Hey guys, Morgan here from Paul's
Fishing Systems. Here's Chris and Nathan getting ready for our drone fishing
demo using the Condor fishing drone. Here's Nathan baiting up our trace rack
getting ready for our first set of the day. We're using fresh mullet on this day, we prefer
fresh baits like fresh mullet fresh kahawai. Hook it through once through one end, through the
flesh out through the skin. That'll give you your best catch rate. Hook it through one end,
don't hook it through the middle. That'll help reduce tangles. All of our long line
traces come with the Target Snapper Hooks, which are scientifically proven to catch
more legal size and less undersized snapper, and they also come with the PFS Inline Swivel
Clip. These have the swivel built onto the clip, which prevents them from turning back on
themselves and tangling like others on the market. Today we'll be using a couple of different reels,
the main one being this Daiwa Tanacom electric reel, probably the most popular electric reel that
we sell being that it's relatively inexpensive compared to others, it's got a really good
capacity, and it's just perfect for drone fishing. This reel is on a eight foot twenty four
kilo two piece Shimano Backbone rod. It's a nice solid rod with a bit of length to get
you over any of the breakers that you get out of here on the west coast. We've got many
different rod options depending on what you need so just get in touch if you've got
anything specific that you're after. In the instructions it says approximately 10 times,
just keep going until it says compass calibrate. put that there so hold it out one rotation so i've gone full 360. The light
on the top now has gone solid, the light underneath is flashing
green go up that way around once I got solid on top solid underneath so
that's the drone calibrated. So props, one's got a P on it, one's got nothing on it. When you look at the arms you've got a P on the
arm, nothing on the arm so P goes anti-clockwise Wind it on until the motor turns then your tight. Don't crank it up, don't force it.
The propellers won't come off if you put it on the right motor. The motor spins the
opposite direction that the propeller goes on. If you put it on the wrong motor you'll know
straight away because it's going to flip over and start cutting the grass. So you don't strike
on it same as a normal sort of long line so when the clip hits the stop that's what sets the
hook you'll see on there we've got circle hooks. So we'll go get our feet wet I think. Grab some sinkers Nathan We'll do it right by the water
just because there's quite a bit of traffic through here sometimes so
I don't want to get my rod taken out. On the spool here you've got that clip
on both ends so we go one clip to the rod then we'll run that out. So you get second clip. You've got two of those
lines on each hook section, on each spool sorry. So your release wire goes
onto this clip small loop. Then both sinkers go on here,
keeps it close to the drone, stops the weight swinging around
underneath it like if it's too far away. What I might do is put rubber bands on these.
The idea behind the rubber bands is to stop them letting go if you get a few fish on or if
you're at a beach like this where you can get quite a good cross current, stops them pulling,
keeps them in the sand. The idea behind the two sinkers is more wire, more purchase
rather than just one big slab of weight. Oh she's gonna be messy. So six hooks. In the little toolbox in that
black box rubber bands please. So just let it warm up and reconnect. Has everyone flown a drone before? No? Right, today's your day. I've got
another one there we'll set this one now, I'll get the other drone out and you can have
a play with it. With the antenna on the remote on the old model you see the new
new instructions it's like that, yeah so thats the 500 meter model
was out on an angle like that. So you want to take off carefully
when it's got the release wire in, if you take off too fast the wire will pop out. So i generally sit at around about 35 meters. So that's already 400 meters away. Flying back on itself yet so once you do
the release you want to get the tension on Yeah so once you're past 500 meters it'll
turn red regardless. So the idea of that is it'll go red to tell you that you've gone
past the point of no return. If you've been not quite listening to me you're
not reading the instructions, if you're at low battery and you're past 500
meters it has the potential to land where it is to save itself. If you're within
500 meters it'll come back to the beach, but on extreme low battery or critical low battery
it'll try and land to save itself. So that's why we say once you get to nine minutes that's where
you don't send it out you can go maybe 150 meters but don't do your full distance so once
you've sent it out and you've dropped it, you want to get the tension on as quickly as
possible because it works on a sliding trace. So now it's out of auto return. wow thank you But soft so hold it straight down that shuts it down. As soon as you've got it
turn it off save the battery. Yeah just putting the tension on it,
there's a bit of slack line in the water Yeah yeah that's the key to getting those sinkers tight
as quickly as possible. She's going around pretty quick next
one I'll send straight out that way. 40 meters a minute that's the distance that's
the distance that's the speed that's coming back. Yeah i don't think i've got
any heavier sinkers in the car. Wires in the sand, so the sinkers we use they
have a thicker wire so they don't let go like normal ones, and then we use a two so it's more
wires in the sand rather than one lump of weight. wow that's our brand Can I get you on the rod, when I yell
out flip that bail arm over for me. So this is the other reel that we're using today,
this is the Penn Spinfisher 10500. We've got 900 meters of 60 pound Spectra on this one, and this
is one of the Tica Traveler four piece rods. These rods pack down into a little suitcase,
and they're the most popular rod that we currently sell for drone fishing. They come
in a spin and an overhead configuration. Sit it up straight then we'll see, just
have to turn it sideways to get it out so I can just keep mine
straight ahead like that. Yeah so the Condor Fishing Drone does have a return
to home function that we use. Once we've set the traces, press the return to home button, it
comes home. If you leave it it will land itself but we prefer to hand catch it, this just helps
to prevent any sand getting into the motors. Setting out our third set for the day, this is
our second set for the day on the Daiwa Tanacom. The Penn Spinfisher is still out there soaking.
We'll set this one out to about 700 metres. just about looks like it might be a there you Kahawai very good work week away. Here we are another demo done, if you enjoyed
the video make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel, and if you're in New Zealand subscribe
to our newsletters and you can get notified of when we're heading out for our next demo, so
if you're free come along. Thanks for watching