means that there's more Arbitrage opportunities happening every single minute and then also the size of the Arbitrage opportunities get even bigger because there's a lot more crypto trading volume in a bull market and I expect this trend to continue and get even bigger who knows how big this piie is going to grow in 2024 as this bull market continues and so if you want to Advantage this big opportunity that's happening right now then make sure you hold your spot the link down below for the trading B master class on Thursday April 11th inside I'm going to show you to create a blockchainbased Arbitrage crypto trading bot with flash loans so trust me you don't want to miss this hold your spot down below so that's I've got for today as always smash that like button down below subscribe to this channel if you haven't already and until next time thanks for watching dap University
Channel: Dapp University
Views: 44,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ethereum developer, ethereum solidity, dapp ethereum, ethereum app, ethereum development, ethereum dapps, ethereum application, ethereum tutorial, ethereum mist, decentralized applications, ethereum web3, dapp, ethereum contracts, solidity, programming ethereum, ethereum programming language, ethereum coding, ethereum contract, ethereum code, ethereum virtual machine, ico
Id: PXZb9ycklUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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