How To Earn $1950/Month Online From Google Without Writing Articles!

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Let's start with my earnings here Here is my google adsense dashboard From May 1 let's go to 27 Implementation You'll see I've made about $7,700 in the last four months Let's separate the report see a month Now you will see that my average monthly earnings are about 1950 dollars or 1947 dollars How do I get this number? without writing content Without publishing content and writing articles The idea is simple and I mentioned it before on my channel But today I want to add some secret sauce Some information that will help you a lot if you want to build this business So If you open this site from google adsense Here we show you that we have three types to get high revenue value from google adsense If you go here it will tell you the first type of site is a blog site It requires content, so we don't want it Let's go down, here we have a forum site Forum site I mentioned this in detail in one of my courses How to Build a Forum Website Where people will write content and you can monetize it But we also want a simpler approach Let's go down A free online tool site will appear to you What is a free online tool Let's open this example from google adsense This tool will help you resize images, create passwords, count the number of characters and so on I know the first question now you will tell me that I am not a developer, such sites cannot be built Please be patient And don't rush So The idea in this video is to create an online tool Publish a tool online And that's exactly what I did When published H-supertools I think you know her if you follow me H-supertools is a free platform for SEO and digital marketing tools A lot of people have asked me how I developed these tools Today I will share with you some secrets And if you see real interaction with this video by sharing, liking, etc. Later I promise I will probably share everything on this site, how I created it in detail In any case So the idea is to create an online tool and monetize with google adsense Like I did in H-supertools and you can see here my earnings from this site The great thing about this business is that you don't need to write any content A tool like this creates a YouTube Keyword Tool Then people will use it No need to write any content Maybe the first time you write an explanation for her or something And that's it, post it You just promote and get more and more visitors And you will get more and more money Great idea, believe me it's a great idea The next step now is to scale this site I am building a whole business out of this site A complete source of positive income So you have to create an online tool website The big question now is how did you build an online tool I will give you three solutions Choose any of them and start Let's start by revealing the secret If you now go to the web here and open this site Answerthepublic You may know him It is one of the best sites You can see 70,000 searches per month This site will basically show you what people are searching or inquiring about on the internet You can see this site, if you write here as digital marketing example Now you'll see that it will show you this map anyway You can see here will show you questions “Can” questions, “can you” questions, “how” questions, etc. So this is an online tool When I saw this tool and I saw the data I started thinking, how did these people develop this I wanted to know how Finally I found out after searching for maybe two or three weeks I knew this Now I will reveal how they did it It's just one line of code Do you see this line of code It's just this one line Who can provide you this data Now don't worry about programming etc, I'll talk about how to implement this Just have some patience with me So if we copy this line of code Paste it here in your browser digital marketing Now you will see that you will get suggestions from Google for free It is a free service or api from Google that will help you to get suggestions like this Very easy with one query, one url So what I did is I implemented this in my gadget I made a mini question explorer tool here Where someone can type anything like digital marketing and hit search And now the tool will show you all the questions that were discovered using that one line You can see that I only implemented it inside my app So this is the first secret about how I created the Question Explorer in my tool Before I move on to my other secret about how I created this platform I want to share with you as I told you three solutions three ways on how to create a website tools first solution or the first method It is simply learning programming I know many of you are lazy who don't like to learn web development etc. Although it is one of the best skills that you can learn nowadays in 2021 and so I really advise you to learn any technical skills today In any case If you want to learn web development and if you are patient to learn Believe me, in one month in just one month he can learn exactly the skills you need To develop websites like my own website And by the way my website is built on net SQL Server for Databases If you want to know about him So you can learn these skills believe me in one month If you learn and work hard Then you can start creating websites similar to mine similar to H-supertools OK So the first solution or the first method is to learn web development The second solution is to hire someone, hire a developer You can go to sites like and find a developer Like here type developer or whatever I am looking for people who will develop your website for you And I hired two upwork developers to further develop and improve H-supertools So if you have the budget and if you can afford to hire people You can ask someone to build a tools site for you from upwork or freelancer maybe fiverr I do not know But you can hire someone to do the job for you The third solution is the easiest method is to go to a website called Go here to php scripts Then search here as an example for "SEO Tool" I explained this in detail in one of my courses where I explained step by step how to install such tools Like this A to Z SEO tool or maybe this Website reviewer We have a lot of tools that you can monetize with google adsense You can see here the preview of this item or this item preview You will see this whole website It contains a lot of tools that you can monetize with ads You can see these banners here I explained this in detail how to install and monetize and everything in one of my technical courses Today I want to share with you some secret tips About how to get approval, how to set up advanced tools, etc. Please focus well and continue We have a lot of information in this video So this is another tool as well Turbo Website Reviewe You can also install it if you want but but but Please focus well When you get service from Code canyon You can install it and you may also be successful in monetizing it etc. You can see here as an example This is a tool site here It looks similar to the 'A to Z' script Monetization was made with google adsense and so on So you can do this But as a tip when you buy a script from Code canyon try to modify it a little Change the colors and interface and add some explanations and some content So it somehow looks different from other people who bought the script So again this script can be purchased And ask someone maybe in one week you can change everything Modify it, adding more values, adding more tools, and so on So you can have a special edition for you for your brand So you have a great site, okay So it doesn't look completely identical to other sites This is very important Before I show you my second secret on how I created an example Instagram hashtag generator Which is very simple by the way I want to tell you something very important When you want to create a widget and monetize from google adsene You have to make sure that google policy allows it For example if you go here and search for "video downloader" You will have a lot of tools like this All in one video downloader But usually Google does not allow monetization from such sites So you can buy this if you want Upload it and publish it but you may not get approval from google AdSense So you have to use different types of monetization maybe google AdSense alternatives Perhaps monetization through affiliate marketing and so on But I don't prefer this, not choosing google So always check the policies before purchasing a script or developing a script Now let's reveal the second secret about how the Instagram hashtag generator was created We have a site called It has a lot of api here What is an api without going into now the details and technical stuff It is simply a service that you can get data from Let's go here and find the Hashtagi or api service that I am using Hashtagi to generate hashtags Look at this I'm subscribed to this api If you go down here and let's say digital marketing "Test" You will now see that these are the results of the API hashtag The first is “Digital Marketing” and the second is “Digital Marketing 2018” “Relevant” and “Total Posts Count” and so one So this is the data we can get from this API What you will do is simply convert this api and give it an interface like this So if someone wrote "Digital Marketing" like this produce Now you will see that these are the hashtags you got Five hashtags Here the relevant and data etc. very easy As you see And these banned hashtags, related hashtags, etc. So you can also hire someone or you can learn it, believe me it's simple Just take some time to learn web development, it will help you a lot to build great online business So you can use this site We have a lot of free apis too If you go here to search google for example We have this google search api We have my api google translate We have a lot of free APIs too You can filter by categories, by groups, and whatever you want And use it and turn it into an online tool, a premium online tool I'm not just talking about digital marketing here You can search here perhaps for "nutrition" Let's see what we have from api recipe food nutrition We have a lot of apis in different categories and different fields We can create a tool based on this site This is my second secret about how the Instagram hashtag generator was created Hope you get some benefit If you get, please don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe And share the video to help more people and get every new update Now let's talk about the cost of such works As I mentioned, we have three ways to create a website like this Tools website, online tools website The first method is to hire a developer So we have developer cost plus web hosting If you want a good company to host such tools use contabo I use it to host H-supertools It's really cheap and powerful The second way is to learn programming and then publish the site So here the cost is learning time You can learn completely free on YouTube and the courses are free We do not need paid courses here So we have the invested time plus hosting Method number three is to use Code canyon Use the script from Codecanyon So we have a script cost which is usually between $20 and $60 Not much Hosting Plus So I don't think this work will cost you much But in the long run it is a great positive income source for online business Now the question is after developing and publishing this tool how will you get approval from google adsene Here are some tips, important tips to follow The first thing is to publish these three pages Contact us page Privacy Policy Page And the terms and conditions page Very handy if you want to create it here in web tools Then the Privacy Policy Generator This free tool from h-supertools helps you Create a free privacy policy page and a free terms and conditions page to post on the website So be sure to add the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions page and the Contact Us page before applying The second tip is to add your website to Google Analytics and Google Search Webmasters This way google will track your website The site will be indexed and will have some records within google To facilitate the procedures for obtaining approval from google adsense It will give more data to google to get approved in google adsense program The third tip is to always make sure to add descriptions and explanations within the page and within the tool As an example this is a youtube keyword tool if you go down here You will see I have a full explanation Like a small article explaining this tool This is very important it will show to google that we have some content on this site When you first register on google adsense So also be sure to explain it to get approval And for people to understand how to use this tool and how this tool will help them And to rank this tool higher in Google As you can see this is the title of h1 Flow rate google will read this data and try to index and arrange it on google So it's important to me SEO The last step is to get some clicks Get some visitors Although it is not a requirement of google adsense But I prefer before applying to get at least 100 to 1000 clicks or views of your site And you can do it in less than one week Believe me if you follow my free courses to get visitors From quora and pinterest You can get this number in one week before you get approved This will help you I think to get approval from google adsense, as per my experience Now the last question is how many visitors do you need to reach that number per month If you want to get about two thousand dollars a month as average How many visitors do you need Let's see the data from my dashboard You can see here I have 360k pageviews Therefore, you need 360 thousand page views to reach this number Of course here is how often ads appear So advertising optimization is important to you too As you can see I have ads here, here and here I always try to test different ad spots, spaces and so on I am now testing as an example this place If you search here inside the youtube keyword tool You will now see this ad will appear here Also among the search results I am testing some ads as you can see Here's another ad here, another ad here So I'm testing these places to see what works best for my website So you always need to retest and test different ad spaces and placements To see what works best for you And you can also track this from your Google adsense dashboard If you come here Here you will see the best ad units The best performing ad units and you can analyze and see what works best for you Another important question you might ask is how long does it take to get to this point In my case it took me about a year and a year and a half to get to this point with my site To reach this number and these profits per month It's wonderful, isn't it If I tell you now, after one year, you will earn a thousand dollars a month Is this a good option or not? Obviously it is But again not a rule It may take you maybe two years and some one year Depends on your work and how much time you allocate for it and how much time you work But I guess if you work like two to four hours every day After one year you will reach at least a thousand dollars from your website be persistent with some discipline you will be successful Hope you enjoyed this video If you have any questions anything you want, comment it below And don't forget that you can join our telegram channel and ask anything you want I'll be there every day to answer your questions See you later
Channel: Hasan Aboul Hasan
Views: 751,013
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Keywords: earn money app, earn money from home, earn money online, earn money without investment, online earning in pakistan, online income, online jobs at home, easiest ways to earn money, how to make money online, best ways to make money, finance, finance tips, earn money, how to earn money, make money from home, make money on google, make money with google, work from home, work from home jobs, make money online 2021, top ways to make money, ways to make money online, h-educate
Id: ofZEo0Rzo5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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